Tier-1 secondary mandatory - why?
The current setup forces one to take at least one offensive, damaging power at level one. And has the restrictions on power selection the same across all ATs.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
I know that all ATs are set up to have to take the tier-1 power in the secondary power set. What I'd like to know is why it's required.
I know that all ATs are set up to have to take the tier-1 power in the secondary power set. What I'd like to know is why it's required.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
And the OP's question is actually why force a T1 attack instead of allowing a T1 or T2 attack. Every tanker/defender T1 and T2 are both damaging attacks, so allowing such wouldn't break the "rule". (And Bruising could be applied to T1 and T2 for tanker's new inherent, it could still not stack with any other application.)
To the OP: No, they've never said why, other than it gives a less lopsided progression.
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Thank you, Aggelakis. I just don't see why they decided to lock Devices blasters, for instance, into Web Grenade, when they could have allowed us to skip it and immediately take the far-more-useful Caltrops. I'm making an Archery/Trick-Arrow corrupter, and I wish I could bypass Entangling Arrow in favor of Flash Arrow. It's kind of like they thought, "If we don't force them to take Web Grenade, then no one will." It's a puzzlement.
It's like I said - it makes the progression even across all ATs in that all have to take the tier 1.
Also, if you notice, the tier 1 in a secondary is always something you can use solo. Originally Sonic had the first shield as the tier 1 and the debuff as Tier 2, but it penalized controllers, forcing them to take something they cannot use solo.
Plus, web grenade is actually pretty decent, -Recharge, -Fly, etc.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
1) It keeps it even across all ATs and power sets.
2) Required Damaging Ability
3) Part of Having a Primary set and a Secondary set is that you have just that, and not 2 equal primary sets. Your Primary is supposed to be stronger than your secondary in addition to it progressing faster. Part of it progressing faster means having more options at level 1 (and all the way up to tier 9 you will be unlocking primary powers faster than secondary powers)
I know that all ATs are set up to have to take the tier-1 power in the secondary power set. What I'd like to know is why it's required.
A Stalker without Hide is just a really squishy scrapper with less AoE. They NEED Hide to function properly.
Tanks have Bruising in their tier 1 power. Admittedly that was a recent addition, but still applies.
Most Blasters have a single target immobilize as their tier 1, which serves to keep things out of melee range of them. (Except Energy Manipulation, which gets a "get off me" power instead in Power Thrust). Also, Blasters can use their tier 1 secondary power while mezzed, being forced to take it guarantees that you will have at least 2 powers you can use while mezzed.
Defenders are forced to take at least one damaging power so they can't build to be completely defenseless (though some manage it anyway)
Scrappers and Brutes are generally given the power that will help their survivability the most at low levels.
Dominators are given their first ranged attack.
Masterminds usually have either A) a heal power, or B) a utility power (like Force Bolt), depending on the secondary.
Corruptors usually get a heal if the set has one, or the most useful low level power if it doesn't. Yes, keeping things at range at level 1 is a useful ability.
And so on. It's pretty much universal that you will get A) a mandatory damaging power, B) a utility/keep them off you power, or C) A survivability power as your tier 1.
Rajani has a good point as well. The tier 1 is always a useful solo power. The devs can't guarantee that you will always have a team, they CAN however, guarantee that you will spend at least SOME time solo.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Bah all false reasoning.
The Tutorial alone makes you level 2 by what killing a couple of weakened shiva with help from other npc's.
We all have a tier 1 attack its called brawl.
We all have a second attack its that crappy temp range power.
The Vast Majority have a 3rd, 4th, and/or 5th attack from vet rewards.
Level 1 lasts a whole 5 minutes after that the player is stuck with the power forever.
Choice is always good. You may think its bad not taking a tier one attack/power but hey if the player doesn't want one then so be it.
Worse case they hate thier choice. Go to trainer save costume. Reroll the toon. Its level 1 or 2 what did you loose?
Why Choice is better.
Tanker - A great improvement in attack. Most low level tanks have few attacks as they are building thier defense.
Corruptor/Mastermind - Just for theme. (I'm "orginally" an evil bad guy watch me show you how evil I am by healing you with this aura. See cross me again and I'll heal that wound again."
Anyone who wants to take say Radiation as a debuff only set.
Again. Choice is better than no choice even if 98% choose the same thing.
