Top 5 MMOs That Need Remakes = CoH bashing




Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
So, what you're saying is that games that are over 5 years old should be on the remake list, unless they have 50 billion subscribers, regardless of how well they're actually doing (with the aforementioned exception)?
And that's what we call good business sense. Unless you've got even more money to pour into re-making your game, as Blizzard obviously does.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
What really gets me is how negative people are being on the forums about CoH. I don't think this game warrants that much bashing. Are they people paid shills for Cryptic? Hey, it's happened before. Maybe CoH killed their dogs? Posi and BaBs will have to apologize for that one.

It shouldn't be that surprising, considering how negative people have been about the game on the CoH forums for years. Some changes didn't go over well and some people are still mad about the "purple" nerf, the addition of PvP, Enhancement Diversification, etc etc.

Why bash something you love? One person's treasure is another's trash. We don't all like the same things and you shouldn't expect that something you love is going to be loved by all. And thank goodness, I say. It makes the world a more interesting place full of more choices than I know what to do with.


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



I agree with the article. Our game will at some point need a remake. I don't think it's wrong to point that out. Yeah, this game is great but as new games come onto the landscape, CoH/V's age and limitations are going to become more apparent.

I'm also in agreement that this game has earned the distinction that it is a ground breaking classic in the MMO world. I think it warrants a remake to keep it going for many years to come.



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
The article doesn't really articulate why CoH needs a remake, nor it seem to bash the game. It basically says the game is old and newer games are coming out. A valid concern, but the market is big enough for more than one superhero MMO.

With Going Rogue just around the corner I'm not sure a remake/sequel is warranted.
What i got from the artical is, CoH is getting old, and ncsoft needs to start planing a sequal NOW if they want it ready in a few years, like the end of 2011 into 2012, when city will really be showing it age and up against some STIFF compatation.

And i agree. When this game is up agains DC online, Marvel online(maybe), and Champions (maybe, if it's still around) being the old dog on the block with dated graphics and a (more then likely) dwindleing comunity, then is not the time to start planing a sequeal. it's to late. do it now.

thats my take on the artical. and man of man, did reading about Asheron Call bring back a FLOOD of found memories... i had ALOT of fun in that old game.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
When this game is up agains DC online, Marvel online(maybe), and Champions (maybe, if it's still around)
Marvel Universe Online got canceled. That's why Champions Online was created at all. (Cryptic was making MUO, Microsoft was going to publish it until they realized there was no possibility of being a WoW-killer)



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Marvel Universe Online got canceled. That's why Champions Online was created at all. (Cryptic was making MUO, Microsoft was going to publish it until they realized there was no possibility of being a WoW-killer)
There are rumours that a new Marvel Online is getting made now.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Marvel Universe Online got canceled. That's why Champions Online was created at all. (Cryptic was making MUO, Microsoft was going to publish it until they realized there was no possibility of being a WoW-killer)
i'm talking about the Gazillion Deal, which if i understand correctly, puts the marvel MMO back on the table. *shrug* At least that's what i've heard.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Slow in what sense?
Slow leveling, slow combat. I guess you could say it has slow travel, but they've mitigated that a lot recently with the shift downward in level requirements to train riding. It's also pretty easy to get around if you get a hearth set in Shattrath or Dalaran (easy to do at any level, esp if you have warlock or mage guildies or friends), or if you are a mage.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
So, what you're saying is that games that are over 5 years old should be on the remake list, unless they have 50 billion subcribers, regardless of how well they're actually doing (with the aforementioned exception)?
How about this:

Why should WoW be on the "they need a remake list" (which WoW does kinda need) when they're already remaking their game for real?

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
So, what you're saying is that games that are over 5 years old should be on the remake list, unless they have 50 billion subcribers, regardless of how well they're actually doing (with the aforementioned exception)?
Hell if Pong held WoW's numbers over 5 years there'd be no reason to remake that.

It's not remotely relevant to bring WoW's numbers into a discussion about CoX (and it's age). If WoW could only maintain CoX's numbers for example, it'd be shut down.



Originally Posted by Ravenous33 View Post
I hate to say it but the remake for my favorite MMO Killed my love for the game...Poor Neocron, what did they do to you!!!!!!
I blame the fact that they took so long to nerf psi-monks, so the game turned into Monk-ocron, more than I blame Dome of York, even with its ugly avatars. (But dear gods, do I miss Neocron City.)



Originally Posted by KaliMagdalene View Post
WoW is many things, but slow is not one of them.
I'm going to have to disagree here, with all due respect to your broader experience.

I installed WoW AND WAS "WoW"ed by the speech, cinematics and found it interesting...I levlled quickly but wow, when I got to 14 and I wasn't flying over everything or teleporting around everything there was a disconnect.

