1485 -
CoH was my first MMO and Kheldians have always been the character class I've always loved out of all the character classes in all the MMO's I've ever played.
Hoping to meet you in other games,
LX (a.k.a. LordOfPit) -
Quote:Since the game does not force anyone into fighting +X/x8 purple mobs, then yes... the game IS balanced around SO's. It always has been. And because the game is balanced around SO's can be reason enough, for some, to leave things at that and focus on enjoying the Kheldian AT sans crafting.He [Memphis Bill] routinely advocates a completely lazy and uninspired build philosophy, offering up "The game is balanced around SO's" as a justification.
You have to remember that whenever you're fighting content that requires your specialized build filled with IO's and extra bells and whistles, it's You who forced the game to play like that by tweaking the difficulty slider.
For those players who just stumbled into the Kheldian AT and are fighting the game's content at its normal-difficulty levels a discussion of Kheldian tactics and SO-based build strategies is more meaningful than IO-builds that may be beyond the players' reach or time investments.
Therefore I do believe that a Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's a Platinum Standard. -
I think that's a worthy cause. -
I'm doing great, thanks!
I hope all's great with you guys!
As you where I've been... well, I've been around. Champions Online, Star Trek Online, SWTOR, TERA, The Secret World, Guild Wars 2 (very Soon™) not to mention some single-player games.
I'm visiting for now, for just a month, but perhaps I'll stay longer. We'll see. -
I go away for two years, and I see that despite the changes, nothing really changed... Awesome!
Quote:Well, reliable, no... however, with such an increase, and slotting +Stun procs in fast-recharging attacks a PB could perhaps become a too-reliable a stun-locker. I'm not against this change though... it'd be, fun!There's no reliable mezz for use against anything above minions.
I propose increasing the Stun mag on Pulsar from 2 to 3. -
Quote:Naturally, Warshades are built to munch minions and slotting makes them even better to the point that with or without team-mates, the Warshade can be capped on their own as long as there are enough enemies to fuel the bonuses. I know this quite well, being the proud owner of a Lv50 TriFormShade.To comment on LordXenite...the detractor
"Well, to be honest, as long as you guys stuck around (even dead and lying on the ground) around AIB, he benefited from your bonuses, that's what Kheldians do."
You are right khelds do benefit from teammates...but in two of the areas, capped damage and capped resistance, Warshades don't need teammates.
The resistance to control and slow is nice...but...then again...Dwarf, permahasten, ALOT of powers and great slotting...render teammates unnecessary.
Of course, having dead ones at my feet simply fuels the carnage. Vengeance is alot of fun.
I didn't mean to detract though, I meant to add the information that to a Kheldian, even "dead" team-mates are useful, with and without Vengeance and/or slotting. I think that's an important enough fact to mention in any discussion where the words 'Kheldian' and 'team' appear. -
In my opinion, as a Kheldian, you should first and foremost consider the synergies between your power sets and other characters because those synergies could mean the difference between success or failure. This is especially true in an All-Kheldian-Team, but any two Warshades can stun everything around them if they dance around with Inky Aspect on and throw other +stun attacks.
That's why I think the idea is that when Kheldians team together, their passive buffs are meant to ensure the two Kheldians can keep each other from being slowed down and thus force the Kheldians into a more active role, so you'd actively seek those power synergies and play accordingly. -
Quote:Well, to be honest, as long as you guys stuck around (even dead and lying on the ground) around AIB, he benefited from your bonuses, that's what Kheldians do. That said however, Kheldians simply have more tools to deal with things, especially if they're TriFormers....Then one day, I was invited to AE mission by a level 50 WS named AIB, who absolutely made me and the other 6 people on the team feel unnecessary. We tried and died, he was like a weed-eater to monkey-grass. I started seeking him out, and pulling out Obsidia to see how he did it...
I took Ascendantia (my Lv50 TriFormPB) on many AE missions where the team was composed of characters I knew couldn't handle the baddies because lets face it, most pre-32 character lack tools to handle 50+ enemies. Those missions were awesome fun and people often asked me how could I possibly stay alive when they're all down, including our healers... Fun fun days those were.
Quote:...just add a simple 1% -Res debuff to all PB attacks that already have the -Def debuff. Except Photon Seekers, give that a -10% Res debuff.
