Top 5 MMOs That Need Remakes = CoH bashing




Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I really think the Devs/marketing/whomever should release some new info on GR or Issue 17, something. There seems to be so much negative press and DOOOOM about CoX lately on these forums, etc.

I know Comic Con is going to produce more info, but that's still 2-3 weeks away and I'm uber impatient.
Comic Con has passed.
Hero Con.



In truth there are a few things I'd like changed:

1) More maps drawn from the random tileset, ths is what got old the fastest with me.

2)More outside stuff to do. War Zone does this well, Hami raids are semi-interactive in the spawning, the PvP zones have mini-games as well which are very cool. I'd love to see one more 'outside' objective at least.

3)Interesting boss fights. As much as I love the 3 Cold 1 Kin + Damage team makeup that steamrolls stuff, having bosses with resistances/defenses to various items based on health level would be awesome.

Outside of that, I have fun...though Accoing toons I might PvP with is getting a little old

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
The reason that CoH/V needs a remake (or: a huge expansion with new graphics that probably see it unplayable for those with low-end systems and a host of new game experiences) is that it is now six years old. It's done a good job in keeping up, but it probably isn't attracting huge numbers of new players to it, especially in a sub-genre that is seeing some direct competition and also while the overall number of MMOs continue to grow and grow.
This caught my eye.

With all the complaining about "AE babies" lately you would think we've got new players just crawling all over the place. I can't help but think that deal is a big exaggerated.

I read the article and the forum post. I kept trying to decide if it's an insult to be on the list or an honor to be on the list. The posters were all over the place (as usual for internet forums). Kinda cool that CoH got mentioned so much in general.

I took the whole thing as a compliment.



Originally Posted by Cyyan View Post
I have to agree with the article's premise, CoX does need a re-vamp throughout. The whole world feels static, how about some weather?

The signature Heroes and Villians spend far to much time doing nothing, when they should be out and about. We SHOULD be running into them on the street and in missions, they should not be stuck in one location rain or shine like bad mimes at a street faire. Be even better if they we're occasionally controlled by someone and not just scripted NPCs. How cool would it be if you got a random invite from Sister Psyche to a team to go take out a Rickti Base or some such?!

For example: Let's say you wanted to run a Positron TF, first, you'd have to find him to talk to, which would mean talking to one of the other Signature Heroes and that would lead you and your team to a mission where you'd assist him in taking a out a troublesome character, only then would he grant you the respect to carry out the TF. Once you've completed his TF you would get an occasional call from him to go "handle" a special problem that would reward you with rare loot-temp.powers-XP-credits... whatever, then that Positron's Ally Badge would REALLY mean something.

It would also be nice if they got a costume make-over they've been wearing the same tired outfits for years.
Good stuff here! I would do the Posi on every character!



Originally Posted by Undead_Steve View Post
Comic Con has passed.
Hero Con.
I meant Hero Con then. >_>



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
somebody else gave a really good example. They were playing a villain, had defeated Lord Recluse in battle... and when they went to go talk to another contact... the contact actually tells you, the player, that the task you are given is beneath her. You're being given a dead-end run.
There's also the small fact that when you get done defeating Lord Recluse in battle, Lord Recluse is still the absolute power in the Isles. You've accomplished nothing; you might as well not have done it.



Originally Posted by RemianenI View Post
CoX is a game. WoW is a phenomenon.
The funny thing about phenomena in pop culture is that they often become and remain phenomena despite an almost complete lack of visible reasons why. Look at the Volkswagen Beetle. It wasn't a good car when it was launched and it never really got any better; by the time it went out of production it was the automotive equivalent of a tarpaper shack. But it was a phenomenon, so they kept making it. People wanted it, and even liked it when they had it, even if they were fully cognizant of what a heap of junk it was. Even today, people buy a new car that's also not very good just because it kind of, if you squint, looks like the old one a little.

And there you have World of Warcraft. Complete rubbish; sells like hotcakes anyway, even to people who are aware it's complete rubbish.

(Extending this metaphor a bit, City of Heroes is the Citroën SM. Interestingly quirky, built on fairly old technology but with a somewhat futuristic design that as many people find offputting as appealing. Doesn't sell nearly as well as the Beetle, but destined someday to be recognized wistfully as one of the classics. )



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
In truth there are a few things I'd like changed:

1) More maps drawn from the random tileset, ths is what got old the fastest with me.

2)More outside stuff to do. War Zone does this well, Hami raids are semi-interactive in the spawning, the PvP zones have mini-games as well which are very cool. I'd love to see one more 'outside' objective at least.

3)Interesting boss fights. As much as I love the 3 Cold 1 Kin + Damage team makeup that steamrolls stuff, having bosses with resistances/defenses to various items based on health level would be awesome.