Also, my character couldn't solo 4ish even-con Bandits; I literally felt like a weakling. I couldn't solo 3-4 even con cave moles or whatever...this is a low level Night Elf Druid quest.

On top of that all the "paperwork" with spells, renewing was just too much:

I don't care about renewing armor
I don't care about right-clicking on every mob for loot

I just want to log in, fight about 16-20 mobs at a time, have stuff drop in my inventory and move on.
No doubt WoW is great and has fantastic mass appeal, but it lost me very early on.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
So, what you're saying is that games that are over 5 years old should be on the remake list, unless they have 50 billion subcribers, regardless of how well they're actually doing (with the aforementioned exception)?
Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
And that's what we call good business sense. Unless you've got even more money to pour into re-making your game, as Blizzard obviously does.
Originally Posted by KaliMagdalene View Post
How about this:

Why should WoW be on the "they need a remake list" (which WoW does kinda need) when they're already remaking their game for real?
Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
Hell if Pong held WoW's numbers over 5 years there'd be no reason to remake that.

It's not remotely relevant to bring WoW's numbers into a discussion about CoX (and it's age). If WoW could only maintain CoX's numbers for example, it'd be shut down.
Point 1: If the game is doing well, why remake it at all? Upgrade, yes. But remake all together?

Point 2: Refer to Point 1.

Point 3: My point was...again, refer to point 1.

If, as some people are reading into the article, the only reason the writer had really given for CoH needing a remake was because it was "old", regardless of how well it is doing, then why isn't WoW on the same list? Its about as old as CoH. Both are profitable.

If it ain't broke...

That is, of course, not taking bias into account.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
Point 1: If the game is doing well, why remake it at all? Upgrade, yes. But remake all together?

Point 2: Refer to Point 1.

Point 3: My point was...again, refer to point 1.

If, as some people are reading into the article, the only reason the writer had really given for CoH needing a remake was because it was "old", regardless of how well it is doing, then why isn't WoW on the same list? Its about as old as CoH. Both are profitable.

If it ain't broke...

That is, of course, not taking bias into account.
Comparing WoW profitable and CoH profitable is just ludicrous. CoH and the other mmos aren't pulling in new players like WoW, so they need to remake/redo/whatever to get people back and be good. WoW also does upgrade the game with each expansion.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
Comparing WoW profitable and CoH profitable is just ludicrous. CoH and the other mmos aren't pulling in new players like WoW, so they need to remake/redo/whatever to get people back and be good. WoW also does upgrade the game with each expansion.


<your head>

I think you missed the point...yet again.

Let me try this one more time.

CoH is "old"

WoW is "old"

Article, allegedly, reads as CoH needs a remake because it is "old".

No mention of profitability.

Now for the hard mathematical part.

If CoH="old" and WoW="old" and CoH="needs remake" Then WoW=|="needs remake"

I'm sorry, that does not compute. It is illogical.

Does that make things clearer to you?

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



After reading all of the above posts and thinking about the future.... 5 years the exact same things will be said about today's new games. It's just the way things work, so I usually ignore articles like these and just daydream about people saying:

(In 2014)

"CO needs a remake!" "Aion needs a remake!" "This game from 2009 needs a remake!"

LOL I almost can't wait.

It makes me glad that I decided to be finished with MMOs after I feel that my time here has passed. (Which it hasn't. I've been playing since April 2006, and am still going strong.
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
I'm going to have to disagree here, with all due respect to your broader experience.

I installed WoW AND WAS "WoW"ed by the speech, cinematics and found it interesting...I levlled quickly but wow, when I got to 14 and I wasn't flying over everything or teleporting around everything there was a disconnect.
A disconnect from what? That WoW wasn't like a superhero game?

Also, my character couldn't solo 4ish even-con Bandits; I literally felt like a weakling. I couldn't solo 3-4 even con cave moles or whatever...this is a low level Night Elf Druid quest.
Those weren't cave moles. I'm not sure what quest you're talking about, but I'm positive there's no cave moles anywhere in WoW. Most of the mobs you fight are a bit more consequential than that.

Incidentally, druids are a bit weak at low level, moreso than some other classes, at least until they start getting their other forms. Once you get cat, you find yourself significantly more powerful. Most classes actually have some kind of pivotal ability that makes life a lot easier - hunters get pets, warlocks get pets, etc. They usually get this stuff at level 10, 20 at the latest.

On top of that all the "paperwork" with spells, renewing was just too much:

I don't care about renewing armor
I don't care about right-clicking on every mob for loot

I just want to log in, fight about 16-20 mobs at a time, have stuff drop in my inventory and move on.
No doubt WoW is great and has fantastic mass appeal, but it lost me very early on.
Well, no doubt! You were apparently expecting a superhero game and got a fairly traditionally designed fantasy game. This doesn't make WoW slow, but it means it's not appealing to you.

