Level 50: XP = Prestige?




Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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So you could have heroes who were out heroing in your SG, instead of fancy nametags, the players of which are busy leveling up a few villains?

I mean, level 30somethings or 40somethings are likelier to be online playing and contributing. Even if a level 50 made double the prestige, the fact that they aren't making experience for any useful thing is going to make them less likely to be playing and more likely to be on an alt.

I don't think it makes sense for level 50s to get double the prestige though.

How about double the salvage instead? then they can work on crafting or how about letting level 50s get some Influence as well as Prestige, since they get no xp?



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Why would you want to have any level 50s in your SG if they don't generate much prestige? (5 per mob isn't very much)

Why would you want to play a level 50 in SG mode when their is no tangible reward? (It'd be better to get the influence, then turn that in for prestige)

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my 50 and the other 2 50s in our Supergroup are going to be the bankrollers for the lower levels so they can play in SG mode all the time, so hey devs can you bump the 99,999 inf limit up to 999,999 inf? *ducks*

Tannus Level 50 Defender *Level 50 on 08/21/05* - Freedom
Sgt. Robertson Level 50 Master Mind - Freedom
Angus Piper Level 45 Scrapper -Liberty
Cindy Jones Level 26 Arachnos Widow - Liberty



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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So that your under 50's toons have someone to play with/rely upon? I can't believe a Redname would even post such a thing. Having a bad day Poz?
Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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CoH exists because there's a little hero in all of us.
Ridolfo 50 DM DA.
& far too many alts



A full team of 75 level 50 characters should have a bit more than a tiny PvE base.

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Is it too silly to mention that a "full team of 75 level 50 characters" could bang out Influence at an insane rate? Soloing kora fruit mission to test my I6 AR/Dev I pulled in something like 9 million Influence in an afternoon. So a SG of 30 level 50 characters can easily bang out 540,000 Prestige an afternoon. Over two weeks of casual play you are looking at 7,560,000 Prestige or the start of a good sized base and that is not even counting the hundreds of millions of Influence just waiting to be converted on the current 50s.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Well, maybe. But why would you want to keep your level 50s in an SG now?

With very little to do at that level, and absolutely no progression for the character, the 50s tend to stay idle way more than my other characters. Playing another character lets me progress with that character while helping the SG. Playing the level 50 only lets me help the SG.

That said, I can understand a 1:1 ratio of xp to prestige would be way unbalancing. But what about something along the lines of 'At level 50 without any debt you generate double prestige while in SG mode.' This would give some purpose for choosing to bring my level 50 to a mission rather than my level 35.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Playing Devil's Advocate then, what are we supposed to do with our Level 50s then? Delete them? What about when they exhaust all their missions from contacts?



Is it too silly to mention that a "full team of 75 level 50 characters" could bang out Influence at an insane rate? Soloing kora fruit mission to test my I6 AR/Dev I pulled in something like 9 million Influence in an afternoon. So a SG of 30 level 50 characters can easily bang out 540,000 Prestige an afternoon. Over two weeks of casual play you are looking at 7,560,000 Prestige or the start of a good sized base and that is not even counting the hundreds of millions of Influence just waiting to be converted on the current 50s.

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The exchange rate was SUPPOSED to be arranged so that you could always earn more Prestige over a set amount of time by gaming in SG mode than you could by earning Inf and converting it. If that isn't working, then something's gone awry,



Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Well, I wouldn't. But that's not the point. Just like the entire goal with any toon is to eventually get it to level 50, the goal of an SG is to get all members to level 50. If an SG started out low and eventually built itself up along the way and ends up with a lot of level 50s, why not reward them with a prestige bonus?

If you're worried about people only recruiting level 50s, trust me, it ain't gonna happen. You'd be hard pressed to find anywhere near 75 level 50s who aren't already in a SG. Heck, you'd be hard pressed to find ANY level 50 who isn't already in a SG.

Regardless of level 50 prestige bonus, it's pretty obvious that base financing is broke. It encourages people who aren't in a SG to only want to join one that has lots of members. It encourages people who are already a member of a small SG to quit if they get an offer from a larger SG. It encourages SG leaders to go on blind recruitment frenzies to get any and every toon they can to join up, rather than recruiting based on concept, similar interests, and compatible playstyles.

Seriously, it needs a LOT of "looking into."



Playing Devil's Advocate then, what are we supposed to do with our Level 50s then? Delete them? What about when they exhaust all their missions from contacts?

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I run missions from the contacts in the Shadow Shard. Those contacts never run out of missions. I'm using Shard contacts as a reliable source to earn prestige for my small SG. A small LT Col Flynn mish set on Rugged yields >800 total prestige.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Why would you want to keep a level 50? Why is the idea of giving a reason for working with your level 50 something to do?

