Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect
![]() It's arguably STILL overpowered regardless of the level it comes at, because you can still give your pets commands while in your bubble.
Tier-1 secondary mandatory - why?
They also don't get the Supremacy buffs while you're in your PFF.
PFF causes "Only Affecting Self", and you can't command pets when you're under that status.
You can still set them to Aggressive before turning PFF on though.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
My point is that there is such a thing as too much choice, theoretically. Or at least unstructured choice.
Certainly this case (mandatory secondary pick) seems arbitrary. But the line has to be drawn somewhere, and this is where they drew it. Sure, they could move that line, but the next day someone would ask them to allow him to pick the Tier nine at level 1.
I don't really get that. You're saying the players playing one way (farming) and the players playing another way (non-farming) are both forced to play the same way? How is that possible?
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
No set I know of has a damage power in tier1 and a non-damaging power in tier 2.
Have the devs ever offered a rationale as to WHY we're forced to take the tier-1 secondary power? As opposed to, say, making the tier-1 and tier-2 powers available at level 1, like the primary? I would love to be able to skip things like Web Grenade and Entangling Arrow if I could. Thanks.
True, but what other AT can be at all combat effective while in PFF?
Also, if you are going to exclude buffs and control as being effective while in PFF, I believe a FF Controller can do the same thing once they get to level 32. For example, a Plant Controller can do this chain: Summon Pet > Seeds > Carrion Creepers > PFF > watch tv.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
I think it's implied your character has one prime talent and a secondary talent. Their prime talent is going to be more lenient on what you can pick out of it, while the secondary you need to just build up.
I think they're trying to keep people from sucking right off the bat and instead make them work at it.
Skipping the first power would make many characters better, not worse, so I doubt "not sucking" is the reason.
I think they should allow a bit more flexibility and allow level 1 or level 2. You cannot control people who want to play stupid. I still remember from a couple weeks ago a Stalker in the Sewer trials telling nonstop (bad) jokes. I finally asked him to attack something. Get the reply "That would break Stealth." Seriously there are few times when I wish we could go PvP in a team, but that was one of them.
So yes, people will make bad choices. But people are doing that constantly now. Some people will make very good choices and enjoy the game just one power choice more. Priceless.
And your Mastermind argument is a load as well. Why would a mastermind not want to heal the guys doing his fighting for him? If his goons die, HE starts taking the hits. Healing your minions so they can keep getting their butt kicked instead of you is a perfectly villainous outlook.
I think that on the "weird" archetypes (tanker, dominator, defender, etc) that have their damage powers on the secondary, you have a viable argument. I believe it was fairly apparent, however, that the OP was speaking of the non-damage powerset secondaries.
I think they're trying to keep people from sucking right off the bat and instead make them work at it. |
Somehow skipping a ST immob will make my blasters suck right out of the gate? Instead of being able to take, say, a punch or something that will keep them alive longer by defeating my enemies faster? (Blasters belong in melee to get the most out of their damage. I cannot STAND playing ranged blasters. So boring!)
Somehow skipping Gale on my storm troller makes her immediately suck? Sorry, I think being able to skip Gale would be a freaking godsend. One more power choice! I skip Gale on my storm defs, so why not on my trollers? I would rather take O2 Boost any day of the week on any character.
Somehow skipping Web Grenade on my traps MM would have made him suck? Yet another power I would skip if I could; one that gets pretty much no use in my day-to-day playing and just takes up a power slot for me. Having the power and not using it is worse than being able to skip the power and take something else.
So... somehow... giving choices to the player... suddenly makes them more likely to "suck right off the bat"...
Does that make any sense?
...Nope, didn't think so.
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Given that virtually every scrapper and brute I make skips the first attack entirely, I highly doubt it's that much better on a tanker.
Skipping the first power would make many characters better, not worse, so I doubt "not sucking" is the reason. |
Heal Arrows are awesome, but would require the targets (if a player) to be PVP flagged. In D&D, they did half damage THEN healed in my group >.>
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
I think that on the "weird" archetypes (tanker, dominator, defender, etc) that have their damage powers on the secondary, you have a viable argument. I believe it was fairly apparent, however, that the OP was speaking of the non-damage powerset secondaries.
How does forcing characters to take crappy powers make them "not suck"?
Knockback powers I use as mitigation - especially on /storms with Gale and corners.
On my Forcefielders, PFF can help me retreat, and Forcebolt has often helped me send foes down over the side o just basically KB to get them away from me to help with survival.
The immobilizes are good for helping keep things out of melee if you are not ready for them, and have saved me before when I need to run around the corner and hide
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Your post, summed up: A list of powers that are situational at best, and easily skippable if a player wishes.
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Yup, that's it. Nothing to do with bruising or stalkers, neither of which existed until years later. The devs wanted to limit the choices people could make to protect them from making bad choices. They wanted to have some control over the powers people took. Maybe they went too far. They have loosened some restrictions over the years, like the restrictions on travel powers. Maybe they'll open up the secondary a bit someday. It seems unlikely, though. We're all so used to it that I don't think anyone thinks about it much these days.
Also, if you wanna gimp your Stalker not taking Hide, nothing new, since you can skip all MM pets if you wish.
I like some tier 1 powers, but I can see cases in which a power I like (say, Web Grenade on /Traps) could be less useful on MMs, an AT I don't play.
There are also cases in which a tier 1 power could be more useful later imo (RPD on invul, FH on regen) when you have SOs/special IOs so you could pick other powers earlier.