Silence Vanguard Security Officers




The dialogue of the Vanguard DPO doormen has never made a ton of sense, particularly when you happen to be leaving the building ("No further without proper clearance," dude? Really? I'm entering Atlas Park), but now that access to the War Zone isn't level-restricted either, it's completely pointless and a bit annoying. It's about time they piped down.




i usually end up just ignoring them 99% of the time or the 1% i do notice i just chuckle at how bad of placement it is lol



Maybe instead of shutting up, they could say something useful or informative? Indicate to new/returning players who don't already know what this "Vanguard DPO" thing on their map is... well, what it actually is?

"It's a War Zone in there, $name."
"We're looking for heroes like you to help repel the rikti, $name. Head inside if you're up to the challenge."
"Levantera's been asking about you, $name. You oughtta talk to her sometime."

(Could something like the last one be flagged to only happen when the character is level 35+? Kind of like the NPC dialogue around the portal to Recluse's Victory?)

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
Maybe instead of shutting up, they could say something useful or informative? Indicate to new/returning players who don't already know what this "Vanguard DPO" thing on their map is... well, what it actually is?

"It's a War Zone in there, $name."
"We're looking for heroes like you to help repel the rikti, $name. Head inside if you're up to the challenge."
"Levantera's been asking about you, $name. You oughtta talk to her sometime."
For these to work (particularly the middle one), the doorman would have to have some way of telling whether you're arriving or leaving; otherwise, as is currently the case, you've got him blurting out stuff that makes no sense at all to people who've just left the building. That could probably be achieved, but just removing their dialogue is a lot easier for the programmers.



The Vanguard Doormen need to be entirely updated. If you click on them, they still tell you you have to be level 35 in order to enter, which hasn't been true for years.



Personally, I'd like to get rid of all NPCs who yell our names and demand to speak with us, not just the Vanguard doormouse. For instance, every time I go to speak with Vernon Von Gurn or Operative Grillo, that shrill Recluse's Victory technician demands that I be briefed about the situation in Recluse's Victory. Dude! I've been there, like, once in my life and I'm never going back. Leave me alone! Or that Rikti Ship Raid guy who insist on telling me how to raid the Rikti Shuttle even though I never want to raid the Rikti Shuttle to begin with.

Although by saying our names in chat, they do bring attention to some of the more bizarre names out there. "Hey, Walks Like a Duck! Come speak with me!"

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Captain Photon, please come here for a moment.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen!

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen!

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen!
Is it bad if I have a character called Hey Hey Listen Hey?



Personally, I'd like to have that one dying Vanguard officer in the last mission of the Lady Grey Trial silenced. Or at least, silenced in the rest of the map. It's like he's dying into a PA system--no matter where you go, you can hear his moaning and groaning. Yeesh. Just shut up and die already.



Originally Posted by Robotech_Master View Post
Personally, I'd like to have that one dying Vanguard officer in the last mission of the Lady Grey Trial silenced. Or at least, silenced in the rest of the map. It's like he's dying into a PA system--no matter where you go, you can hear his moaning and groaning. Yeesh. Just shut up and die already.
I've noticed that kind of thing happening in tip missions a lot, particularly the kind where you're supposed to rescue somebody. You've just entered the mission, you're standing in the lobby with nobody around, and from somewhere comes the dialogue the hostage and captor are, from context, obviously supposed to say when they see you. That needs fixed.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I've noticed that kind of thing happening in tip missions a lot, particularly the kind where you're supposed to rescue somebody. You've just entered the mission, you're standing in the lobby with nobody around, and from somewhere comes the dialogue the hostage and captor are, from context, obviously supposed to say when they see you. That needs fixed.
I wonder whether it might be intentional, to try to make sure that people in a mission don't miss the NPC dialogue even if someone else ran ahead of the group and triggered it.