In case you haven't noticed
I20 is live!
I heard about some crashing tonight and some people getting dropped from leagues or something? What was up with that? |
How does it play so far? Pug-friendly? Time-friendly? I never got into any closed sessions so other than brief descriptions, I still know next to nothing about both trials (/raids?). I will probably end up trying the new blueside TF before the raids, oddly enough. |
They are fun Ryxx and we should be able to burn them pretty quick.
i like the lambda over the BAF, had enough shards before i20 so i basically directly unlocked judgement and lore right away and i also have interface unlocked after a couple lambda trials
up to a tier 1 judgement attack, looking to work on the others and maybe get a few badges out of it lol, sitting at 1199 badges now and want to hit the 1200 mark lol

I was surprised how much I was able to accomplish today. I played the Lambda trial more than the BAF, so at the moment I like it more. Managed to craft Judgment and Interface in no time. (thanks to some shards I've been saving, too). Tomorrow I'll probably have Destiny unlocked and slotted.
I really urge people who are weary of these raids to give it a go. Once you understand what you're suppose to be doing, they really are a blast. Even 'failed' attempts aren't a total loss, as you gain threads and incarnate xp on the way.
Whenever they're done with the Praetoria thing, I really hope to see other trials like this for other enemy groups. (I'm looking at you Rularuu)
Actions speak louder than Vets.

Agreed with everything posted. The trials were great fun, they're especially good at first imo, when people are still learning the systems.
They're not impossible, but if people aren't following directions at least some of the time, and paying attention to mission goals rather than just killing all the things in front of them mindlessly, it is failable.
I ran each trial twice, and only 'failed' one out of the 4 (Lambda). But that one 'failure' earned me 30+% of one of the Incarnate slots, so it was not really valid as a 'fail', imo.
Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued
"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque
I was able to run a Lambda with FMP early evening, it's really fun. I also got my first I20 disconnect (yah!) during it, luckily it wasn't during Marauder. I really like the change of pace from the other level 50 content. I may abandon my plans to level up my Fire/Rad Corruptor and play the new level 50 content in my limited play time.
I'm trying to get used to the new team UI, I'm glad they left the option to go back to the original if you want.
Although I was only on for about 2 hours, I think this is issue, much like Charlie Sheen, is WINNING!
Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?
Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575
I'm trying to get used to the new team UI, I'm glad they left the option to go back to the original if you want.

Don't like running at a higher resolution. Kind of annoying.
I've already forgotten about most of you

I was on two failed trials last night, which was okay as they were fun.
A couple of key things I learned:
1) Make sure everybody can see and communicate in league chat. On one trial, there were too many people heading in the wrong direction despite the leader telling them to go the other direction. It just leads to confusion and failure.
2) Teams need to stick together on most parts of the trial, except when you need to separate before your showdown with Marauder.
3) Be willing to join a Trial in progress. They are starting with the minimum number of people needed, and more people inside means a better chance of success. Also, it will probably reduce your wait time to enter.
4) Speed is of the essence on the AVs. If you take too long to go after them, the reinforcements pile in quickly. This probably won't be as much of a problem when people start getting their Judgement slots filled, but it was certainly a problem to see Marauder surrounded by about 100 MOBs.
As others have said, even a failure gains you XP and Threads, so it isn't a total loss. Also, people will learn how to run these better and be more efficient.
Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
Excited to get in on these. I am quite unhappy that threads and progress on the new slots is only limited to two pieces of content, but I'm still curious to see how they work. Might try for one on Wednesday after playing with Isos for awhile.
I think there will be a learning curve with this, then most will be okay, though. I know even the halloween event was challenging before people knew how it worked, but once you had enough bodies and someone calling out strategy, it was all gravy.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
I had fun and ran with MP trials for most of the night, until she started one and disabled my join button.
4 new badges, crafted 1 new slot. It was fun and will try more again Thursday.
I am quite unhappy that threads and progress on the new slots is only limited to two pieces of content, but I'm still curious to see how they work.
You'll still need the appropriate Incarnate XP to get the slots open, but technically you are able to move forward after that without touching the two new pieces of content. Of course, it's not as easy to do so, but it is possible.
Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
Ive done a number of these (Lambda) since i20 launch. The only successful ones have been lead by Masque, (who has done a great job leading).
Biggest problem is, if ONE person isnt watching League chat/broadcast/team chat, the WHOLE thing can go south pretty quick.
If you have 2 teams in the trial they need to split up to get both sets of temp powers before time expires. The leader may say "Team 1 head to the Lab, Team 2 head to the Warehouse", but almost always, ppl will head to the wrong section, leaving one team weaker and result in team wipe after team wipe, which means all the temps arent taken. If this stage goes smoothly, and all temps ARE taken, there can still be a few ppl who dont listen to chat and have now idea how to check temp powers for the temps needed to seal the portals, or defeat the AV.
The short timers are the real kickers, they dont give the leaders alotta time to sort anything out.
Im sure as more ppl learn these trials they will get easier, but everyone on the trial needs to listen up and pay attention. No more mindless following and killing whatever.
Thats one more.................. For the good guys!

