704 -
For the record, it's impossible to tell what the team does need when nearly everyone signs up as "whatever the team needs."
I know you're all trying to be helpful and flexible, which is really appreciated. In the future if you could list what you'd prefer to bring and then be willing to be flexible if that doesn't work out, that would truly be helpful. -
What: Statesman Task Force (50)
Where: Statesman in Indy Port
When: Meet at 12:45pm Eastern for a 1:00 start
1) Miss Informed, lvl 50 Empathy Defender
2) Katfood
3) Dolores Mulva, lvl 50 fort
4) Naphil, level 50 Peacebringer
5) Death's Whisper
6) Killerhurtz, Blaster
7) Goober, Tank
Alternates/Team Two
All team info will be happening in the Justice Sat Mat channel. It's open to anyone, so please join so you can see what's going on with the organization planning. Thank you!
Disclaimer: If you do not sign up, you may not get on a team. If you show up at the contact without signing up, send me a tell ASAP and I'll do my best to get you on a team. Please be aware that I'll be talking to several people at once, so if you are not signed up, just saying "Hello" or "I'm here" won't be enough to let me know that you want to be on a team and you may get passed over. If we have more than 8 people sign up, we'll try to create a second team. If you aren't sure you can make it, please let me know you're a 'possible' and I'll add you to an alternate team list. I encourage you to tell others and bring some friends along if you think you want to create or fill out a second or even a third team. -
What: Dr Kahn Task Force (45-50)
Where: Dr Kahn in Founders' Falls
When: Meet at 12:45pm Eastern for a 1:00 start
I will not be able to make it this weekend, so I'm looking for a substitute to run the show. I'll do the post upkeep until Friday night or Saturday morning, but I may not be able to attend the actual event.
Alternates/Team Two
All team info will be happening in the Justice Sat Mat channel. It's open to anyone, so please join so you can see what's going on with the organization planning. Thank you!
Disclaimer: If you do not sign up, you may not get on a team. If you show up at the contact without signing up, send me a tell ASAP and I'll do my best to get you on a team. Please be aware that I'll be talking to several people at once, so if you are not signed up, just saying "Hello" or "I'm here" won't be enough to let me know that you want to be on a team and you may get passed over. If we have more than 8 people sign up, we'll try to create a second team. If you aren't sure you can make it, please let me know you're a 'possible' and I'll add you to an alternate team list. I encourage you to tell others and bring some friends along if you think you want to create or fill out a second or even a third team. -
So... it looks like it's DW and maybe Bob! Good luck, guys!
What: Apex task force (50) - be sure to unlock your alpha slot, first!
Where: Apex in the Rikti War Zone
When: Meet at 12:45pm Eastern for a 1:00 start
Ally was nice enough to remind me that the Apex TF is the weekly this Saturday, so I've updated accordingly. I may not be able to make it this weekend, so I'm looking for a substitute to run the show. I'll do the post upkeep until Friday night or Saturday morning, but I may not be able to attend the actual event.
1) Twilight's Valkyrie, lvl 50 Stalker
Alternates/Team Two
All team info will be happening in the Justice Sat Mat channel. It's open to anyone, so please join so you can see what's going on with the organization planning. Thank you!
Disclaimer: If you do not sign up, you may not get on a team. If you show up at the contact without signing up, send me a tell ASAP and I'll do my best to get you on a team. Please be aware that I'll be talking to several people at once, so if you are not signed up, just saying "Hello" or "I'm here" won't be enough to let me know that you want to be on a team and you may get passed over. If we have more than 8 people sign up, we'll try to create a second team. If you aren't sure you can make it, please let me know you're a 'possible' and I'll add you to an alternate team list. I encourage you to tell others and bring some friends along if you think you want to create or fill out a second or even a third team. -
What: Terra Volta Trial (44-50)
Where: Major Richard Flagg in Peregrine Island
When: Meet at 12:45pm Eastern for a 1:00 start
1) Sarah Wynter, lvl 50 Ice/Kin Controller
2) Dolores Mulva, lvl 50 fort
3) Naphil, level 50 Peacebringer
4) Soon TeeEhm, lvl 50 PB
5) Voltaic Venom L50 Spines/Elect scrapper
6) Victorae, my DM/SD scrapper
7) Howard Meeks, level 50 Warshade
8) Killerhurtz, scapper or defender
Alternates/Team Two
Bubble and his new computer!
