Hamidon Enhancements in the Arena




Just to prevent people from quoting me inaccurately...

Hamidon Enhancements boost either TWO aspects of a power by 50% or THREE aspects of a power by 30%.

If you battle in the Arena another hero in a weight class below you (weight classes are five level bands), you will be auto-exemplared to that weight class.

This also means that the effectiveness of your Enhancements are capped to the level of effectiveness of that weight classes' Enhancements. That means that your Hamidon Enhancement is considered at an S.O. or lower level, rather than +50%. You'll still have the advantage because two or three aspects are being boosted, but you won't have the overwhelming % advantage.

This, however, does not occur when fighting within your "weight" class. If you're in your weight class, Hamidon Enhancements are killer.



boo ya!

great idea.



Sounds good. Thanks for clearing up the issue

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Just to clarify, this means that the official stance is that from levels 45-50, COH changes from being a loot-free game, to being a loot-based game. I'm not sure why the devs want this, but it's their game. Shame, some of us liked COH because it wasn't like other mmos.



The entire game isnt based around "loot" which is why I like it. from 45-50, it is nice to have small things like this but its not as bad as other MMO's, remember that.

Plus, Hamidon Enhancements have been around since beta so complaining about it now is kind of laughable because it wasnt until recently it got out of control.

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If you battle in the Arena another hero in a weight class below you (weight classes are five level bands), you will be auto-exemplared to that weight class.

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Glad to hear the explanation on the Hami-Os!

On a side note, does this mean a lvl 43 vs. 39 match can take place w/o the auto-exemplaring? Or is the weight class a rigid lvl number, e.g. 30-35 is one class. Regardless, this might make for some interesting matches w/o an exemplar situation (e.g. lvl 32 power fully slotted vs. pre-32 match).



TY for an actual post sir.



Sounds good. So good in fact you should let us test it tonight



Then, can we get hamidon enhancements that enhance defense and something else (recharge, perhaps) by 50% each? Currently, the defense buffs only occur in the triples, which means that +def based power sets won't stand a chance against the +50% acc enhancements.



you guys do knw that you've been playing COH for a long time with no pvp, so how is pvp gonna ruin it for you, just dont participate in it



So let the ph4t ph4rming begin in earnest



Personally my interest in pve content has rather waned, and I was looking forward to pvp. But if being competitive in pvp means farming Hami repeatedly, and not much in the way of new pve content is coming for several months, that just means it's probably time to take a break.




Statesman, have i told you that you ROCK lately?



I wish were were just limited to 5 Hami-Os or maybe only one per power. I do NOT like the idea of having to farm the hell out of Hami just to be an an equal playing field with other lvl 50s.

If I wanted a game where time sink loot improved my character so much in PvP I'd go play WoW.



you guys do knw that you've been playing COH for a long time with no pvp, so how is pvp gonna ruin it for you, just dont participate in it

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Hmm. Thats an interesting point in a way. This hasnt been like any other MMORPG that I know of so far. For example my wife loves the game and she has a blast with it. She could really care less about PvP. This will have no impact on her whatsoever (assuming this doesnt hurt the game overall). Me personally I have faith in the Developers based on their past decisions. I have also been nerfed a bunch (yeah I am a min/maxer type) and to be honest so far IMO they have ended up making the right decisions overall. A few missteps here and there but the game is doing fine overall and I doubt that will change.



Sounds good. So good in fact you should let us test it tonight

[/ QUOTE ]Yes...hit..the..switch. *pleading look*



I think the whole point of it is for you to get your lvl50 to go do some hamidon raids... after all he is the "final" monster.



Actually, I've very glad to hear about the auto-exemplaring. Very good idea to implement that.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.




The following isn't true to what tests have shown in game:

Hamidon Enhancements boost either TWO aspects of a power by 50% or THREE aspects of a power by 30%.

