recue missions that have stupid people to rescue
Did you have any stealth on? I've had a rare buggy one, but usually when it is that bad i forget to turn off some stealth.
But I fully support allowing us to kill them and return their bodies, even if that causes an alignment ding.
Mains - Freedom: Croatoa - 50 Fire/Psi Dom, Grandville - 50 SS/Elec Brute, Dark-Astoria - 50 Dark/Fire Scrapper, Pearline - 50 Spines/Regen Scrapper, Caffeine Girl - 50 Earth/Kin Troller
Last time this happened to me I just turned on walk and worked my way out. The only thing to watch for is ambushes. This only happens to my toons that have some kind of stealth power that I had used in the mission (power or IO on a power.) Not sure if the system just doesn't realize that the power is off or if it's some other issue, but it doesn't happen very often to me.
�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars
Last time this happened to me I just turned on walk and worked my way out. The only thing to watch for is ambushes. This only happens to my toons that have some kind of stealth power that I had used in the mission (power or IO on a power.) Not sure if the system just doesn't realize that the power is off or if it's some other issue, but it doesn't happen very often to me.
Yes - it's annoying.
Especially, when it's programmable... By that, I mean that pets can follow you
no matter what (unless they get stuck), some NPCs, like Overdrive, and Ravenstorm
can follow you even with basic stealth (if you don't race away too fast), and
some NPC's can't find the door if you hit them over the head with it... To me,
that sounds like AI settings (especially when we remember that certain ambushes
can always know where you are, as well).
It's actually doubly irritating when you consider that they changed where you can
slot stealth IO's, and/or limited their effects (ie. in Fly, for instance), largely due to
the fact that many of the idiotic NPC's are too dumb to find/follow their rescuer...
My stalkers would pay real money for the option to simply kill them rather than
kidnap them or "escort" them.
As a player who enjoys playing stealthed squishies, I simply will not take kidnap/escort
missions from the Radio/Paper. It's just not worth the irritation.
If you get stuck with one anyway, then there are really two approaches that I've used.
1> Just wait there with the guy, and then kill whatever ambushes show up. Then,
proceed to step #2.
2> Shut off stealth and any sprint/ss powers, and slowy drag his sorry backside
to the exit.
It's a little easier if you clear your way to the guy on the way in (a lot of my
toons have a tendancy to skip stuff they don't strictly need to kill, unless I
get one of these missions), but I really wish the devs would throw us a bone
on this one - it's been like that for years.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
Escort and kidnap missions should be fail-able by allowing the foes inside the mission to be able to defeat the victim. At the least, probably after they have defeated you.
If you fail enough such missions, your character should get a reputation for getting people killed in escort missions, and so your contacts will think better than to give you any more.
Yeah... really, what am I thinking?
Escort and kidnap missions should be fail-able by allowing the foes inside the mission to be able to defeat the victim. At the least, probably after they have defeated you.
If you fail enough such missions, your character should get a reputation for getting people killed in escort missions, and so your contacts will think better than to give you any more. Yeah... really, what am I thinking? |
Haha that would be awesome!
But to the OP's point...yes it happens and yes it's annoying.
There seems to be 2 rescue AIs; thinking about it 3 rescue AIs.
1.) This type can see through stealth (and maybe even invis.) and you can actually run at a normal pace and not have any issues
2.) This type cannot see through stealth/invis but can actually stay there own course and you can run at a normal pace for the most part.
3.) This type cannot see through stealth/invis and you probably should just turn on Walk and hope they can keep up.
Most rescue missions have the # 2 rescue AI from my experience; usually it's not bad.
But then you get the one or two missions with that # 3 horrible rescue AI and...ugh...*wants to kill the hostage instead of rescuing them*. Seriously, like you said, if you take more than 5 steps they get "lost"....

Then after you complete that mission you feel like logging off and playing an FPS to frag something to bits and then you're back to CoH

I suggest that all hostages be like a glowie; you click on them and it takes 1-4 seconds to "grab/carry them" and then you can just go back to the exit/door....ta-da you saved them! No more stupid AI!
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
When you are offered an escort mission, "Just say NO!"
Radio/paper will never generate an escort mission to a good player...all you have to do is abandon the mission and pick a new one.
Most common reason(s) why NPC fail to follow is:
1. People move away from them too fast.
2. Running powers that have stealth
3. Having a stealth IO slotted.
No matter what though, if you are offered an escort mission, "Just say NO!"
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

When you are offered an escort mission, "Just say NO!"
Radio/paper will never generate an escort mission to a good player...all you have to do is abandon the mission and pick a new one. Most common reason(s) why NPC fail to follow is: 1. People move away from them too fast. 2. Running powers that have stealth 3. Having a stealth IO slotted. No matter what though, if you are offered an escort mission, "Just say NO!" |
Back to the OP, I'll bet you have some form of stealth running, either an IO or something like Shadow Fall or Steamy Mist. That's typical behavior in that case as the hostage can't see you if you're more than 10' away. Blind as a bat and dumb as a post.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Escort and kidnap missions should be fail-able by allowing the foes inside the mission to be able to defeat the victim. At the least, probably after they have defeated you.
If you fail enough such missions, your character should get a reputation for getting people killed in escort missions, and so your contacts will think better than to give you any more. Yeah... really, what am I thinking? |
I hate the ones where you have to rescue them and escape with them alive, and they go and aggro the whole room. *coughLadyJanecough*
I hate the ones where you have to rescue them and escape with them alive, and they go and aggro the whole room. *coughLadyJanecough*
Then you get them to the door and what do they do - run straight back into that Burning building or whatever else it was you rescued them from!
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
I'm in favor of having a leash power that lets you tie the escorted npc to you so they have to keep up. Either that or a Little Red Wagon that they can sit in while you pull them out. Or if you're a strong enough character throw them over your shoulder.
�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars
I've been saying that we need to be able to pick up Baby New Year like a football and run with him for years!
As for issues related to stealth; I have noticed that if you have a +stealth IO in a travel power that was active when you first entered the mission map it will occasionally not deactivate when you deactivate the toggle after entering the mission.
I think the stealth bonus forgets what it's parent power was when you zoned, and assumes it is supposed to stay active for 120 seconds, as if it's parent was not a toggle.
Obviously this is only an issue for hostages if you encounter one near the start of the map.
in the last day, i have done three mission where the character i rescue STOPS every few feet and expects me to go back and get him or her...

often requiring me to do it HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of times in the SAME mission.. this is NOT fun!
this results is a ridiculously long exit... it took me 5 minutes to find them, and 20 minutes to walk them out..
is this annoying to you...
(forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back) (forward) (stop) "can i get some help here?" (go back)
it is to me...
please make ALL those one rescues not stop every 5 seconds...
in Tip and 'paper/radio' missions there is nobody to go to to end the mission by the 'stuck' method (go back to guy who gave you mission and say end it now)...
this is a VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY annoying and frustrating aspect of some rescue missions... most rescue missions are fine, with the character being rescued actually following one in a reasonable fashion, but i've almost quite for the day twice because of this...