Peacebringer Blues




I cranked a Triform Peacebringer up to level 26 before I made the mistake of rolling a Warshade on a lark. Now the Warshade is at level 30, and the Peacebringer has been sitting at level 26 for weeks.

I like it my Peacebringer, but I'm having trouble with its build because I have some unanswered questions:

- Is Light Form worth getting? If so, which ranged attacks, if any, should I pick?

- Should I dip into the Presence pool for additional support? Is it worth it?

- Is Glowing Touch worth getting by itself, or should I dip into the medicine pool in order to make best use of it?

Too many alts to list.



I've got a 50 triform Peacebringer and Warshade. Currently the Warshade gets more play but that's because I just finished IOing him out. The two are different beasts suited for different tastes but I'll get to that later. First, your questions.

1) Light Form is a handy tool to have for the rare times when Dwarf Form just isn't enough to get you through.

2) I tried taking the Presence pool and wasn't a fan. The only powers you really want are Intimidate and Terrify. Neither of 'em is worth much without some slot investment and on a triformer that's something to avoid. But some players (LordXenite comes to mind) find them very useful.

3) Glowing Touch will add a bit more utility but I don't advise slotting it w/ anything besides one of the unique healing IOs. As for the Medicine pool...if you're gonna take it don't bother slotting anything.

Now back to what I was saying earlier. Peacebringers and Warshades are suited to different styles. The debate as to which one has higher performance goes on a lot. While Warshades are masters of using enemies, both alive and dead, to make themselves stronger they fall short when there are few enemies around and when facing single hard targets. Peacebringers are better at taking down the "big bads" but have no means of extending their performance beyond the set affects of their powers. They hit a ceiling that's lower than Warshades' but, in exchange, they're not dependant on the circumstances of a fight.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
- Is Light Form worth getting? If so, which ranged attacks, if any, should I pick?

- Should I dip into the Presence pool for additional support? Is it worth it?

- Is Glowing Touch worth getting by itself, or should I dip into the medicine pool in order to make best use of it?
caveat; the following is based off my experiences with a 50 Tri-Form PB. Your mileage may vary.

1) Yes, light-form is worth getting. My build treats Nova form as the ideal for blasting large groups, Dwarf for dealing with mez-heavy foes and general "oh crap" button, and human form for general purpose soloing. To that end, human form is armed with all three single target ranged attacks, RS, IS, and Solar Flare. All of these are six-slotted with IO sets. Light-form comes into play whenever I solo EB's... letting me keep my massive single target damage while giving me capped to nearly capped resistances.

If I had to only pick ONE of the ranged blasts, hands down it would be Gleaming Bolt. Its an excellent filler and the rapid fire gives all three of the three damage procs I've got slotted in it the maximum opportunities to go off... and because each of those procs does significantly more damage than the base attack (even with 3 damage SO's slotted) you want to give them every chance possible.

An attack with 162% accuracy, a 1 second activation, a 0.84 second recharge time, and costing only 2.63 endurance, while doing an average of 109.4 damage per hit* is DPS . All the procs going off at once for nearly 300 damage? Priceless.

*numbers are coming from Mids using my current build.

2) I personally wouldn't. To be useful they generally need to be slotted, and you're better off making sure that as many of your attacks are properly slotted as possible. A dead foe is a 100% locked down foe (barring the occassional Freakshow).

By the same token a LOT of the PB support powers work fine with no additional slotting, which frees up slots for those attacks. One 50 Resistance IO in Light Form coupled with single-slotted human form shields will more than cap your damage resistance. The base nova form doesn't need more than it's base slot and your dwarf can be running smooth on just 4 with the right slotting.

3) I have, but it's only running on it's basic slot. I've gotten the most use of it in Role-Playing where I need to indicate that I'm using a Kheld power on someone. Other than it's occassionally useful when duoing with some of my friends whose toons lack a self-heal so I can quickly patch them up between spawns. PB's simply do not have the tools to rank as a pocket-defender of any sort, so its best to treat Glowing touch as the gimmick it is.

By the same token, the only reason to take medicine would be to rez others and, without access to a reliable teleport, you're not going to be doing that any more often that carrying a wakie around wouldn't be the same level of usefulness only without wasting three power picks. You're far more useful as a pocket tank to hold the line if the main tank is dropped while the real support rezzes the main tank.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
I like it my Peacebringer, but I'm having trouble with its build because I have some unanswered questions:

- Is Light Form worth getting? If so, which ranged attacks, if any, should I pick?