We all seen MM Thugs that had no pets because someone wanted duel pistols before the set was made. I've even seen petless demons because they want whip only. Is it a major self gimp yes but so what? If the game allows a major choice gimp then a little choice gimp at level one shouldn't even be worried about.
Theme, Roleplay, 2nd tier better, or just because the power sucks are all valid reasons not to take the tier one power. Forcing a player to do it the "right" way is bad.
Notice this forcing the player to play one way is the root problem in all the major everyday fights. (Farmer vs non farmer, PvP vs. PvE, Role player vs. Min Max or AE farmer vs Storyteller)
Yes, let's open the door to people rolling stalkers and saying "Why does this character suck so bad? My Assassin's Strike is a crappy attack, not the awesome attack I see other stalkers with" ...because they skipped Hide. Stalkers have it bad enough as it is without leading people to believe they are actually worse than that.
It's your secondary powerset. That means you don't have as much freedom in low level choice as you do with your primary.
And your Mastermind argument is a load as well. Why would a mastermind not want to heal the guys doing his fighting for him? If his goons die, HE starts taking the hits. Healing your minions so they can keep getting their butt kicked instead of you is a perfectly villainous outlook.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I don't particularly have an opinion on this either. Yeah, there are some real lemons in that spot sometimes, but hey, if nothing else, it's a power I can just delete from my tray and not waste any slots on. Since the introduction of inherent Fitness, slots are at a much greater premium than powers anyway. That said, a bit of devil's advocacy:
Regarding the "must take an offensive power" argument...I am truly and honestly trying to think of a situation where the tier-1 of a secondary is an attack power and the tier-2 isn't. I can see why ensuring that every character can attack is important, but not any situations where this particular argument applies.
Regarding the "Stalkers need to take Hide" argument...does that mean, too, that Domination should also be placed in the first tier for all Assault sets, for example? Or rather, does it mean that Hide should exist as an inherent power?

The stalker not taking hide is so lame.
1) If the player is that stupid not to take hide on an AT that attacks from stealth then so be it. You can't fix stupid.
2) If its a roookie mistake guess what they learned something and can reroll or respec or second build to fix it.
3) Again a gimped stalker isn't any more a problem than the self gimped MM.
4) Why do you care if someone playing a stalker without hide? Again going with the you aren't playing the right way.
But right now your whole argument is we have to take the first tier second power because we have dumb people playing stalkers, seems like a weak argument.
And giving you the benifit of the doubt that a master mind would want to heal his creatures. Not true for role players. If I raise the dead go ahead and kill it I'll bring it back. Its a robot somehow I can heal it and people too..
Guess what you are saying is choice is bad because people will choose badly. Its the secondary so why should you get a choice at level one.
Well expand that why should you get a choice at all? By not giving players choice the Devs could easily balance the game powersets. And more people will be closer to playing the right way.
Have the devs ever offered a rationale as to WHY we're forced to take the tier-1 secondary power? As opposed to, say, making the tier-1 and tier-2 powers available at level 1, like the primary? I would love to be able to skip things like Web Grenade and Entangling Arrow if I could. Thanks.
To solve that problem they restructured the game into our present AT/powerset scheme. This ensured that people could no longer create extremely over or under powered characters. The idea of "forcing" us to select the tier-1 power of our secondaries was part of that restructuring in order to balance the powersets. By making sure we all had that one hardwired power it helped to make sure there were fewer "broken" characters.
While I agree it may be a little annoying from a "power freedom" point of view it serves the purpose of regulating all the powersets and keeping everyone from potentially gimping themselves.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
So ATs like Stalkers can't skip the power that the rest of their inherent abilities revolves around.
