The MFing Warshade (A Tri-Form Guide)




This guide has been moved to my blog, a central location for me to keep all of my content, free to format as I please.

I wrestled with the idea of leaving the guide as is here and keeping the most up to date version on my blog. I ultimately decided that as I make the guide better over time, I won't want old poor versions hanging around. And you're mad if you think I'd like to double my work by updating in two places all the time.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Hand me my umbral power pool. It's the one that says Bad MFing Warshade.

Nicely done; I'd been thinking the Kheldians didn't look super fun to play, but you make it sound fun. The other Warshade guides I've seen have sort of been built around the assumption that you pick a specialty; I think your idea of changing specialties frequently is intriguing. Conventional wisdom is you won't be as good as a specialist, so a specialist will beat you, but I think CoH has dynamic enough battles during the course of a mission that flexibility may win.



As someone who lolkhelds for years, I'll say a well-built and well-played warshade can be fun, especially once you get eclipse.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Extremely well-written guide, Dechs. Great humor as well--made it really fun to read. I like how you broke it down into "phases," which makes things a lot easier to understand, and including the in-depth and intricate binds made even a "MF'ing Warshade" vet like myself want to check my own binds on my tri-form build and see if I'd gotten everything I could get out of it...

Best quote:
"Nothing says "I'm The MFing Warshade" like stepping out of the void."


I'd say you've really made a "definitive" tri-form guide for Warshades here, mainly because it contains all the stuff that people come to the forums to ask about them--not the boring stuff about what each power does, which anyone can read in the power description in-game.

Nice work.

Oh, and hey... Thanks for the shout-out for my guide too!

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Awesome guide I just made a WS the other day, and wanted to make a tri-form, but was a bit miffed because of the wasted slots before Nova, never thought of respec *bonks forehead*

thanks again for a great guide.



Near the end of your first post:

I let it's damage be done through nova blasts.
From the Elements of Style:
The pronominal possessives hers, its, theirs, yours, and oneself have no apostrophe.



Good catch, thanks. I know that rule, and it's not something I mess up often. I'm calling it a typo.

Additionally, I've updated the second post to include my tray setups and some additional binds. Tactics are to come.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



This guide has totally changed the way I play my Warshade. I am now far more aggressive and feel pretty much bullet-proof a good chunk of the time!

I have some questions tho. I am creating a Mids respec toon trying to make it more "tri-form" and less "bi-form" (Nova/Dwarf). Its the same old "too many powers, not enough enhancement slots" issue. I would like to see your build so I can get some ideas on slotting. Mind you I don't want to slavishly copy anyone's build... I know how I like to play and what powers to take. But I am still shaky on IO sets and where to place my precious enhancements.

Thanks again for the great guide. It has really made for a completely new experience in playing my WS!



Thanks for writing this guide. My tri-form hit 22 and kind of stalled there because I wasn't quite sure how to play him or what sort of build to aim at. I'm gonna try reevaluating based on this guide. Also, the fact that you can respec your level 3 and 5 slots into your Nova powers is a neat trick I was unaware of.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by BlackCaduceus View Post
This guide has totally changed the way I play my Warshade. I am now far more aggressive and feel pretty much bullet-proof a good chunk of the time!
Mission accomplished.

Originally Posted by BlackCaduceus View Post
I have some questions tho. I am creating a Mids respec toon trying to make it more "tri-form" and less "bi-form" (Nova/Dwarf). ...
I said early on I won't post a build, but I'll do you one better. Send me a PM with your build and I"ll do what I can to optimize it.

Also, I encourage you to read through this thread, which does have a few builds posted as examples.

I think I figured out what my third section will be for, though. I'll get to writing an entire post with detailed slotting tips.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Well Dechs I am redoing my final build for my Tri-Form Warshade and thought I would focus some of my attention to the areas that you highlight. I will need to respec and am only at 44 at the moment but I hope for big things. It also helped that I brought her out of the dusty corner (it had only been a week since I last used her) and teamed up with a few PuGs to see how my play style functioned and what I might need to make it better. What is really nice is that the new re-vamp brought the cost down considerably.

Now to just get the respec out of the way and start playing the market game to get her properly kitted out.

Thanks for the guide and hope that our Warshades meet sometime.



Very nice guide, it emphasizes the pace you want to keep as a WS; even more so then for a Brute, you are safest if you are playing full speed ahead, because that way you have more damage (Mires), more protection (Eclipse), and more firepower (Essences) then if you stop.

One additional tactic for dealing with bosses or EBs/AVs, use the TP Foe power you get for free to grab a minion from the edge of a spawn, beat him down, get a Essence out, then go in. Bonus damage to start the fight. Another tip regarding this, last time I tested the Mitos

I also found Inky Aspect to be handy when I wanted to run into a spawn to Mire and Eclipse, by the time I'm shifting to Nova a bunch of the minions are stunned, so I take less damage back as I'm blasting them. Its tough to have Eclipse fairly permanent till 50. Not as necessary if someone else is tanking, of course, but being a WS means having a tool for every situation.

