Questions to ask the Devs at HeroCon regarding Going Rogue
Do mods hate pie?

Are there more new powersets besides Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols?
Are there any new ATs?
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
My question would be how GR impacts Leveling pacts.
Can we both switch sides and maintain the leveling pact.
I suspect the answer is no, so I would love an option to re-form a LP.
Jetpack has a good point, the leveling pacts will likely be affected if one toon were to switch sides while the other stayed. This never came to mind because I've never used the leveling pact before. I'll definately add this point to the list
and Blpup has a good point. Considering that up until now, the majority of what we've gotten from the devs has been powerset proliferation, and that i16 included that as well as the electric armor changes, it's highly unlikely that there will be more in the sense of "new" powersets. Demon Summoning for Masterminds and Dual Pistols for Blasters/Corruptors is all I can see from them, given that they've actually let us know about those months ago. but for the sake of asking the question, I will add the general question of "any new powersets/proliferations we can look forward to?" in the original post.
Question #1
How big is Praetoria? Is it a single new zone like Cimerora or is it a series of new zones like CoV?
I would assume the former but hope for the latter!
Question #2
Socialization space. Heroes have Atlas Park as a centralized easy to access place to socialize and see and be seen. Villains really don't have anything like this, mores the pity.
Will Praetoria have a nice convenient location for this? Assuming Praetoria is accessible for both heroes and villains will there be a nice spot for us all to hang out and hold CC's :P
Question #3
Will Defenders get access to Dual Pistols?
Question #1
How big is Praetoria? Is it a single new zone like Cimerora or is it a series of new zones like CoV? I would assume the former but hope for the latter! Question #2 Socialization space. Heroes have Atlas Park as a centralized easy to access place to socialize and see and be seen. Villains really don't have anything like this, mores the pity. Will Praetoria have a nice convenient location for this? Assuming Praetoria is accessible for both heroes and villains will there be a nice spot for us all to hang out and hold CC's :P Question #3 Will Defenders get access to Dual Pistols? |
1. my guess would be that there will be a large area like cimerora as the main area, with others surrounding it. but good question, definately will add.
2. Atlas park is big, yes, and also provides alot of open space. Heroes also has that brighter atmosphere and over all less crowded feel to it, but atlas was chosen by the players as far as I know. And the villain population pales in comparrison to heroes, so short of the CC that my friend ran recently on redside, I haven't seen or heard of any in a while. Not to mention that the things on villains are kind of expensive because of that :/ odds are that there will be a spot the players choose for the "spot to be" in praetoria.
3. From what I understand (which may or may not be much) Blasters (and maybe corruptors) will gain access to Dual Pistols with GR. Nothing has been mentioned of defenders getting it, so if nothing else it will be in a proliferation sometime after GR goes live.
A rather important question was missed:
Will we be getting more character slots with Going rogue?
I'm just about full up (barring buying more) on my server of choice, and GR is certainly likely to prompt more character creation. We got more slots with COV, so I would expect it with GR.
Too many alts to list.
1) Will lvl 50 toons be upgradeable? And if so, how? Universal Enhancements? More Normal Slots to fill out powers?
2) End Game Content: will there be be things that 50's can do beyond repeating TFs, Raids, Flashbacks, and Repeatable Missions? (besides AE )
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
*pictures devs taking notes to know which questions to make especially annoying and cryptic answers to*
Will we get more costume slots?
If not, who is responsible so I can know who to fire Reason at?
Important: ETA? =P
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
A rather important question was missed:
Will we be getting more character slots with Going rogue? I'm just about full up (barring buying more) on my server of choice, and GR is certainly likely to prompt more character creation. We got more slots with COV, so I would expect it with GR. |

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Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

My question is.
Will badges affect dialogue with regards your past exploits on the other side?
Lets say I take my villain heroside, will Statesman have extra dialogue because I smacked around him and the rest of the Freedom Phalanx on the Lord Recluse Strike force and the same when going from heroside to villainside.
3. From what I understand (which may or may not be much) Blasters (and maybe corruptors) will gain access to Dual Pistols with GR. Nothing has been mentioned of defenders getting it, so if nothing else it will be in a proliferation sometime after GR goes live.
1) Will lvl 50 toons be upgradeable? And if so, how? Universal Enhancements? More Normal Slots to fill out powers?
Were going to have a whole new system that will allow max-level players to take their max-level characters and make them even more powerful.So that kind of half answers your question at least. I'm hoping we'll get some of the how at Hero-con without needing to specifically ask for it. I'm personally kind of expecting whatever it is it will be tied to new end-game content of some kind.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812

docbuzzard: that's an excellent question. I would imagine that we would get extra character slots, just not sure of how many and if the character cap per server will be raised. Adding to Main post
Clave_Dark_5: From what an SG mate told me, heroes is supposedly getting a graphics upgrade to match villains. another great question for the list.