Also, much of what you did experience has either been streamlined or will be - like spells either will be changed to level up with you, or they'll be changed to do so in the near future.. Also, IME, more experienced players have an easier time handling multiple mobs than new players. Many people I know found their first characters to be the hardest.

Also also, whenever I play a kinetic, or an FF, or any buff-oriented powerset in CoH, I wish to god we had 30-minute buffs. 1-4 minutes is busywork and a nuisance. Given the choice between a spell that lasts 30 minutes and an FF bubble that lasts for four minutes, give me the spell any day.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
Point 1: If the game is doing well, why remake it at all? Upgrade, yes. But remake all together?

Point 2: Refer to Point 1.

Point 3: My point was...again, refer to point 1.
What point are you trying to make? Yes, WoW is doing well. Yes, the WoW devs decided (correctly) that with all the improvements made in TBC and WotLK that the old world - the 1-60 zones - were showing their age. They chose to deal with this by redesgning the two continents and building areas that had been neglected from the start.

If, as some people are reading into the article, the only reason the writer had really given for CoH needing a remake was because it was "old", regardless of how well it is doing, then why isn't WoW on the same list? Its about as old as CoH. Both are profitable.

If it ain't broke...

That is, of course, not taking bias into account.
Because you should read this before whining at length about WoW not being called out for updating their game. The last major update to City of Heroes was in 2005. The last major update to World of Warcraft was 11 months ago. Further, the stuff that the writer said those games need to do (whether or not you or I or anyone else here agree that those games need to do these things), is stuff that Blizzard is already doing. Do you understand this, finally? Or are you biased?

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Marvel Universe Online got canceled. That's why Champions Online was created at all. (Cryptic was making MUO, Microsoft was going to publish it until they realized there was no possibility of being a WoW-killer)
Gazillion is behind not one, but two Marvel MMOs.

Superhero Squad, which will be more kid- / family-oriented, has been scheduled for 2010.

The Marvel MMO has been scheduled for 2011 by one of Marvel Entertainment's bigwigs (which I don't think is realistic, but anyway).

Also coming out will be a Ben 10 MMO - it might make some in-roads - as well as the DCUO.



What can we say Kali, we don't care for WoW. I get that you love it, but its appeal goes right over my head. Just more wizards and fantasy stuff.

And also, it should be pointed out again that being on that list was a compliment.



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
If CoH="old" and WoW="old" and CoH="needs remake" Then WoW=|="needs remake"

I'm sorry, that does not compute. It is illogical.

Does that make things clearer to you?
It points out how are being deliberately obtuse.

CoH/V is "old" and has maybe over 100k players. Cryptic indicated that in the time they ran it CoH/V earned over US $100 million in revenue.

WoW is "old" and has over 11 million players and makes Blizzard over a US $1 billion dollars in revenue per year on around 40% operating profit (been a while since I looked at the figures though).

CoH/V potentially needs a remake to re-launch itself into the market. WoW IS the market as far as most players are concerned. Even if you were to look at only North America, WoW dominates CoH/V by potentially a factor of 20 (or more) in terms of player numbers.

CoH/V is getting a major expansion. WoW is getting a major expansion. On top of this, Blizzard is working on another MMO. Paragon Studios certainly should be.



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
I think you missed the point...yet again.

Let me try this one more time.

CoH is "old"

WoW is "old"

Article, allegedly, reads as CoH needs a remake because it is "old".

No mention of profitability.

Now for the hard mathematical part.

If CoH="old" and WoW="old" and CoH="needs remake" Then WoW=|="needs remake"

I'm sorry, that does not compute. It is illogical.

Does that make things clearer to you?
He's getting your point. You introduced profit, btw, by pointing out that WoW and CoH are both profitable. When someone addresses your comment by saying that WoW's making an order of magnitude more profit than City of Heroes, when you respond as you do above, that's called "shifting the goalposts." He was responding to what you said in that case, not what the article says.

You're clearly not getting anyone else's. You're trying to shift the parameters of the discussion until WoW is exactly like City of Heroes, and that's a conversation that simply cannot be about the real world.

This is what's happening in the real world:

* City of Heroes went into maintenance mode after CoV's launch, and stayed there until NCSoft purchased it and hired the CoH dev team to make Paragon Studios. In the time since, CoH has had several content updates - nothing really major - two new VEATs, a few new powersets, powerset proliferation, Rikti War Zone, Cimerora, and Ouroboros. Additionally, CoH got the mission architect and powerset customization. None of this has changed the game - it's still fundamentally the same game it was four years ago. This isn't a bad thing - CoH is a good game, and a lot of the problems over the long term have been ironed out and mitigated. It's not perfect, but it is at least polished.

