A fond farewell...
War's Herald should be excited. Heralding the end times is his Purpose.
But he never expected it to come so soon.
Thanks Joe. Most of my best COH friends and favorite people come from or post on the Kheldian boards. This was by far my favorite part of the community, and my Warshade has always been my favorite character.
Later mate.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.

I will thank you for your guide as it did help me.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Bill, back atcha - may the road rise to meet you, my friend.
THB - I'll miss your enthusiasm. It's funny this game ended right as your market advice was really paying off.
Khasei, Grim, best of luck!
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
I'll miss you guys. Kheldian players are the best.
Aww, I would've lent you some start up capital if I had known you were gonna be so slow about it.
Not everyone has a base full of inf printing presses, THB.
Ah yes, some more invincible blaster time. I'll be on momentarily.
Yep. I've got nothing better to do, already attempted something insane today. I have a daily allotted amount of insanity, you see. Lusca one day, the next, this:
It, uh. Didn't go so well.
Haha, yeah.. I soloed a Monster Island GM a few weeks ago on my Fire/Ment with aggro from 2 additional spawns most of the time. That alone made me feel good.
Also I won't be online for a bit- Ended up going for pizza, and my brother and I are playing some NHL 12.
Hey, I put up a pretty good fight, but against a couple dozen Monsters its pretty much hopeless.
Best Wishes Joe.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
CoH was my first MMO and Kheldians have always been the character class I've always loved out of all the character classes in all the MMO's I've ever played.
Hoping to meet you in other games,
LX (a.k.a. LordOfPit)
Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) � Augmenting Peacebringers � The Umbra Illuminati
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Remember: it is not over until the servers go dark, sign any petitions you can to help keep this community alive. Or hope that someone buys up the game.
I jumped into that with my Dark tank one hami raid, but I had to wait a few minutes before the rest of the raid realized I had such a convenient herd in one place.
I lasted a fair while, but I couldn't summon my pets without them being killed instantly. Ultimately it was fairly pointless, I can barely beat of the regen of one Monster.
"Beep.Beep.Beep" came low, soft and steady. Greg Walker stood up and followed the sound. "Haven't been in this section of the base since...ED was around" he thought. Moving slowly he glanced at the racks and racks of gathered tech and salvages, "Damn, never gonna get around to that now" his mind responded.
"Beep. Beep. Beep" the sound continued. Approaching an isolated teleport pad in the remotest part of the base Greg found the source of the alarm. A computer screen on a disused terminal was flashing...an alarm had been triggered. Flicking on the switch a low hum of the early model power module kicked in and the lights instantly flared.
Outside in Atlas someone had tripped one of his sentry alarms. Memories flooded back of a tired and injured hero crawling slowly along a wall on a dark and rainy night, hordes of Hellions were searching for him baying for blood. Snapping back into the present he glanced at the lit cabinets around the room.
"A vial of SupaDrine" was the inscription "FrostFire 2004" next to "Xanatax gem" Xanatax 2004. Dozens of small souvenirs lined the wall, photos in many cases of the earliest work he had ever done as a Hero. A memory came back strong then.
"Mama.. Is the Man/Lady gonna be ok...He is losting the red stuff everywhere"
"Yes Jonah the MAN will be ok...Mama is a nurse and has stopped the bleeding. He is just tired"
"Why is he wearing those coloured cloths...he looks kinds like a girl"
"He is a Hero Jimmy...He saves people and does not want the bad men to know who he is"
"He saveded us when the bad peoples took you away...I like him and I am being a hero when I grows up"
"Maybe Jimmy...but yes..."
"Mama.. Can I gived him my drawing now"
"Just place it on the table son... he is sleeping now"
Back in the present Greg picked up the drawing of a brightly coloured stick man and lots of black sticks with a red hat...a little boy was flying in the air with a bright cape. Tears flooded then as Greg started to remember all the people he had helped in the early career of a hero. "Damn me but it is easy to forget them with all this cosmic, time travelling, God fighting stuff going along"
Tapping the keyboard and entering the crude password Greg looked at the alarm... It was Jimmy's apartment...
