Cosmic Balance question

Dechs Kaison



So, as I've said it before, I quit Peacebringer 4 times before. This time I am serious!

My new lvl 23 PB is currently all Human. I took Tanker form just for getting out of mez. Man, Tanker form's base damage is really low. lol I've never made a Tanker (and I don't intend to) but man, the base damage is really really low.

Anyway, I have some questions about Cosmic Balance. I've joined large team with my friends in RWZ and there were 3 Brutes. I looked at my stats and I had an amazing 75%-ish resistance to S/L. That's pretty good "team buff".

I think Defender and Corruptor gave me 20% base damage buff. What about Stalker?

My question is what does other WS/PB give me? The stats shows 10% resistance to "recharge debuff"? Is that a typo? 10% resistance to a specific debuff type seems very very low to me. I thought it was 10% recharge bonus for each WS/PB on the team. lol

And I am deeply disappointed in Troller/Dom bonus. Only mag 1?? Which mez attacks only cause mag 1? The lowest I know is a mag 2 stun attack. Shouldn't the Troller/Dom bonus be at least mag 2? I was getting held/slept left and right by Mentalist in RWZ.

Overall, I find PB Human to be quite "sturdy". I think I can see why Human damage is a bit on the low side because PB human can survive quite well with all the +HP, healing, shields and knockbacks. I am impressed by bonus from melee ATs and Corr/Defender. The other bonuses, not so impressed.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I think the idea is not not make it so that one of each AT in the team will make a PB/WS really powerful, but make it so when you have multiples of certain AT's it makes you stronger in the opposite role (PB) or same role (WS).

So if you have a few PB/WS you would get a fairly nice Recharge debuff resistance (So when you face cold using mobs or Marksmen you can continue to use powers)

Also I believe players have something like a mag 2 protection to mez (We're like Leiuts rather than Minions) and with Tanker's mez protections being somewhere around 6 and almost immunity to all KB is mag 4...

But yeah, it's great being in a team on a Kheld (Fairly important at the low - Oh-dear-I've-been-violated-by-another-Void-levels)



Here. My additions in this color.

Originally Posted by
Kheldians naturally thrive off the energy and essence of their teammates. Peacebringers' metamorphic nature allows them to bring balance to their team. Your Damage will increase for each nearby Tanker, Mastermind, Corruptor or Defender teammate (20%, each). Your Damage Resistance will increase for each nearby Scrapper, Brute, Stalker or Blaster teammate (10%, each). Each Peacebringer, Warshade, Arachnos Widow or Arachnos Soldier on their team gives a 10% Recharge Slow Resistance. Finally each nearby Controller or Dominator teammate will grant you limited protection from Control effects (Mag 1). You cannot put Enhancements in this power.
Each bonus is cumulative, so more of each AT will contribute multiple bonuses. The effect is most notable when the team is heavy in one direction or the other. A lot of offensive ATs will make it easy for you to assume a tanky role. A lot of defensive ATs and that damage bonus will become solidly noticable. Each one is like throwing an extra damage DO that isn't affected by ED into all of your attacks.

Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Overall, I find PB Human to be quite "sturdy". I think I can see why Human damage is a bit on the low side because PB human can survive quite well with all the +HP, healing, shields and knockbacks. I am impressed by bonus from melee ATs and Corr/Defender. The other bonuses, not so impressed.
Yes, I've often referred to my all human PB as a "regen blapper."

The status protection bonus is incredible when you have at least two controllers. Acrobatics provides 2 mag hold protection and costs endurance to run, which is enough that even bosses can't hold you in one shot (with 2 mag protection, you'd need strictly greater than mag 3 to mez you). Two controllers on the team and you have 2 mag protection to just about everything for free. I can't call that "unimpressive."

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
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Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
...My question is what does other WS/PB give me?
In my opinion, as a Kheldian, you should first and foremost consider the synergies between your power sets and other characters because those synergies could mean the difference between success or failure. This is especially true in an All-Kheldian-Team, but any two Warshades can stun everything around them if they dance around with Inky Aspect on and throw other +stun attacks.

That's why I think the idea is that when Kheldians team together, their passive buffs are meant to ensure the two Kheldians can keep each other from being slowed down and thus force the Kheldians into a more active role, so you'd actively seek those power synergies and play accordingly.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
What about Stalker?
Just because this hasn't been answered yet, Stalkers fall into the same category as Scrappers, Brutes, and Blasters for Cosmic Balance and Dark Sustenance. That means for you as a PB, they give 10% resistance.

Cosmic Balance is a large part of why I found playing a PB to be so much fun. With tri-forms, being able to fill the role that your team is lacking in is just fantastic.

Just a note about the mag 1 protection:
That +1 means most of the secondary "stun" effects will no longer bother you. Their duration:chance is so low that it's not likely to stack, and the majority of them only do mag 2 disorient. That means it only takes +1 stun protection to ignore them.