* City of Villains added paper (heroside radio) and mayhem (heroside safeguard) missions.

* World of Warcraft launched The Burning Crusade, which added multiple new zones, reinvented the endgame with heroic instances as well as new raids, and added two new races. Further, after TBC was launched, Blizzard released content updates to add the Black Temple and Sunwell Plateau. Blizzard also added daily quests to reduce the need for grinding to make gold to pay for raiding and other expenses. Blizzard also added flying mounts in TBC, which was a direct change from classic WoW, in which the only flight was between fixed flight points. TBC also added Outlands, which was a decent sized continent, with zone intended to take characters from 60-70. Blizzard also revamped one of their older zones, Dustwallow Marsh, to add new quest hubs (Alliance, Horde, and Neutral) to give players in their 30s-40s another option for questing,

* Last year, Blizzard launched Wrath of the Lich King, which added phasing to outdoor zones (the ability to have different players on different parts of a story arc to see the zone differently - one player might see a fort under siege, while another might see that same fort safely behind the battlefront). Blizzard also reinvented the endgame again, this time recalibrating their expectations to reduce the amount of consumables raiders needed, which also reduced the overall cost of raiding. They further made entry-level raiding more accessible, by doing away with key quest chains and simply allowing players to access the starting raid instances, and only requiring one player with a key in raids against Malygos, the only keyed raid. They've also added the concept of hard mode fights, in which you engage the boss in a particular way or take a particular action that makes the boss harder, but gives better loot. Blizzard again added a significant number of zones with full, complete quest chains to get characters from 70-80. Since Wrath was launched, Blizzard's had two major content updates and revamped a level 60 instance for level 80 (Onyxia's Lair) players.

* In Cataclysm, Blizzard is going to redesign the two classic continents - Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor - to make use of the new options and technology implemented in the first two expansions. One change will make it possible for players to use flying mounts in the old world - something that was simply not technically possible. Currently, Anyplace in Azeroth you can't typically see is pretty much unfinished and untextured, and the flight paths are designed to keep you away from those locations. Also, despite the way the zones appear on a map, that's not exactly how they're constructed. Apparently, it's easier to describe them as stacked on top of one another. They're doing away with all of that, and presenting a finished, fully refurbished old world, which will also have content designed for level 78-85, add two more races with starting zones for them, and incorporating phasing through the old world, enabling a greater amount of flexibility in designing zones (when you fight off the bandits, they won't necessarily be there anymore).

So to answer your question, not putting WoW on that list doesn't say whether or not it needs a remake. The devs themselves have said that WoW needs a makeover, and they're working on it right now. Why should any site call WoW out for showing its age when Blizzard's said "Yeah, WoW's showing its age. We're doing this and this and this to fix that problem." Do you understand now?

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
I do agree with that. You will find it for any game out there. There are literally legions of disaffected former WoW players, for instance. Not every game is going to be every player's cup of tea, even those with a very broad appeal.
Unfortunately, most of them seem to have gone to Aion. It's a great game, but the people on it drive me nuts to the point of cancelling. I hope WoW stay current for a long time, just to keep those players out of other games.



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
What i got from the artical is, CoH is getting old, and ncsoft needs to start planing a sequal NOW if they want it ready in a few years, like the end of 2011 into 2012, when city will really be showing it age and up against some STIFF compatation.

And i agree. When this game is up agains DC online, Marvel online(maybe), and Champions (maybe, if it's still around) being the old dog on the block with dated graphics and a (more then likely) dwindleing comunity, then is not the time to start planing a sequeal. it's to late. do it now.

That's my take on the article. and man of man, did reading about Asheron Call bring back a FLOOD of found memories... i had ALOT of fun in that old game.
I read the article the same way. I really like this game, but it's getting pretty long in the tooth. the toons have low polygon counts, the lighhting effects are dated (I'd love to play in sewers that are actually dark), and the sounds are pretty weak.

I find gameplay (combat) a little slow and empty, when I come back to it from newer games. It feels like slow motion- it'd be great if the game engine had a throttle and the animations could be sped up.

I do feel super in this game though. Playing Aion alot, if 2 mobs aggro me, I'm pretty much dead or very close. I can't think of many games where I can take on a number of mobs except for here.

If they do remake this game, I hope they use the same game style. I hate how every MMO created now tries to be WoW with game play mechanics.



The ultimate CoH/V remake for me would be one with everything possible being the same, but remade to be better. Apply all the lessons the devs have learned to all the old city zones, update the graphics completely, maybe consolidate some zones into big mega zones (The Hollows/Perez Park mega zone?)

Maybe make this game City of Heroes Classic and keep offering a few servers for people who want to play it, and the remake City of Heroes Advanced.