So....the Carnival of Light...(possible spoilers)
Is Vanessa able to keep the Seers out of people's heads?
So far, the only Praetorian Earth Carnie I've seen has been Vanessa. She doesn't look nearly as cool as her Primal Earth counterpart, and she seems to have the very same costume as Primal Earth Carnies.
There is a new mission in PI in which you save some Prae carnies from Clockwork on one of the new maps. I think it came from Unai, but not swearing to that.
I didn't see any evidence of any carnies besides Vanessa herself.
That said, the chronology of the story is odd: it follows your character's level, not the time the feature was released. So while the mission where you rescue the Carnival of Light from the Praetorians was released a long time ago (issue 2? 3?) the events of Going Rogue occur beforehand. This Vanessa between levels 20 and 40 (45?) to make the duplicate masks that allow her to spread her power around and thus create her Carnival of Light.
I didn't see any evidence of any carnies besides Vanessa herself.
That said, the chronology of the story is odd: it follows your character's level, not the time the feature was released. So while the mission where you rescue the Carnival of Light from the Praetorians was released a long time ago (issue 2? 3?) the events of Going Rogue occur beforehand. This Vanessa between levels 20 and 40 (45?) to make the duplicate masks that allow her to spread her power around and thus create her Carnival of Light. |
I think the Vanessa working for the resistance has a hidden agenda. Who's to say the devices given to all resistance operatives to keep their minds safe isn't the Praetorian carnie mask?
Actually, I think Posi stated that parts of the old Prae arcs did happen, and that the new updated ones are sort of another stab at invading or something, I guess. But GR isn't pre-any issue.
Intra-Character Precedence is how your character experiences the world. For your character, the clockworks are thought to all be machines until you help discover otherwise, Nemesis is thought to have disappeared until you discover cronies working in his name, and other such revelations. One character discovering the true nature of the Clockwork doesn't actually inform that contact of this fact after you finish talking to him: the next guy that talks to the contact will result in him being all "find out stuff about dem clockwerks, herp derp." though any missions your character goes through after that period assumes you know this, and that it's common knowledge.
Extra-Character Precedence is stuff which effects all characters at the same time. The Calvin Scott TF was only around for one (a few more?) issues, and heralded the change from Sister Psyche inhabiting Aurora Borealis' body to regaining her own. When the council took over the 5th Column there was a big "event" where huge 5th vs Council battles would rage in the streets. However, a character that levels from 1-50 after that change will have their character always assume this is how it is: Your missions don't go from 5th Column to Council at level 20 with a big story arc.
There are goofs and gaffes, and in-between states here. During the 5th Column to Council change, all mention of the 5th column was wiped from the game, even in a historical sense, turning precedence into a a total retcon (though some of this has been re-retconned back to the original form) Past certain levels it's assumed your character has certain knowledge, even if arcs in which you learned such things have not been experienced (Omega Level Clearance issues nicely bypass this, with statements like "you may or may not know this, but...") What side is Requiem on now, now that the Column is back in action? And when is he on which side?
I haven't run the new arcs yet, but my impressions are that they are a little of both. The mission where you rescue the Praetorian Carnies is a stand-alone mission, not part of a larger arc, so I see no reason why that mission couldn't be entirely Intra-Character, even if the others aren't.
That's...nice, I guess? Went into quite a bit of detail there. Don't know why, but it's nice you're showing enthusiasm.
But Posi still said the old arcs happened and should be treated as such, soo, don't know if that addressed your point or not.
Actually, I think Posi stated that parts of the old Prae arcs did happen, and that the new updated ones are sort of another stab at invading or something, I guess. But GR isn't pre-any issue.
All of the CoH content in general operates on comic book time and is somewhat fluid. You'll notice that aside after the first Rikti invasion in 2002 pretty much no exact dates are given in game.
Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"
That's...nice, I guess? Went into quite a bit of detail there. Don't know why, but it's nice you're showing enthusiasm.
But Posi still said the old arcs happened and should be treated as such, soo, don't know if that addressed your point or not. |
I haven't run the new arcs yet, but my impressions are that they are a little of both. The mission where you rescue the Praetorian Carnies is a stand-alone mission, not part of a larger arc, so I see no reason why that mission couldn't be entirely Intra-Character, even if the others aren't.
Although I have heard that Vanessa does show up in Tina MacIntyre's new arc. Confirm? Deny? Details?
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Ok, we know the Carnies are "good guys" in Praetoria. We know Vanessa is allied with the Resistance. What else do we know about them? I haven't played through Praetoria much yet, but I have an idea for a character to play through Praetoria with, that is tied into the Carnies. Paragonwiki doesn't seem to have much info on them yet.
Namely I want to know: How does the psychic link work? Is it the same as Primal Earth Vanessa's? Is Vanessa able to keep the Seers out of people's heads? |

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
The Carnival of Light does not exist 1-20, the current timeframe of Going Rogue.
As part of the Resistance Warden arcs, you free a bunch of Seers, including Katie and they go with the Resistance.
Sometime after you leave Praetoria at level 20, Praetorian Vanessa takes these girls under her wing and forms the Carnival of Light.
Ok, we know the Carnies are "good guys" in Praetoria. We know Vanessa is allied with the Resistance. What else do we know about them? I haven't played through Praetoria much yet, but I have an idea for a character to play through Praetoria with, that is tied into the Carnies. Paragonwiki doesn't seem to have much info on them yet.
Namely I want to know: How does the psychic link work? Is it the same as Primal Earth Vanessa's?
Is Vanessa able to keep the Seers out of people's heads?
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World