Quote:But DON'T you TOUCH my Glowing Touch! How about this, give Glowing Touch a set of accompanying buffs similar to O2 Boost. How about Hold Protection, Recovery Debuff Resistance, Tohit Debuff Resistance, and +Perception?
JulioThom70 analyzed everything for you, LiQiuD, but I'd like to add that if you're planning to duo with an Ice/Ice Dominator, a TriFormShade would probably be more fun for you both as your friend can lock down and slow stuff while you blow'em up and extract pets from their lifeless bodies.
A Peacebringer teamed up with a Dominator should allow you to heal your buddy if you two take on more than one of you could chew on your own, but a Warshade would simply blow stuff up and if I'm not mistaken the -SPD;-Recharge debuffs in the Warshade power-set should work very well with the Ice/Ice combination!
Quote:Actually, I agree with the part of your post that I quoted here, OF2 but only once I qualify it and edit it thus:...The fact that no matter how many combinations, there is always (yes always) one that will outperform the others given equal players at the helm...Quote:
The fact that no matter how many combinations, there is always (yes always) one that will outperform the others given equal players at the helm, as long as you're always fighting exactly the same enemy type. -
I grinned ferociously reminiscing my TriFormShade while reading the guide... nodded to myself while going over the tricks and tips and also realized how much I've missed you guys and the antics of an All Kheldian Team.
Keep up the good work, I may yet return from the coldness of outer space...
Both. First Peacebringers, then Warshades, just so the journey to 100 feels awesome the first 50 levels and gets even better on the next 50 levels
I wouldn't, if only for those times when you get to fly an Eclipsed & Mired Nova! She truly feels like an Orbital Platform then...
Kheldians are worth it if you've ever wanted to play Paper/Rock/Scissors, but be able to look at your opponents' hand right before they call their move and surprise them with a move of your own.
As far as I'm concerned, both my Kheldian main characters are the most satisfying characters I've got in CoH/V.
Quote:Same here, and hiya Vessel.I might be a bit of a loon but the sounds are part of the reason I love my PB. I also use the sound as an indicator of how I'm doing. If I'm playing well and attacking often I get a nice ringing sound for the whole fight. If I'm off my game or distracted the sound varies.
I'd be game for that if it were held on Infinity since that's where my Kheldians are.
I'm very glad you're enjoying Kheldians, Techbot Alpha. Square_One, Gravitic Emanations means, if I understand correctly, that your character shoots out gravity waves (or particles) that essentially are stunning the victim because they mess with their own sense of weight/gravity-center. Something like that...
Quote:Can't tell you because I don't have it on my Lv50 TriFormPB. I loath crash inducing powers so I never took it. Even Dawn Strike is an annoyance at times actually.- Is Light Form worth getting? If so, which ranged attacks, if any, should I pick?
Quote:- Should I dip into the Presence pool for additional support? Is it worth it?
Having said that, seeing Bosses cringe before my PB as I approach to land in the final shots is always a thrill that never grows old.
I can't say that the Presence Pool makes any character more effective than it can be, unless that character is already Fear-based, but I can testify that smart application of the Presence Pool has saved my PB from certain demise many times in the past.
Quote:- Is Glowing Touch worth getting by itself, or should I dip into the medicine pool in order to make best use of it?
Quote:To be honest I don't care about the VEATs, and I just wish I could've known what VEATs were like before I leveled-up my Dominator to Lv50 to unlock the VEATs. It would've saved me loads of time which I could've spent on my Kheldians instead.Hey, we just had announced in Issue 17 that one of the "features" is that Epic ATs can now be unlocked after level 20...
What are my fellow Kheldian's thoughts? Agree? Disagree? Fair? Unfair?
About our beloved Kheldians becoming unlockable at Lv20 instead of Lv50? if anything by allowing people to unlock Kheldians earlier, it would mean we would have an infusion of newly created Kheldians to teach and help.
Players who would fall in love with their Kheldians would enjoy them sooner and more often, and those who would hate/despise and otherwise feel negatively about them get to ignore them sooner (like I wish I could do with VEATs). All in all, everybody wins, except those who already have Lv50 characters and have no interest in either EAT, they gain nothing and lose nothing.
That's my two INF anyway.