Blasters suck, the movie.
Emphasis on 'can'. They 'can' be overpowered, just like anything else 'can' be overpowered. With billions of inf in IOs, and the correct powerset (/Mental in this case), anything can kill just about anything. Blasters need work, this is clear, and your thoughts otherwise only hurt the AT.
Try it with anything other than /Mental.
Emphasis on 'can'. They 'can' be overpowered, just like anything else 'can' be overpowered. With billions of inf in IOs, and the correct powerset (/Mental in this case), anything can kill just about anything. Blasters need work, this is clear, and your thoughts otherwise only hurt the AT.
Try it with anything other than /Mental. |

carried by Drain Psyche. The fact it's a blaster isn't even relevant. It could be martial art+drain psyche and solo a gm.
Wow, your single min-maxed build has made every concern about the overall performance of Blasters utterly irrelevant!
Also on Steam
I'll bet I could do this with my Warshade once I finish decking her out in Purple and PvP sets.
I'll give "Some sets could use some work/tweaks." That's true with most of the ATs. But the AT as a whole? Nah.
(I should actually update the snipe demonstration video. I'm missing a few sets. Of course, it is a few years old...)
Not saying you didn't do well, just that this does nothing to prove Blasters don't need help. They do need it, severely. Your multi-billion inf build does nothing to disprove this. In fact, you know what else gets Drain Psyche? Dominators. So the one thing that let you do this is not even unique to Blasters.
Nerf Drain Psyche!
Then buff the AT.
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
Apples to oranges. EVERY melee defense set gets survivability toggles. ONE blaster secondary gets Drain Psyche.
Also on Steam
The melees get said defensive powers in every set. Further, they actually have multiple powers for this. One power in one set is not the same as an entire secondary powerset.
One power in one set cannot carry an AT. I would be glad to have Drain Psyche nerfed if it meant the AT as a whole got buffed.
The melees get said defensive powers in every set. Further, they actually have multiple powers for this. One power in one set is not the same as an entire secondary powerset.
One power in one set cannot carry an AT. I would be glad to have Drain Psyche nerfed if it meant the AT as a whole got buffed. |
Congrats. It's an impressive feat.
We've been taking a lot of heat and putdowns lately, so I want to raise awareness of just how awesome and stupidly overpowered the Blaster AT can be.
The "Dark Armor Sucks" videos are cool because an alarming number of people actually think that Dark Armor sucks, that no build and no amount of player skill can make it perform well. Seeing Dechs do crazy things with Dark Armor actually does disprove that. Seeing a blaster solo a GM doesn't actually contradict anyone's expectations.
I love how this happens. Someone does something awesome, and people start whining for nerfs because they can't do it. Dominators get Drain Psyche too, and it's a stronger version. Does that need to be nerfed too? How about individual under-performing sets get buffed and Mental gets left alone? It's not this powerful until you invest tons of time and infamy into it.
The quoted post is so full of crap I don't know where to begin. Lets see..
-Was asking for a nerf on one move that is utterly and obviously overpowered to buff an AT that is utterly and obviously underpowered
-I specifically mentioned Dominator Drain Psyche. Yes, it needs to be nerfed to. Everyone said 'nerf Drain Psyche' not 'Nerf Blaster Drain Psyche'. It is OP wherever it is and needs to be nerfed
-Individual sets getting buff doesn't do it, the entire AT needs an overhaul
-You want this because you don't want your multibillion inf build to be rendered obsolete
-Yes, exactly. It takes ludicrous amounts of time and money to make an underperforming AT perform above average. And a specific powerset selection.
Congrats. It's an impressive feat.
...but things like this make me raise an eyebrow. I don't recall much of anyone being skeptical that you could solo a GM, or that it was plausible to do so in general, at least for certain builds. I don't recall seeing anyone in the thread you're almost certainly referring to put down blasters. Seeing you providing a counterexample to those things makes me feel like you totally missed the point of what anyone has said. The "Dark Armor Sucks" videos are cool because an alarming number of people actually think that Dark Armor sucks, that no build and no amount of player skill can make it perform well. Seeing Dechs do crazy things with Dark Armor actually does disprove that. Seeing a blaster solo a GM doesn't actually contradict anyone's expectations. |
This proved nothing. At all. Except perhaps that you are exceptionally good at building a character.
The vast majority of people don't have access to this kind of build, basing your thoughts of the AT around it is nothing short of idiotic.
The AT needs to be reworked, and the only reason you disagree is that you don't want your uberbuild to be ruined.
Actually, I can do it. On my MM. Or my Controller. In less time.
The quoted post is so full of crap I don't know where to begin. Lets see.. -Was asking for a nerf on one move that is utterly and obviously overpowered to buff an AT that is utterly and obviously underpowered -I specifically mentioned Dominator Drain Psyche. Yes, it needs to be nerfed to. Everyone said 'nerf Drain Psyche' not 'Nerf Blaster Drain Psyche'. It is OP wherever it is and needs to be nerfed |
-Individual sets getting buff doesn't do it, the entire AT needs an overhaul |
-You want this because you don't want your multibillion inf build to be rendered obsolete -Yes, exactly. It takes ludicrous amounts of time and money to make an underperforming AT perform above average. And a specific powerset selection. |
Anything can do anything with X amount of inf dumped into the build, well for the most part. Doesnt really say anything about the AT at all.
People keep calling for a ground up rework of the archetype, and it's not necessary. Case and point.
All that needs to happen is other secondaries need to be buffed to be as good as /Mental. |
Let's see:
Buff Darkness Manip
Buff Devices
Buff Electricity Manip
Buff Energy Manip
Buff Fire Manip
Buff Ice Manip
Buff X primary powersets (optional)
Buff Blasters
Nerf Mental Manip (so that it's the same as the other secondaries)
Yeah, no.
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
Here is a video of my Archery/Mental/Mu Blaster soloing a GM on Monster Island (split into two parts due to length)
Part One and Part Two
No pets, Judgement or temporary powers. I did use 2 break frees to avoid the end cost of Clarion and a handful of blues due to Drain Psyche missing twice in a row at one point, but other than that no inspirations. No outside buff, debuff, or damage sources were present aside from myself. I have t3 Reactive Interface (dot) and t3 Agility Alpha (Def/Rech/End) equipped.
I'm also working on collecting footage for a second video of my Blaster soloing various enemy groups on 54x8. So far I have some clips of Malta and Rikti, but haven't had much time to work on it yet (my new video card just came today.)
If anyone else wants to contribute their awesome Blaster feats, please do so here. We've been taking a lot of heat and putdowns lately, so I want to raise awareness of just how awesome and stupidly overpowered the Blaster AT can be.