A few QoL improvement that are coming
The two "10%" ones were mention in the hero con GR info thread, but I'd not heard about then cross-faction insps trading - it'll make ITFs a little easier
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
The inspiration trading is news to me. Nice.
*cue Beavis & Butthead laughing sounds*
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
I had been aware of these, but thought that the 10% clickie thing was also dependent on the 10% mob bit. What happens if a map only has one clickie on it?
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I'm really happy about the stores buying back enhancements at the same rate. It's a change I've been wanting for a LONG time! While it's not terribly time consuming, it is annoying having to travel from store to store trying to maximize your profits.
Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?
Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575
Oh and not sure if it was mentioned, but also:
- Being able to switch characters without having to log out fully.
Was mentioned as being in the works.
Always remember, we were Heroes.
I'm really happy about the stores buying back enhancements at the same rate. It's a change I've been wanting for a LONG time! While it's not terribly time consuming, it is annoying having to travel from store to store trying to maximize your profits.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Is that what they said? I thought it was "Enhancement prices will be standardized across all vendors/contacts" as in contacts won't SELL enhancements for more than the stores do (frequently 200%). I actually wish contacts sold for less than stores. It would certainly encourage people to try for contacts of their origin.
Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?
Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575
Can anyone please confirm the source of the point about inspiration cross trading? I'm very skeptical on this.
Cause this would make separation of markets pointless.

Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Then it would be at 100% remaining till you clicked it and go to 0%

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
As of now, there is no way at all to convert infamy to influence. The supply and demand on the blue side is completely separate from the red side. Infamy never crosses to blue side, and influence never crosses to red side. The total amount of influence on both sides are completely independent on one another.
Now, the moment a SINGLE item defies that rule, the entire market would lose this structure. How?
By using that items to 'transfer' infamy to blue side, or influence to red side. I can simply buy inspiration from blue side, decrease the supply on blue side, and decrease my own influence. Then I transfer all inspirations to red side. I sell them back to the market on red side, increasing the supply of red side inspirations, and increasing my own infamy. I haven't actually EARNED any inspirations on either side. I have manipulated the market of BOTH sides without the contribution of ANYONE else. See the flaw?
Now, I'm not saying this is actually wrong and should not be done. I'm in favor of market merging. But considering how developers are against market merging, this IS a flaw.
Sure, inspirations aren't significant to market right now, but if cross-trading of inspirations is true, then they will be used as a form of universal currency in the market that can go on either side.
The only way to allow inspiration cross-trading and keep markets disjoint is to remove inspirations from the markets entirely.

That's not the issue. As of now, there is no way at all to convert infamy to influence. The supply and demand on the blue side is completely separate from the red side. Infamy never crosses to blue side, and influence never crosses to red side. The total amount of influence on both sides are completely independent on one another. Now, the moment a SINGLE item defies that rule, the entire market would lose this structure. How? By using that items to 'transfer' infamy to blue side, or influence to red side. I can simply buy inspiration from blue side, decrease the supply on blue side, and decrease my own influence. Then I transfer all inspirations to red side. I sell them back to the market on red side, increasing the supply of red side inspirations, and increasing my own infamy. I haven't actually EARNED any inspirations on either side. I have manipulated the market of BOTH sides without the contribution of ANYONE else. See the flaw? Now, I'm not saying this is actually wrong and should not be done. I'm in favor of market merging. But considering how developers are against market merging, this IS a flaw. Sure, inspirations aren't significant to market right now, but if cross-trading of inspirations is true, then they will be used as a form of universal currency in the market that can go on either side. The only way to allow inspiration cross-trading and keep markets disjoint is to remove inspirations from the markets entirely. |
I'm trying not to set up a straw man, but it seems that if something like Inspirations, which are already available AE store for a mere one ticket, were going to wreck the market, we'd have seen signs of it somewhere else previously. If systems don't suddenly develop breaking points, but rather, have them exposed, then it would seem we'd have seen ramifications of this somewhere else.
But, as I've taken pains to stress, I'm not knowledgeable on any of this. Please, educate me.
I'm trying not to set up a straw man, but it seems that if something like Inspirations, which are already available AE store for a mere one ticket, were going to wreck the market, we'd have seen signs of it somewhere else previously. If systems don't suddenly develop breaking points, but rather, have them exposed, then it would seem we'd have seen ramifications of this somewhere else.
But, as I've taken pains to stress, I'm not knowledgeable on any of this. Please, educate me.
And it's not the question of how worthless or valuable inspirations are at the moment.
The issue is, if inspiration cross-trading becomes a reality, over time, Inspirations will be used as a universal currency. They have one thing special that neither infamy, nor influence have: ability to go to both red and blue side. They can be used as a method to transfer infamy over to blue side, and transfer influence over to red side. If this happens, there is no point in keeping markets disjoint anymore.

I haven't seem these titbits mention prominently on the boards. So her they are in their own thread.
First is Inspiration trading across alignments
Second is that The last 10% of foes will have markers on the mini-map for Defeat All missions.
And third is The last 10% of clickies will have markers on the mini-map.