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I was so incredibly saddened to see that CoH and PS are being abruptly shuttered. I loved this game so much, it was my favourite MMO and I had always just assumed that it would be around forever...
That being said, I've sunk hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars into this game, and that was all predicated on the fact that the game would be around and playable for years to come. I saw the money and time as an investment, and them shutting down the game robs me of that.
Does anyone know a good lawyer? Maybe we can get a class action lawsuit going since they've let us down, taken our money and we won't even have access to the product we paid for with the expectation we'd be able to continue playing it. I consider this a violation and I want to make them pay for squandering this time and money, for taking my money and throwing the product I paid for away. -
Quote:I thought that the $15 a month I've been giving them was enough to ensure the continued development of the game. Actually, you could even say that every subscriber's $15 a month went to pay the development costs of this little emote pack.@Shade...
Yes. Yes they are putting a price tag on that stuff that those people who work at Paragon actually DO all day.
Something wrong with that? Seriously?
If you don't want the emotes included in this pack, don't buy it. Pretty simple. If you just don't want to PAY for it? Don't buy it. Pretty simple. But seriously, don't go saying that the people who work at paragon don't "focus on making people pay for everything" - it's a BUSINESS. That's what businesses DO. Just because we've had such a terrific bunch of FREE STUFF (all 6 years worth of Issues to name JUST A FEW) doesn't mean that their company is interested in giving everything away.
Non-game breaking items like these are PERFECT for pay-as-you-like items. Not so perfect are things like "entire zones of content" or "contact trees you can only get by buying" (and I'm not talking about the EXPANSION set here, as it was long overdue to have a product ON THE SHELVES somewhere). Lots of other games use that very thing, "oh the game's free per month but if you WANT to play, you're going to have to buy this and that and the other thing.
Not so, here. If you want to play, you pay your fees. If you want extra doodads, costumes and such that simply don't impact the way the game is played... then these packs offer a nice extra touch.
Is the $15 subscription fee no longer enough to pay for the issues that they've been releasing for the past few years? There's been no indication that Paragon Studios, NCSoft, or City of Heroes is in trouble financially. A set subscription rate of $15 seems to have been enough until now.
One thing that turns me off a game faster than anything is when the company goes microtransaction-crazy. So far, it has felt to me that NCSoft and Paragon Studios has been dealing pretty fairly with us. I liked the rate and costs of the twice a year costume pack. But now they're starting to cross that line to where I think they're getting greedy and I refuse to support companies like that.
One reason I'll never touch Star Trek Online is because I think Cryptic/Atari went insane with their damned Cryptic Store. They charge the standard $15 subscription fee per month, and then constantly add stuff to the C-Store for people to buy. If you don't believe me, take a look at their website, it's insane.
I would really loathe to have Paragon Studios follow Cryptic into greed-town on this. This is my favourite game, and I would hate to have to cancel my subscription over this. -
Quote:Yeah exactly. It feels like we're starting to pass the point of "extra stuff that you pay for that helps with making some money for the game" to "getting a little greedy now."Once upon a time new emotes were part of an issue. These could have gone live with i18 and/or GR, instead they hold them back and make us pay for them. Open your eyes.
I don't like it one bit. -
Quote:Couldn't agree more with this.Everything blueside. I'm not kidding. Take every damn contact and every damn zone and overhaul them. Give some cohesion between contacts. Give each zone and overlying plot, like the Hollows and Faultline have. So, for Kings Row it has you digging into the Skulls backstory and their drug pushing and black magic. Talos sees you going up against the Warrios and the Freakshow as they try to out-duke each other. Independence Port sees you crack down on the drug and weapon smuggling war between the Tsoo and the Family, maybe even link in the Council and such, which could then in turn lead logically to Striga Isles.
The old content is so. Damn. Old and Rusted, its painful. The storyline is bogged down under terrible mission layouy, boring defeat alls and hunts, multi-zone hops and hop backs, before they even give you a damn cellphone number....painful, boring, not fun.
Cohesion and revamp is worth two new zones. Period. -
I don't like PvP, I've never really liked PvP in any game I've played, but I do kinda think the devs should put a bit of effort into tweaking it and making it fun.
I know there are a lot of people who like PvP out there, and maybe if the devs do something people will shut up with the "one thing that sucks about CoH is the PvP!" -
Quote:Yes to this one, the others I don't know. She's even able to help keep Mother Mayhem out of people's heads (only to the point where Mother can't tell who or what you are though.)Is Vanessa able to keep the Seers out of people's heads?
So far, the only Praetorian Earth Carnie I've seen has been Vanessa. She doesn't look nearly as cool as her Primal Earth counterpart, and she seems to have the very same costume as Primal Earth Carnies. -
Quote:Yep, I get terrible flickering almost every time I move the camera around in Praetoria. It's as if the sun going out for a fraction of a second (or longer,) very annoying.Anyone else getting a lot of intermittent graphical flickering in the Praetoria areas? Like objects and the whole screen?
Win7 64-bit
GTX 260
Win7 64 bit.