All team info will be happening in the Justice Sat Mat channel. It's open to anyone, so please join so you can see what's going on with the organization planning. Thank you!
Disclaimer: If you do not sign up, you may not get on a team. If you show up at the contact without signing up, send me a tell ASAP and I'll do my best to get you on a team. Please be aware that I'll be talking to several people at once, so if you are not signed up, just saying "Hello" or "I'm here" won't be enough to let me know that you want to be on a team and you may get passed over. If we have more than 8 people sign up, we'll try to create a second team. If you aren't sure you can make it, please let me know you're a 'possible' and I'll add you to an alternate team list. I encourage you to tell others and bring some friends along if you think you want to create or fill out a second or even a third team. -
What: Following Countess Crey (30-35)
Where: Manticore in Brickstown
When: Meet at 12:45pm Eastern for a 1:00 start
1) L C Merrill, lvl ? pistols/traps Cor
2) Atticus Crown, lvl 50 kin/pistols Def
3) Ally
4) Kat
5) Mike Honcho
6) Time Side Kick BR/TM Cor
7) Count Granite Daddy, lvl 50 Stone/Invulnerable Brute
8) Bridger Bot, lvl 44 SD/Elec Tanker
Alternates/Team Two
1) Krazed Kaoz lvl 30 SS/WP Brute
All team info will be happening in the Justice Sat Mat channel. It's open to anyone, so please join so you can see what's going on with the organization planning. Thank you!
Disclaimer: If you do not sign up, you may not get on a team. If you show up at the contact without signing up, send me a tell ASAP and I'll do my best to get you on a team. Please be aware that I'll be talking to several people at once, so if you are not signed up, just saying "Hello" or "I'm here" won't be enough to let me know that you want to be on a team and you may get passed over. If we have more than 8 people sign up, we'll try to create a second team. If you aren't sure you can make it, please let me know you're a 'possible' and I'll add you to an alternate team list. I encourage you to tell others and bring some friends along if you think you want to create or fill out a second or even a third team. -
Sat Mat complete. Thanks for coming, everyone!
Ok, we have 5 so far. Come on in, everyone!
I'm in! Hooray!
Account Name is not allowed on this server. reason: Public access to this server has been disabled.
I really hate bad error messages. That doesn't tell me what's going on. How hard is it to create a message that reads 'This server is currently offline for maintenance' or something else that explains what's going on. -
It's not letting me in yet, but I'll try again in a few minutes.
Due to server downtime, the Sat Mat will start (we hope) one hour later than usual today! I hope everyone can still make it AND that we can all get onto the server. Forum estimate was a 4 hour downtime, but the in-game message was a two hour window, so we'll try for that.
Thank to Mike, Ally, and Spyder for making me aware of the issue! -
I can only imagine something really bad was uncovered. And hey, they don't work at the Apple store!
Yes, let's move it out to one hour later! I'll post a separate message, too.
What a hassle. It won't remember me and I have to log in every single time I visit so I can edit. Annoying, but at least it lets me in, so I guess I'm lucky.
What: The Crystal of Serafina SF (35-40)
Where: Ice Mistral inside the Giza pyramid in St. Martial
When: Meet at 12:45pm Eastern for a 1:00 start
If the forums won't let you log in, please send me a message in game (@MissInformed) or send me an email
1) Miss Anthropic, lvl 50 Plant/Thorns Cor
2) Naphil, lvl 50 PB
3) Ally Fu, lvl 40 claws/ninj stalker
4) Mistress Mediocrity, lvl 50 Fortunata
5) Heat Miser Honcho, lvl 45 fire/dark corr
6) Granite Daddy, lvl 50 Stone/Invunerable Brute
7) SuperGoober
8) Thunder Burn,lvl 41 Fire/Energy Blaster
Alternates/Team Two
All team info will be happening in the Justice Sat Mat channel. It's open to anyone, so please join so you can see what's going on with the organization planning. Thank you!