I think you would find that incredibly helpful at low levels. I bet if you monitor your status protections you'll find it helps more often than you realize, at least with stuns that are the secondary effect of an attack.

The "Lightning Clap" type powers are only mag 2 as well, I believe. So the controller/dominator would make you able to waltz through those bright flashes.

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
My new lvl 23 PB is currently all Human. I took Tanker form just for getting out of mez. Man, Tanker form's base damage is really low. lol I've never made a Tanker (and I don't intend to) but man, the base damage is really really low.
You keep using that word. I do not think you know what it means.

Tanker base damage = 0.80
Scrapper base damage = 1.125
Kheldian base damage (melee) = 0.85
Dwarf base damage = 1.00

So a Dwarf has MORE base damage than a Tanker, and more than the Human Form.

What makes the Dwarf's damage low is a) limited selection of attacks, none of which do as much damage as Incandescent Strike or Radiant Strike and b) competition for Enhancement slots with the Human and Nova forms.

If you are not three slotting ALL of your Dwarf's attacks with damage, you will NOT get a lot of damage out of him. That's the equivalent of cutting your base damage in half. (So 0.50) You'll have to decide if it is more important to save the slots for other forms, and use Dwarf for tanking, or ensure Dwarf has enough damage to be effective in melee. (Hint: former for PB, latter for WS)

The solution for the limited selection of attacks, unfortunately, is limited to picking up Hasten, and some +recharge IOs.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post

Yes, I've often referred to my all human PB as a "regen blapper."

The status protection bonus is incredible when you have at least two controllers. Acrobatics provides 2 mag hold protection and costs endurance to run, which is enough that even bosses can't hold you in one shot (with 2 mag protection, you'd need strictly greater than mag 3 to mez you). Two controllers on the team and you have 2 mag protection to just about everything for free. I can't call that "unimpressive."
Yeah, PB survives quite well against anything but Psionic damage so far. I am still new to PB and I am not used to watching out for Void/Quantum. Their damage is pretty high but the thing I hate the most is their knockbacks/stuns because after I get knocked down, I get hit again.

So far, I am only using Dwarf form for healing. I don't have enough slots to enhance tanker form's damage. It's just not enough slots. Of course I may change the build later to test things out.

PB survives well and the only achille's heel is mez protection and psionic damage. Other than that, PB human is pretty fun.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
You keep using that word. I do not think you know what it means.

Tanker base damage = 0.80
Scrapper base damage = 1.125
Kheldian base damage (melee) = 0.85
Dwarf base damage = 1.00

So a Dwarf has MORE base damage than a Tanker, and more than the Human Form.

What makes the Dwarf's damage low is a) limited selection of attacks, none of which do as much damage as Incandescent Strike or Radiant Strike and b) competition for Enhancement slots with the Human and Nova forms.

If you are not three slotting ALL of your Dwarf's attacks with damage, you will NOT get a lot of damage out of him. That's the equivalent of cutting your base damage in half. (So 0.50) You'll have to decide if it is more important to save the slots for other forms, and use Dwarf for tanking, or ensure Dwarf has enough damage to be effective in melee. (Hint: former for PB, latter for WS)

The solution for the limited selection of attacks, unfortunately, is limited to picking up Hasten, and some +recharge IOs.

It certainly didn't feel 1.00 damage scale for me. I know I didn't slot any of tanker's attacks because I just don't have the slots (yet). Even with 1.00 scale, 3s and 6s attacks don't do enough damage unless I put procs in them. And it's not like Dwarf form can take other attacks to make that 1.00 scale worthwhile (unlike VEAT taking patron attacks like Gloom and Shatter Armor). Yes, I keep saying that because it is true and I have eyes that tell me damage is low. It doesn't matter if you have 1.50 scale if your attack's base damage is on 3s and 6s recharge.

I am actually not really concerned for Dwarf form damage because I don't plan on "tanking" anyway. I am only using tanker form's healing so far. It takes a while to change into Dwarf though. Like 3s?

I've seen posts on Dwarf builds but Peacebringer's dwarf seems a lot weaker than Black Dwarf. I can see Black Dwarf dealing decent damage with Mire and even better healing with Drain. The only thing that stands out for White Dwarf is casting Dull Pain before changing form.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Jib one thing you might be seeing in terms of low damage is mob resistance to the smashing component of the White Dwarf's damage. You might try is slotting an Achilles' Heel chance for -Res inn White Dwarf Smite and White Dwarf Flare. I've noticed a difference.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I am actually not really concerned for Dwarf form damage because I don't plan on "tanking" anyway. I am only using tanker form's healing so far. It takes a while to change into Dwarf though. Like 3s?
I believe it's 2.03 seconds. It sure can feel like a while though.

Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I've seen posts on Dwarf builds but Peacebringer's dwarf seems a lot weaker than Black Dwarf. I can see Black Dwarf dealing decent damage with Mire and even better healing with Drain. The only thing that stands out for White Dwarf is casting Dull Pain before changing form.
The BlackDwarf certainly does more damage, because of Mire and Drain. The self +Damage combined with an extra attack spells more damage.

The White Dwarf's advantage is survivability which comes through a few rather unspectacular folds. Sublimation's healing per second is less than Drain's, yes, but its high recharge means it consumes less of your activation time, and there's no to hit check. Also, if you actually intend on the Black Dwarf seriously benefiting from an extra attack, it's probably going to be slotted as an attack, rather than a heal. Sublimation takes very few slots and it's good to go awesome opossum sauce.

The second fold is Flare's knockdown. It's awesome mitigation.

The third is that damage-focused ATs increase your resistance. So if you've got Blasters, Brutes, Scrappers, and Stalkers floating around you're just that much tougher. The value of this could be debated, of course, since WSs get a ton of resists on their own and would be doing even more damage in the same scenario.

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



Another thing to remember is that Nova is no better. It has a 1.2 damage scale, true (and a +45% damage bonus) but it's single target basic attacks are 1.5 seconds and 4 sec recharge. They are WORSE than the Dwarf attacks. The only reason the Nova is known as a damage dealing platform is because of its two AoE attacks. And even those cannot compete with a Tier 9 nuke like Inferno.

Plus, you WANT those attacks to be fast, if they had long recharge times, you would be sitting around doing nothing waiting for them to recharge, and you do enough of that as it is. Your DPS would be no better if the Dwarf attacks were 6 and 10 seconds, or even if one of them was a 20 second massive attack like Seismic Smash or KO Blow. Since you don't have a saturated attack chain, you would just be standing there doing nothing while your enemies beat on you. That's why the Nova and Dwarf basic attacks ARE so fast.

That's why I continue to insist that for a Peacebringer, the HUMAN FORM is the damage dealer. The Human Form PB has Iridescent Strike and Radiant Strike, but no fast melee attacks like most meleers. It is BUILT for you to fight in Dwarf form, wait for Iridescent Strike to recharge, and drop out of Dwarf form for a massive blow. Then back to Dwarf to bring back up your defenses. That is the way you deal damage in White Dwarf form, by taking advantage of form shifting.

Likewise, as a Warshade you will drop out of Dwarf form to Double Mire. The Kheldian is not about staying in one form and trying to make it work on its own. Although you still need to strike a balance between running out of the few slots you have available to spread around, and slotting your attacks well enough to make their Endurance cost managable. Personally I find that while 3 slotting attacks in the early levels can be painfully difficult, 2 slotting them can be adequate to the task. If you can use an IO to dual slot Accuracy and Damage, so much the better. (You usually don't need full 33% Acc, 16% is usually enough)



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Yeah, PB survives quite well against anything but Psionic damage so far. I am still new to PB and I am not used to watching out for Void/Quantum. Their damage is pretty high but the thing I hate the most is their knockbacks/stuns because after I get knocked down, I get hit again.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Khelds! You life will be much easier if you set up a bind or macro to help seek out your nemesis Something like:

/macro QVS find "target_custom_next enemy alive quantum$$target_custom_next enemy alive void$$target_custom_next enemy alive cyst$$target_custom_next enemy alive dwarf$$target_custom_next enemy alive nova"

Also useful is having a bind or macro set up to alert your team mates with an attention getting battle cry whenver one of them nasty buggers is sighted so they can help out. There are guides at the top of this forum that show you how to do it all better than I am explaining it and provide much other lifesaving information.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post

That's why I continue to insist that for a Peacebringer, the HUMAN FORM is the damage dealer. The Human Form PB has Iridescent Strike and Radiant Strike, but no fast melee attacks like most meleers. It is BUILT for you to fight in Dwarf form, wait for Iridescent Strike to recharge, and drop out of Dwarf form for a massive blow. Then back to Dwarf to bring back up your defenses. That is the way you deal damage in White Dwarf form, by taking advantage of form shifting.
The thing about changing form is that if I change from Human to Dwarf and then back to Human, I lose all the shields. I have to put them on again. It is quite annoying. And it seems to take like 3s to change into Dwarf from Human. I know it's not that long but when I held and click Dwarf, I feel I lost a lot of time changing form.

If I only change from Nova to Dwarf and back to Nova, there is no shields to change. I almost think if it's better just put slots in Nova and Dwarf and only use Human for extra healing if needed. Any Dual-form specialist here to share thoughts?

I am a full PB Human build now. Radiant Strike is the best attack so far. It is quite fast with decent base damage and a decent knockback. I find tier 1 attack so slow. That 4s eye-beam is slow and I don't feel like clicking that 1.5s range attack so often either.

I still have mixed review on PB so far. She is level 27. I just got my healing power. It helps others at least.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.