I also highly recommend frankenslotting Nova and Dwarf attacks early on till you have "final build" sets in at high levels, its easy to run out of End at lower levels or fighting AVs where there can be no bodies to refuel from for long stretches. Cheap and makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Scientist View Post
Very nice guide, it emphasizes the pace you want to keep as a WS; even more so than for a Brute, you are safest if you are playing full speed ahead, because that way you have more damage (Mires), more protection (Eclipse), and more firepower (Essences) than if you stop.
I'm glad this is what you got out of it. The warshade is a beast of inertia. Once moving at full speed, it takes one hell of a wall to stop it. It'll take a while to build back up, but there is always the restart button found in Stygian Return.

You did just remind me of a post I made a while ago, describing what I called "mirelock." It's applicable, so I'll quote it here.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
In my absolutely non-professional medical opinion, "scrapperlock" can be viewed as an illness. It is dangerous and highly contagious. The most noticeable symptom is of course the behavioral trend to attack the largest group of anything that poses a threat. Other common symptoms include impatience, hyperactivity, and disregard for self as well as teammates. In the most extreme cases, those with scrapperlock can go deaf and mute. All of these symptoms stem from the same root cause, which is the delusions of immortality that scrapperlock creates.

Even though a player is diagnosed with chronic scrapperlock, he is often able to function normally within a team. The player will always experience frequent minor flare ups, and may notice in time to return to his group. Commonly, however, full scrapperlock will take hold, and the player will be lost to the illness until such time as the armies of darkness have been vanquished in their entirety.

Scrapperlock, however, is a lesser affliction of the rare "mirelock." The added danger of mirelock is the rapid pace at which it advances to the chronic stage. This is often too soon for the illness to be diagnosed and treated properly. Further, once mirelock has developed, there is very little that can be done to cure it. This is because mirelock is more than a simple illness. It is an addiction. Mirelock causes the delusions of immortality, but is fed by the presence of foes. The more foes present, the greater these delusions become. The greater these delusions become, the stronger the illness and thus an increased number of foes, et cetera, ad infinitum.

A typical case of mirelock exhibits all the symptoms of scrapperlock, but each of these symptoms is exaggerated. Where a scrapperlocking player may find himself ahead of the team, the mirelocking player needs to be ahead of the team. A mirelocking player will find his power directly proportional to the number of foes around him, so where a scrapperlocking player will finish a group off before moving on, a mirelocking player will race ahead and let the stragglers catch up to him. Impatience and hyperactivity are worse in the mirelock case because of powers operating on a timer. The deaf/mute symptom is also more common with mirelock for this reason as well. The disregard for self is further inflamed because of the presence of an offensive self reviving ability. A mirelocking individual must be deep within enemy ranks so that in the event of a defeat, fuel will exist for the fire.

In conclusion, this is a very serious illness with potential ramifications on an extremely large scale. If a cure exists, it has been elusive. I urge this community to help me find a cure for mirelock. If we are to find a cure, we must know more about the disease. This will require research, and countless volunteers to experiment. Please, for the sake of the community, roll a warshade. Learn about mirelock.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I just added tactics to third post. Feel free to suggest other tough scenarios you'd like to see some tips for.
very nice writeup, looking forward to future installments



This guide receives Microcosm's stamp of approval. So much that is good in this guide I just cannot comment on it all.

You might want to add a link to Joe's bind sticky in the Kheld forum.

Also, for the tough bosses thing, if you're fighting really tough stuff like EB/AV's in dwarf and need to pop down to eclipse, it is wise to watch for the knockdown that the dwarf punches occasionally do and shift down to use that brief window to safely buff.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Another great guide. Thanks, I've bookmarked this for future reference.



/em applaud.

Though, nova and dwarf... Yeah, the performance shifter proc helps. In an "if you have the slots for it" suggestion, there are some other possibilities as well -
- +Perception. Low priority, but helps smack down demon lords/spectrals/ancestor spirits that are trying to hide and fly away.
- Winter's Gift slow resist. For what I'd hope would be obvious reasons, though you may want this elsewhere. (And obviously - wait, ski, get it free over the holidays instead of at market prices.)
- Build up proc. Why not. *shrug* Of course, we're khelds, a "slot I'm not doing anything better with" is a luxury.

I still have an ingrained wariness about the early Nova slotting you mention. I *know* when I finally do so, the week after we'll get a patch that "Fixes" that little bug (at least it used to be seen as a bug. Not sure of the official stance ATM.)

