555 -
Honestly, that's the part that stands out most, to me. I dunno 'bout you all, but I've seen rope ties that are nicer to the particular section than those latex... whatevers seem to be. Like, damn. Why's Duncan called Dominatrix, again? Tilman's the one rocking the fetish gear.
Quote:They'd have to be. I don't see many other ways to understand all the 'plots' Nemesis has going.
Or are Fakes immune to Confusion? -
I thought those riddles were revealed to be faked, and not actually from NC^2?
Before anything happens, I'd like to point out that you switch between Mass Effect 2 and Dead Space 2 in your example. This isn't such a problem for me, because while I'm not terribly familiar with Dead Space, Mass Effect is one of my favorite games, ever, and, oh dear GAWD do they like tugging the heartstrings as they kill off yer doods.
So, perhaps I chose my words poorly, or conveyed the wrong sense. I'm not looking for defeat to be grief-like, either. But, more than mere significance, I do think it needs a consequence. Jails are a consequence, yes, but I'm not entirely sure they're enough. I don't know, though. Maybe, as you've suggested, the game actually acknowledging defeat is exactly what we're looking for.
It seems to me, though, that danger comes from consequences of failure and the struggle to avert it. I don't think this could happen mechanically, so the alternative is too make death/defeat much worth, and the players themselves provide the struggle. -
Spines/Regen scrapper. I jumped to an Ice/Ice blaster, which is a combination I stuck with for quite a while. I left for a while, and when I came back, Katana/Regen is what stuck. It's also the first thing I took to fifty. So, yeah. Damage is kinda where it's been at, for me.
...wondered why Battle Maiden is so much stronger than Valkyrie. Seriously, BM dropped V like Blue Steel drops jails.
Thanks for the support, folks.
I'd like to make an argument that goes in a slightly different direction than "It hasn't been done before, so there's no basis to do it."
Instead, it hasn't been done before*. Think of how awesome this story could be when we do it!
No, seriously. Contacts have been jerks in the past. They've been uninformed, they've been out of the loop, they've been a step behind, they've been overzealous. But we've never had anything close to this: Someone built up --for years-- to be a powerful ally, instead turn out to be completely antagonistic. Not just an opposing faction to join, no. Completely and totally against you and everything you stand for. And, oops, you were helping them out.
*I know Leonard plays with this idea a little, and I'm not up-and-up on GR to say what the take there is, but, seriously. Nothing on this scale before. How awesome would that be? -
Quote:Prometheus started with good intentions. Fire for man. Not such a harmless thing, right? In fact, considering the risks he braved, the beasts he faced, as he scaled Mount Olympus, why, one could call him heroic. And, he outsmarted the gods themselves. He stole fire from them, and gave it to man! A benevolent action! A great action! He should've been lauded a paragon of men.In I20, Prometheus says that Tyrant has to be dealt with first before we can start thinking about the Coming Storm.
But, no.
The gods, in a display of gross pettiness bound him to a mountain side that his entrails might be ripped from his body, anew each day. His eyes pecked out, his very mind assaulted. Agony, he endured. For an eternity. Why? Because he committed the heinous crime of caring too much about his people. Because he wanted to improve the lot of his friends.
Their lot was improved, of course. Prometheus succeeded, did he not? Fire was given to the mortals. But for his sacrifice, they did not honor him. They did not struggle as he had struggled, to undo an even greater wrong. No. Prometheus was forgotten. He faded into the annals of history. A foot note, nothing more.
And now, these people who forgot him have sought the power of the gods who wronged him. No, not only have they the audacity to seek such power, they have been granted it without question. Prometheus has learned many things in the eons since his fall. He has learned hatred. And he has learned patience.
For now, he plays the ally, becoming the indispensable aid. So innocuous and necessary will he be, that he could never be questioned. Then, when needed most, the petty mortals who thought themselves above the true order of the world will find themselves quite without their crutch. They will fall, as he fell, and their gods will fall with them.
Prometheus will have his revenge.
Or, tl;dr: What makes you think he's a trustworthy source? His say-so? -
I think I dig. My two top characters are a heavily IO'd Katana/Regen Scrapper and a heavily-IO'd Night Widow. I can enter a room full of Rikti mobs, and indeed I do from time to time. But, once the realization passes that, Oh dear, I'm fighting twenty-odd guys passes, there isn't much there beyond wishing I had more AoE damage. Once I've weathered the Alpha and gotten the problem mobs out of the way, once I'm on my feet, it's little more than a numbers slog.
