how uber is your favorite character's AT/powersets?




Having been around awhile, I have more than one favorite.

I tend towards squishies for the most part, so I have a couple Blasters on the list:

A> E3 Blaster - my namesake and original Main - still gets played a lot (and I
agree with Electric Knight on how to play him - though I blap less, and drain
more, I think). He's a very controller-ish feeling toon for a blaster.

B> Fire/Nrg Blaster - He's a more of a "true Blaster" toon - He burns mobs down
before they become a nuisance. Control? Bah! Dead=Control...

I also tend to like a slower, more tactical approach to fights, so I also have:

C> NB/Nin Stalker - in a couple flavors, one level-capped at L28, and an L50, both
of which also double as my PvP toons (when I bother with PvP).

D> PB - Have a few of these because, quite simply put, there's not a single
way to play them, but several, and they're all fun - with a nice blend of Blaster
and Tank feel to them.

Finally, when "Indestructible" is the playstyle choice of the day, I have:

E> SS/WP Brute - This boy has ALL the goodies, and when I want to mindlessly
embrace The SMASH regardless of what the target is, he's a seriously fun choice.

F> Fire/Ice Tank - My original "indestructible" toon. Due for a respec these days, he
can still safely tank things like Lusca and Kronos Titan and such with impunity.

All of these still get played regularly, no matter how many other alts I dabble

As for how Uber they are, well that depends a lot on definition. A,B and E can
solo Pylons. E and F are virtually indestructible in most cases, C does just fine
against other players, and D is a pretty good blend between A-B & E-F depending
on whether he's in Nova or Dwarf.

They're definitely uber enough for my tastes.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



I Burnt The Toast
Fire/Time/Nrg Corruptor

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Bane Spider.
War mace stalker with a pair of single target ranged attacks off the mace including a debuff that don't trigger weapon redraw, super leadership toggles and a double tap grenade launcher that does AoE resistance debuffs and AoE fear.



My Time/Fire/Power Defender. He's pretty uber... for a Defender.

Softcapped defense vs all types and positions
Hardcapped Smashing/Lethal resist
ToHit debuff vs things with tohit bonuses
Damage debuff vs things with non-Smashing/Lethal
Mez protection (Clarion)
~50% damage buff (solo)
Heals to recover any damage that makes it through his mitigation
Decent damage (Ya know, for a defender. It'll get better when I finally get Reactive Interface made/slotted).

I'd say his only real shortcoming (which isn't even that bad) is Endurance, what with Chrono Shift's recovery buff only lasts 1/3rd of the time. Someday I'll have to upgrade him to the 45% t4 Cardiac(currently uses 45% t3).

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



The character I always come back to is my katana/regen scrapper. He's the one I bust out whenever new content shows up. He was more fun back when regen was a fire-and-forget set instead of a clicky set, but he's still my main. I was a little behind the curve on regen as god mode, so I don't think he was ever uber. He has always been good enough for me though.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



My favorite is my fire/cold corr.

My others include ss/fire and tw/elec brutes, fire/kin corr and troller, mind/fire and plant/psi doms, and a fire/elec blaster.

All min/maxed, pretty much as uber as it gets.



Wow that's a toughie. Over the years I've rolled up many-a-toon, sticking to fifty with many of to pick *1*...that's a task.

I'd have to say that, as of now, my "favorite" character has got to be Adam Not So Quick. He's a Dark Melee/Energy Aura brute, level 50+3, soft capped (as well as incarnate capped) smashing/lethal/energy/negative energy defenses, decent single target damage, good AOE damage, perma-hasten, solo's at +3 X8 and I'd give ANYTHING to have them either raise the max (X100 anyone??) OR raise the aggro cap.

No, he's not an SS/Fire brute, he doesn't have Burn, but he's extremely survivable while literally MOWING down group after group. He's single-handedly brought me all but 1 of the 17 purple recipes I've gotten over the last 2 months (since returning from a lengthy break) just because of his great combination of survivability and AOE goodness.

I think what I like most about him is that he fits my playstyle so perfectly. He does great damage (upwards of 350% damage bonus with fury going + Soul Drain) while laughing as opponents whiff repeatedly. Then, once he's done laughing in their face, he smacks them in the mouth by a huge flaming ball of JUDGEMENT!

I'm sure sooner or later I'll get around to focusing my attention on Incarnating another of my toons, or leveling a newer one, and perhaps one of those will switch to my "favorite". I guess that's one of the great things about this game, eh? There never is an "end". You can take it wherever you want to go!!