[/ QUOTE ]

After extensive testing by myself and others on the Justice server, it was shown that the Damage/Range enhancements are giving 50% Damage, but only 30% Range. Other testing has shown that other bonuses that give 20% in SO form (such as resistance) are also giving only 30% on the Resistance/Endurance chip. Are you sure that the percentages are supposed to be fixed based on number of bonuses on the chips? It just doesnt match up with our test results.

Thank you for the great Arena info



You do realize that many of us are here because we actually wanted a game without the madness of Elite Loot? That we don't want to feel forced into farming?

Does your casual player base mean so little to you?

Given the choice between farm-for-the-win and skip Arena/CoV I'll skip PvP -- ToA taught me that much.

Loot Farming wins again... Very disappointed.



Just to clarify, this means that the official stance is that from levels 45-50, COH changes from being a loot-free game, to being a loot-based game. I'm not sure why the devs want this, but it's their game. Shame, some of us liked COH because it wasn't like other mmos.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess it's time to buy some Hammie-Os on Ebay

Seriously though, I don't think it's a big deal to have something special in the 45-50 range. I only hope that there's more content added in the high levels soon, and that stuff like the special enhancements become a bit more accessible. I mean, there are definitely improvements to be made to the current system, but I don't think they break the game.



You do realize that many of us are here because we actually wanted a game without the madness of Elite Loot? That we don't want to feel forced into farming?

Does your casual player base mean so little to you?

Given the choice between farm-for-the-win and skip Arena/CoV I'll skip PvP -- ToA taught me that much.

Loot Farming wins again... Very disappointed.

[/ QUOTE ]Actually..the devs have said on many accounts that they want the game to be very accessible. Also, I'd wait to see how much of an advantage these enhancements will give players in the arena before criticizing it.



I think the whole point of it is for you to get your lvl50 to go do some hamidon raids... after all he is the "final" monster.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, now that it's pretty much official that HO's are "the shizzle" in the Arena, I can see the "Uber Hami-farming" groups claiming more "closed raids", more people griefing for Hami enhancers, and those without HO's not participating in the 45-50 weight class.

I am not against those with HO's keeping them in the Arena. Go ahead, you've earned it. But I just wanted the rest of the levels 45-50's to have an equal chance. If it could've been done, splitting the ladder would've helped. Now, these Hami-farming SG's will own the 45-50 ladder.

I just hope that the caps on powers are enough to mitigate the advantage that the HO users have. Maybe a combination of luck, prayers, and smarts will help the rest of us have a decent chance of placing on the ladder. I'd hate to think the Ladder will have a glass ceiling because the top 30 (or whatever) spots will always be held by HO'users.

But me, being the competitive romantic I am, I'm still going to throw my hat into my "weight class" (45-50) and hope to high Krypton that I can manage to avoid getting 3-shotted by a HO user, and hear the mad taunts of "i r t3h 1337 ub3r h3r0!!11!!1 j00 r t3h n00bX0rz!!!111!!rofLOLOLOLOLOL" And somehow win.

...it'll be just like fighting an AV.



Heh. We know how much of an advantage. It's in State's Post.

I'm just disappointed that farming Hami is now what I get to look forward to for all of my high-end toons.



This really gets my goat (an expression I've never used)

Why? Because it has a STRONG effect on my enjoyment of....24???

I get home at 9:30 and I expect that my roommate's gonig to give me an in depth recount of what happened in the first 30 minutes (They don't make VCR's where I'm from). He's done this for a few seasons now.

Last night? No recap of the first half hour : (

Why? Because roommate was participating in Hami raid that takes precedence over his favorite show.

Are you kidding me? Missing the first half of 24 is unthinkable.

But alas..with these changes it looks like my roommate will be fighting Hammi at every opportunity, and I'll likely never get hear what happens in the first 30 minutes of 24 again!

What a shame. Please dev's don't hurt me by forcing my roommate to fight hami over and over again just so he can compete in PvP.