A Stalker without Hide is just a really squishy scrapper with less AoE. They NEED Hide to function properly. Tanks have Bruising in their tier 1 power. Admittedly that was a recent addition, but still applies. Most Blasters have a single target immobilize as their tier 1, which serves to keep things out of melee range of them. (Except Energy Manipulation, which gets a "get off me" power instead in Power Thrust). Also, Blasters can use their tier 1 secondary power while mezzed, being forced to take it guarantees that you will have at least 2 powers you can use while mezzed. Defenders are forced to take at least one damaging power so they can't build to be completely defenseless (though some manage it anyway) Scrappers and Brutes are generally given the power that will help their survivability the most at low levels. Dominators are given their first ranged attack. Masterminds usually have either A) a heal power, or B) a utility power (like Force Bolt), depending on the secondary. Corruptors usually get a heal if the set has one, or the most useful low level power if it doesn't. Yes, keeping things at range at level 1 is a useful ability. And so on. It's pretty much universal that you will get A) a mandatory damaging power, B) a utility/keep them off you power, or C) A survivability power as your tier 1. Rajani has a good point as well. The tier 1 is always a useful solo power. The devs can't guarantee that you will always have a team, they CAN however, guarantee that you will spend at least SOME time solo. |
The Devs could have (and probably can still) switch the first and second powers around and still have good functionality in the lower levels. They did this when they made Force Field for Masterminds way back when. They switched some things around so Mastermind didn't have to take PFF at level one. It would have made sense to reposition Poison's heal before porting it over to other ATs.
I really wish they gave Poison to Defenders. I could have gotten by if they moved some of the powers around before porting the set over to Controllers and Corruptors, but that didn't happen. So now I have to wait for them to give it to Defenders in the future or move the powers around for Controllers and Corruptors.
Yes, I hate poison's heal enough to wait.
We all have a tier 1 attack its called brawl.
We all have a second attack its that crappy temp range power. The Vast Majority have a 3rd, 4th, and/or 5th attack from vet rewards. |
The Ranged brawl attack is a after-launch addition of City of VILLIANS not a release of COH thing.
Nothing the developers release is designed with the expectation of Veteran Rewards being available, which like ranged brawl, didn't exist at CoH Launch. (Issue 8, 1.5 issues after the ranged brawl addition)
This was generally true until they broke the mold last issue by giving Controllers and Corruptors the Poison set.
Hadn't thought of Poison - but then again I don't play it. Note too some of the newer stuff might not follow all the rules laid down by other sets because of changes in the powers team. I'd say at this point it's a "sacred cow" how we have power access opening up.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Back when this game was in early beta testing it had a power selection scheme that was far more free-form than our current AT/powerset system. They wanted to allow people to be able to select pretty much any kind of power you wanted at any level. Unfortunately that quickly led to people creating either over-powered tankmages or under-powered gimped characters.
To solve that problem they restructured the game into our present AT/powerset scheme. This ensured that people could no longer create extremely over or under powered characters. The idea of "forcing" us to select the tier-1 power of our secondaries was part of that restructuring in order to balance the powersets. By making sure we all had that one hardwired power it helped to make sure there were fewer "broken" characters. While I agree it may be a little annoying from a "power freedom" point of view it serves the purpose of regulating all the powersets and keeping everyone from potentially gimping themselves. |
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
Sorry to break from the OP, but "tanker's new inherent"? Wha? I missed this, I guess. What is it?
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City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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The stalker not taking hide is so lame.
1) If the player is that stupid not to take hide on an AT that attacks from stealth then so be it. You can't fix stupid. 2) If its a roookie mistake guess what they learned something and can reroll or respec or second build to fix it. 3) Again a gimped stalker isn't any more a problem than the self gimped MM. 4) Why do you care if someone playing a stalker without hide? Again going with the you aren't playing the right way. But right now your whole argument is we have to take the first tier second power because we have dumb people playing stalkers, seems like a weak argument. And giving you the benifit of the doubt that a master mind would want to heal his creatures. Not true for role players. If I raise the dead go ahead and kill it I'll bring it back. Its a robot somehow I can heal it and people too.. Guess what you are saying is choice is bad because people will choose badly. Its the secondary so why should you get a choice at level one. Well expand that why should you get a choice at all? By not giving players choice the Devs could easily balance the game powersets. And more people will be closer to playing the right way. |
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
They switched some things around so Mastermind didn't have to take PFF at level one.
That was probably changed so FF MMs wouldn't be virtually invincible starting at level 1.
It's arguably STILL overpowered regardless of the level it comes at, because you can still give your pets commands while in your bubble, but that's unlikely to change. Take one of the sturdier sets of pets and you can bubble up and be nearly as effective as when you can buff your pets.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Have the devs ever offered a rationale as to WHY we're forced to take the tier-1 secondary power? As opposed to, say, making the tier-1 and tier-2 powers available at level 1, like the primary? I would love to be able to skip things like Web Grenade and Entangling Arrow if I could. Thanks.