Why was I not informed?




...that Warshades were this much fun?

So, personal account. I'm putzing about the forums one day between classes, wondering if it'd be better to make a Brute or Scrapper in praetoria,* when I notice a link in someone's sig; 'The MFing Warshade'. Intrigued, I head over to the guide and find it difficult to stop myself from laughing.

'Someone's talking out his bum', I think to myself, 'All the (few) Warshades I've seen in game have been poor excuses for characters. This is clearly just a romanticized recount of a poor AT'

As the day goes on, I can't stop thinking about it, though. Finally, when I get back to the dorm, I decide to put one together. All of my friends laugh at me, and tell me I oughta just make a VEAT instead of a gimpy HEAT, but I've always sort of liked the Nictus, so I spend the requisite three hours on costume and log on.


This is the most fun I've ever had on any character. For the first few levels, I thought my concerns were justified, but then I started picking up forms and mezzes, and suddenly I feel like a powerhouse. Lasers everywhere, never needing to rest or stop, triple-damage nukes which take two seconds to recover from? My Storm/Rad defender WISHES he could have this much fun, and I understand it only gets better with Eclipse.

Is this the most fun AT in the game? Because I'm seriously having trouble even thinking about other characters at this point.

(Thank you for taking the time to read this!)

*Should have gone Scrapper. I love the character concept, but the Fury bar... I cannot stand it.



You can thank Dechs Kaison for the guide. It's a nice little piece of work.

As someone who plays a 50 Warshade and Peacebringer allow me to welcome you to our wonderful, alien world. All the naysayers who laugh and say VEATs are infinitely better than Khelds aren't in the least bit credible (That's not a knock on SoAs by the way. Got a 50 Widow and Solider too ). Warshades are, without a doubt, one of the wildest rides in the game. I hope you thoroughly enjoy it.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Its true they are a lot of fun. I'm finding it hard to do the tri-form though, keep getting my butt handed to me, but I'm loving every second of it.



Normly affter you pick pick up a few powers i would say drop the nova form the WS has so many ways to destroy stuff it dose not need "blaster" mode. in fact its human/dwarf forms alone can put out stupid lvl of dmg if you get the timing of the mire down

There is but one truth. Time is limited. ndnw its over



I just want to say thanks for taking the time to write this. You have absolutely made my day. Scratch that: my month. Seriously made me feel good. Thank you.

I'm glad to hear you were laughing at the guide, as I wrote it to be entertaining as well as informative. In my opinion, you shouldn't have to "slog through" a guide.

My warshade is, hands down, the most fun I've ever had on a character.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by MementoMori View Post
Normly affter you pick pick up a few powers i would say drop the nova form

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by MementoMori View Post
Normly affter you pick pick up a few powers i would say drop the nova form the WS has so many ways to destroy stuff it dose not need "blaster" mode. in fact its human/dwarf forms alone can put out stupid lvl of dmg if you get the timing of the mire down
Originally Posted by macskull View Post
I have to agree with this. Don't get me wrong, a bi-form build is plenty viable but there's nothing more rewarding than making good use of all three forms. A well built and well played TriFormShade is a true engine of devastation.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Welcome back to the Darkness, young one. The Nictus are not beaten yet...we shall rise again, and consume this pitiful planet.

I need to get used to playing my Shade again when I have internet to my main PC. I tried playing him again and he's no bike; if you forget, you need to practice to get back into it. But he's still seriously badass when he gets rolling.
And teaming is pure win. Enjoy the evil

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I recently came across the guide too, and found it equally amusing and helpful. Really a shot in the arm for my 'shade!

"I want Johnny Sonata to open his Moon Casino so we can have some damn Wailers on the Moon." - Johnny_Butane

"The vet reward for 1200 months of play is we move the servers into your house." - BackAlleyBrawler



Indeed, using the MF guide, my 'shade is a total blast to play. When I have that "I gotta blow junk up" feeling, out he comes.



Ahahahahahahahahahah! Yet another convert!

Seriously, since my Warshade got to 34 and switched sides to become a Nictus, I have been unable to keep my self from yelling, "I'M THE MF'ING WARSHADE!!!!!" every time I Mire into a group, smash them to a pulp, and suck out their souls to keep the engine of death rolling. I used to think it was exaggeration too, or at least behavior unique to high levels with IO builds, but then I made it across that boundary line and found myself running at +1/x4 all the time, too.

I honestly don't know what it is, I limped through the early 30s with exactly the same Stygian Circle, double Mire, Gravity Well, and Self Destruction just for fun. Then at 33 or 34, something... HAPPENED. Maybe it was a few more slots in Dwarf to bolster my Resistance, maybe a few more Damage Enhancements in the attacks, maybe an IO I slotted here or there. Maybe it was Fluffy. (Or whatever you 'Shades call it) That blast of his sure packs a whallop.

