1252 -
Can't post anywhere else, so gotta post here.
Woot! Grats Liz, Fire/Darks represent. :3 -
Like I could forget Nadya. Pffft.
I've been playing the action oriented game that people are theorizing here, for a month or so. It's called Dragon Nest. A tiny little free2play anime weeaboo game from the same developers as every other annoying game that people complain about their 10 year old kids being addicted to.
There are no rolls to hit. There is no accuracy dice. There's no slogging through a one on one combat with a lack of AoE fun. The XP is more determined by dungeon completion and quest XP than mob XP. You aim your powers and if you hit, you hit. The ranged classes play a little like an Third Person Shooter and the melee classes play like console adventure games. You can one shot giant packs of enemies as the glass canon types. Boss fights are actually engaging.
In fact, there's more games like this, but they don't get the notice of gamers because of their art style, their MTX based design, the general idea that unless it's a big name it's not worth playing and the general lack of customization. If you look hard enough, you'll find there are games out there that have already broken a lot of the cliches, but gamers are a finicky lot. -
I feel that it is now somewhat of an unfair comparison, because the devs have already shown that the planned color scheme for the CoT now addresses some of the problems with the ones currently on test, but this is a comparison between current and AE edits.
Clarity of bodies and ease of threat assessment were my primary concerns. The pre-edit CoT are very guilty of being zebra-like in their silhouette breaking camouflage. When tightly packed and with powers going off, it is near impossible to distinguish them from one another. -
This is what I am pushing for, done with AE custom edits.
(Male Minion figures are not available to edit in the AE.)
The reason for them being so dull is that they looked silly in their more colorful incarnations, when put next to the demon and ghost NPCs within their ranks. After testing a lot in the open air maps and Oranbega tunnels, the more dull tones help them to look like they belong while also having varied colors. -
Think about it. They're married now. They have something important to lose.
Quote:It's not your fault Sammi, it's just the increased reward at play that exaggerated the situation that was already present. This has literally been going on for years.I'm really, really sorry if that caused problems for the artists - I just offered to contribute something in the hopes that more people would take notice of the work you guys do.
To DD,
Your submission this month was fantastic and as I stated, I think it was indeed the best of all the posters done this month. I explained my reasons for voting the way I did, including the appropriate inclusion of the voting criteria. I think you need to look at things from the other point of view in order to really understand what's going on. You have a "sour grapes" feeling from myself and BW going, which is understandable. It's there. No doubt. Though you have a "smug winner" feeling at the moment. So, check it out:
Imagine that Bubba comes back into the thread and vetoes Caemgen's vote because of corruption. It's proven that he did not follow the voting guidelines as stated. We have a precedence set in vetoing votes already, for something less offensive as mistakenly adding in a third place vote for someone who wasn't a valid entry. Vetoing another vote is a realistic move at this point. Now, if you take away that vote, you lose. Upon rebalancing the votes, BW gets the first place spot this month and he gets the Samuraiko trailer and all the congratulations and you get nothing. Your work, all the hours you put into it, all the creative decisions you put into it, it gets you nothing. Your tired hands are empty. Now how would you feel when your prize is taken from you? That happy glee you're feeling right now at the prospect of your creation being brought to life? Erased. All the exited running around to help Sammi out, the nervousness of what the results might bring? Gone.
This is a theoretical situation here, as nobody expects this to happen. But it's really not entirely out of the question. It showcases that your position is a very precarious one. This is completely ignoring any potential issues with the early bird point entirely. You benefited from at least two executive decisions in your favor, both of which could have cost you the prize.
There are even other factors at play here, depending upon who you ask, but ignoring those your position at the top of the hill is still not a solid one. So, when you engage with the sour grapes losers, remember that. They have just as valid points to be angry as you do to be proud. -
Quote:When you backup my points with your own posts, yeah, I have that opinion. I could lay the blame on you directly, as you were the one who admitted to not voting upon the criteria given and thusly, your vote could be seen as being invalid, disrupting the entire voting structure here. However, I will not, because you're just a symptom of the board in total. At least you had the fortitude to admit it, which is much better than the rest of the horde.Yeah! Anyone who doesn't agree with Suichiro is obviously an illiterate, boob obsessed moron who doesn't know a thing about art! And don't give any crap about differing tastes or opinions being valid, that's just proof you're a moron!!
