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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I love how this happens. Someone does something awesome, and people start whining for nerfs because they can't do it. Dominators get Drain Psyche too, and it's a stronger version. Does that need to be nerfed too? How about individual under-performing sets get buffed and Mental gets left alone? It's not this powerful until you invest tons of time and infamy into it.
    If you have to have tons of time and infamy then it isnt a valid test
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
    Yes, they are cleverly forcing any customers with OCD to buy more stuff.

    I'm trying to figure out what marketing ploy could be devised to exploit the paranoid next.
    Tin foil clothing in Icon!!!!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost Falcon View Post
    The IOs are only available for the Black Friday sale and are scheduled to be removed on Monday, 11/28 at 11:59:59 PM Pacific.
    so will numinas be offered at that price later? the other 3 are mainly for melee types
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
    Er, no. We all use exactly one of the LotG enhancements out of the six. [The LotG set] offers no defense bonuses.
    and that is one of the problems currently in the game. if all support and dps toons are building for capped defense, they are gimping on what they are supposed to be doing. It is also the reason we have so many bad tanks lately.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
    This one absolutely cracks me up. So slowly pecking away at PvE enemies by kiting was exploitive?


    Instead you could pop 3 purples and trash the entire group in 10 seconds while the one guy was kiting for 60? They can spin it how they want but stacking multiple inspirations of the same type is FAR more exploitive than kiting ever was.

    not to mention all enemies have a simple ranged attack that has greater range than snipe. and does more damage.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TeChameleon View Post
    Speaking as one who couldn't really care less if you farm 'til you're blue in the face and fall off your computer chair, I'd still like to see the AE cleaned up somewhat. Get rid of all the broken, unplayable arcs owned by people who don't have an active sub/access to the AE building, for starters.

    Maybe put a system into place where, if your arc hits the one star mark after five votes, it gets booted out of the system. Not necessarily locked out, or anything, just cleared out for the time being so that the already creaky search engine isn't so hideously clogged. Or at least let us flag arcs so that the devs can sit an intern down to give them a look-see and check if they're worth the disk space they're occupying.
    who are you to determine if my masterpiece is worth anything? the jerks that 1 starred it were griefers.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
    Agreed. The devs have created hundreds of stories and dozens of arcs. Amateur efforts are a waste of server time. Farms serve a real purpose that is unaddressed by the devs.

    AE Story arcs have no value in this game.
    The devs made AE thinking that a flood of player made content would relieve them of having to make content. Then the dastardly players didnt make content to their specs!!!! If you hire low paid writers to write stories and dont tell them what you actually want, who's fault is it? Most story driven arcs in AE are crap. I really dont care about the long drawn out story of your origin. Just like I didnt care about the long drawn out story of your drizzt clone in D&D. You just have a larger audience to ambush with it here.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    IMO, RMTers (and their customers) and farmers are both symptoms of the same problem: too many people want the rewards of playing this game without actually playing it. They're lazy and greedy even/especially in their spare time. So they'll pay real money to some RMT, or inf to a farm leader, who promises to give them those rewards; or they find a cheap, easy way to get the rewards without the time, effort, or risk the Developers designed and intended.

    As someone who actually plays the game the way we're supposed to, I wish all of the above would just go away.
    First, please show us the dev produced instruction of how the game is supposed to be played. Second, There are too many people that dont get purples drops, respec recipes etc. They arent lazy, just horribly unlucky. Or just maybe the drop system has a bug...nah, none of those in this game. The devs intend for there to be farming in the game, otherwise bafs and lams would not exist.Of course they dont exactly give any real input on how they want it done. as long as the devs put highly rare content in the game, there will be those attempting to leverage ways of getting it. It isnt lazy, it is the same impetus that caused the industrial revolution. Those lazy engineers that found a faster way to make a product.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    CEBR ("Claws/Electric Brutes Rule") - check the thread, if it still exists, in the brute forum.

    Get your AOEs (damage aura and spin)
    Load on insps
    Trigger ambushes on bosses
    Go to town on ambushes and rezzers.

    The rezzing got hit a patch or two ago. The bosses (I don't think minions/lts did anything) would spawn ambushes - I *believe* at each quarter-health increment. (I've honestly not looked.) There would also be destructable items that spawned ambushes. (Or it's an either/or thing.)

