Top 5 MMOs That Need Remakes = CoH bashing




So I was reading today and I found the article "The Top 5 MMOs That Ned Remakes" and I was surprised to see City of Heroes was number 3 on the list!

"OK," I thought, "that's an interesting choice." I really don't think this game is anywhere past its prime yet, there has been lots of good stuff added to this game over the years and things are just improving.

Here is the article: CoH is on the second page. Here is the forum post: So many negative comments...

Edit: What really gets me is how negative people are being on the forums about CoH. I don't think this game warrants that much bashing. Are they people paid shills for Cryptic? Hey, it's happened before. Maybe CoH killed their dogs? Posi and BaBs will have to apologize for that one.



I hate to say it but the remake for my favorite MMO Killed my love for the game...Poor Neocron, what did they do to you!!!!!!



The article doesn't really articulate why CoH needs a remake, nor it seem to bash the game. It basically says the game is old and newer games are coming out. A valid concern, but the market is big enough for more than one superhero MMO.

With Going Rogue just around the corner I'm not sure a remake/sequel is warranted.


Also on Steam



Not everyone will like the same MMOs - CoH will get harsh criticism as well as lots of praise - just like almost every other MMO

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
The article doesn't really articulate why CoH needs a remake, nor it seem to bash the game. It basically says the game is old and newer games are coming out. A valid concern, but the market is big enough for more than one superhero MMO.

With Going Rogue just around the corner I'm not sure a remake/sequel is warranted.
The article isn't bashing CoH, the forum posts responding to the article seem to express a huge amount of hate for CoH.

Most people agree that CoH shouldn't be on the list, but there also seems to be a large number of people who love to say negative things about the game...



Yes they are right. you feel unique and different but not quite heroic. at least i don't. thats the reason my main toons are a fire/kin troller and a mastermind, i get to feel like i own the battlefield ina gamestyle i like.
Maybe not a remake but definately major improvements.



Originally Posted by MageX View Post
Yes they are right. you feel unique and different but not quite heroic. at least i don't. thats the reason my main toons are a fire/kin troller and a mastermind, i get to feel like i own the battlefield ina gamestyle i like.
Maybe not a remake but definately major improvements.
And those who obtain godlike powers eventually become either very bored or morose, because nothing ever seems to be able to challenge them.

I like the levels of power here. If I could breeze through everything even on the highest of difficulty levels, my stay here would have been VERY short.
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Originally Posted by MageX View Post
Yes they are right. you feel unique and different but not quite heroic. at least i don't. thats the reason my main toons are a fire/kin troller and a mastermind, i get to feel like i own the battlefield ina gamestyle i like.
Maybe not a remake but definately major improvements.
The part where I shoot laser beams out of my face is what makes me feel super. The part where I rescue people from supervillains makes me feel heroic.

But I guess I'm just crazy like that.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
And those who obtain godlike powers eventually become either very bored or morose, because nothing ever seems to be able to challenge them.
Well, yes, but I can see their point all the same. Even at level 50 there's that sense that you're a strictly-B-list hero in the City of Heroes universe. That, to use the way of things in an established comic universe as a metaphor, you might have your own title, but the next time Geoff Johns writes a 12-issue megacrossover, you're gonna be one of those guys who dies in the big fight scene on page 17 of issue 3.

It gets a little annoying after a while, but sadly I think it's an inevitable part of the cost of doing business. Player characters can't be the superstars of an MMO's universe. The shared world and the need to keep the status quo immune to player input both ensure it. That puts the MMO model a bit at odds with what some people may be expecting from the superhero genre.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Well, yes, but I can see their point all the same. Even at level 50 there's that sense that you're a strictly-B-list hero in the City of Heroes universe. That, to use the way of things in an established comic universe as a metaphor, you might have your own title, but the next time Geoff Johns writes a 12-issue megacrossover, you're gonna be one of those guys who dies in the big fight scene on page 17 of issue 3.

It gets a little annoying after a while, but sadly I think it's an inevitable part of the cost of doing business. Player characters can't be the superstars of an MMO's universe. The shared world and the need to keep the status quo immune to player input both ensure it. That puts the MMO model a bit at odds with what some people may be expecting from the superhero genre.
I still don't see where that perspective comes from. The signature NPCs don't do anything, at least not blueside.

And besides, for everything else, there's the MA.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



The main argument in the artical seems to be a sequel should be made because the game is 5 and half years old. Thats it.

Wonder why WoW isn't on the list.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
Edit: What really gets me is how negative people are being on the forums about CoH. I don't think this game warrants that much bashing. Are they people paid shills for Cryptic? Hey, it's happened before. Maybe CoH killed their dogs? Posi and BaBs will have to apologize for that one.
A lot of people quit CoH when they were nerfed out of rampagery. When their defenses were gutted, or they couldn't hold the world forever, or tank an entire zone, or "enhancement diversification" turned out to be another power nerf after the devs promised they'd stopped major changes.

