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  1. I have it up and running, with only a minor hiccup.

    I was originally trying to edit my COH shortcut to load the beta and not the NCsoft updater shortcut.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bigfeeler View Post
    If you try to 'mouse-look' in other games and websites...
    I used to have COH screen shots as my desktop wallpaper. I found that I instinctively kept trying to change the view every time I sat down in front o f the PC
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
    You sit at your computer during maintenance drooling like an idiot waiting for the login server to come back up...

    Yeah... that would be me.
    Ha Ha... Doing that right now
  4. Has anyone had issues with codes from PCGameSupply ?

    They've provided me with 2 60 Day NCSOFT Time Cards in the last 24 hours that when I entered them I received a "This serial has already been used." error message.


    NCSOFT contacted me and confirmed that both codes had in fact been used, and that PCGameSupply was not an authorized seller.

    PCGameSupply, apologized for the inconvenience, canceled my order, and refunded it.
  5. Nice, Your coloring added additional depth to the model.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
    I'll give you fuzzy fingered hand! grrrrr :{
    I had to reread that. I thought for a second there you said you were giving me the finger, and a fuzzy one at that

    Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
    Okies off to finish yours today, see ya later...
    SWEET !!!
  7. Both of those are great pieces.

    It' strikes me a bit odd to see Lusca out of the water, but it looks good, well drawn.

    The second piece is perfectly in the Timm style and has enough going on to make you think about what you are seeing.
  8. Illustration by LividMoon
    Color by Lord Goat

  9. It would matter if the cosplayer actually looked something like my hero. Other than that I thick it would just boil down to a matter of cost.
  10. WOW LG !!

    That looks great!

    The black background choice contrasts well with her light costume color and really makes her stand out.
  11. LG thank you for making the Sexy Solarita even more sumptuous.

    Great Job !

    I think I might find some wall space for that pic now.


    Now that she has been colored, does the animation style remind any else of Stripperella ?

  12. Here's to Lord Goat, and using good bait

  13. With each new sketch they get more powerful.
  14. Commissioned comic books from an established artist are probably going to run a minimum $75-$100 a page.

    Have you tried reaching out to a college with an art program ? There are always young illustrators who want to break into the comic industry. A commissioned priject like this will allow them to build their portfolio and make some money on the side.
  15. SWEET !!

    LJ it's looking great, and I had no idea.

    I've peeped this thread before, entirely missed my name in the first post. I'll be certain to read more closely in the future.
  16. Sweet Googly Moogly !!

    Your right I missed it.

    Thank you for your efforts. It looks like it's off to a great start.
  17. First time I've come across this thread. We need to get someone to record this and put it on youtube
  18. The scarf does look a bit more like an ammo belt or Doc Oc's tentacles, but being honest, I like it that way.
  19. LividMoon had to show up my Mistress Machine =)

  20. Scultping is taking Fan Art to the next level !!

    It looks great. It will be awesome when it's finished.
  21. Thanks !!

    I've put a couple of pics over there already, maybe we'll catch a nibble.

    Mistress Machine my one and only mastermind. Bots/Dark.

  22. The most literal translation from City of Heroes Screen shot to Character art I've had done to date. It's quite impressive actually, but not quite what I was expecting.

    I may actually get a few more done this way.
  23. This is a great idea, pairing up artists.

    It was suggested that I pop over here and check it, and I'm glad I did.

    My coloring skills revolve around using crayons, so I haven't takes a stab at these. If anyone feels inspired to take a shot at coloring these it would be great.