Techbot Alpha: I seriously doubt that we'll get a 6th costume slot. I can imagine the devs being like, "You can't possibly need 6 costume slots, 5 should suffice." But I will add it given that we could already have all 5 filled and want another "villain/hero" costume to add.
Dr_Mechano: Something tells me that it's a bit too much to ask for to chance the dynamic of how the TFs/SFs work just because you've gotten the badge for wiping the floor with the person giving it. Couldn't hurt to ask though, I definately like the idea though
corridor: I figured that was the reasoning behind asking about Dual Pistols for defenders, but when you think about it, they already have so much, that making them wait for another proliferation makes sense. Otherwise they'd probably have to make a new powerset just to give them something when the next proliferation comes around. Realistically though it's just a matter of changing around the order of the powers and the values for each one. Will add it though.
Socorro and Ollin: Wasn't aware of the tentonhammer interview mentioning making our 50s stronger, will add a set of related questions.
So far I'm loving the additions to the list, keep them coming everyone
Can I carry my stuff with me when I become a hero/villain?
Can we merge the Markets?
Do I have to start at level 1 on the other side?
Is there challenging stuff to do for my 50s?
Any new PvP enabled areas like Arenas, zones, etc?
Any new IO sets?
Can others affect my 'morality meter' by clicking on dialogue, or can only I affect that?
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Dr_Mechano: Something tells me that it's a bit too much to ask for to chance the dynamic of how the TFs/SFs work just because you've gotten the badge for wiping the floor with the person giving it. Couldn't hurt to ask though, I definately like the idea though
![]() |
For example, I start the Statesman TF as team leader but my character is a former villain and has the Archvillain badge, the system sees that and issues me with different opening dialogue (probably something about remembering the defeat he suffered at my hands and how it's going to be interesting seeing someone formerly one of Recluse's best going up against their old taskmaster).
The branching dialogue thing is already there (it works on the villain/hero flags currently since Imperious will give a different introduction as to whether you are a hero or a villain).
Some quick questions I might ask:
Will there be streamlining of the respec process with going rogue, or is such a change even being considered? (i.e. rather than having to change powers from level one all the way up, could we simply replace powers, move slots, or remove enhancements? [With levels noted])
Can 'grey' characters go to both hero and villain zones? Can red and blue side enter each other's zones at any point? (Via disguise or invasion?)
Can neutral characters interact in a non-aggressive way with both sides?
Wil there be a neutral option, or is the grey permanently just 'not as evil' or 'bad boy hero?'
Will there be an effort to make more content to better define sides, should they stay on their present side? (That is, less mercenary, more ruthless villainy alongside more 'save the world,' less violent heroism)
This is my effort to make a compiled list of questions to ask the devs at HeroCon. This being not only because I cannot attend (I'm on the east coast), but there hasn't been a current list from what I've seen that addresses all the questions one may have concerning GR. Most threads concern certain aspects of the change, like SGs or influence, ease of transfer, etc. These are mostly personal questions that I believe hold much weight, so here goes:
1. What happens when a hero or villain(namely the villans in this case, as they litterally don't have their epic powerset handed to them, they have to do missions to get them, and the powers are directly from one of their villain patrons) goes to the other side without having reached the point of 41 to get their epics? Will villains get new hero epics instead, or will they automatically get access to the villain epics when they hit 41? How will this affect normal gameplay or PvP if there's suddenly a stalker with hero epics or a tanker with mako epics(or something that might be considered unbalancing)?
2. Will there be any AT's (the epic ones in particular) that will not be able to transfer from one side to the other?
3. How will characters "transfer" their currency? Will they be able to do so at all? If not, do they have to give it away or transfer it to another one of their toons?
4. Will a character be able to be a "double agent" and ride the grey line? or will they ultimately have to quit/be kicked from their old SG on the other side?
5. Will the markets be merged to prevent long term exploitation of individuals intent on hopping from one side to the other? (ex. savy market exploiters and the real money traders)
6. What is to become of the "Clockwork w/Pad" glove that Sexy J accidentally leaked out on test? Will the devs finally give us some of the enemy group unique costume pieces for defeating enough of them instead of limiting it to their weapons?
7. What if any bonuses will be coming with Going Rogue and/or it's collector's edition?
8. and of course, What it the approximate date for Going Rogue's release? (as to my knowledge it is still unavailable for preorder at Gamestop)
9. What is to become of the leveling pacts we have established if one toon "Goes Rogue"?
10. Are there any other powersets/proliferations in the works aside from Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols? And who exactly will be getting Dual Pistols? (obviously blasters, but what about corruptors and defenders?)
