That first piece has always been one of my favorite "Images by Alex."
Your gallery is off to a great start Centinull, got anything in the pipeline?
Nice collection.
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All things Ferreter: Ferreter's Masked Hour
CoH Virtue: Ferreter (Palladium Sentry), Mighty Mollie (ASTS), Charm Frost (GAH), Philomina (EoA), Sable Falcon (Inflitrators), Starlit Oracle (GotGA), Princess Lumina (Palladium Sentry), Doncella (Hero Dawn), Red Heron (Aerial Avengers)
Thank you for the kind words.
I've always loved that first piece. It hangs on the wall in my computer room and it's always gets a thumbs up from anyone seeing it for the first time. I need to track him down and see if I can get him to do another. It's great that you recognize it.
As for "in the pipeline", nothing going on at this exact moment. All off this art, aside from the first piece were all commissioned and delivered in the last 2-3 weeks. I need to farm more influence before my next spending spree at Wentworths.
Any starving artists willing to work cheap, feel free to PM me
I forgot that I had a phase after watching too many Justice League Unlimited Episodes...
Centinull spent a good chunk of his career in the costume, but I got sick of people calling him and Iron Man knock off, since he was never intended to be, and his back story and origins are completely unrelated. Centinull is a Crey built android composed entirely of nanites, not a rich guy in armor
When Centinull hit 50 I rolled up a Peacebringer. The concept was that a Kheldian tried to inhabit Centinull and he split off enough of himself to form another hero.
Leader of the the Twilight Crusaders Super group on the Guardian Server. I started drawing my SG mates. Katana/Dark Armor Scrapper I believe.
Another Twilight Crusader
Honestly, I don't even remember why I did this. We used to write fan fiction back in teh day, so I'm betting this was inspired by something I read.
Very nice stuff. I particularly like LividMoon's work.
My Corner of DeviantART
The Queen's Menagerie
This is another piece I had done, and I hate to say I'm not particularly thrilled about it.
The color and transparency are great but the artist chose a pose, which I left up to him, that obscures, basically skips, a huge amount of the costume detail.
Someone had asked about the artists I worked with.
Cyrus H Hunter A.K.A. KillaCaravagio http://www.killacaravagio.webs.com/
Arie Monroe A.K.A. DrawLikeCrazy http://www.drawlikecrazy.net/
Michael A.K.A LividMoon http://lividmoon-art.blogspot.com/
New pic by Cyrus H. hunter
New Solarita pic by LividMoon
I love that Lividmoon piece of your main, and those who know me, know I hate to draw metal, but I would make an exception for Centinull, that is if you don't mind?
Thanks !!
I'm a big fan of Lividmoon's work. He's currently working on the colored version of the Solarita piece for me.
Speaking of Solarita, I had a key tag made
@ShadowWhisper If you feel inspired, I wouldn't mind at all.
This one is going to be one of my all time favorites
Solarita, by LividMoon
Yup. That's hot. Congrats, looks even more amazing with color!
My Corner of DeviantART
The Queen's Menagerie
Thanks GQ !
I was very happy with it.
I had put this together back when I was popping out Heroscape customs over on www.Heroscapers.com . It's a Heroscape card for American Champion, based on his original costume, which was a bit more inspired by another hero.
Took a whack at drawing Centinull myself.
Any plans to color it? Or you could always drop it off in the Collab thread and see if it inspires someone else to give it a whirl.
That's a great idea. The only coloring I'm good at involves crayons.
The most literal translation from City of Heroes Screen shot to Character art I've had done to date. It's quite impressive actually, but not quite what I was expecting.
I may actually get a few more done this way.
Nice work.
My links: -My DeviantArt Page- -My Shop- -Tumblr- -Facebook Me!-
All things Ferreter: Ferreter's Masked Hour
CoH Virtue: Ferreter (Palladium Sentry), Mighty Mollie (ASTS), Charm Frost (GAH), Philomina (EoA), Sable Falcon (Inflitrators), Starlit Oracle (GotGA), Princess Lumina (Palladium Sentry), Doncella (Hero Dawn), Red Heron (Aerial Avengers)
Nice start to your artz thread, Centinull!! I agree with CR too! Drop the uncolored ones off in his collab thread to get allow some of the artists to work on their coloring skills!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
LividMoon had to show up my Mistress Machine =)
Love the angles in this sketch, reminds me of Frank Miller and Howard Chaykin.
The following are a series I commissioned from various artists of my Heroes.

My first COH toon and namesake. An Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster on the Guardian Server.
Art by the forums own ImagesByAlex
Water colors by LividMoon
by Killacarvagio
by Centinull
Think part Captain America and part Captain Marvel (SHAZAM) and roll him up as a Martial Arts/Shields Scrapper on the Guardian Server
by Konco
By KilaCarvagio
Brilliant and sexy archeologist gifted by the Gods while exploring a tomb, a welcome addition to any team, a Kinetics/Radiation Defender on the Guardian Server.
Illustration and Color by LividMoon
Illustration by LividMoon, Color by Lord Goat
by DrawLikeCrazy
by KillaCarvagio
Art Card by KeyTagGirl
A Tech based Bots/Dark Mastermind. She commands and army of robots, some as big as a tank, some as small as nanite.
by Centinull
by LividMoon