Disclaimer: If you do not sign up, you may not get on a team. If you show up at the contact without signing up, send me a tell ASAP and I'll do my best to get you on a team. Please be aware that I'll be talking to several people at once, so if you are not signed up, just saying "Hello" or "I'm here" won't be enough to let me know that you want to be on a team and you may get passed over. If we have more than 8 people sign up, we'll try to create a second team. If you aren't sure you can make it, please let me know you're a 'possible' and I'll add you to an alternate team list. I encourage you to tell others and bring some friends along if you think you -
Spyder will be bring a 50, so that's all good and more powers for everyone!
I can't stick around for a Mortimer Kal, but I'll include it in the first post! -
What: The Sky is Falling TF (20-40)
Where: Admiral Sutter in Indy Port
When: Meet at 12:45pm Eastern for a 1:00 start
If anyone wants to stick around and do the Mortimer Kal Strike Force afterward, let Mike Honcho know at the Sat Mat!
1) L C Merrill, lvl 25 Pistols/Traps Cor
2) Atticus Crown, lvl 50 Kin/Pistols Def
3) Honchobot 2.0, lvl 48 elec/elec troller.
4) Ally
5) Nuclear Infusion Lvl 36? Rad/sonic Def
6) Krazed Kaos
7) Goober
8) Bobitron
Alternates/Team Two
1) Killerhurtz
All team info will be happening in the Justice Sat Mat channel. It's open to anyone, so please join so you can see what's going on with the organization planning. Thank you!
Disclaimer: If you do not sign up, you may not get on a team. If you show up at the contact without signing up, send me a tell ASAP and I'll do my best to get you on a team. Please be aware that I'll be talking to several people at once, so if you are not signed up, just saying "Hello" or "I'm here" won't be enough to let me know that you want to be on a team and you may get passed over. If we have more than 8 people sign up, we'll try to create a second team. If you aren't sure you can make it, please let me know you're a 'possible' and I'll add you to an alternate team list. I encourage you to tell others and bring some friends along if you think you -
Yes, it's in the Hess TF. But you'd have to clear a lot of the room and hope not to aggro Hess while you're at it. If you kill Hess, the building self destructs and kicks you out, dead.
I think that's the case, too. And a one-time nominal fee vs a monthly nominal fee is the difference between feeling like something is a great value and feeling nickle and dimed. I think there's monthly fee for crafting, but that might be included in the fee for the IO bonuses.
Quote:If people are already calling the free to play people 'freepers,' then it already sounds pretty divisive. Calling a group of people by a name that sounds a lot like 'creepers' probably isn't going to make them feel welcome or like they're in a community they want to be a part of.Premium:
A) former subscribers: Somewhat limited access to limited characters or for small payments much less than the subscription total access for a limited number of characters.
B) Freepers who buy something: more experience of the game at far less than paying for all of it.
Freepers: Can experience most of the powers and ATs for free. -
What: Temple of the Waters Strike Force (25-30)
Where: Operative Renault in Sharkhead Isle
When: Meet at 12:45pm Eastern for a 1:00 start
1) Miss Anthropic, lvl 50 Plant/Thorns Dom
2) Naphil, lvl 50 PB
3) Mistress Mediocrity, lvl 50 Fort
4) Ally's nameless lvl 47 claws/ninja Scrapper
5) Sleepy Kat, lvl 27 dom
6) Heat Miser Honcho, lvl 45 fire/dark corr
7) Little Kin Tank, lvl ? Tank
8) Strike Team, lvl ? MM
Team Two/Alternates
1) Super Goober
2) Stony Brooke, lvl DP/Storm corr
3) Concentrated Evil, lvl 25 Widow
All team info will be happening in the Justice Sat Mat channel. It's open to anyone, so please join so you can see what's going on with the organization planning. Thank you!
Disclaimer: If you do not sign up, you may not get on a team. If you show up at the contact without signing up, send me a tell ASAP and I'll do my best to get you on a team. Please be aware that I'll be talking to several people at once, so if you are not signed up, just saying "Hello" or "I'm here" won't be enough to let me know that you want to be on a team and you may get passed over. If we have more than 8 people sign up, we'll try to create a second team. If you aren't sure you can make it, please let me know you're a 'possible' and I'll add you to an alternate team list. I encourage you to tell others and bring some friends along if you think you -