11. Just how big is Praetoria? How many new zones can we expect on/soon after the launch of Going Rogue?
12. Will there be additional character slots given with Going Rogue? Also, will the character limit be raised accordingly for each server?
13. Rumors of a graphics upgrade with GR for heroes(to match the requirements of villains) have been going around, is this true?
14. Will there be a 6th costume slot available with Going Rogue to make an "opposing side" costume? or will we have to sacrifice one of our current 5 if we want to make one?
15. Will past badges affect dialogue for characters who change sides? Will this alter the missions from them in anyway? (ex. having the LRSF completed, will Statesman have an alternate dialogue when speaking to you, considering you have wiped the floor with him in the past)
16. Regarding Posi's interview on TenTonHammer, what exactly will allow us to make our level 50's even stronger? new recipes? new accolades? or the ever doubtful increase in level cap?
17. Given that the UK does not have their own dedicated team and a scarce population, will their servers be merged with the US servers for Going Rogue or sometime in the near future? And on that note, will any of the US servers be merged? (Referring to that day when Guardian was the only server taken down for maintainance/testing)
18. Are there any new additions to base editing? And will base raids be making a come back anytime soon?
19. What will characters deciding to permanantly ride that grey line have available/unavaliable to them? Like if the "greys" can go between all three zones, is all they'll miss out on the redside/blueside exclusive missions?
20. Will character's be able to acquire all accolades from both sides? and will they all count on one side, or will they switch after changing sides? If so, how will this apply to those "grey characters"?
21. Will SGs get an increase in size with Going Rogue beyond the current 100 members?
My speculations:
1. Heroes and Villains will likely be limited to their own unique epic pools, which will end up giving the villains their "patron epics" at 41 regardless if they've done the missions for them on redside.
2. All ATs will be able to transfer, namely the epics
3. The currency of a given side will be frozen until such a time when that character goes back to their original side, or there will be a transfer system akin to WoW's goblins and having a bookie charge a steep fee to transfer influence to infamy and vice versa.
4. No real stand on this issue, could go either way. Would be nice to be able to go between sides, even if there's a series of missions or a task force to do to swap.
5. yes, the markets will be merged to prevent the exploitation of the market.
6. the mysterious costume piece will be part of a number of pieces related to that set, to be gained by defeating enough of said enemies. OR gained by purchasing Going Rogue. OR by spending unique currency/merits from praetoria.
7. Something in the realm of a free month as is typical of previous game editions, possibly a new costume set(just as the good vs. evil edition had the justice/sinister sets), or maybe a powerpack voucher for one of the origin booster packs.
8. My honest guess is sometime in January or February. The reasoning behind this is that accounts to receive the beta keys for being active from August 15th to November 15th won't be given out until at least the 15th of Nov. figure a few weeks after those keys are given out for closed beta. A couple/few more weeks after that of open beta to stress test the build. more time to finalize the build and mass print it to the cds, and shipping it out for sale.
9. The leveling pacts will either be suspended like the influence/infamy will if one swaps sides (and there is no other way to transfer or convert the currency) OR the pacts will be canceled all together either upon "Going Rogue" or after a certain period of time spent on the opposing side.
10. Considering how nice Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols are going to be, and that we just got a powerset proliferation with i16(including the change to electric armor) It is unlikely that we will be getting any other "goodies" as far as powersets go. To ask for/expect anything more is just stingy.
11. Praetoria will be bigger than cimerora, and possibly equal in length/width as independance port. At least 4 new zones will be added, to sufficiently cover the level ranges and had that new starting area Posi mentioned in in interview (see question 16 for link)
12. We will be given 1-2 new character slots and the server limits will be increased to accomodate. After all there are people who love their given servers but have already bought all the slots they can(and earned the others) and don't have any space left. It would keep the masses happy I'm sure.
13. Heroes will recieve the graphical upgrade, as the villains migrating to heroes are based on the higher settings (I think?)
14. No opinion, would enjoy the 6th costume slot, but won't cry foul if we don't get it
15. Depending on how in depth they go into the new dialogue, if a villain TF leader talks to statesman after whooping him in the past, there may be some alternative dialogue. May also depend on your allignment at the time.
16. I predict new accolades and a few new enhancement sets. I don't think they'll ever raise the level cap. Imagine the uproar of those who have spent billions for purples and to maximise their builds, only to not have the best of the best anymore. People just might march on CoX HQ with torches and pitchforks :P
17. There will likely be a downsizing of the servers in the near future to maximize efficiency/reduce bandwidth/save money/etc. And the UK servers will likely join the US ones as their forums have already been joined with ours.
18. absolutely, no idea... kind of feel like the base raiding thing has been thrown on the back-burner
Finally, does anyone have any questions to add or comments to the above mentioned?