Stepping out of the teleport light the Hero Prima Nocte walked through the remains of the building. Someone has to protect the little people "he thought".
A scream up from the alley and he followed...5 hellions had herded a lonely middle aged woman into the alley and were starting to have some fun, at there feet was a young man, bleeding from a knife wound.
"I would put the knife away lads..."
"Look who is here.. A lonely hero... Who are you Hero...Purple Man..." referring to the shade of his clothing
"I am Prima Nocte..."
"Prima Who....You better scram before I.."
Prima Nocte summoned one of his lowest attacks and subdued the hellions before the sentence could finish..."Been quite a while since I found someone who did not know my name" he thought.
The man was dead...the man was Jimmy...he was dressed in a mockery of clothing resembling Greg's first hero costume.. the one he wore when he saved him years ago...The woman was in hysterics..."Where were you/....why did you let him try and be a hero... why did you abandon us..."
Anger flashed...Prima Nocte would not abandon, self pity were not his cause...He stalked from the alley and called in an inhumanly loud voice
"I will fight...I will remember...I will cleanse"
THe final crusade of Prima Nocte, starting in Atlas clearing any and all gangs he could began that night. All tasks were completed...all contacts were reconected...Prima Nocte fights until the end.
"Self indulgence but I remember fighting the hellions and frostfire battles back back in the dim beginning and remember one of the last Buffy episodes where she finds it odd that a Vampire did not know who she was..."been a long time since I have found one that did not know who I was"...Whilst no XP is needed, given nor inf either Prima Nocte has street swept Atlas, Kings, Perez, IP, Talos, Striga, Steel, Skyway, Brickstown, Hollows, Fautline, Eden, PI, Croatia, all the old places...he has started and now only has 4 mission contacts in opuroboros not completed.. this will be fixed by the time the came closes... Thanks Coh...Thanks COmmunity...I will not post anymore and when the game goes dark Prima Nocte will be fighting Hellions like the old days...
I long struggled to find a concept that really worked for me. I finally did so sometime circa I9-11. I sadly don't remember exactly. I created a Warshade who was someone forcibly bonded with a "blank" Nictus essence as part of one of Crey's many experiments into creating metahuman assets.
I had left the character at around level 12 for some time, but planned to work on her after latest round of buffs to human form damage scales. For whatever reason, I instead chose to level a Mind/Rad Controller I'd created a bit earlier. That Controller is now completely outfitted and Incarnate, so a new project made sense for me.
With I24's tweaks, I was finally going to do something that had always bugged me - I wanted my Warshade to be able to fly in human form. I had pretty firmly decided that was going to be my next project.
Now, I won't get to experience the mutha lovin' Warshade personally. Well, I suppose I could, but I'd really have to push her to 50, and that's not really how I like to play. I don't bond with characters I level like that.
Oh, well.
For what it's worth, while I may never have posted in here due to my lack of experience with the AT, I did come here to read up on info, build inspiration, and things like binds. I thank all of you. Your passion for the AT kept that character in my queue, even if she did end up waiting too long.
Best of luck wherever the winds take you. You may not be able to play your characters, but that doesn't mean they're dead. If nothing else, they can live on in your imagination and memories.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I can think of no better place to say goodbye to my favorite game than in the forum shared by my favorite bunch of squiddy gamers. It was fun while it lasted, and it'll leave a dwarf-sized hole in my heart when the servers are brought offline.
Such is life. I've signed all the petitions, but I doubt there's much hope. I'll keep on the forums for a while (mostly lurking) but I doubt I'll have the heart to log into the game much in the near future.
So here we are, and I can think of no better bunch of folks to spend these last weeks with than you. You'll all be missed.
It's good to be with you fellow kheldians, here at the end of all things.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies