Which arcs would you want to see re-done?
I want to see all of the TFs eventually get redone someday. For the most part, they're all pretty lackluster. But the one I despise the most?
You spend a ton of missions fighting nothing but Crey, just completely wiping them out in various areas. You're doing a huge amount of damage to Crey's workforce, trying valiantly to put them out of business. You finally make it to the end, and you're geared up and ready to fight the leader of the organization and put her sorry *** behind bars and...
...there's a bald guy in a black suit with fluorescent skin named "Hopkins" who's going to fight you instead? In a dusty old warehouse? That's it? That's the big finish, after spending so long fighting Paragon Protector after Paragon Protector? A friggin' bald guy in a suit?
Most disappointing TF I've ever run.
I'd say pretty much all of the Phalanx TFs, except maybe Sister Psyche's and Numina's.
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For not so new material the VEAT storylines could do with a total revamp - compared with the praetorian stories with nuanced morality these are looking very lacklustre.
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- The hollow trial
- The kheldian/arachnos arcs. The early kheldian ones i really enjoyed, what with other kheldians apparantly going rogue and me having to fight against them. Then all of a sudden it just seemed to drop in quality which was a shame, think i stopped doing the kheldian arcs at about level 35.
- Entire striga island. Zone has a huge potential!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Surprised no one mentioned the Shadow Shard...

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
Miss Francine the Freakshow Teacher: People already fail the last mission of this one on purpose, so let's make that an actual morality choice. Come to think of it, Phipp's arcs are full of opportunities for moral choices and side switching.
The Patron Arcs: Taking down Ghost Widow on Daos' orders really does not sit right with me. Given the choice I'd like the option to tell him to get lost, then fight whoever he sends to actually do his dirty work. I realise from a story point of view the Arbiters are supposed to be invincible, so the eventual outcome of the story would have to be the same, but don't force me to do it.
I think a lot of people have covered most of what's essential EXCEPT...
The Mercy Island Arcs.
Okay, Kalinda is acceptable, she's a loyal Arachnos Fortunata mistress, the idea that's she'd instantly respect and revere you would be crazy.
But people choose Burke as a real chance to escape being under Arachnos' thumb, and not squashed under another's! It's even worse since Burke is a lone mercenary while at least Kalinda has all of Arachnos backing her up and she's in an Arachnos fort while Burke IS STANDING IN AN ALLY WAY WITH HIS DIRTY LAUNDRY HANGING UP OUTSIDE HIS SHANTY RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FORT!
So would it be too much to ask for him to respect me, and maybe the other mercy contacts, you know, accept that I'm apparently strong enough to do the work THEY'RE NOT DOING BECAUSE THE ONLY POWER THEY HAVE IS BRAWL?!
Oh, on the note of getting some damn respect as a villain, rework the damn Mender Tesseract SF!
I'm sorry, but I'm going back in time out of my own good will to help Lord Recluse get out from being a sewer dweller, and just because things go south due to circumstances BEYOND MY CONTROL, Lord Recluse decides to try to kill me when I'm his own chance of getting out from the sewers.
This is not at all helped by Tesseract constantly taunting me the whole damn time.
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- Citadel and Manticore TF - Both are abysmal to play, being little more than butting heads with Council/Crey. More variety needed.
- Synapse TF - I'm not so sure on this, but at the least could do with a brush up, since Clockwork are very, very dull to fight. Unusually, not in the Positron Task Forces though ...
- Numina TF - I can understand the running around, but like Synapse, there's just that something which needs tweaking ...
- Sister Psyche TF - Because crumping Freakshow time and time again gets boring fast. Leading Pine to the files is as interesting as it gets.
- Hess and Moonfire TF - I like the arcs, i'd just like to see them mentioned more elsewhere. I didn't even knew they existed until someone told me, many months after i'd started playing ...
- VEAT/HEAT Arcs - I haven't done them. Does that explain it? I hate the whole 'Get yourself on the Destined One OOPS It got deleted, go do it again' theme that i just gave up. After all, most of my VEAT's have now interest in becoming 'Destined Ones'
I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...
Synapse is in worse shape than Citadel and Manticore. Citadel and Manticore can be faulted as boring, but you can do them inside an hour. Synapse, however, suffers from much of what the old Positron TF suffered from -- a massive slog through multiple defeat alls with relatively low-level heroes. It's the longest of the current Phalanx TFs. It does end with a bang, I'll give it that, but I don't think having a unique last map and two big fights at the end make up for the rest of the TF.
The Shadow Shard TFs are, of course, the most desperately abysmal TFs out there, but Synapse is a TF that nearly everyone in the game can do. In a perfect world, they'd all get an overhaul, of course. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Everything blueside. I'm not kidding. Take every damn contact and every damn zone and overhaul them. Give some cohesion between contacts. Give each zone and overlying plot, like the Hollows and Faultline have. So, for Kings Row it has you digging into the Skulls backstory and their drug pushing and black magic. Talos sees you going up against the Warrios and the Freakshow as they try to out-duke each other. Independence Port sees you crack down on the drug and weapon smuggling war between the Tsoo and the Family, maybe even link in the Council and such, which could then in turn lead logically to Striga Isles.
The old content is so. Damn. Old and Rusted, its painful. The storyline is bogged down under terrible mission layouy, boring defeat alls and hunts, multi-zone hops and hop backs, before they even give you a damn cellphone number....painful, boring, not fun.
Cohesion and revamp is worth two new zones. Period.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
The VEAT arcs. Really. Make them worthwhile to play, period. (OK, the earliest ones work, somewhat, but after that they fall deep into the well of suckiness. A different one per chosen branch, if possible, would be even better.) Absolutely DUMP that last "Hey, um, we had nothing else for you to do, errrr.... I know, here's a really awful, awkward speech about power proliferation, now go beat up Statesman."
Quarterfield, IIRC, is the TF from hell in the Shard. (I end up not running them because of time.) They all could use a revamp (and the area could use more actual content, besides "Go gather fruit" and "Kill X" repeats,) but that one's legendary.
The old content is so. Damn. Old and Rusted, its painful. The storyline is bogged down under terrible mission layout, boring defeat alls and hunts, multi-zone hops and hop backs, before they even give you a damn cellphone number....painful, boring, not fun.
Croatoa: While Striga is more outdated, Croatoa has more interesting moral situations, which I think would benefit more from the new framework. And the missions could use more unique mechanics. But I'm apparently the only person who doesn't think Croatoa as-is is the bee's knees.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
All of the above.
I'd love to see the Patron Arcs redone with the choice on whether you betray them or not using the GR tech. I've always hated the way you're railroaded into doing so. GWs in particular. It's not like she's going to be a threat to me personally, the only reason for betraying her is cos she's trapped the spirit of someone LR has a hard-on for and some Arbiter threatens you. All the chars I've taken through the arc would've stayed loyal to her and told Arbiter what's-his-face where to stick it given a chance.
World Wide Red. I wish this arc was tightened up a bit. I suppose I enjoyed it the first time around but I have no desire to ever slog through it again. Even with the payoff at the end, it felt like it took forever.
No story arc deserves redoing the way the rest of the Task Force Commander-linked TFs do. Redundancy, thy name is the Freedom Phalanx Tfs.
A very close second: the atrocious, the stupid, the i'd-rather-nail-a-railroad-spike-through-my-hand-than-run-that-again DOCTOR QUATERFELD, who in *Hell's name* thought that was a good idea?!!!!, I want to nail a spike through their skull!
... well not quite. But almost.
I'd love to see the Patron Arcs redone with the choice on whether you betray them or not using the GR tech. I've always hated the way you're railroaded into doing so. GWs in particular. It's not like she's going to be a threat to me personally, the only reason for betraying her is cos she's trapped the spirit of someone LR has a hard-on for and some Arbiter threatens you. All the chars I've taken through the arc would've stayed loyal to her and told Arbiter what's-his-face where to stick it given a chance.