Former players of an MMO very often quit because they were angry at one or multiple changes, and the anger at that moment sort of crystallizes. A chunk of crystallized anger can remain stable and bitingly sharp for decades -- just ask anybody who's ever been to a family reunion.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
"enhancement diversification" turned out to be another power nerf after the devs promised they'd stopped major changes.
Wow! There's a song I haven't heard in a while. Tell us what the War was like, grandpa!



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post

Wonder why WoW isn't on the list.
That is what we call Bias.



Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
That is what we call Bias.
I mean, the whole thing is an opinion piece - can you really level bias as a criticism against it?

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
Most people agree that CoH shouldn't be on the list, but there also seems to be a large number of people who love to say negative things about the game...
I've only managed to read the first four pages on the forum you've linked to (I lack the time to read more).

Based on what I've read, a number of them agree that City of Heroes shouldn't belong on that list. And those that left our game had expressed their reasons for leaving, either due to inevitable waning interest or previously expressed concerns also made by our community. Ie. Overly repetitive maps and 'constant thug bashing' (dynamic content that doesn't require attacking X in some way or form). None of the posts that I read had any focused bile aimed at our game. No real cheap shots or false accusations.

The only thing that I saw worth noting was the misconception that Champions Online was the alleged sequel to this game; and the one poster that had unknowingly reversed the words 'publisher' and 'developers.'

Hmm, Champions Online is somewhat of a CoX part duece.....but under a different publisher but still the same original developers, Cryptic.
The above isn't in any way harsh, the poster is simply misinformed. Considering that both games are currently the only two games of this genre, it's to be expected and just as easily condoned.



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
The article isn't bashing CoH, the forum posts responding to the article seem to express a huge amount of hate for CoH.

Most people agree that CoH shouldn't be on the list, but there also seems to be a large number of people who love to say negative things about the game...
I'll let you in on a little secret: there are a lot of people who don't like CoH/V. They tried it, they played it, they got sick of the lvl grind and / or constantly seeing the same maps in their instanced missions. Some players hate that CoH/V is so instance dependent; others hate the lack of visible loot, or the lack of an endgame they consider worthwhile. EQ / DAOC players of the time felt that CoH/V was too light and breezy, that it lacked substance.

And so on.

The reason that CoH/V needs a remake (or: a huge expansion with new graphics that probably see it unplayable for those with low-end systems and a host of new game experiences) is that it is now six years old. It's done a good job in keeping up, but it probably isn't attracting huge numbers of new players to it, especially in a sub-genre that is seeing some direct competition and also while the overall number of MMOs continue to grow and grow. For instance, take APB. Look at the customisation available in that. In terms of being able to layout how your character looks, APB leaves CoH/V far behind.

I fully think that CoH/V could coast along for years more doing what it is doing now. But that isn't going to see it grow and without growth NCsoft won't keep substantial resources dedicated to it. As I've said elsewhere, either Going Rogue is going to be the most impressive expansion ever or Paragon is going to announce a new title... or things aren't going to keep running smoothly.



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
The article doesn't really articulate why CoH needs a remake, nor it seem to bash the game. It basically says the game is old and newer games are coming out. A valid concern, but the market is big enough for more than one superhero MMO.

With Going Rogue just around the corner I'm not sure a remake/sequel is warranted.
With Going Rogue just around the corner, I think its GETTING its remake/sequel, IMO. Between Issue 14 and 16 (excluding 15 here) and the Going Rogue, that's enough changes in one year to be a remake/sequel.

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
And those who obtain godlike powers eventually become either very bored or morose, because nothing ever seems to be able to challenge them.
All my characters are godlike in power, and I don't forsee myself being bored anytime soon. I enjoy breezing through a game utterly devoid of challenge or difficulty.



They need to remake Jumpgate. I know it is in the works...but I want it NOOOOWWW!!!



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
All my characters are godlike in power, and I don't forsee myself being bored anytime soon. I enjoy breezing through a game utterly devoid of challenge or difficulty.
So you breeze through Arachnos, Carnie and Malta maps set to +4, x8, bosses and AV's while soloing?
Not bad.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...


Posted's forums are populated with "teh hardcorez" players.
Basically, if it doesn't take you 5 year to reach the level cap, require hours upon hours of grinding and have at least one 15 hour raid it's crap in their eyes.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
The part where I shoot laser beams out of my face is what makes me feel super. The part where I rescue people from supervillains makes me feel heroic.

But I guess I'm just crazy like that.
I'm even crazier - I just need to hit the fly buton and swoop over City Hall while the Atlas fanfare plays

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
All my characters are godlike in power, and I don't forsee myself being bored anytime soon. I enjoy breezing through a game utterly devoid of challenge or difficulty.
To each his own I suppose......
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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
So you breeze through Arachnos, Carnie and Malta maps set to +4, x8, bosses and AV's while soloing?
Not bad.
My point is that being overpowered does not naturally lead to boredom and a cancelled subscription.

Besides, plenty of people get bored and leave regardless of how powerful or not their characters are.