Solo - Call for Backup

Agent White



Here is a New Idea.

Call for backup!

Let's say you like to play solo. You are the type of person that does not like to play with other people. I am suggesting you can call in support for your other characters (On the same server), to join you, in a difficult mission. I am

In other words I have the following characters on one server :

Character A
Character B
Character C

If I am playing as Character A. If I call for backup, Character B and Character C will come in and provide backup for me. They will work as an NPC and fight alongside me.

Regulations :

In scenario above :

1) Only Character A will gain influence, prestiege, experience, and/or drops as if part of a 3 man team.

2) Character B and C get the opportunity to help Character A.

3) Mission will set to a team of 3 people.

4) If characters are all different level, the other characters will exemplar/SK to your same level as character A.

I know what you about to say. "You can do this on the Mission Architech." True, if you design it right. However, I would like to do this on regular missions.

Will this be difficult to program? I imagine so. So I am placing this as a suggestion to see if people like it.



Way too complex,



Yeah this is what we have Back Up Radio, the Shivan, and War Wolf Whistle for. It's not a copy of your characters, but it's 'back up' for when you're solo.



Well, I liked it...

There are all those tip missions where you have to fight yourself; this is a natural extension of that dynamic (if not the mechanic).

For that matter, it occurs to me that that same mechanic could be used for a system where you call yourself in for backup. That would be pretty funny, particularly if, like the doppelgängers in tip missions, the other yous show up in costumes that aren't quite the right colors. "Thanks, alternate-universe Captain Photon!" "No problem, alternate-universe Captain Photon." You could even get the odd tip mission that's one of your alternate universe counterparts calling you back to return the favor. It's just like a Batman: The Brave and the Bold plot! )



It's a cool idea, but far too easy to game.

A Force Field or Empathy Defender could help you out a lot with minimal effort - get them to level 12 in an evening and then use them as cheap solo support on your main.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Yeah this is what we have Back Up Radio, the Shivan, and War Wolf Whistle for. It's not a copy of your characters, but it's 'back up' for when you're solo.


The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
It's a cool idea, but far too easy to game.

A Force Field or Empathy Defender could help you out a lot with minimal effort - get them to level 12 in an evening and then use them as cheap solo support on your main.
That'd probably be the biggest problem for me. If you play solo like I do, you probably don't like to play support characters since those don't play AS WELL solo. What this means is calling in support will be less effective, bordering on pointless depending on what you call, for you, yet might very well be overpowered for someone who has a lot of high-level support characters.

There's also the problem that dopelganger powers don't change with level, only their stats do, plus dopelgangers have extra attacks we can't use. Also, their powers don't use custom animations and colours, which looks VERY out-of-place if your concept relies on powers of a specific colour or animations of a specific type. Dopelgangers being so rare is one reason why this isn't as apparent, but make them common and their shortcomings will wear pretty thin pretty fast.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Not the old "Let me summon my own characters as NPC's" idea again. As others have said 1. it's way too complex. 2. We already have temp powers that summon powerful NPC's. and 3. Earning drops as if you were on a three man team but it all goes to one person? Are you nuts? You are playing SOLO. Drops should never be increased just because you are using a temp power to summon assistance. If anything they should be decreased because you need help to complete the missions.



I'd swap it out a bit and make the call for back-up be a kind of team invite while in-mission and people could be in the que to join teams as back-up. At least, that's what I thought when I read the thread title.




Now that makes more sense, and would be an interesting way to get team mates but I don't think the current queue system lets you do other missions and the like while waiting for someone to need help in queue. People would have to stand around doing nothing waiting for someone to call for back up.



Mind you, I wouldn't mind being able to summon my own characters as NPCs, just for the sake of seeing them in the same place. Many of them were supposed to have relationships with each other, but that's hard to show when only one can be on-screen at a time

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



There's a tier 9 vip power that can be purchased multiple times which summons a powerful ally to assist you.

as a villain it'll summon black scorpion, scirroco, ghost widow, mako, or lord recluse. dunno about the hero side; cuz they suck.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Its a great idea and it does not hurt requesting it again despite what some posts here say. And it can be done with the current doppleganger technology. All they need is a summon power for it and a way for you to pick what characters you want in it. Could be a future nemesis system like champs has or in this case npc sidekick.

They could go as far as to make it a permanent long recharge time power and perhaps when you reach max level make it a like a controller or mastermind pet that recharges quickly but while you use it, your damage is reduced slightly and split amongst you and your pet. Whatever balancing factors it would still be cool to have. It would only be available to solo players and the power/s would be greyed out while on teams.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I don't know if I see this as too complex so much as a question of "is is worth it?" to the Dev team. I can't speak for them and I won't. I'm just merely speculating that given the direction of the game and its obvious bent towards team content and mechanics I just don't know if they'd be willing to invest much energy into it.

Personally I think its not a bad idea in the sense that it gives you an opportunity to kind of see your own heroes in action, even giving the sense of them acting as their own mini super group. It also allows for a more immersive story experience in that you can take your time and enjoy the content. Now if you added the "option" of using Master Mind controls you'd almost turn it into a crossbred mmo and rts.

There'd have to be some serious fleshing out and design considerations and implementation limitations but on the whole in broad strokes not a bad idea.

Shell game: Arc_ID:417344: It can't be good for humanity if the Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon and The Vahzilok are making deals.
A Final Solution: Arc_ID:402587: Earth is under stress. Every being she has spawned and some she hasn't want to possess her. Some of her children believe they have a way to put a stop to this and bring a peace.



Originally Posted by Support View Post
Here is a New Idea.

Call for backup!

Let's say you like to play solo. You are the type of person that does not like to play with other people. I am suggesting you can call in support for your other characters (On the same server), to join you, in a difficult mission. I am

In other words I have the following characters on one server :

Character A
Character B
Character C

If I am playing as Character A. If I call for backup, Character B and Character C will come in and provide backup for me. They will work as an NPC and fight alongside me.

Regulations :

In scenario above :

1) Only Character A will gain influence, prestiege, experience, and/or drops as if part of a 3 man team.

2) Character B and C get the opportunity to help Character A.

3) Mission will set to a team of 3 people.

4) If characters are all different level, the other characters will exemplar/SK to your same level as character A.

I know what you about to say. "You can do this on the Mission Architech." True, if you design it right. However, I would like to do this on regular missions.

Will this be difficult to program? I imagine so. So I am placing this as a suggestion to see if people like it.

A variation on this that I proposed some time ago was that any offline supergroup members would show up as NPCs inside bases....making base raids a bit more feasible to defend against ( ' :




I'm suprised no one mentioned the snowbeasts. Right now they're the easiest summon to get.

Also when I first heard of the LFG queue mechanic, I thought it was an auto-match system, not some team teleporter for trial content >.>