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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Positron : So basically, the Praetorian attack cause the teleporter to cross with the gateway in the Portal Corp facility and... combined you with Earth XX23's Maxine Cole...

    StatesGenderBender : ...
    "Statesperson", surely.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    "Ghost" is technically non-Caucasian, so maybe Numina counts?
    It's also technically non-alive already, so... (shrug)
  3. Well, it's good to know that the recovery-from-space project is starting to bear the promised fruit.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Robotech_Master View Post
    Personally, I'd like to have that one dying Vanguard officer in the last mission of the Lady Grey Trial silenced. Or at least, silenced in the rest of the map. It's like he's dying into a PA system--no matter where you go, you can hear his moaning and groaning. Yeesh. Just shut up and die already.
    I've noticed that kind of thing happening in tip missions a lot, particularly the kind where you're supposed to rescue somebody. You've just entered the mission, you're standing in the lobby with nobody around, and from somewhere comes the dialogue the hostage and captor are, from context, obviously supposed to say when they see you. That needs fixed.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    Maybe instead of shutting up, they could say something useful or informative? Indicate to new/returning players who don't already know what this "Vanguard DPO" thing on their map is... well, what it actually is?

    "It's a War Zone in there, $name."
    "We're looking for heroes like you to help repel the rikti, $name. Head inside if you're up to the challenge."
    "Levantera's been asking about you, $name. You oughtta talk to her sometime."
    For these to work (particularly the middle one), the doorman would have to have some way of telling whether you're arriving or leaving; otherwise, as is currently the case, you've got him blurting out stuff that makes no sense at all to people who've just left the building. That could probably be achieved, but just removing their dialogue is a lot easier for the programmers.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShaylaDominatrix View Post
    Come people we are all trying to get more Incarnate components.
    Well... not all.
  7. The dialogue of the Vanguard DPO doormen has never made a ton of sense, particularly when you happen to be leaving the building ("No further without proper clearance," dude? Really? I'm entering Atlas Park), but now that access to the War Zone isn't level-restricted either, it's completely pointless and a bit annoying. It's about time they piped down.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
    1) Pure insane revenge. The cream is designed to disfigure, that is the primary goal of Ms. Supervillain.
    Oddly, this is more or less what Black Mask used his company's toxic makeup for in the Batman comics, back in the day. It wasn't deliberately designed to do that, but once he found out that was what it did, hey, when you're a villain you work with what you've got.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    The definition you're referring to is practically obsolete in modern English. Words evolve over time.
    Ah, the traditional defense of the person who can't be bothered to get things right.
  10. Well, I liked it...

    There are all those tip missions where you have to fight yourself; this is a natural extension of that dynamic (if not the mechanic).

    For that matter, it occurs to me that that same mechanic could be used for a system where you call yourself in for backup. That would be pretty funny, particularly if, like the doppelgängers in tip missions, the other yous show up in costumes that aren't quite the right colors. "Thanks, alternate-universe Captain Photon!" "No problem, alternate-universe Captain Photon." You could even get the odd tip mission that's one of your alternate universe counterparts calling you back to return the favor. It's just like a Batman: The Brave and the Bold plot! )
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jacktar View Post
    The alt walks at a steady pace but the pet just walks and stops, walks and stops. It looks and feels not right.
    Sounds exactly like what my actual dog does, although to make it really, properly realistic the in-game dog would also occasionally have to catch sight of a squirrel and race off at top speed, dragging your torn-off arm behind him.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by afocks View Post
    My favourite kind of alien treat.
    The claaaawwwww.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SchroedingerCat View Post
    I dont have a taunt effect in my burn or ice patch powers.
    Pretty sure that's on purpose.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DocArcus View Post
    Last time this happened to me I just turned on walk and worked my way out. The only thing to watch for is ambushes. This only happens to my toons that have some kind of stealth power that I had used in the mission (power or IO on a power.) Not sure if the system just doesn't realize that the power is off or if it's some other issue, but it doesn't happen very often to me.
    The game used to suppress stealth powers on characters who had NPCs trying to follow them. Oh my God, the whining.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'm not interested in the kind of dark, depressing emo drama the game is descending into. The mere fact that we now have an ongoing story whose main selling point is that someone will die is just sad, to be honest.
    True that. At least in the old days they'd have had the decency to be parodying that kind of big-two-style bullcrap.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    You know what would be really super cool?

    If you could right-click the pet, get a list of the villain types in the zone, select one and the dog would find one.
    Find me some ammo, Dogmeat!
  17. Degeneration Interface is my EinstĂĽrzende Neubauten/Kraftwerk combo tribute band.

    (Seriously, who named these things? Every time I hear about something from the Incarnate system it's always got some jaw-droppingly awful name.)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
    Also an Avengers origin movie without Henry Pym and Janet van Dyne...
    ... is cause for celebration.

    OK, it's a little sad losing Jan, but she's an acceptable loss if it means not having to deal with Hank.
  19. I've got to say I'm rather amused by all the self-righteous grumpiness out of people who are plainly so far from the target demographic it's not even visible from where they're parked. Do you guys also get bent out of shape about the simplicity of the plots on Dora the Explorer?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Can't be targeted in any way, and as far as I know displays no name of any sort, player given or otherwise.
    Hmph. That's a bit lame. Dogs have names. Still, no name at all is better than all of them going around with generic tags.
  21. Can it be named - you know, like a dog - or is everyone who has one going around accompanied by "German Shepherd"? 'Cause that's always been the lame thing about the vet pets.

    "You named your pet blue will-o'-th'-wisp 'Blue Wisp Pet'? That's original."
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thug_Two View Post
    Consider her lucky they didn't make her try a contorted position to show both off at once.
    She wouldn't have to if they'd had the presence of mind to pose her at a slightly oblique angle in front of a mirror.
  23. Captain_Photon

    Ad Astra

    Originally Posted by Cptn_Courageous View Post
    Dr. Strangeglove has developed a brand new rocket fuel cababple of powering a new type of engine
    Wait. The late Boston Red Sox infielder Dick "Dr. Strangeglove" Stuart (also known as "Stonefingers", "The Man with the Iron Glove", and "The Boston Strangler" for his... unique... defensive gifts) is still alive and a genius scientist in the City of Heroes universe?

    Weird, man.
  24. This presentation gives the impression that Loki is one of the Avengers, which would actually be pretty funny.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
    Level 1 lasts a whole 5 minutes after that the player is stuck with the power forever.
    Never mind, I haven't had my caffeine yet today.