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Just a couple stupid I21 quests, since I haven't been paying attention to anything about it til now.
1)Is there a way to actually preview the auras/costumes options/emotes/etc that you can buy from the Paragon Store now?
2) I'm a bit confused by the Account rewards/tokens vs. the Character ones that are in our mail. Correct me if I'm wrong. The Account ones go to all of our characters on the account, regardless of which one claimed it, right? Does each character have to claim it? Or do you claim it once on each character?
3) With the Character rewards/toeksn in our mail, Do these show up in the mail of all our characters, but can only be claimed by one character? Or are they ones that all your characters can take independently? -
Hmm... Just noticed that the F2P people only get access to 8 Archtypes. I wonder which of the 10 basic ones they won't have access to....
It could work. Korean MMOs have been using this model for years. (Granted some have had more success than others.....)
I'm curious as to how many points the various things that make up the existing costume/booster packs will cost.... -
I'll have to see if I've got a character near that level range. Otherwise I might bring my Cold/Ice Def for Shards and the Notice.
I was leaning either toward that, or Spiritual for the recharge so that all my rains and debuffs would be back up sooner. Can't decide.
This seems to be the best way to do it. I've actually had one or two drop while inside a trial, but only one or two. Ever. So crafting the ones you want/need from Threads is still the easiest and most reliable way to get them.
Yeah, yeah. I'll bring my Grav/FF. For what it's worth. He's far more useful for BAF, than for Lambda, but I've got to get the Lambda XP somehow.
Which Alpha Slot ability would all you Cold/Ice experts out there recommend, and why? I'm torn with my own choice.
A few more bits of info. Snow Storm doesn't seem to work, even on the Lt that it's up on. And Hurricane isn't a substitute for Force Bubble. There were times when the minions just seemed to run right through it as if it weren't even there.
Still trying to get all my 50s level shifted.... Almost seems like an exercise in futility at times to get them all done.
Quote:I was on the path by the corner just before the path opened up to A1 doing the same thing.Yeah, I was between c2 and b1 and that seemed ideal, plus I was able to pick off commandos that were trying to sneak between those buildings. This seems like a fine plan to me, and I'm looking forward to more successes when I get the chance to play again. Whenever that might be.
I'm definitely curious now about the AoE slows vs Targeted slows against the LTs. If things like Snow Storm or Syphon Speed work on them. Hmm... Lingering Radiation is a toggle, right? I wonder if they CAN be affected by controls but they just have something special where they shake the effect almost immediately. But since it's a Toggle, is continuously affecting them, it leaves them slowed because they're continuously shaking then reapplying the affect. I kind of want to get my Stormy and my Kin in there now to test it out. Unfortunately, neither of them have their level shift yet. -
Hmm.. So it looks like ground based AoE slows that don't directly target them may not work, but target specific ones might....
Looking at the pathing, you can completely block off the minions with only two Force Bubbles. One on the southern path just below the left tennis court. And one on the north path at the corner just before the eastern spawn points. That'd leave the other 22 people to deal with the Lts, at their designated choke points, whether it be the point of origin, destination, or somewhere in between.
Quote:Depends on your context. And what the secondaries are. Since it sounds like DEDICATED slows may work on the Lts, the sets that have those will come out on top. In some ways, some of the Defender sets almost sound like they may work better for handling the minions than controllers. All a Bubbler, of any kind, needs to do is pop Force Bubble, and just stand in one of the pathways. They could go afk and not a single minion would get past him.As far as usefulness, I'd probably rank top controls for this part to be:
Earth > plant > mind > ice > elec > fire/grav
Hmm... In that mindset, a Stormy might also work well if the theory about dedicated slows is true. Turn Hurricane on while standing in the middle of a pathway, to keep the minions from passing. And drop a Snow Storm on an Lt to slow him and possibly any others that get past.
I find myself curious about the pathing that the escapees use. Are they dedicated to using the pathways? What will happen if they get knocked off it, and onto the grass? Will they try getting back on the path, or will they start running across the grass to their destination? CAN you knock them off the path?
Quote:And as for the final phase, I definitely think we needed more damage (especially AoE) to handle the reinforcements, especially the 9CUs. Once people start dying, that sets off a cascade reaction where more and more 9CUs are allowed to accumulate until they become completely unmanageable. If that means killing the AVs more slowly in order to devote damage to the adds, it's worth it. Slow and steady etc. Etc.
3-4 people dedicated to handling each set of reinforcements (one group on 9CUs, one group on Victorias), and maybe if the blasters (or anyone with an AoE attack) could divide their attention: ST damage on the AVs, AoE on the reinforcements. -
Quote:Hmm... Has Bonfire actually found a good use now? For blocking off one of the escape paths?Very good to know. Someone else mentioned Earthquake was very effective, also.
I think the few times I managed to land a Thunderstrike in a crowd of the minions, it definitely took them off their feet.
Oh, and Detention Field doesn't work on the Lts. Well, it makes them unaffectable by our powers, but it doesn't keep them from moving.Learned that the hard way. Hmm... I wonder if Wormhole would work on them.... I doubt it, but I'll have to try.
I have to say that Force Bubble was actually very useful here. The escapees will pretty much only walk on the walkways, so a couple FF Controllers/Defenders can fairly easily contain the minions, leaving all the other people to deal with the Lts.
Nah, they simply 'dislike' villians. If the Devs TRUELY hated villians, they would have made the TF uncompletable. Short of quitting it.
It might be a sign of the End Times, but I have to agree with the Hippy. The SF was such a letdown in comparison to the TF. When the completion window came up, all I could think o was, "That's it?!?" If it wasn't for the Notice, and the opportunity to beat on Positron, I'd almost call it a waste of time.