No, really, it's all true.



Originally Posted by Lord_Apollon View Post
Indeed, using the MF guide, my 'shade is a total blast to play.
Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
I have been unable to keep my self from yelling, "I'M THE MF'ING WARSHADE!!!!!" every time I Mire into a group, smash them to a pulp, and suck out their souls to keep the engine of death rolling.
Thanks, you two. Seeing these kind of comments about my guide just makes my day. Thanks. Really.

Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
I used to think it was exaggeration too, or at least behavior unique to high levels with IO builds, but then I made it across that boundary line and found myself running at +1/x4 all the time, too.
You know, I had trouble soloing on my warshade too. Then I upped the difficulty to +0/x6, and things got much easier. I know it's not intuitive (raising the difficulty to make things easier), but it worked.

Just wait until you pick up Eclipse.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
<snip>You know, I had trouble soloing on my warshade too. Then I upped the difficulty to +0/x6, and things got much easier. I know it's not intuitive (raising the difficulty to make things easier), but it worked.<snip>
I just want to echo this point, too. I got super-frustrated, and bumped up the spawn sizes out of desperation. Complete 180 on effectiveness. No more face-planting for me!

I also want to thank you, Dechs. My WS started to collect dust for no reason in particular. I read the MF'ing Warshade, and for awhile, I couldn't play anything else but a Warshade.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
You know, I had trouble soloing on my warshade too. Then I upped the difficulty to +0/x6, and things got much easier. I know it's not intuitive (raising the difficulty to make things easier), but it worked.
Yeah, just a correction, I meant to type -1/x4, not +1/x4. I'm not that crazy yet. But seriously, that's what I was doing, and it was KILLING me. I'd try taking on that many foes, even at -1, and they'd wipe the floor with me before I could get rolling. Even worse if I tried it in Human form, I pretty much had no choice but to stay Dwarf all the time. I had to actually go back to +1/x1 to complete missions with stealth teleport pulling.

Then, at about 33, it all changed. I really can't explain it. Maybe I hit a rhythm, or maybe, as I said, I suddenly hit a balance between powers and slots that enabled me drop a few more Enhancements into my defenses. I had been spreading slots pretty thin to support all three forms. But suddenly it started working. And I haven't looked back.

YMMV, obviously, but I think my point is, even if bumping up the difficulty doesn't help, just stick with it. At some point your build will "click", even if you have no idea what you're doing.

Just wait until you pick up Eclipse.
Oh, I'm definately looking forward to it.

And you know, it's SO much more fun to play them evil. Somehow I feel like Nictus should have been playable the whole time.



I've given Kheldian a try 3 times and 3 times were all during Double Exp period. I tried Peacebringer 3 times and I deleted him before level 14 3 times.

Why wasn't I informed that PB is so un-fun?
- Kinda low damage
- Resistance shields but with no mez protection
- Power tools don't work in Squid form (I didn't know that at first)
- Mix of range and melee attacks but no reliable controls like Dominator

One of my friends been using his old Warshade. He's doing quite well. He hates Peacebringer though.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I've given Kheldian a try 3 times and 3 times were all during Double Exp period. I tried Peacebringer 3 times and I deleted him before level 14 3 times.
"Before level 14" = nothing. Nobody performs particularly well at that point. Barely into DOs, nowhere near enough slots on any AT. Tanks can't really tank, Scrappers can't really scrap and so forth. And that goes for "kinda low damage" too.

Mez protection is granted by who you team with, as well as Dwarf form - at level 20. Not sure what you mean by "Cant' use power tools." I wouldn't suggest trying to build a house in either Nova or Dwarf form.

Control = Pulsar, Incandescent Strike (it IS a hold) and knockback/down. You are not a Dominator or Controller. You are a Peacebringer.



I really wish I could say I'm feeling the whole 'MFing Warshade' feeling, but I'm starting to think the archetype isn't for me as trying to do stuff solo is just completely painful. I did try the whole x6 mobs for missions but I just kind of faceplant as soon as I do a Mire. Being aggressive seems to just get me killed.
In teams the warshade is fun as hell but I'm the type that doesn't always team constantly.

I'm just trying to figure out exactly what I am screwing up so badly. I did read Dechs's guide and its what got me pumped to actually try a shade in the first place. But so far something just isn't clicking.

Then again maybe I'm trying to move too fast I dunno, at current my shade is sitting at lvl 22.



At 22, you're really just at the start of where the power curve seriously ramps up - you're just sticking a toe into SOs (and SO level IOs come a touch later, as far as commons,) and still a little slot-poor. At 22, you should have *just* picked up Stygian Circle.