Outside of that, I have fun...though Accoing toons I might PvP with is getting a little old
I agree with everything you wrote plus I would like more destructible objects like in mayhem missions put into regular missions and if possible outdoor zones' events.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I would like citizens to stop getting in the way of my button smashing in the banks. >8(



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
The funny thing about phenomena in pop culture is that they often become and remain phenomena despite an almost complete lack of visible reasons why. Look at the Volkswagen Beetle. It wasn't a good car when it was launched and it never really got any better; by the time it went out of production it was the automotive equivalent of a tarpaper shack. But it was a phenomenon, so they kept making it. People wanted it, and even liked it when they had it, even if they were fully cognizant of what a heap of junk it was. Even today, people buy a new car that's also not very good just because it kind of, if you squint, looks like the old one a little.

And there you have World of Warcraft. Complete rubbish; sells like hotcakes anyway, even to people who are aware it's complete rubbish.

(Extending this metaphor a bit, City of Heroes is the Citroën SM. Interestingly quirky, built on fairly old technology but with a somewhat futuristic design that as many people find offputting as appealing. Doesn't sell nearly as well as the Beetle, but destined someday to be recognized wistfully as one of the classics. )
... James May plays City of Heroes? COOL.



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
Did you have to walk uphill both ways to visit the trainer ever level?
What? No, don't be daft, kid, they was in the same places they is today! 'cept that Castle fella. Dang upstart.

Now, gettin' yer enhancements, that was a whole 'nother ball of wax. We didn't have those weird invention whastamajiggers that you can just lock into a power and forget about. No, sir! We had enhancements that'd rot and fall off if they got to be three levels old, and let me tell ya, it wasn't much fun to be fightin' some guys and havin' all yer enhancements drop off when ya gained a level.

But that ain't the half of it. You kids today can just open a map and find whatever your little hearts desire, but back in the day we had to go runnin' around in search of a store that'd sell us enhancements at all. And half the time, even if they did sell anythin', they wouldn't actually have anythin' better than DOs! You kids can just pick up one o' them inventchamajigs for to-hit debuffs and slot it into your Darkest Night right as rain, but if we wanted somethin' that powerful we had ta wait for level 30 and then go run a mission for some yahoo we'd never heard of just to get into the store in the first place!

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



That article was cool, especially the comments. When I first read it I knew it'd start a thread here.

However I can understand the guys complaints about CoH not using the superhero concept to the max. I'd like to see something different among missions aswell, as opposed to having generic maps full of enemies punching their arm in a menacing manner.
The RWZ mission with a conference was a step in the right direction.

Also he didn't comment CoV oddly, which seems to be stuck in the bad guys vs. bad guys phase. At times you really feel like an anti hero rather than a villain.
Especially the CoV SF's are bit miserable in this sense, the only conceptually good one is LRSF.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
... James May plays City of Heroes? COOL.
You know, that gives me a great idea.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
You know, that gives me a great idea.
Mewit. TeethWhitened Hamster is too long a name!



I agree with what the article said. CoX really needs some work - better graphics, the ability to be more heroic, etc. I liked the idea of catching the bus going over the bridge - random disasters and events sound cool. Secret identities sound ok as long as they aid RP and aren't just another costume slot with a boring outfit.

I also agree with what he said about Statesman. What a boring character! I really don't care when I hear "Statesman did this" or "Statesman did that" or "Statesman's been kidnapped". Yawn!

I've come back after a break and been here for just over a month and I'm feeling burnt out already. I still have nearly 2 months left of my sub, but I'm losing the will to play. The content is so repetitive, and I get really bored fighting legions of the same enemies over and over again (especially when it takes so much effort to take out a lot of those minions - it doesn't make me feel very "super" at all).

What would be better is less mobs, and more carefully crafted bosses and supervillains - and have them running around smashing stuff up, and flipping cars. A greater variety of bad guys with more detailed backgrounds and backstories would be awesome. Also, once you get to level 20 or so you should be able to "file a report" at city hall about your arch-enemy (i.e. design a character and their powers) so that they show up randomly in game. It'd be interesting to be running about and find your nemesis about to punch a train off the monorail.

Once you've defeated a custom supervillain, what if you could rate them on things like costume, backstory, etc.? What if the reward for making a good supervillain was having NCSoft make a couple of missions for them, or otherwise find ways to make them part of the game world?

You know what else would be interesting? Since they have the tech for in game ads, they could have wanted posters show up on walls with a villain's pic on it, and the longer they remain wanted, the greater the reward you get for defeating them. How chuffed would you be if you saw your own nemesis on a poster somewhere? (Maybe the poster could be a clue as to which villains are currently operating in that zone).

Anyway, I'm just daydreaming. Back to the grind...