The real meat of the argument is that while everything went according to the rules, BW has quite a number of completely valid reasons to feel upset and abused by both the system and the followers. So, he's leaving and rightfully so. Everyone's argument is "No, you're not allowed to leave. You're a coward and you're wrong."
It's astonishing really. For considering yourselves "nice" folks, you sure are less than understanding of other people's viewpoints. So, when you chide me for being as such, go look in a mirror. The only difference is that I call people on it. -
There is more than one way for popularity to influence people. If DD's entry was centered around someone like, say, Turbo-Ski who people here don't know anymore, I think we'd have seen a very different result.
I actually thought that DD did a fantastic job this month. I had her in first based entirely on the art, but this month was NOT about just the art. It was about both submissions and she had the weakest trailer by far. BW had strong showings in both and that's why I ranked him first and DD third. If this was about the poster alone, DD would have easily taken my first spot. Reading comprehension was obviously not a strong suit for everyone however.
Really, it just comes down to this section of the boards being focused on very different things. It's pretty obvious that people didn't vote based on the criteria given, it's been established that bewbs = votes, and I dare say that the majority of people here don't know what makes for quality work. There's no reason to change, as people like what they like, but it's certainly not the place for anyone who's looking for artistic feedback or appreciation. Thusly, it's not worth putting that kind of effort into. Instead, I recommend any new artist to the boards to do more ego stroking fanservice, more breasts and more copied artwork. -
I think BW is right to withdraw. It's been clear that this has been more of a popularity contest than a real creative contest, which is fine. Just not the place that really deserves so much effort.
So it's either a tie, or it's DD ahead by one (early bird point.)
This one is so up in the air that it's anyone's guess, though I still have lingering issues with the nature of people's votes and the "Early Bird" mechanic. When it's this tight, it re-enforces the notion that it's not really a creative competition, but a race with art involved. -
Unsure what you're asking, but you may wish to look at this thread:
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=118410 -
1st - BW
2nd - Liz
3rd - DD
I actually really liked CR's trailer, it was like Piranha 3D. -
She should just send Doc Aeon to the real Doc Aeon at Paragon. That way they can have him running around the studio.
The squeeze-light is definitely awesome and those little recordable sound chips that you can sink into the doll would be a good direction as well, methinks.
I just find it odd, since the level of detail in these new dolls is starting to be anything but minimal. They're adorable, but they're no longer rag dolls, really. I'm just curious if it's accessibility, speed, price, or something else that's made this explode. I frankly love OC dolls as there's nothing like having your characters become real in a sense.
I won't post where I got these from, simply to keep this thread belonging to Layla. But I am extremely curious now if it's the button eyes that's the key, because it's the only thing that's particularly different now. I figure from an expression perspective, the button eyes actually reduce the emotive ability of the artist. Perhaps that's a good thing? -
I'm curious if it's price point that made this round of plush dolls popular with the art forum crowd. A few of us have ventured into this realm before but nothing came of it like this.
I really don't recommend anything by Christopher Hart. :\
Just stick with the "Marvel Way to Draw Comics" and then some other general anatomy books. -
You heard it folks. It's gimp-mask-a-go-go time!
*dances* -
What? Rowr is back!? Cool! Boy she's bee... oh.
...aw. :< -
NCSoft owns the rights to your character as they appear in game. NCSoft does not own the rights to your original character, as they appear outside of game.
This means that they own Massacre Melanie, the Fire Blast/Dark Miasma corruptor that resides in the Rogue Isles and has adventures burning Paragon to the ground. They do not own Massacre Melanie the corrupt magical faerie who that seethes with arson fill hatred and happens to wear a red leather jacket with combat boots.
Certain costume sets are designed around NPCs or enemy groups they use, such as Kheldians and VEATs, Vanguard, etc. But they don't own the rights to your overall design. If you make use of the very specific NPC parts, then you can get around copyright by simply changing the piece to something more generic.
So don't be afraid that NCSoft owns your soul. They don't. You still own your characters, just not their ties to the game. -
the Bi is Beautiful and the Shoujo is essentially Maiden. It specifically refers to beautiful young women and is commonly associated with very flowery and delicate characters and art style. Bishoujo art is a very specific subset of anime art, though I'm assuming the OP is simply using the term for cute girls as a generality.