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  1. Well, ok then. At least I'm not totally hosed after my yearly renewal.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    I'm not playing any other MMOs. I didn't enjoy WoW, Aion, GW, RO, GE, or CO. I have no idea where I'm going to go now.

    Mostly I don't know what to do with my modern-day themed characters, or Arachnos-inspired characters. I just can't take characters like these to some medieval fantasy setting game.

    Where is everyone going? I'd like some ideas and some discussions on what games offer what.
    Nowhere. There are no other games out there that interest me. Heck, I don't even find any need or desire to play this one anymore.
  3. I'm passing through in the afternoon, but won't be there in the evening - so I'll just wave as we drive by. :-)
  4. No link yet, its news from that TwitchTV thing. Just heard it myself and saw the brief demo.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
    As a player base how many incarnates do we think the developers should expect us to have per account? I ask this because of some of the talk in the L54 Battalion thread. It seems that there are some people that feel that they have not had time to get their characters up to level 53 yet. And it would seem that there are even those that feel they should have time to get all of their level 50s to level 53, and they have servers full of 50s. And then there are those without many or any level 50s to begin with.

    So how do you foresee the future content being delivered? Invasion stile where they spawn X levels higher than you? In all zones? Across all levels? How inclusive should the content be?

    Let us start with an informal survey.

    Some definitions

    • Fully Incarnated: I use this phrase to refer to a character with one T4 in each available incarnate slot Alpha/Judgment/Lore/Destiny/Hybrid
    • Incarnated: I use this to refer to a character with Alpha/Judgment/Destiny unlocked and has something slotted in them.
    1. How many characters have you fully incarnated?
    2. How many characters have you incarnated?
    3. How many characters have you rolled with the intention of making them Full Incarnates?
    4. Do you have any characters that you, for whatever reason, are not going to make Incarnates?

    What all of this boils down to is how much content is going to be made that only VIP's can use and then how many of those VIP's are going to play it? There are many on these forums that screamed bloody murder when they couldn't solo their way to full incarnates. And now some of those same people are still saying "More solo content! I don't want to farm the same story ark over and over." I can understand this. But I ask you, when do we stop adding solo incarnate content? When we have enough to make it a stand alone game?

    In comic book terms this is the big world shaking event. (That is right before the reboot*) This is when Superman, Batman, Ironman, Hulk, Lex Luthor all put on their game faces, and somebody makes the ultimate sacrifice to save the planet. Well our Incarnates are now playing those same rolls. And, to use a comic book term, there's only so much page space. Even if that page is a fold out poster we still can't fit all the Incarnates onto it. Not to even mention all the sub level 50 heroes. So we have to limit our cast somehow. My query to you is... How?

    * COH 2
    I have about 15 50s I still play.

    I worked on each one in Incarnate trials until they had t3s in all that was available.

    If they then had salvage to get t4 in something, I'd get it.
    I think I have a total of about 6 or 7 t4 powers scattered here and there.

    I have two characters who have Hybrid slotted now. It's a boring pain in the rump to do the same trial over and over. At least the other trials gave you a few alternates for ixp. Almost every team I've found doing the new trial is simply farming it. That's 5 times minimum I'd have to that one trial, per character. I don't think I have the patience for that at all. I'm going to limit hybrids to one of each at, tops.

    Plan? I plan to run all 50s I get through the trials, but I do not think I'll take all characters all the way through it.

    I have several 50s on other servers that may never get Incarnates - but mainly because I simply don't play on those servers that often.
  6. Yeah, I'm not nearly fast enough to get them. That plus they give them out while I'm at work and have 0% chance of using it.
  7. <Like>

    If it happens, I might start using it again ...
  8. I made 'Sewer Master' on Virtue, a WB/Poison Corrupt or. Lots of yellows and browns in the powers. :-)

    Costume is basically an environment suit with the new bubble helmet, and the face is an older man with the comb over hair.
  9. I live there already. I don't have any more slots available there. :-)
  10. Am I missing something? I just see "June", not June 5th.
  11. ItsJustJake

    Dream Doctor

    Originally Posted by Rapthorn View Post
    I've found out he appears in-game. If so... what powers does he use?
    He's very squishy too. He was alas following my Brute around, dying every fight and then saying "lolz. Rez or Sml ylw?".
  12. Im 100% fine with putting them on the market a little after they pull them from t9. Go for it.
  13. I just wanted to make sure it was not based on the number of charges. I can stand a time limit, but I won't buy consumables.
  14. 1- addition of a crotch slider

    2- an 'm-preg' inspired costume pack

    And maybe ...

    3- turning off the servers for good. That one for sure.
  15. I have to say my current favorite is my Titan Weapon/Willpower Brute. He kicks tushy.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Thank you for posting this <the Scrapper comparison>. Was really needed to really show what I've been trying to say for a while now.
    Is it really a fair comparison, though? I see some powers listed with procs and purples, others listed with just buildup, and others with nothing additional. It doesn't seem like a fair comparison at all.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LghtningBrenden View Post
    I'm sort of like this. I have Chronic Restart Syndrome.

    I roll a character, go "This is AWESOME!" and level that character up until they reach somewhere in the "Dead Zone Range", the range where I start losing interest in a character, which is around the level 15-30 area. I then get bored of that character, delete it to save room and roll a new character who is SO AWESOME and fun to play, etc. etc.
    That's me, except for the 'deleting characters' part. I think I have deleted 2 over the years, and I still feel guilty about it.
  18. I can't get him to recognize anything either, and I've given up trying. I don't bother with support anymore, either. They haven't been very helpful recently.
  19. I can think of stories for anything but Mutant, and I'm sure if i can make Natural work, I could find a way to squeeze in Mutant with some time to think about it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miakis View Post
    Does anyone? I think the only one I've ever encountered being used is the backup radio, and then only rarely.

    I only ask because I'm rather tired of getting all excited for a Rare Recipe drop only to see it's a temp power that I'll never use and doesn't sell, and could have been something useful. Does this bug anyone else? What do you think could be done about it?
    If i have the ingredients, I craft them. I'm not buying anything to complete them though. Most just get deleted.
  21. ItsJustJake

    Your DXP Plans

    My plans failed miserably. I managed to find one team Fri night late, got a level and had to log, then did not get to play sat or sun.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Ahh .. OK. I'd need to get a pvp io before I could use it, in any case. But I could buy a 'cheap' purple, and hope for a good random pick?