- Should I dip into the Presence pool for additional support? Is it worth it?

- Is Glowing Touch worth getting by itself, or should I dip into the medicine pool in order to make best use of it?
First I am speaking on the powers based on my experience playing as a human-form ONLY.

Light Form is definitely worth getting seeing as it is basically Unstoppable from the Scrapper/Tank set with a nice ball of energy animation. As for the ranged attacks of the Peacebringer I only ever take Glinting Eye and Gleaming Blast because the other ranged power have terrible damage outputs in my opinion.

The Presence pool is garbage, but again I am speaking as someone that plays human-form only so I can't really give you input on how it would work for a tri-form player.

Glowing Touch does nothing for you, it is for teammates and they will appreciate the little bit of healing you can give them. I tend to use this power when I am in the thick of it and see a straggler wander towards the fragiles on the team.

You won't need the Medicine pool because you have more than enough self heals has a Peacebringer and the Medicine pool will do nothing for you but be a wasted power selection.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Frankly I've found light-form to be almost useless. It's not bad while you're in it, except for the fact that you still run out of end even with the double recovery you get from the form, but the crash at the end takes you out of the fight for a while and having a beefier human form still isn't a good enough trade-off to forgo access to the other forms.

@Oblivion Herald



Lightform: I have it on both my tri-form PB and human only PB. Obviously, it gets used a lot more on my human only . Its usage, like any tier9/godmode power, is highly situational. I'll use my tri-form for examples, as human only uses it basically whenever it is up in combat. I use it most often to become a near-indestructible healer (which plays into your question about Glowing Touch). 85% resists, mez protection, and a decent heal other ability, on top of my own significant self heals. I can stand in the thick of things healing those that need it when no one else (save maybe a tank or scrapper with medicince pool) could. When is that necessary? When all other healing on the team has been killed, and the thick of it is piling up on the survivors . I also occasionally use it preemptively before using Dawn Strike (nuke), especially on smaller teams where the striker/tanker roll is on me already. Or any situation where end drain threatens to drop me out of dwarf form but I still need the protection of dwarf.

Presence Pool: I can't think of a single toon of mine that's taken anything from it and kept it. 'Nuff said?

Glowing Touch vs. Medicine Pool: The heal itself isn't as strong, but can't be interrupted. Generally I don't take a Pool power that I have access to already in my primary/ unless there is something else in the Medicine Pool you're going for, or some set that will work with a Pool power and not Glowing Touch, I don't see much point in taking Medicine over Glowing Touch. I say take Glowing Touch. A little bit of healing here and there is actually all most teams really need. Sure, engaging a fresh spawn at less that full health scares some players, does make things more entertaining ;D.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
- Is Light Form worth getting? If so, which ranged attacks, if any, should I pick?
Can't tell you because I don't have it on my Lv50 TriFormPB. I loath crash inducing powers so I never took it. Even Dawn Strike is an annoyance at times actually.

Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
- Should I dip into the Presence pool for additional support? Is it worth it?
Without additional slots in the fear powers, I doubt it. With 2 slots, one per fear power, and frankenslotting, I've found the Presence Power Pool to be a valuable situational tool. Situational both in the sense that I don't find it beneficial in each and every fight, and to wield it effectively, I have to quickly figure out the best location to place my PB in so the powers don't go to waste.

Having said that, seeing Bosses cringe before my PB as I approach to land in the final shots is always a thrill that never grows old.

I can't say that the Presence Pool makes any character more effective than it can be, unless that character is already Fear-based, but I can testify that smart application of the Presence Pool has saved my PB from certain demise many times in the past.

Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
- Is Glowing Touch worth getting by itself, or should I dip into the medicine pool in order to make best use of it?
My PB doesn't heal anyone but herself, since she keeps others alive by placing herself in danger's path at all times. Essentially, I have no opinion on the matter, but the math does speak volumes in this matter. Aid Other is another heal that can augment Glowing Touch and allow you to heal for more points without putting many slots into Glowing Touch itself. You should however remember that Aid Other unlike Glowing Touch is not a combat-heal, takes more time to cast, and can be interrupted!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati