Goat's color book
Ok, I just finished another one. This time I picked one of Doom Diva's pics to fill in some color.
Doom Therapy - Black & White
Twizdedsoul did a great job on this one. I really liked the face and fly pose.
Doom Therapy - Full Color
I hope I did it justice.
Gonna try my hand again soon.
The drop shadow or bevel that you're using is having the opposite effect of what you want. It's making your characters look hollow and two dimensional. I suggest not using it at all and sticking to flat color instead of trying to fake it via filters and effects. The linework is already strong enough, no need to take away from it.
http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN
Nice drawings, congratulations.
I think the bas relief filter you've used works well sometimes, and it's worth experimenting like this to learn what is possible. For example with Hero Dawn, the straps look nicely 3D, although the red parts remain too flat in contrast. Perhaps consider the relief as a texture, and add another layer of light-source-based shading.
Looking good so far!

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you!
Massively.com opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!
Those are very nicely done, Goat!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
Cool stuff!
I agree with what's been said about the bevels, I used them as well when I was first learning, they get to be a crutch, and no offense to you, but they become a bad habit, and it makes you lazy to learn other ways of doing it. I hope you don't mind but I had some fun with your pencils, which I concur with Suichiro, stand on their own.

Wow I love what you did with that pic! I've only been at this for 2 days. Thats all the history I have to draw from. I hope to get to a point where I can whip out something much nicer than what I'm doing now.
Tip, tricks, and step by step details always welcome!
I'm working on a 3rd pic I hope to share soon.
I agree with what's been said about the bevels, I used them as well when I was first learning, they get to be a crutch, and no offense to you, but they become a bad habit, and it makes you lazy to learn other ways of doing it. I hope you don't mind but I had some fun with your pencils, which I concur with Suichiro, stand on their own.
PS; Thanks Goat, glad you like my work!

Very nice! I especially like the pose on the second piece.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Ok with the feedback I have gotten so far, I've worked up another one. Still wading tho all the tools and options.
Here we have Hopping Hottie. Very cute pose, love the face, cape & imp in this one.
Hopping Hottie : Black and White from TwizdedSoul.
Hopping Hottie : Color by Goat.
I sure hope Jona likes it! ((it's her toon))
Those are some nice lines you have there! Great job!

Char Site | My DeviantArt
Up next we have Ionia Titan
The in-game pic of Ionia.
Then you have the pic that TwizdedSoul did. Love the "let's Rock" pose. Shows the biker side or Ionia.
Ionia Titan: Black and white pic by TwizdedSoul
Then you have what I was able to pull off with a little color.
Ionia Titan: Color by Goat
Beautiful artz you two have going here! Very nice lines and poses, Twiz! And the colors look pretty kool, LG! You two make a good team! Keep 'em coming!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
I still think you should lay off the drop shadow/bevel, but your line art is still as nice as ever. I agree with LJ, that it's going to be become a bad habit if you don't curb it right away. While it's 'easy' to use, filters don't give you a proper shadowing job and in the end, will just take away from the good work you did already on the illustration.
http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN
Yeah Goat, no offense on the non filter thing, it's just to me, you're this close, why not go one step further. Here is a massive collection of coloring tutorials, inspirational pieces, and info that I've collected over the past 4 years on DA, I hope some of it is useful for you...
Art Tutorials
Ok I have another one to share.
This time I went with High Lord Creep.
To give a little idea what the in-game toon looks like to start.
Then we have the Black and White art TwizdedSoul did for us.
I get a kick out of the face on this one, and how the look fits the name of the toon.
High Lord Creep : Black and White by TwizdedSoul
This time I did most of the colors in what I thxs they call flats?! I also stayed away from most if not all the filters I have been toying with. I hope this is a little more in line with the advice I have gotten so far.
High Lord Creep : Color by Goat
This one was kinda fun to do, learning new tricks and all.
That's some nice colors and shading! Wish I could learn that fast. Great lines by Twizded too.

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you!
Massively.com opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!
That's some nice colors and shading! Wish I could learn that fast. Great lines by Twizded too.
Plus the link helped give me some ideas I wanted to learn and try.
Hello art go'ers !

Let me start with who I am. I'm Goat, I play on virtue and am one of the leaders of the Hero Dawn SG. I love art work that ties into the game, always very cool to see your toon made into art work!
With that we at Hero Dawn like to try and reward our high prestige members that earn 1 mill in prestige on a single toon with some black and white hand drawn art work.
Such as this
This is Lady Goatster, one of my toons. I love the way it turned out!
So much I grabbed my crayons and went to town.
After a few hours I'd like to share my work with you all.
Hope you all like it.
I'm working on more I hope to share soon!