When looking for cheap sets, don't forget that pretty much every... single... attack has a slow component. And go name one expensive Slow set. Now, honestly, you'll end up grabbing the Acc/End most likely, or possibly a triple (which will have a touch of slow,) but in another "if you have the slots" (and if you want something to go along with neg. damage,) don't forget the Chance for Smashing proc. (Which, frankly, *is* probably the most expensive of any Slow set piece.)

Last bit, I always try to add some range to the Nova cone in either a PB or WS nova, just so its range is closer to that of the other attacks. I don't *want* to duck in and out for one attack.



I still have an ingrained wariness about the early Nova slotting you mention. I *know* when I finally do so, the week after we'll get a patch that "Fixes" that little bug (at least it used to be seen as a bug. Not sure of the official stance ATM.)
Last official stated stance was it had been allowed to become a "feature." But, y'know, that still doesn't mean they won't change their minds someday.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Last official stated stance was it had been allowed to become a "feature." But, y'know, that still doesn't mean they won't change their minds someday.
The thing is, there's a core balance issue in that any power you get before level six is pretty useless to a triformer. I don't know of any other powerset combos where this is the case. At most, you're forced to take a less useful power at level 1 from your secondary--and even those less useful powers can have uses before you get your far better powers later on. They aren't outright nonfunctional the way they are on a triformer. And most characters aren't stuck with four useless but mandatory powers.

If the devs ever fix the ability to retrospectively respec level 3/5 slots into Nova, they really need to rearrange the power order so both human-only and form-shifter Kheldians have viable pre-level 6 power choices. Peacebringers actually get a useful option at level 4 (Essence Boost). Thus, form-shifter PBs're only stuck with two wasted slots rather than four.

Given the work necessary to fix that respec thing, it's probably simpler to just leave it be. But there's a good reason to actually fix both the respec bug and the power ordering: Kheld newbies might not know about that respec 'feature'. Of course, Kheld newbies probably would have trouble finding good ways to slot a weird AT like Kheldians. But still.

More on subject, great guide! Especially the strategy section. It has some useful tricks I wasn't aware of (and I've been guilty of just ducking into Dwarf form to deal iwth mezzes, though I used Break Frees where possible).



Quite honestly, given how many more powers we have as a triform versus a standard AT, I wouldn't argue if they had Nova and Dwarf powers come double-slotted on grant. Not sure it's actually doable, but it'd make me happy at least.



Nice guide Dechs! I really like how you outlined everything and approached the idea of a "mindset" of a Tri-former. The strategies section really helps to emphasize the sheer amount of options available during an encounter for the Tri-form Warshade. Haven't looked at the binds in-depth yet, but it's looking like I might have to make use of some of them.

My Warshade is by far my favorite TFer simply because of the "toolbox" that a WS has across a wide range of levels. Describing this as "Phases" in a Warshade's career is a great way to illustrate this. A Tri-former can approach a problem in a myriad of ways, and you've seemed to hit the nail on the head explaining this in your guide.

Also, I've noticed I've been having a temptation to shout out "I'm the MFing Warshade!" in-game. Thanks for that as well.



Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I'm happy to hear the guide was entertaining as well as informative.

Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Also, for the tough bosses thing, if you're fighting really tough stuff like EB/AV's in dwarf and need to pop down to eclipse, it is wise to watch for the knockdown that the dwarf punches occasionally do and shift down to use that brief window to safely buff.
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Though, nova and dwarf... Yeah, the performance shifter proc helps. In an "if you have the slots for it" suggestion, there are some other possibilities as well -
- +Perception. Low priority, but helps smack down demon lords/spectrals/ancestor spirits that are trying to hide and fly away.
- Winter's Gift slow resist. For what I'd hope would be obvious reasons, though you may want this elsewhere. (And obviously - wait, ski, get it free over the holidays instead of at market prices.)
- Build up proc. Why not. *shrug* Of course, we're khelds, a "slot I'm not doing anything better with" is a luxury.


When looking for cheap sets, don't forget that pretty much every... single... attack has a slow component. And go name one expensive Slow set. Now, honestly, you'll end up grabbing the Acc/End most likely, or possibly a triple (which will have a touch of slow,) but in another "if you have the slots" (and if you want something to go along with neg. damage,) don't forget the Chance for Smashing proc. (Which, frankly, *is* probably the most expensive of any Slow set piece.)

Last bit, I always try to add some range to the Nova cone in either a PB or WS nova, just so its range is closer to that of the other attacks. I don't *want* to duck in and out for one attack.
These are all very good points. Do you guys mind if I add this stuff into the guide with my own wording?

Originally Posted by Goshnova View Post
Also, I've noticed I've been having a temptation to shout out "I'm the MFing Warshade!" in-game.
I started doing this a long time ago, and I think it helps...

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.