    So, yeah. They did rely on the mechanic, just to get a horde of enemies in range for AOEs.

    What I find sadly amusing about this is, as I write that description, I think of Praetorian ambushes (and, recently, one in SSA #2 heroside) that piled several ambushes worth of enemies on me at once, when I was at a level and on an AT that certainly couldn't handle it.

    I'd *really* love to see some patch notes about things actually fixed in AE. Or see some old arc cleanup. Or UI updates. Something other than nerfs.
    AE is dead content, the devs wont be doing anything for it, just like they killed bases and pvp. Preatoria is pretty much dead also. Not allowing sewer trials there may have made a little sense in lore but no business sense. The only people using AE now are a few ticket farmers and rp freaks. The devs have embraced incarnate farming and good luck with anything else.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    They changed several things. Total Focus used to be a guaranteed stun versus bosses (MAG 4). It was reduced. Given the glacial animation of that attack, it's now much less useful. The Energy Transfer change was necessary, but with the other powers in the set, it just makes it run too slow.
    I seem to remember them promising us to come back and revisit EM later. I guess that is another broken promise. I parked my EM tank and have never looked back.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    I created a character on a trial account that has just been reactivated (the first level of the reward tree filled in), and ran into a serious problem.

    I had just finished a mission and I was about to log out when someone sent me a tell asking if I was interested in doing a TF. I tried to respond with a polite tell saying I was logging, instead of just blowing them off.

    But I couldn't respond, and instead I got a message telling me that I had to unlock reward level 2.

    I logged on with my VIP account in a second instance of the client to test how the interaction appears to the VIP, and there was no indication that the F2P is incapable of responding.

    I agree that we don't want F2P players to be able to badger random people with tells. But if a VIP initiates a tell to an F2P player, the F2P player should be able to respond.

    The inability to respond to tells will put F2P players at a huge disadvantage. Following the rules of common courtesy in the game, I never send blind invites, and always send a tell first before inviting. If someone doesn't respond to me I assume they're AFK or not interested and will therefore not invite them.

    But the inability to respond to polite tells will mean F2P players will never get invited to a team that knows what it's doing. That means they'll probably never get any kind of sense of community, and they'll be very unlikely to actually want to pay for a game that apparently has a major design flaw. It's also very inconvenient for VIP players who want to make a team: they can't easily tell why the person isn't responding.

    I hope that a fix is in the works for this: F2P players should be able to respond to tells initiated by VIP players. Otherwise I and thousands of other VIPs will never invite them. That will make CoH seem like a very unfriendly place.

    I tried giving a little inf to a friend trying the game out yesterday. Trade failed. no explanation. Free accounts appear to be trial accounts that dont expire. not gonna get many new accounts that way.You cant even give them a wakie if they die. whats next? making them not teleportable?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Issen View Post
    ...Then those people obviously aren't the kind of people who appreciate a good story. As someone who intensively roleplays (and thus, find my calling on the Virtue server), I guarantee you none of my stories would see dropped ratings because a tough boss got back up again.

    Again, if anything, it's part of the STORY, and therefore it should only matter as part of the STORY.

    I am actually a bit bitter about the farms because no one actually cares enough to want to run actual story arcs because people either click too fast or don't read the briefings or the clues. I'd really the devs to divide MA arcs into 'Actual Story Content' and 'Farms', with some form of quality control to make sure that the farms DON'T clutter up the list. It's hard to get people to play my stories when no one can find them.
    you are assuming that those are good stories. Some farms have good stories. A lot of the "story" arcs are garbage. We all have preferences as to what is good. Just because it is long winded does not mean it is good. Just because it doesnt have tons of dialog does not make it just a farm.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    I'm concerned about your heart, all the buttery crisp goodness you are going to eat in here is going to kill you.

    If I cared about such a thing this would have made sense. But if AE farming was non-exploitative it wouldn't have boomed.

    Now I get it!! If running Incarnate raids wasn't exploitative they wouldn't have boomed!!!!!!!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    PLing to 50 in less than a day is a obvious exploit and against the spirit of the game.
    so anyone using rez in an AE mission is pling a toon to 50 in less than a day. Either you are raising a straw man or we have incredibly incompetent devs.

    If that was the problem, run a search of time played on all 50's. look to see if they were pacted. list generated, problem solved. This was not enacted to stop that.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I have no arcs

    then why do you care? AE was made for player content. you just dont like some of it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Issen View Post
    Am I? The only reason people would be upset about not getting a reward for a boss getting up the second time is if they care about the reward for beating them. Again, I'm making stories for the sake of making good stories, not because I'm making something for folks to use to suppliment their Inf and XP gains with.

    Again, I have several arcs where the major villain self-rezzes. Heck in one arc I have a string of bosses Megaman-style who all get back up again (part of the story!) and I can guarantee no one would legitimately complain if they didn't get a reward the second time.

    The only people who would complain about a lack of reward are the folks who probably only care about the reward.
    The only reason you would be upset is that you want the reward of people playing your arc and seeing the counter increment. If not, you wouldnt care how many people played your arc.
  17. So rewards do matter. You want AE for your friends exclusive use. Farm missions have not cluttered anything up. It is hard drive storage, there is plenty left. It isnt even sequential access, so the farm dont slow down access. You want the devs to tie a pork chop around your neck to get the dog to play with you. Get this...most of us dont want to play your poorly written "story" arc. We want to advance our toons and try different combinations and builds.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I don't RP, and I don't have any arcs - I just want the AE to be used properly, to let players express their creativity - the PLers can go back to Peregrine Island
    There is not a thing stopping them from expressing their creativity. Not 1 thing.
    Unless they are in it for the "reward" of having their missions played. But rewards dont matter, so they can just keep on creating away.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Commander View Post
    So in order for people to stop doing it requires them to completely remove it from game?

    If that was the case, then the only thing we'd have is a costume creator and a chat box. No mission, no items... nothing.

    The game isn't "your" creation, it's theirs. If they see someone taking advantage of something, rather than remove it from the people that aren't taking advantage, they fix it.

    Remember the old CoP? They removed it. It was gone for, what, 6 years just because people figured out how to exploit it. They shelved it because it wasn't a priority. I don't think they will ever do something like that again.

    It's easier to take an pain reliever for a headache instead of chopping off your head.
    risk vs reward...if you remove the reward you have briken that..you must therefore: a: replace rewards b:remove risk

    unless you are going to admit that risk vs rewards does not apply to this game.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Commander View Post
    And in a few days MARTy will have all the data needed and a patch will be forthcoming. I find it funny that in a few months, AE will most likely be limited to no XP, no inf, and only 250 ticket per completion :P
    and the rpfreaks will have it all to themselves. Then they will start complaining that no one plays their arcs..."Devs..make them play with me!!!!"
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Commander View Post
    Risk vs Reward

    nuff said.
    no longer exists. If it did they would have removed the ability of mobs torez.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mangagirl View Post
    I think it might be more of a direct comparison to look at the portals Rikti Communication Officers put up. At one time, the mobs spawned from the portals would give experience. Now they do not, because some were farming them to get extra mobs on the same map, and an incentive to kill the portal itself (xp/inf) was added.

    While I like farming (long before AE), I am unsurprised by this change and grateful it does not effect the game at large. Though I hope, like the portal xp, there is a reward added for the lack of experience for killing an enemy twice.
    There is way too much content that offers no reward in this game. The devs have gotten sloppy and done way too many stopgap fixes. While the rp junkies may not mind, some of us play to advance our toons. Rather than pl my new tank on exalted, I ran death from below, posi 1, synapse and sister psyche tf's one after another to get my tank to 24. I like to learn how the powers interact and the best slotting by playing. The devs need to back track and fix some of these problems. Or remove the mobs(or powers) that give no exp entirely.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Is there a female version of the ghost pirates?

    where are any female costumes? When will we see some?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    the article says that praetorian duray went behind cole's back to do this

    why cole is making 2 copies of duray with the last couple months of his memory gone i have no idea lol
    1 for talos and 1 for sharkhead
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noetic View Post
    I demand taquitos.
    stop that crazy talk.....you'll scare the livestock....

    this just in...livestock mm in I21!!