More...the reward for either operating at 50 or exemplering was you got double influence in exchange for getting no XP. Unless you're over 34th in SG mode, where you get no influence. Then, you're just screwed.

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I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Actually Pos, From what I've seen, people who are at the Level 50 are the MOST Inactive in SG's - to many , there is little reason to plyy that character, and they instead switch to an Alt.

Yes, there are Level 50's that play still, but take a look at your average SG, I thihnk you'd see more Inactive Lvl 50 characters than any other.

Why wouldn't you want to give Lvl 50's another reason to Play those characters?

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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My answer to that is for the friendship and fun they bring to the SG. However not all SGs are like that sadly so I guess 50's still have to have a small amount of prestige.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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I agree with Positron on this issue (although I could give him a piece of my mind about a certain mastermind bug).

Why not let level 50s gain more prestige than a 20? Because they already do.

A level 50 will kill faster and stronger enemies than that level 20. When it comes to the point where inf turns into prestige, the 50 does not have to worry about their own income because they're probably already set.


Photoshop doesn't make a good artist.



Actually when i went to some PVP areas with some people in my super group...i would get about 0 or 1 prestige for each person we defeated while everyone else who where side kicked or about the level of the area, got a heck of alot more.

So um....for me its not about extra prestige...its about an equal share so I can contribute.

I mean i go do one of my missions i have and get awarded 50 prestige with about 1 to 3 pretige for every thing i deafeated even level that was in my mission.

Someone else in my group does a mission and they get 300 and where getting 10 to 20 pretige for each thing they killed in a mission.

Only difference was that they where lower level.

In addition in the PVP zone called warburgh, i would get maybe 1 pretige for each player i and a my group defeated, many times i got 0, but others of lower level got got alot more.

So again...for me personally I could care less about extra prestige...i just want to get some equal amounts and feel like I am contributing.

I mean call me crazy, but only getting 500 prestige in 6 hours compared to someone else egtting 8000+ prestige int he same time period....is a bit silly for me.

I realize that i am not the greatest character....a lowly controller who cant even hold people as well as a Tank or Scrapper in PVP due to the game design.

But I figure I should at least be getting more prestige then 10 for going into a base filled with level 50 nemesis and defeating them all.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Uh... because I want FRIENDS in my SG!

Also, both the SGs my boyfriend and I have a specific theme, which means we're not going to allow only level 50s in them.

You know Posi, not everything is about XP or prestige gain. Some of us with level 50s actually DO stop to take out the ambushes that run right past your in-game avatar, even if they don't give XP.

But really, any SG that refuses anyone but a level 50 because of prestige gain is a group of jerks, and I wouldn't want in that group anyway. Also, it makes sense that level 50s would garner more prestige for the group. They ARE Heroes of the City, after all.

Roughshod, I think it's a wonderful idea. It certainly would encourage me to play as my two level 50s more... since the only end-game content has been gimped (Is there much of a point in Hami Raids now?) and all I have else to do is exemp down to friends, because I don't want to finish all my missions. Because then I really will feel like I have NOTHING to do.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Well according to States, a very small percentage of the population has 50's, so I doubt anyone will have enough 50's to fill up an SG. If they do, than it's mostly alts or groups that have been around for a very, very long time.

Also, some SG's have a dedicated Alt SG for 50's, so why not allow 50's to have something to do except collect dust and PvP?



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Because few people like having NO progress to make all the time..

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Of course, this doesen't take into account that they are working on new content for the 50 crowd.



Actually when i went to some PVP areas with some people in my super group...i would get about 0 or 1 prestige for each person we defeated while everyone else who where side kicked or about the level of the area, got a heck of alot more.

So um....for me its not about extra prestige...its about an equal share so I can contribute.

I mean i go do one of my missions i have and get awarded 50 prestige with about 1 to 3 pretige for every thing i deafeated even level that was in my mission.

Someone else in my group does a mission and they get 300 and where getting 10 to 20 pretige for each thing they killed in a mission.

Only difference was that they where lower level.

In addition in the PVP zone called warburgh, i would get maybe 1 pretige for each player i and a my group defeated, many times i got 0, but others of lower level got got alot more.

So again...for me personally I could care less about extra prestige...i just want to get some equal amounts and feel like I am contributing.

I mean call me crazy, but only getting 500 prestige in 6 hours compared to someone else egtting 8000+ prestige int he same time period....is a bit silly for me.

I realize that i am not the greatest character....a lowly controller who cant even hold people as well as a Tank or Scrapper in PVP due to the game design.

