Video spreading the news




This was just tossed together in case you wanted to spread the news via Youtube:

City of Heroes is no more.

This doesn't reveal anything new - I just put it together in a few minutes for my hundreds of subscribers because I get more positive feedback regarding CoH than any other game on my channels.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Thank you for all the videos you have done for CoH. I was able to see the new powersets and watch them in action (I was so looking forward to Bio Armor )



Originally Posted by Rufus T Fyrfly View Post
Thank you for all the videos you have done for CoH. I was able to see the new powersets and watch them in action (I was so looking forward to Bio Armor )
I'm sure I'll still do many more, if they aren't shutting it down until the end of November.

I really appreciate the compliments. I JUST built a brand new gaming PC as of yesterday, and that footage was the first I shot.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom