Rufus T Fyrfly

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  1. Before this, I was in WoW, (been there since beta). Still play a bit with some of my old guildmates. But I think CoH may have broken WoW's spell on me, because I've become less motivated to play it now.

    CO? I tried it, but it just felt.....too different to me. I couldn't help but feel like I was on my own again in a big new world. Sure, the community there is great, but I couldn't help but feel....isolated. It is a weird feeling, and I didn't feel like continuing on. I play DCUO on my PS3 on occasion, and I like it in small doses. But I've already maxed out several characters (lvl 30 comes quick there lol) and the raid grind is getting old.

    However, I have found an interesting alternative. A friend of mine recommended I try out Lord of the Rings Online, as she has been a player there since beta and loves it. So I am currently trying it out and so far, I love it. The community there is full of awesome people and I finally feel like I am a part of the community.

    If there is anything I can take from my albeit brief time in CoH, it's a renewed hope and appreciation in the gaming community. And for opening my eyes.

    Thanks, City of Heroes

    A traveling Warden in another world........
  2. Rufus T Fyrfly

    virtue down ):

    And I had JUST logged on and was going into a mission.
    This just gets better and better
  3. Rufus T Fyrfly


    Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
    I hadn't thought of that, but if it holds true to this situation amazing things will follow, even if it's always a bit different.
    So we'll all turn into Matt Smith?
  4. Rufus T Fyrfly


    Even though he wasn't my favorite Doctor, your pic reminds me of what he says just before his regeneration. Sums up my own feelings about this:

    "I don't want to go."
  5. Free subscription to Lineage 2........oh wait...
  6. Rufus T Fyrfly


    Borderlands 2

    Although if I have a craving to play a superhero MMO.....I'd pick DCUO.
  7. I knew it would a matter of time before the trolls show themselves.

    Stay classy, OP
  8. My heroes and villains won't die.....they will live forever.
  9. I don't have the heart to play anything at the moment.
    My staff/bio armor stalker will never see the light of day.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    No no, we defeated Cole. This comes after that whole Praetorian thing.
    Sorry, I was trying to be poetic.
    I meant his spirit. Or ghost. Or whatever....*sheepish grin*

    I'm rambling
  11. So that's how it ends...
    I think I can here Cole laughing.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    I'd take anyone at this point if they keep the game running.

    Hey, if it was you we'd at least have really awesome cutscenes

    I really do hope NCSoft crashes and burns now. This was an enormous, mind boggling mistake.
    I'd take EA, Blizzard or even....ugh....Nexon at this point
  13. Thank you for all you have done.

    Take care and good luck in the future.
  14. Rufus T Fyrfly

    To all of you...

    Thank you, Zwill. Thank you for everything you have done.

    Godspeed to you.
  15. (wanted to say this while I can)

    Thank you, Virtue for welcoming me with open arms into your server. You didn't really know me, but I just had to say it.

    I wish I could have stayed was fun while it lasted.
  16. I'll stay till the end. I'm just not in the mood to play right now.
  17. Thank you for all the videos you have done for CoH. I was able to see the new powersets and watch them in action (I was so looking forward to Bio Armor )
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
    Ok, thanks for that Rufus. I will try but it is hard. Didn't mean for you to get drawn in. You have a very reasonable voice.

    Edit: uhh, just ignore the comment immediately above.
    Heh no worries,mate. Just a bit bummed how a great game like this can be taken away from us.

    I try to be reasonable, but it is hard. It does freak out the WoW players, though.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
    Well, then sorry you didn't get it. Not sure why you decided to jump in either. Practice what you preach.
    God Bless You!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
    Nope, wrong. Read my other comment below.
    Already did. I stand by my statement

    Why choose now to pick a fight? It's not going to amount to anything.

    I'm not trying to argue with you. Whatever Forbin said before to you is moot now. Let's bury the hatchet and at least give this game an honorable death.

    Increase The Peace
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TooLittleTooLate View Post
    I dunno man. I'm new here, but it seems like the guy saying "I told you the game would die" when everyone's bumming about the shut-down is a pretty big a-hole to me.
    I agree. It seems a bit trollish to me.
    I may not have played CoH nearly as long as alot of these folks on the forums, but I can't help but feel sad at how this turned out.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    Try The Secret World from Funcom.
    I may have to try that one now. I haven't played a Funcom game since Anarchy Online years ago.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
    Annnnd, you are wrong. Just finally saying what's on my mind regarding certain posters. I am extremely sad the game is closing and made a light comment about where are those players that said the game would go on for a few more years. In typical forum fashion, those people that think they have some special relationship with the game took it entirely too seriously and just couldn't ignore it.

    No, I do NOT want this game to go away but I would not mind if people such as Forbin Project did.
    So this was an "I TOLD YOU SO, GUIZ!!!LOLZZZ" huh?
    Duly noted
  24. Well, I was playing WoW before this. And I'm in no mood to go back.

    I'll probably leave PC MMOs to the next generation of gamers and go back to consoles