I dunno. I'm not saying we should have failable missions, either, but I think, perhaps, consequences for death should be more significant. Not as in, ramping up debt, because that really has no direct impact on gameplay. No, jails are one example, and I think we could do with two or three more, immediate ones, so that the next time three portals open up next to me, I'm terrified for longer than it takes to assure myself Elude isn't going to get overwhelmed. -
Quote:Why? No, really. I realize talking about Tyrant is something you love doing, but why couldn't we have some big-team raids focusing on Praetoria and some smaller team stuff working the Coming Storm/Rularuu/Rikti War Resolution angle?That wouldn't tie in with the Praetorian invasion - any solo Incarnate content would need to be themed around Tyrant's attempt to conquer the multiverse, so it'd match up with the normal stuff.
Hell, they could even tie into each other later on. As the players unlock more power, The Coming Storm/Rularuu/Whoever begins ramping up their plans, resulting in invasions from two massive threats simultaneously. Paragon City is in complete turmoil, the Rogue Isles are thrown through a loop (Who knows? Perhaps a chance to renovate some of the older conventions/designs?) and the only way to save the world is for the Incarnates to desperately race for enough power that they might maybe --just maybe-- be strong enough to turn the tides.
Sounds pretty epic to me. I'd go for it in a heartbeat.
So, yeah. Why can't we have more than one relevant story arc at once? -
I always thought it was a helmet, with a big, red plume. Yeah, I realize that doesn't make much sense, but I've never looked closely at it until now.
Weird. -
Quote:Huh. Cool, and thanks.All you need to do is click the arrow in the quote but here is the link.
ohh and it is only 3200 shards -
Quote:While I wouldn't rule it out entirely, my gut reaction is that any group with that particular theme is fairly small. It's a bit of a niche, you know?Any Mord Sith, Sister of the Dark/Light or any other LOTS groups running?
I dunno if it's a concern of yours, but it is a EULA violation to run around without first filing the serial numbers off those names. Just a thought. -
Quote:Ironically, Trick Arrow doesn't have a heal.
Apollo: God of music, healing, plague, prophecies, poetry and archery. Associated with light, truth and the sun. -
"Dibs on the living half."
"...They're all alive, Doom."
"Oh. Let me go change that." -
Quote:I'm given to understand that they also have a tendency to die off fairly quickly do to Fixadine toxicity.
The destroyers are operating on some level with the connivance of the authorities, so their existence is explicable. -
That's very useful to know. It also helps hammer GuyPerfect's point home: Incarnate Content Mobs (InCoM, for short! Like InCoMpetent!) have the level advantage on this one. It's preparation and smart play that pays dividends, now. Honestly, that doesn't really sound counterintuitive, disingenuous, or even out of line with the rest of the game's design, so I'm a little surprised there're complaints.
Now, it might just be that I usually play Khan with a team leader who likes the TF a goodly amount, and is really good at mitigating the bad parts of the TF. Also, I tend to run it with a group of players I know and like, so mitigating factors are present.
That being said, I kinda like the TF. It's short. It's simple. It's got some interesting scenery, and the final fight isn't a hard time for us, at all. We gank Reichs, until an AV drops, and then we gank the AV while the tank holds Reichs off our backs, rinse and repeat. At slow speeds, we still finish in under an hour. -
Quote:That's... actually a much fairer answer than I was expecting. And since it's basically what I and mine do, I have nothing more to say on the matter.
When I recruit for an STF or any TF in general I start with an open call. The first few people to respond have a spot. The remaining 3 spots or so exist to fill out the holes in the existing team. I'm never saying I always need an emp over a stormy or a fire blaster over a peacebringer. I will however exclude a character if it makes the team unbalanced. If I already have a thermal on the team and a handful of damage dealers, I'm excluding everything in search of debuffs. I'm not taking "uber" over average. I'm taking what will make the team more effective.
There are people that will take any character and there are people that are hyper specific about what they want. The fact of the matter is the leader is taking the initiative to form the task force and they can make their team however they please. If people take issue with how I (or anyone else) operate....if they are upset because I didn't want to take a petless mastermind along with me then....that person can make their own team and take whoever they want.
Personally, I think both extremes are silly. The hyper specific leaders just don't know enough to improvise and the people that take anyone aren't setting themselves up for success. The STF needs debuffs and damage. Everything after that is just gravy.