I dunno, doesn't Scirocco's arc kind of involve you stopping him from basically making every villain in the world good? And giving GW her body back? I don't think you could just work with him on that and then play it off as actually happening. Scirocco would have to be stopped somehow. >.>
Scorp's ain't much better. Sure, he's disobeying LR, but, so what? Why can't I chose to side with him? Same with Mako (though, admittedly, he would probably betray you...)
I dunno, doesn't Scirocco's arc kind of involve you stopping him from basically making every in the world govillain od? And giving GW her body back? I don't think you could just work with him on that and then play it off as actually happening. Scirocco would have to be stopped somehow. >.>
Yes, you are going to lose. Yes, the final outcome would be the same, either because Daos is set up as Invincible, like Reichsman, or because GW gets taken out by one of his henchmen while you're fighting off the death squads. But it means I'm not stabbing my patron in the back just because Daos told me to.
And I think Recluse would exert his behind the scenes influence over Daos to ensure you don't get executed for defying the Arbiters, on the basis that any villain who is brave (or insane) enough to defy the will of the Arbiters is someone who won't think twice about taking on the Freedom Phalanx, or Reichsman, or anyone else....
I haven't played Scirocco's arc, but with regard to Ghost Widow, given that Arbiter Daos is THE highest authority in the Isles then yes, she would have to be defeated in the end, but for some characters, who would want to remain loyal to their patron, it would be extremely satisfying to be given an alternate final mission where you have to defend GW against Daos and his forces when they come to show you who's really running the Isles.
Yes, you are going to lose. Yes, the final outcome would be the same, either because Daos is set up as Invincible, like Reichsman, or because GW gets taken out by one of his henchmen while you're fighting off the death squads. But it means I'm not stabbing my patron in the back just because Daos told me to. And I think Recluse would exert his behind the scenes influence over Daos to ensure you don't get executed for defying the Arbiters, on the basis that any villain who is brave (or insane) enough to defy the will of the Arbiters is someone who won't think twice about taking on the Freedom Phalanx, or Reichsman, or anyone else.... |
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Scirocco, the Noble Villain... I sooooooo wanted to Help Scirocco with his plans instead of turning on him. Yes, storywise I suppose he needed to fail, but I wish the option to stand with him, even in failure, had been there.
Love to see 90% of the oldschool content rewritten. Manticore, Synapse, Citadel TFs are all really shoddy, with Manticore being the worst. Shard TFs could use a going over, but I love them even as they are Really I'd just like to see the signature task forces redone and the originals left in Ouro to stare at and shudder.
Really though with the new tech that we see in GR, every single arc from every single contact could benefit from a rewrite. Hell, in one mission my ORIGIN gave me an option to do something that wasn't available to another character of mine with a different origin. How awesome is that?
Wheel of Destruction
Citadel, Sister Psyche
Anything with an open area kill all.
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Ashcraft been published.
In light of the success of the revamped Positron's Task Force and the Maria Jenkins arc (not to mention the awesomeness that are the Praetorian arcs), it's clear that the new writing team of Dr. Aeon and Protean is on its A game. And between that and the spiffy new mechanics that were developed in I-17 for the new arcs (Nance/Adair and Dean/Leonard), it raises a question...
What arcs would you like to see redone? (To that end, I'm asking for specific TFs or story arcs, not the individual filler missions that a contact might give you while you wait for the story arc's next mission.)
Some of mine:
1) The Citadel Task Force. Please, God, please - someone turn these two loose on the Citadel Task Force. Make it something other than "Go. Hunt. Kill Council."
2) The Vanguard arcs, including the Lady Grey Task Force. I have to clarify this one - most of the arcs are okay. The LGTF is awesome. But I think they could take it to true greatness.
3) Daedalus and Sister Airlia's arcs. It breaks the heart - there was so much potential there and yet... nothing.
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