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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
    Oddly enough, it only happens to me in the mornings, never at night.
    Just did it to me. Seems pretty random. I can get logged out several times in the course of a couple of hours, and then go a couple of days without it happening.
  2. The afternoons dispatcher quit, which means I have to work this weekend. 11 hours on sunday alone. Of course he also picked a week where we have a dispatcher on holidays to quit without notice.
  3. Yes it is most likely because of the recent resub. It sometimes takes a day or two for the login servers for the test and beta servers to catch up to the live servers.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainBrawl View Post
    So i have a question about VIP players. I have been playing for years using only game time cards that i can buy with cash at like Best buy....can i still keep my account subbed like that with game time cards and be a VIP player? or do i have to have a Credit card to be a VIP player.
    If you're paying for a subscription you'll be a VIP player. Doesn't matter how.
  5. The city of heroes launcher has been discontinued. You have to download the NCsoft launcher here to launch the game now.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FatElvis View Post
    That is how mine started. It is amazing how quickly she is picking it up. She is now level 5 and she is totally gung ho.
    Littlemage is not quite 4, but she'd probably pick it up. She starts junior kindergarten in a few weeks, and I know they're going to do some computer stuff, so we'll see. We've tried to get her to play games on the Wii and playstation, but she doesn't seem to get it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Won't work for the OP. There's two types of PayPal transactions: Transfers and Instant Purchases.

    Transfers debit the amount from your account, wait for it to clear, then give the money to the recipient. If you don't have enough money for the transaction to clear, then it acts much like a bounced cheque.

    Instant Purchases work like a Transfer, but give the money to the recipient right away. If the payment doesn't clear, it's taken from the credit card on file. If you don't have a credit card on file, you can't do Instant Purchases.

    NCsoft only accepts Instant Purchases.
    Well, yes it would work. He'd just have to transfer the amount from his checking account to his paypal account in advance. Once the funds are in there, he could use them for an instant purchase. If he doesn't have enough funds in the account, then no, it wouldn't work.
  8. Congrats! I've been looking into a beater of a machine for littlemage to play on. She loves making my characters jump. There was a thread on these forums about "What my 6 year old has learned from COH" and it was adorable.
  9. CIBC apparently has a visa cobranded debit card that works just like a credit card for online purchases. If I disliked or couldn't get a credit card I would check that out. A friend of mine has one and loves it.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
    Then you'll probably only be hit with the exchange rate (whatever that happens to be when the card is charged).
    This is correct. Currently the Canadian dollar is slightly higher than the US dollar, but that changes daily.
  11. I have always said, if you don't want to blast as an empath, then roll a controller. A handful of blasts that rarely, if ever get used are far less useful than a handful of good controls.

    I've been playing empathy since headstart, and in the early levels my blasts were more plentiful and probably better slotted than my primary. I wouldn't dream of playing an empath without blasting. For anyone wondering how they can balance blasting and primary usage, there's really a one word answer - practice. If you slot for recharge primarily both in your top tier buffs and for set bonuses once you get to IO sets, you should be able to spread out fort and AB to mitigate a lot of incoming damage, and with regen aura cycling regularly, you can cover the whole team. I don't allow myself to get mesmerized by hitting one attack after another so that I get a cued attack up that can lock me in animations, I make sure that I can turn and react. Psi blast has some really quick animations in the later powers, so it's pretty easy to turn and pop a heal if someone gets low. It does take some work to get used to the constant whack-a-mole, but with some effort you can learn to start whacking enemies in between the buffing and the healing on all but the most overmatched teams.
  12. Emp/psi is my main, and both carnies and robot ANYTHING but clockwork will make you want to tear your hair out. However, being able to land said parting shot on unstoppable or MOGed paragon protectors is just sweet too. Soloing anything is doable on an empath, being doing it off and on for 7 years, but do not expect it to be fast, and against resistant enemies can be mind numbingly slow. Wouldn't change her for the world though, fear them pink bubbles!
  13. Thank you very much! That fixed the problem, and I was able to send the excess funds back to my main
  14. I tried a work around - had my inventor/banker main send the character with the recipes some inf, and had her do the crafting and dump the enhancements in our shared supergroup base. It meant that I could get the enhancements, but I tried sending an enhancement that I crafted on that character, and it did the same thing, as well as did the same thing when I tried to send my main back the excess cash. I bug reported it, and will continue to try for a day or two to see if it resolves itself.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psygon_NA View Post
    the email box you are sending the item to is full delete something and try again.
    Nope, it's completely empty.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jasra View Post
    Is the sending character under level 10?
    Nope, level 50.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    Do you have any attachments or vouchers waiting to be claimed? Isn't there a limit of 20?
    There might be, but there was nothing else in my email.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Szoid View Post
    make sure u use the @ when sending something to ur global handle, otherwise i dont know, i have no sending issues either
    Yep, I am. It's very weird.
  19. Nope, still won't let me. I logged that character off, logged on my inventor character, made some enhancements and emailed them to another character fine, but when I logged in the character with the recipes, it still wouldn't let me send them. I'll try again later, but it's really strange.
  20. I did some reward merit rolls on one character that I want to send to another, but it won't let me email them. I attach it, use my global handle, and as soon as I send it, it tells me that I've claimed that recipe from my email. Is this intended?
  21. Oh gods, no. NO one server has the corner on dumb players. I've run into my fair share of real gems on triumph and victory, and neither of them are terribly high pop. I had one real gem back in the day notice me healing from across the way in Talos and proceed to tear me a new one becuase they weren't doing ENOUGH. Dude, you're not even on my team, back off! I've also had people DEMAND I leave my current, SG team to join them because they NEEEEEEEEEEEEED a healer. I'll get right on that /ignore <idiotname>

    Now, you will find more idiots on freedom and virtue, simply becuase you'll find more players of every stripe on freedom. Nature of the beast.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gary View Post
    You need to purchase a wife - she will then take control of the situation - she will forbid the paying (and playing) of this nonsensical childish intrusion into your marital bliss, and you will be left with a feeling of 'I have done something good for my marriage today' and live happily ever after!!
    Bless ya! x
    Unless of course you have the good sense to marry a gamer. My husband did.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Are you SURE??

    Though I certainly WISH my dark nights involved some of Mr. Reynolds! too.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
    Well my main account will stay VIP, but I just bought Going Rogue for a second account I'd cancelled long ago, in preperation for Freedom, so I guess if you're asking me if I'm going VIP or Premium... I would have to say yes.

    And having me want to go out and purchase Going Rogue for a previously cancelled account, it's pretty obvious that Freedom is paying off for them already.
    SEVERAL members of my SG did the same thing, including myself and my hubby.

    I'll probably be mostly premium. The hubs and I are on a strict budget with some big financial goals coming, so being able to pay only when we have extra money and only for something specific while still being able to play is a big deal for us.
  25. Chinatown is neither a town, nor in China.