how uber is your favorite character's AT/powersets?
well at least regen was leet at one point. About 5 years ago I think, but it was.
Then the nerf.
And then Willpower.
Regen is still very nice on scrappers, though!
Staff/WP stalker here. I have a bad case of alt-itis and it takes time for me to warm up to a character and concept. Now, with the release of staffing fighting and the recent update for stalkers...well, I think it's a match made in heaven.
Super Strength/Willpower
Coupled with IOs, there are sets now that perform about as well as Regeneration did with Instant Healing. But I can still tank Hamidon with my regeneration scrapper - between EoEs, Instant Healing and destinies you have a lot of options to go with.
My main is fairly powerful for a concept build. He's Broadsword/Regeneration, and he's sitting at the lethal/melee softcap thanks to the new Scrapper ATIOs. He's no where near as damaging or tough as some characters, but he's built to fill in what a team or league might need - Medicine, Leadership, Provoke from the presence pool and the hold from the ancillary pool. He's almost got every single Tier 4 in the Incarnate system, with the exception of about 4 remaining Alpha slot T4s.
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
fire/fire blastoid
SS/WP/MU brute god i love it
For me, it's a toss-up between my Fortunata, and the two versions of my time manipulator (one of whom predates Time Manip so he's a grav/kin controller). None of them are going to take down any AVs without help or clear any farm maps in record time, so not precisely uber, per se... just respectable.
Fortunata is built for melee and AOE attacks, and has softcapped positionals with her down-to-permanent Mind Link. She solos most things at +2/x8 at respectable speed, and Longbow or Rularuu at +1/x8 if I'm quick on my feet. What I like about her is that mechanically, playing her feels exactly like my original concept for how she would operate in a fight: I always imagined her moving like a Geth Stalker from Mass Effect, jumping all over to evade attacks and position herself most effectively, and (apart from the inability to stick to walls) it is exactly like that and that is awesome.
Time manipulator version one, the Grav/Kin, I like for two reasons: One, my two favorite attacks in the game (Wormhole and Propel), and two, Transference means I can completely ignore recovery bonuses in his slotting while Siphon Speed means recharge bonuses can safely take a back seat to smashing and lethal defense. Effectiveness-wise, he's not really great at any particular thing (solos on +0/x6) but Kinetics actually represents his concept better than Time Manip does in the way its buffs occur as a result of debuffs landing: the concept is that he steals time from enemies.
Time manipulator version two: Time/Sonic defender with Power Mastery. Crap damage means missions are slow, but he never, ever dies, to the point where I wish his build had room for the Presence pool so I could give him a taunt and actually tank for a team on him. He can withstand a spawn of Council at +4/x8 with bosses turned on and eventually even take them down, if not quickly.
{}... .-
I like AR/Dev. My main and first 50.
I like blasters even before they redesigned Defiance, having to be almost dead to get the damage boost was a bad design decision.
I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.
rian is an ma/sr, he does pretty well with ios destinies and such. If someone has a to hit buff power i cry like a little kid, and high s/l resists are annoying at times, but i tell ya what, If this game didnt have MA in it, i wouldn't have come here. I love games with martial artists and its one reason i never played the gorilla, no monk till apparently their most recent expansion. Also ma has been doing far better than launch when axe kick took a week to animate and did less damage, and cobra strike did next to no damage at all. kinda started near the bottom and got promoted a bit.
my main vill, violet tendencies is a plant/thorn dom, and i wuv the amount of aoe she does. seeds of confusion are huge fun.
Merc/pain. Cause...I like guns I suppose. Not exactly uber, but I enjoy it.
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
My KM/Elec Armor scrapper has done some crazy stuff. The end drain in Power Sink is as good as any controller's I have seen, and LF pretty much keeps it bottomed out on all but AVs.
I was told that he was not survivable because of his lack of def by a guy I was teamed with once. I thought it was pretty funny that I was still fighting while he was eating dirt.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
I'm no numbers guy, but it doesn't get any more uber than my E3 Blaster! AmirightOrAmiright??
Seriously though, the Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster Blaptroller is the most fun I have in this game and is exactly the kind of playstyle that suits me and my favorite character the best!
I zap, I blap, I sap, I hold and I whap them all into next week.
I don't need no stinkin' defenses when my enemies are held, drained of endurance and/or laying defeated on the floor.
My damage may be lesser than other Blaster sets... my secondary effects may not be as kind as other's... And my health bar may be almost gone by the end of a tough fight... But I just don't enjoy it any other way!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
My all time favorite and what I consider my main character is my ill/rad controller. Even on SO's she could do some seriously amazing things. Tricked out with IO's she's virtually unstoppable. A testament to her raw power is the fact that even if I ever dropped down to premium status (though I have no plan to) and lost access to her incarnate powers (she'd keep IO's cause of my vet status) she could do exactly the same things she does now with very little performance loss.
Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30
My top three favorite characters are:
#1 DP/Poison Corruptor
#2 TA/Sonic Defender
#3 DM/ELA Brute
None are mainstream power-gaming builds, and my two support characters employ power sets that are deemed under performing. I will admit that TA is far more effective than most players realize, with massive geometry and fast animations. Poison, however, is far worse than most realize-- perhaps the single least effective set I have ever played...
Generic IO'd Bots/FF Mastermind, lacks the uberness of Bots/Traps or Bots/Dark but is very safe (and pretty boring) to play.
Softcapped defenses, tier 4 in all but 1 incarnate slot (Barrier) invuln/SS Tanker, ok but not what I'd call Uber but pretty damn solid.
Perma-PA ill/Rad controller, tier 4 in 2 slots (Reactive and Lore), tier 3 in all other incarnate slots. Yeah she is pretty much a beast.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
Hard to pick a favorite...
So far my favorite powerset is my grav/thorn dom. That is, unless I am mistaken, not uber in any sense. It is fun and it is kind of strong, though.
My favorite character is a kin/elec stalker. Currently, Kinetic Melee is pretty uber for a stalker due to the 0.67 second Assassin Strike it has, and the bug that makes it so Burst is 100% critical from hide. Elec armor is arguably one of the weaker armors, though. Until I went and IOed him out he was squishy as all get out, and even after IOs he's still kind of squishy.
TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide
My original favorite was a kat/regen who made it to level 49 before they made Instant Healing a clickie. I still like him, but keeping him alive nowadays requires a lot of attention and energy. Not a style I enjoy on scrappers, so he's mostly retired.
My current favorite, the eponymous Nethergoat, is a fire/dark who's a machine of AoE destruction.
Lest anyone get the idea I'm a total min-maxer, before my hiatus my favorite was my grav/trick arrow controller, but he needs a respec before I can play him again so he's on the shelf.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I have to say my current favorite is my Titan Weapon/Willpower Brute. He kicks tushy.
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question
is your favorite character a ss/fa brute? an ill/rad controller? a bots/dark MM?
Or do you prefer a FF/elec defender for some reason?
I have fairly specific requirements for characters that I enjoy that I have learned over the years. Since I don't play high levels (I delete and start the characters over) they are not usually the top tier sets but some are.
My current favorite is a sonic/dark corr which is ridiculously good. I don't hear it being discussed much, although /dark is known to be top tier.