City of Heroes was the digital Barbie Dolls for boys of the 21st century
From the article ^^^^

I dont play with barbies!!!!

When i hear the word remake i instantly think of a complete overhaul. This game nowhere nears a complete overhaul. Sure a Co*2 would be nice but we have GR around the corner, which is a major update to the game.

Bottom Line
It’d be a superhero MMO without heroes and villains to outshine you. It’d be a world where you can run through a wall, or catch a bus as it flies off an overpass and usher the passengers to safety. And to do this while leading a double life? Epic.
So thats the ideal MMO that the person thinks we should have? Very poor imo, one of the main reasons i love this game is the fact that it feels we are the heroes but we also aspire to become the next "statesman" if that makes sense. Dont make it so that im the number 1 guy straight away, wheres the character progression then?
He failed to mention actual zone events too that do actually trigger an alarm requesting for hero assistance [invasions/GMs/fires etc], it just feels like a very long *doooooooom* thread that the person has written rather than a constructive feedback one. [i dont play with barbies!]

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
My problem with the "game is old and needs a revamp" argument is simple.

How similar is City of Heroes as it is now to as it was at its outset? Way I see it, the game revamps itself a little each issue - usually for the better, too.
I think this is one reason why people feel they can say "that game needs a revamp", they're not here to see the smallish incremental changes that are made issue to issue rather than in, say, a new box upgrade on the shelf every other year or so like WoW (which probably biases them to think that each of those upgrades were 100% awesome and 'big'). This game is miles from where it used to be.

That said, no game is perfect and you can always find something to point to that's "needs work."



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
The main argument in the artical seems to be a sequel should be made because the game is 5 and half years old. Thats it.

Wonder why WoW isn't on the list.
Because wow has published real content in the last 2 years. because wow will be upgrading their minimum graphics and the entire game world with cataclysm. Because wow is a brontasaurus among pygmies. Because wow keeps a hitsquad of nonvegetarian hamsters to attack those that dis them.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
To each his own I suppose......
as long as the subscription is paid, does it matter?

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Mewit. TeethWhitened Hamster is too long a name!
The power sets aren't quite right, anyway; there's no way to make a Fisticuffs/Willpower Scrapper (though you can get close with some of the new alternate Martial Arts animations), nor is there a Drunken Mastery ancillary pool.



They have the ability to use indicator hotspots on maps, I'm surprised they haven't at least tried to implement some disasters, or at least something like a plane/bus crash random small scale event.

Hot spot pops up you rush over to find bad guys looting the area, fires to put out, people to save, etc, etc.

I don't expect to be able to prevent the occurrence as that would be a very high degree of environmental interaction, but everything is in place to be able to interact with the event once it has already occurred.

I dunno, that is outside world stuff though and given they spent years developing AE to contain us to one room and have heavily relied on instances all along it probably wouldn't fly at Paragon. But imagine something like the fires in Steel Canyon, but not sucking horribly



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
A chunk of crystallized anger can remain stable and bitingly sharp for decades -- just ask anybody who's ever been to a family reunion.
LOL! You just trumped the ED debate.

Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
I'll let you in on a little secret: there are a lot of people who don't like CoH/V. They tried it, they played it, they got sick of the lvl grind and / or constantly seeing the same maps in their instanced missions. Some players hate that CoH/V is so instance dependent; others hate the lack of visible loot, or the lack of an endgame they consider worthwhile.
Some players hate those that make their personal preferences into the game's failings.

Eh, the article's on, I knew better than to read it in the first place. If we were supposed to know about it, it'd come from NCNC Marketing!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
The power sets aren't quite right, anyway; there's no way to make a Fisticuffs/Willpower Scrapper (though you can get close with some of the new alternate Martial Arts animations), nor is there a Drunken Mastery ancillary pool.
I was thinking Elec / Willpower actually... too many times testing out cars in German Power Stations.


Some players hate those that make their personal preferences into the game's failings.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Player characters can't be the superstars of an MMO's universe.
Actually, I think Guild Wars does a fairly good job at making you the point-man in the game's story. It's heavily instanced, like CoH, but I think what really makes it seem like you're the story's protagonist is that the cutscenes have NPCs talking directly to you, which you really doin't get out of the text medium NPCs use in our game.

Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
my problem with fantasy MMOs (and fantast RPGs as a whole) is that it seems so generic. Such and such medival knockoff and nothing of real interest. (Ignoring my limited funds...) I'd love to see a fantasy MMO that actually uses more unique cultural elements.
I don't know exactly what you mean by "unique cultural elements", but I'd recommend Guild Wars to you. The original campaign, "Prophecies", is basically generic fantasy, but the other two campaigns, "Nightfall" and "Factions", have distinctly African and Asian themes to them, respectively. For bonus points, there's no monthly fee (just have to buy the box for at least one of the campaigns), and the money goes to NCSoft

Edit: Also, GW Nightfall has Flamingos you can grab as pets (if your character is a Ranger/* or */Ranger class). And you can make your Heroes be */Ranger, and make them pick up a Flamingo pet, and have an ARMY OF FLAMINGOS.
(Depending on their ratio of damage dealt/damage received as they level up, they could even become Dire Flamingos )

Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
I remember when a lot of people saw their spouses and children being suddenly addicted and started calling WoW wait...
Point to the man with no pants!

Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
If CoX needs a revamp solely because it's five years old, then every five year old game needs a revamp, WoW included.
Does that mean Ultima Online needs 2 revamps, then?

Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
There's also the small fact that when you get done defeating Lord Recluse in battle, Lord Recluse is still the absolute power in the Isles. You've accomplished nothing; you might as well not have done it.
Except when you defeat Lord Recluse in the Destined One storyline, you're defeating him in a post-apocalyptic future, not in the present. You give the present Recluse the mask from future Recluse to prove to him you're not just his lapdog any more.



Originally Posted by Newbunkle View Post
I agree with what the article said. CoX really needs some work - better graphics, the ability to be more heroic, etc. I liked the idea of catching the bus going over the bridge - random disasters and events sound cool. Secret identities sound ok as long as they aid RP and aren't just another costume slot with a boring outfit.
I like this statement, it's exactly what I'd like to see as well:
lifting walls/buildings off of people, pulling buses back from the edge of a cliff, running into the antimatter reactor to save the Enterprise, this is what I'd like to see from new content. The fires in kings row are kinda cool, but having a fire engine pull up with hoses you could grab in a visually pleasing way would be sweet. Delivering food to refugees in Talos after a hurricane would be megasweet. I'd much rather beat up hellions on a looting rampage than the ones just sitting on the wall in Atlas.

Mayhem missions are fun to do as a villain - you're going on a rampage destroying the city, but setting up a master plot is a sorely missed aspect of CoV. I can even see how designing your own Nemesis & alter ego as a hero would be great.

I also agree with what he said about Statesman. What a boring character! I really don't care when I hear "Statesman did this" or "Statesman did that" or "Statesman's been kidnapped". Yawn!
They should do a "Death of Statesman" arc

I've come back after a break and been here for just over a month and I'm feeling burnt out already. I still have nearly 2 months left of my sub, but I'm losing the will to play. The content is so repetitive, and I get really bored fighting legions of the same enemies over and over again (especially when it takes so much effort to take out a lot of those minions - it doesn't make me feel very "super" at all).
I play slow and i solo a lot, don't even have my first 50 yet, so when i come back from breaks there's still a ton of content I haven't seen yet. I love the newer missions that we've been getting over the last few years, much more interesting than the old "defeat all bad guys in warehouse".

What would be better is less mobs, and more carefully crafted bosses and supervillains - and have them running around smashing stuff up, and flipping cars.
So kinda like a safeguard mission on steroids?

Once you've defeated a custom supervillain, what if you could rate them on things like costume, backstory, etc.? What if the reward for making a good supervillain was having NCSoft make a couple of missions for them, or otherwise find ways to make them part of the game world?
I see this is a long term goal of MA, but it'll take a while to get there.

You know what else would be interesting? Since they have the tech for in game ads, they could have wanted posters show up on walls with a villain's pic on it, and the longer they remain wanted, the greater the reward you get for defeating them. How chuffed would you be if you saw your own nemesis on a poster somewhere? (Maybe the poster could be a clue as to which villains are currently operating in that zone).
I like this idea.

Another big issue i've had after playing all these years is the UI.
I have a hard time reading the normal mission, contact, and clue font - it gives me headaches.
I think cut scenes were a step in the right direction.
I understand the choice not to go with voice acting on the cut scenes.
It would kind of be nice to have voice acting on the contacts.
Or at least something different that was more descriptive in giving us an idea of what we're doing & who we're saving besides a wall of text.

This game makes its money on replay value - nobody gets a 50 and stops there.

For those wanting late game content this seems kinda shallow, of course they could do like me and once they hit 50 they could always just go back & do all the TFs, fill in mission arcs via flashbacks, and do all the trial/raid content but i guess that would be asking to much.

I do agree that having layers and layers of options for how you have fun in this game is important. Maybe have one primary/secondary or additional epic AT for folks that like to have loot. The idea for origins was an interesting way to branch off ideas and have additional layers of content, it's almost a shame they went away from that idea.

I've played through the villain content from 0 to 15 literally hundreds of times. Some additional options/avenues that make replaying the early levels feel new each time would be great.