And don't get me wrong, I'm an optimistic person. But after the setup for threads that is live went through, I'm not going to think positively about how they are going to gate this future stuff.
Again, "for now," really isn't helpful when it means this is it for months and possibly even longer. That's like someone complaining there was no really loot system for CoH at launch (or even I3 or whenever they mentioned stuff about the system that was scrapped before IOs), and someone saying "for now." You can't develop and expect players to be hopeful that more stuff is coming down the pike.
I disagreed with Statesman on just about everything, but he has said in interviews more than once that "you are what you have at launch." That first impression can be killer.
FYI...Shards can be converted to threads, and shards can now be gained even when you exemplar down.
You'll still need the appropriate Incarnate XP to get the slots open, but technically you are able to move forward after that without touching the two new pieces of content. Of course, it's not as easy to do so, but it is possible. |
I'm sure a few people have a bunch of shards banked and can use more of them to help out, but you have to be kidding yourself if you think getting shards will allow you to progress on the new stuff even close to what you could for the alpha. The math just doesn't support it.
We tossed out numerous ideas to get around this issue in the beta forums and nothing budged after they upped the transfer rate. Maybe they will eventually bring in threads to more content, but that gets the same reply as the "for now" above. It doesn't help now, and it doesn't change the fact that I have to run much less content to get anywhere with the new slots. Even if I 100% love the new trials, I don't want to run them as much as I will need to on all the characters I want to go incarnate with.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Biggest problem is, if ONE person isnt watching League chat/broadcast/team chat, the WHOLE thing can go south pretty quick. |
*stab eyes*
BAF I find more fun simply because it saves typing the temp power instructions over and over. I ended up "leading" too many runs because no one else had done them and/or was unwilling to type.
Agree with everything above.
Mainly: Watch out for those people who like to uhm.. hoard temporary powers and not mention it ::whistles innocently:: (come on, I can think of MANY uses for acid..)
I joke.
Still, make sure to shout out to everybody in league (through broadcast) to set League in its own window, just for easy access [I tossed mine in my "Raid" window.. which has Broadcast/Request/League in it] just makes things go smoother.
I like Lambda better than BAF, yes theres quite afew chances of screwing up.. griefers/people not reading/not enough dmg but I like how Marauder actually moves about every so often. -Hei guise watch dis! ::super leaps away:: muahaha!-
Was finally on a successful Lambda last night.
Had two attempts at the B.A.F. and the first one failed during the prisoner break out phase. Quite the learning curve there as many people in the league didn't realize the lieutenants are immune to everything except damage.
The second one failed at the last step when both Nightstar and Siege returned to their starting areas. After that it became a numbers game as their various reinforcements were too much to deal with. I'm sure that's a problem that becomes easier to deal with once people start getting their Judgement slots powered up.
I definitely will want to try to hit the B.A.F. some more tonight. I'm sitting at about 46% of the XP needed to unlock Judgement, and I should have enough components to get it equipped.
Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
I have to say that Force Bubble was actually very useful here. The escapees will pretty much only walk on the walkways, so a couple FF Controllers/Defenders can fairly easily contain the minions, leaving all the other people to deal with the Lts.
I think the few times I managed to land a Thunderstrike in a crowd of the minions, it definitely took them off their feet.
As a melee character, the lieutenants just wouldn't stop running so it was much harder for me to get after them. The blasters seemed to be having a field day chewing them up, though.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
You need far more threads than shards, so if you expect to progress using shards and the conversion rate, expect your progress to be rather miniscule. Assuming you don't want to get hit with the conversion penalty, your 10 shards will get you half of a component. Compare that to Gra'i Matter, which has a similar timer but gets you an entire component.
I'm sure a few people have a bunch of shards banked and can use more of them to help out, but you have to be kidding yourself if you think getting shards will allow you to progress on the new stuff even close to what you could for the alpha. The math just doesn't support it. |
Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
Any amount of control/slow/etc will absolutely lock down all the minions as they spawn at the doors. You really only need 1 troller/Dom for the doors; the minions will whittle away without issue. It is very important each team has at least 1 control (AoE preferred) taking care of these spawn doors.
The commandoes are the threats, and the ones heading TO YOU are the ones you absolutely have to take out immediately. Have whatever damage focus on them as they spawn doing whatever damage they can *without* chasing them, have 1 or 2 pure damage dealers patrolling the two pathways at your teams staging area, focusing on the ones coming TO THEM and doing whatever damage they can do to the ones running FROM THEM. Other damage people need to spread out along those pathways. Taunt does nothing as well and you can't herd; kill kill kill.
As long as the damage people aren't trying to chase down every single Commando to and fro, you should have plenty of overlap of protection where they will not escape. This is by far the easiest part of BAF, as long as you maintain the kill sectors.
I've already forgotten about most of you

Very good to know. Someone else mentioned Earthquake was very effective, also.
I think the few times I managed to land a Thunderstrike in a crowd of the minions, it definitely took them off their feet. |
Oh, and Detention Field doesn't work on the Lts. Well, it makes them unaffectable by our powers, but it doesn't keep them from moving.

Very doubtful with wormhole, and they will definintely not be stunned; as far as I have read/seen, they are completely immune to all "effects" bar "damage".
Any and all control powers will completely nullify the minions from going anywhere. And you damn hethen, bonfire has always been useful as a control power; just not as a "damage" or "throw in the middle of a group before your team gets to them" attack power.
I've already forgotten about most of you

Slows will work on the Lts, i used Lingering Radiation on the Lts and they slowed to a crawl.
Thats one more.................. For the good guys!
Slows will work on the Lts, i used Lingering Radiation on the Lts and they slowed to a crawl.
troof |
Have not been a control-support on a run yet, but only reporting what I do see.
I've already forgotten about most of you

I20 is live!
patch notes:
Awesome quick list for incarnate stuffs:
My and Ele's brother came back to try another stint of Coh again today, so we spent all of today and will for the next day or two, still be catching him up to speed. Haven't tried league or the trials at all yet, but I'm really looking forward to doing so, gonna mooch on public knowledge (again) on mission knowledge and tactics for this. I heard about some crashing tonight and some people getting dropped from leagues or something? What was up with that?
How does it play so far? Pug-friendly? Time-friendly? I never got into any closed sessions so other than brief descriptions, I still know next to nothing about both trials (/raids?). I will probably end up trying the new blueside TF before the raids, oddly enough.
Dusty Trophies