Main servers: Victory and Justice. Main account: @Justice29 Secondary account: @Clever One



My top three:

1.) Psy/Dark/Dark Corruptor: An absolute murder machine. She scourges with her brain!

2.) Fire/Dark/fire controller: A bit wobbly at first, but she's shaping up to be really good.

3.) Whatever is shiny that week.



The original City of version of Draeth Darkstar who's been sitting unplayed in the Vanguard Base in the Rikti War Zone since it became the Rikti War Zone is an Energy/Energy/Force Blaster... Novel, and common, but certainly not a high-power built, and totally unfitting with his real powers (he's a shadow mage; this version's backstory is that he turned to light magic after ending up in Paragon).

With Issue 22 I finally rolled a new Draeth Darkstar on Virtue, as a Dark/Dark/Mace Dominator. It's not the OMGWTFBBQ BEST EVAR Dominator combo, but is pretty potent and a lot more fun to play.

Other than my namesake, my favorite is probably a Bots/Force Mastermind. One of the better combos, but mechanically inferior to Bots/Traps with no noteworthy upside; he also very recently received a reincarnation as a Bots/Time, but unlike Draeth I still play the original.

Other characters who I really love, but with no particular order of favoritism, are an Ice/Storm/Ice Controller, a Dark/Dark/Mace Corruptor, a Fire/Shield/Pyre Scrapper, a Willpower/Super Strength/Pyre Tanker and his Titan Weapons/Fire/Body Brute Praetorian counterpart, a Demons/Thermal/Mace Mastermind, and a Thugs/Traps/Mace Mastermind.

These range from pure-concept to full-on power gamer. I've had a tendency towards respeccing characters into Mace Mastery for the last year or so, though, primarily for Scorpion Shield. It's just such a great power - it isn't intrusive on your costume like Frozen Armor and it provides defense against the most common damage types. From a roleplay perspective I typically just ignore that it exists, too, and that's not too hard since it's visually very concept-generic.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



My favourite character used to be my FF/Rad Defender. But I haven't played him much since he hit 50.

In any case, none of the AT/powersets I've played have seemed "uber" to me. But I've never really gotten a Dominator to a significant level.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I have 5 or so characters that I still like to play on a regular basis. Kinda hard to choose a favorite from among those, but I'll go ahead and pick my fire/fire/fire dom. I had originally rolled the dom as an alternative to a fire blaster, and I'm glad that I did. That character is a damage machine, with excellent controls to boot. I don't know if that powerset combo is widely considered to be uber though, as I rarely see other fire/fire doms.



My main favorites right now would include my 50+3 Street Justice/Willpower Scrapper who can punch her way out of a death god's stomach as well as breathe in space. Because she's THAT awesome. I don't think I've ever had as much fun in the game as I did soloing the new DA arcs on her. Sure I left the diff at 0x2, so most mobs conned blue to me, but it was still a ton of fun, especially the big missions where you get to say 'it's cool, I got this.'

But I'm also having a lot of fun with my new Staff/Energy Scrapper. Staff is just so....fluid and fun. She'll probably be my next 50 despite my TW/Invuln brute sitting in her mid 40's.



It's a draw between three:

Bane Spider - I am sentimentally tied to him, since I invested so much time and effort in this toon. Wrecking things has never been that good. AND...the visual of an arachnos army jumping into a base makes me giggle.

Earth/Rad troller - Simply my jack of all trades, but master of ALL OF THEM. HA!

Plant/Thorns dom - because I'm going to permadom you to death, anytime.



For about the first four years I played, my favorite character was my first 50, an Empathy/Dark defender. Great on teams (especially small teams), but not easy to solo.

For a while, my favorite character was a SS/SR brute that was minimally slotted, and he was a good character, but no where near the SS/Fire brutes that populate most of brutedom.

For a considerable of time, my DM/SD was my favorite character. He was very, very good at single target damage and surviving, but his AoE wasn't incredible. Still, any toon that can solo a MoITF in under an hour without purples or PvP IOs is probably fairly powerful.

My TW/Elec is pushing the borders of ridiculously OP. Hits like a hypersonic jet, beats up AVs and GMs easily, survivable, great AoE, etc. Until the latest version of his build though, I still had to rely on outside buffs to have a continuous single target attack chain, as he drains my endurance like mad.

Currently, the characters I'm playing aren't broken OP, just solidly "good". I'm working on a Street Justice/Ice Stalker, a Staff/Dark Stalker, and a Mace/Fire scrapper. Of the 3, I'm most impressed with the Mace/fire.

TW/Elec Optimization



"Itsy-Bitsy Spider", Crab Spider of Arachnos. The most fun I have ever had playing *any* character. IOd and purpled out to the 9s he is an AoE killing machine with pets and capped defense to everything. He is *tough* to kill, and I've been trying with the new DA stuff at x8/+4. Good times!

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



Well, if you define 'favorite' as 'most played' then it's my energy/dev blaster ... so not terribly uber. Of course coming in a close second is a warshade so I guess she makes up for it.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



My Plant/Emp was good, especially for City of Dual Pistols Blasters. Even though she has Emp as her secondary Plant is good enough offensively to make her enjoyable to play on PuGs and solo.

My Warshade was so much fun EU side that I've another on Virtue now, but he's suspended until i23 comes along for the new animation changes.

This weeks flavour is a Soldier of Archnos who will be a Rogue Gun Crab when he's done (ie a Crab with the Gun Attacks mostly along with Supression), even though he's only level 19 now he really feels like an AOE monster.

Too many alts, too little time



I have loads of alts, have played a bunch of characters to 50, and genuinely enjoy them all. One stands out above the rest, though - my Fire/Fire/Fire Dominator. I tend to shelve characters after I lose interest, but I just keep coming back to this one.

How 'uber' is it? It's completely over the top. This character is so powerful, it feels like I'm cheating. It started off strong when I got to 50 years ago, but then the development team just kept adding things to the game that made my setup more and more powerful - Purple IOs, new sets that boost recharge, the ancillary pools, inherent fitness, and now Incarnate slots. Now it's at the point where I honestly wonder if player characters this beastly are intended to exist.

The Ballad of Iron Percy



None of my crew are really "uber-builds"... I can't solo AVs or TFs with them, and the serious min/max types would probably have a good laugh if I ever posted them.

Grey Kestrel is probably as close to a power-build as any of mine come... She's a DB/WP stalker. Completely set IOed, with four regular purple sets, one upgraded ATO set and an assortment of specials and procs in the mix. She's also one of my few Incarnates with across-the-board T4s.

I didn't do most of that with the idea of making her uber. (I'm all too aware that going for "l33t-ness" would have been pointless given the player driving her. I'm just flat-out not coordinated enough to ever play the game well-) I did it mostly to be able to wrap her Adept's summon. Cardinal was supposed to be a constant companion, and the only way to do that was massive Recharge. Which meant purple sets and Gambler specials and improved ATOs and all the rest.

I have no regrets.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



KM/Inv scrapper, so, not very uber at all. Unfortunately. Most power builds in this game also comes with boring animations or playstyles (to me personally).



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
is your favorite character a ss/fa brute? an ill/rad controller? a bots/dark MM?

Or do you prefer a FF/elec defender for some reason?

I have fairly specific requirements for characters that I enjoy that I have learned over the years. Since I don't play high levels (I delete and start the characters over) they are not usually the top tier sets but some are.

My current favorite is a sonic/dark corr which is ridiculously good. I don't hear it being discussed much, although /dark is known to be top tier.
For the best combination of burning down spawns and rarely dying, I prefer the Electric/Stone Brute. Granite protection + wonderful healing + AOEs from hell, all with additive purple sets and incarnate goodness....= love.

Down side: Fat, slow, and look like a rock.

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My favourite really changes but my top 3 right now:

1)Mind Control/Bubbles. Been playing her for close to 8 years, always tweaking. Power Boost + bubble and holds means my team doesn't get hit and the mobs don't move...pretty nice combination.

2)Willpower/EM Tanker. Soft-capped, hit point capped and just a blast to play. Love wading into massive spawns and just going for a tea or something.

3)Dark Blast/Energy Manipulation Blaster. Only 24 but Tenebrous Tentacles AND a hold AND blasts AND Power Boost AND Aim AND Build-up?
Stuff just dies and those that live can't hit back...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Not very uber. My main is emp/archery. It's practically the antithesis of uber. Because I don't powergame, her build is still amost entirely HOs from before Inventions dropped. I haven't done anything with Incarnates on her except run Ramiel's arc (I think she has one shard from, singular). She still stands up well because she's built to support, not to be main damage. (She's got all of her attacks but one, plus she took and USES Total Focus from Power Mastery. Don't worry; she's not THAT kind of emp.)

My secondary character is an IO'd out claws/regen scrapper. I've taken Judgement to T3 on her, but otherwise still low-end Incarnates (I am not a fan of the slow solo progression). She's pretty awesome even without Incarnates.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.