But I figure I should at least be getting more prestige then 10 for going into a base filled with level 50 nemesis and defeating them all.

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I would have to imagine that's a bug. Like they're comparing the villain level against your security level.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
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I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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People in a Super Group will always be making alts. Also, most Super Groups (yes, an assumption), most likely will not kick you if you are not level 50 or require you to be level 50 to be a part of the Super Group. One might as well ask why allow Influence to be converted into Prestige at all? "Oh, you want to be part of the Super Group? Please provide 1mm/10mm Influence before joining".

It feels lame to be level 50 and see that you essentially get the same Prestige as when you were level 1. Maybe if it were at least twice the value, it would not seem so bad.

At present, I know the Super Group I am in (there are five of us playing and we average about 2.5 hours of play time a day with an assumed 10,000 prestige per hour combined) will take about one year to accumulate 9 million Prestige. That does not factor in any Base Rent or any repairs to a damaged base. Being small certainly does have it's limitations.

CatMan - some form on every server

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I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Playing Devil's Advocate then, what are we supposed to do with our Level 50s then? Delete them? What about when they exhaust all their missions from contacts?

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Don't level 50 players also earn prestige?

The problem with scaling prestige based on a player's level is just as Positron said...it rewards the higher-level players for no personal reason. What do I mean? Simply, you gain more XP and Inf per each victory as you grow in level because those must scale, since your XP requirements to level and the cost of enhancements are also scaling higher.

Prestige costs for base components are the same for everyone. They don't scale, it doesn't matter what level you are. Any sort of Prestige scaling based on player level would throw the entire balance out of whack.

Now, I do agree that level 50 players need some sort of specific rewards to keep them active...but bonus prestige isn't it.




Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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No offense, by why have anyone over 35 in a SG? If you start recruiting at level one, they generate prestige at a fast rate and they dont have to choose if influence is more important than prestige, they get both. At higher levels they have to start choosing, prestige or influence. why penalize them for being a higher level?

If the ratio stayed the same from 1 to 50 I would have no problem with this, but as it stands currently 35 and up are pretty much getting the shaft.

Nemsis lv50 Inv/SS
Arch-Nemsis lv 50 SS/Inv



I played my level 50 Blaster Sunday night -- since he's a blaster he's always in debt, but something odd happened -- thanks to the debt cap reduction and a long TF he actually managed to make it no debt.

What was wierd was that he continued to earn prestige at the same rate he earned when he was cleaning off his debt. But there was no additional gain -- you don't gain influence while in debt.

So, level 50s are great for earning the debt SG badges. But it still annoys me that the debt earning is basically free. If you're a level 50 in debt there is no reason not to be in SG mode.



um I can say my sg had a meeting about various things the other night then afterwards we all went and did AV's with our 50's, and we didn't earn much prestige. Plus I have seen people post on this subject about how you could earn a possible 7mil prestige in a week. I find that hard to believe, but even so did any of you play this on beta? They gave us 36mil prestige to play around with on beta and that was just enough to build a decent base that was able to participate in base raids. 36mil prestige didn't get you the best stuff. Plus if rent is the same as it was on beta then in a couple months the bonus prestige you got for your max 15 members is already gone just from paying rent.

I think I realize now why on beta you got sk'd up to lvl 40 for base raids. You won't have a decent base because you won't be able to afford one until your members are lvl 40. Let me clarify, by decent base I mean a base that has decent enough features to have base raids. I'm still peeved over the whole issue that sg's that have been around for a year or more get absolutely no benefit comparable to newer sg's, and bigger sg's get no benefit comparable to smaller sg's. Older sg's should've gotten a set amount of bonus prestige, and there should not have been a max on prestige per member. If they had actualy given bigger sg's and far older sg's more prestige we would already be able to be testing scheduled raids, but instead we'll be waiting several months to get to access this new content.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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You say that as if Prestige is somehow better than sliced bread.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Because, in my SG anyway, level 50s are on once a week at most. Most of the level 50s I know are usually playing lower level alts, because they can gain the same amount of prestige for the group as well as gaining experience and try out new powers at the same time.

Earning MORE prestige with my level 50s than with my alts might actually encourage me to play them. It doesn't have to be much more, honestly, maybe a 25% bonus.

You guys need to give us a reason to play level 50s over lower level alts. Don't make it so it's a no brainer to always be playing 50s like it is now for playing lowers, just give 50s some small, but significant, bonus.

Some level 50 PvE content besides a 70+ player raid, and repetitive, 6-12 hour, 8 person TFs in a zone that punishes you for not happening to be able to fly or teleport would help too.

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