For me, at this point, I tend to TP in (you do have your binds set up, yes?) in Dwarf to mire and eat any alpha, possibly double mire (dropping down to human is fast.) I'll admit I tend to still be Nova-happy in this stage with a Shade. Eat some purples (appropriately) first. If there's a troublesome enemy, make sure it's targeted for a Grav Well when you arrive. Also, you don't have Grav. Emination or Inky yet (which help with survivability).

Trust me, you're at the stage where you're *really* going to start building momentum with that 'shade. It's like a Mastermind in the late teens to early 20s... painful, but so close to power you can *taste* it.



Yes I did set up the binds that Dechs had in his guide they are rather helpful. I never really considered using the Dwarf Mire first, I kept thinking it would expire before I could go human, mire again and get into Nova to use any attacks.

I'll definitely have to give it some more levels since 22 is still rather young.



Originally Posted by Tazkar View Post
Yes I did set up the binds that Dechs had in his guide they are rather helpful. I never really considered using the Dwarf Mire first, I kept thinking it would expire before I could go human, mire again and get into Nova to use any attacks.

I'll definitely have to give it some more levels since 22 is still rather young.
Quite right, more slots in dwarf mire and more slots in stygian for recharge especially is a big thing.

Edit: I also put slots in the dwarf form itself for added resistance. I don't know how effective this is, maybe I am just delusional.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
Quite right, more slots in dwarf mire and more slots in stygian for recharge especially is a big thing.

Edit: I also put slots in the dwarf form itself for added resistance. I don't know how effective this is, maybe I am just delusional.
If you're delusional, I am too. I have 4 slots, 3 RES (Frankenslots) 1 Perf. Shifter Chance for END. I figure if I'm going to be a "Tanker" then I should get every last drop out of that form.

I'm not saying it's the best method, but he's pretty darn tough as a Dwarf.



Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
If you're delusional, I am too. I have 4 slots, 3 RES (Frankenslots) 1 Perf. Shifter Chance for END. I figure if I'm going to be a "Tanker" then I should get every last drop out of that form.

I'm not saying it's the best method, but he's pretty darn tough as a Dwarf.
My current Dwarf slotting is four Imperviums and a Performance Shifter proc. I still don't call it a tanker unless I've got a fresh application of Eclipse on, but I'm a pretty survivable scrapper, that's for sure.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



My current Dwarf slotting is four Imperviums and a Performance Shifter proc. I still don't call it a tanker unless I've got a fresh application of Eclipse on, but I'm a pretty survivable scrapper, that's for sure.
Just a question since I don't recall coming across it in your guide, about how many slots do you tend to invest in the actual dwarf powers? Currently I have about two invested in each power except for his taunt which is still at one.

I've also invested in about 3 to 4 slots on Nova's powers and currently trying to invest some in things like Gravity Well.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
"Before level 14" = nothing. Nobody performs particularly well at that point. Barely into DOs, nowhere near enough slots on any AT. Tanks can't really tank, Scrappers can't really scrap and so forth. And that goes for "kinda low damage" too.

Mez protection is granted by who you team with, as well as Dwarf form - at level 20. Not sure what you mean by "Cant' use power tools." I wouldn't suggest trying to build a house in either Nova or Dwarf form.

Control = Pulsar, Incandescent Strike (it IS a hold) and knockback/down. You are not a Dominator or Controller. You are a Peacebringer.

I took Leadership thinking that I could improve my Squid form damage but it was grayed out, unless they have changed that recently? I haven't played Peacebringer for a long time. My original plan is to focus on Bright Nova form and maybe Tank form in some situations but I see PB has quite a few powers that can only be used during Human form. I just don't know if I have enough slots to satisfy.

Isn't Puslar only a pbaoe mag 2 stun and Incandescant Strike is a 3.3s melee attack that has a hold. Both of them are pretty weak in control department IMO but I know PB is not a control class.

And I am not sure if Mids' numbers are wrong but PB's human form damage looks low to me.

It's not just because I didn't have single origin in PB. It's just that the whole design of PB seems very messy to me. WS looks a lot better (it seems).

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Tazkar View Post
Just a question since I don't recall coming across it in your guide, about how many slots do you tend to invest in the actual dwarf powers? Currently I have about two invested in each power except for his taunt which is still at one.

I've also invested in about 3 to 4 slots on Nova's powers and currently trying to invest some in things like Gravity Well.
I'll tell you my slotting, but keep in mind, mine is level 50, so I have more slots to go around.

Dwarf Mire and Drain have six slots. The strong attack has five, the weak one has four. Taunt has two (got a +max end bonus).

Nova attacks: The two AoEs have six slots, the strong blast I think has six, and the weak blast has only the default slot. I don't use it much (ever), since there's enough recharge in my build at this point to chain the stronger three.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.