Update: Tried changing my refresh rate to 60 Hz, still flickers. -
Quote:That city was Rome actually.Ah but you miss the parts where in certain arcs in praetoria the contact [reliable contacts at that] state that they saw cole actually wait until hami had destroyed MOST of a city before going in to stop and push back hami to "save" the day
Also hami was roaming the planet destroying all non hami like life, sure there is the speculation that cole is keeping hami away somewhere until the time is right to release him again, does have the technology after all. As we've seen, the rikti have pylons that can at least weaken it.
Anyway my speculation for future content?
- Some form of clone wars.
What about the Doppleganger missions? Side switching and associated missions? The new Positron Task Force? Praetoria? Tonnes of new exploration badges?
"Fizz" is a very common word in the English language, and it is most often associated with pop.
Quote:Generally I play at night so I get more and more tired as the game progresses, I love chatty teams because they keep me awake while teaming.I solo mostly... The only time I team is when I have to accomplish something that requires a team like Task Forces or when I am running a character I specifically created for teaming (defenders and corruptors mostly).
This is probably for the best since I tend to be rather chatty and joke-spewing while teaming. People I play with generally find me amusing at first and respond to my quips... then after a while the "LOL"'s taper off... then I am pretty much guaranteed dead silence after each of my jokes...
I would love to know how many of my former team mates have me on global ignore.
I've actually fallen asleep while fighting, my mouse clicks seem to go on auto pilot. -
Quote:O________________OYou asked for it...
Current Tournament Rules (the SEVERELY Abridged version):
* Each Server shall contain within it a single "team" of competitors all geared towards either a hero or villain alignment.
* Each team shall start with only two members... a team Captain and a Traderbot. The Captain shall actually play the game while the Traderbot is there solely for the purpose of playing the market and bankrolling the team.
* A new member shall be created to join the team when the last joining member of that team reaches 40th level.
* No Training, Dual or Single Origin IOs shall ever be slotted; Invention Origin ONLY.
* No Set Enhancements are allowed to be slotted prior to the character reaching 27th level. No Set enhancement lower than level 30 shall be slotted.
* Prior to creating the character in-game a spreadsheet shall be made plotting the exact Power and Slot allocation from 1st to 50th level. This plan shall be adhered to rigidly.
* A Reputation score shall be maintained for the character. This score is based on a mathematical equation using Badges earned (each badge has a different Rep value all kept on a separate spreadsheet), Number of Successful Missions run, Influence earned (earned inf only, that made via the market or sale of loot does not count), penalties for times defeated, and how long the character has been around. Also there is a bonus to Reputation based on how high a level the character got to before they had their first ever defeat.
* A Power score shall also be maintained for the character. Power = Temp powers/accolades/set powers + badge power values (spreadsheeted) + Level + slotted enhancements in powers + reward merits earned/spent + penalty for defeats. There is a bonus applied to power according to what the character's current difficulty settings are.
* A Teamwork score is kept based on prestige earned for the SG/VG by that character, enhancements they donated to the team storage racks, team missions they have done successfully, badges also grant a teamwork score, also there is a penalty for defeats occurring while on a team. The teamwork score is a percentage bonus applied to Reputation and Power when applying those values to the Team Rep and Power for that particular server.
* These scores (and others) are recorded at every level gain. Every 5th level they are exported to a separate spreadsheet so all characters progress can be measured against one another to see who was doing better at that point in the tournament.
Like I said, this is an extremely abridged version of my rules. I also have rules governing 50th level characters, when they can go rogue and switch sides. I have rules regarding my traderbots and how they level. I have rules about whose turn it is and what "bonus rolls" they get during their turn.
This is my tournament. This is my curse.
Heh. I love it tho'... -
Quote:Exactly!I think you guys aren't taking into consideration how long it takes to design/create/test a game. If they're JUST NOW filling positions to begin on, say, the "concept" stage of it, I can GUARANTEE you the game won't be available in stores for a good 2 (if not 3 or 4) years...
All of these "CoX 2 haters" are just afraid of playerbase splits or things of that nature. They don't realize that by the time a CoX 2 came out, this game would have to have lasted ANOTHER 4 years. Now, I'm not saying it's impossible, but I AM saying it would be absolutely stupid and short-sighted of any dev to NOT look to the future of their franchise at this point.
"Alien"You're a very smart... alien!
Oh God noooooooooooooo!!!!!!! -
Quote:Except for the fact that when asked about it, the official NCSoft press release said "we can't talk about CoH2," not "CoH2 does not exist." Second, members of the CoH team have been taken off CoH and put into new, nebulous, positions. i.e. Positron and the art lead before David. They still work at Paragon Studios, just not on City of Heroes (well, Positron is working on the end game, but when he was taken off lead developer he also gained new, nebulous, duties.) Unless Paragon Studios is working on another project that everyone is aware of, I'd say all signs point to "City of Heroes 2."Fixed.
Last I'd heard was they'd registered the name - this is just as likely to stop someone else making a game with the name - I've not seen any 'news' announcing CoH2.
..and I just googled to see if I'd missed it, so if you have a link to the announcement, please share! -