93 -
Happy Birthday Escher!!
::One Big Bug Chest Bump::
I'll light up a nice Honduran Double Maduro in your honor! -
Jumping in the cutscene? If im leading, and the other team has 1-2 more weapon crates to get, i may or may not head out to jump in the cutscene.
If im NOT leading, i dont dare.
I dont see the harm in it generally, BUT like handing a big bag of candy to a child, ppl can get carried away. There can easily be 5-6-7 ppl trying to cram themselves into the cutscene, aggro the AV, cause problems, fail trial.
Kicking peeps for doing the cutscene jack? Im a firm believer in: 'If you take the time to Form/Organize/Lead a team in a TF/SF/Tip mish/Trial ect ect, then you run it however you want." Kick who you want, boss peeps the way you want, run the task anyway you wish.
If ppl like it, they will follow you anywhere, if you come off as a jerk, ppl will stop joining you.
Truth. -
I noticed a lot of my close friends on that team. Gratz to all of you!!!
MP, i once again bow to your pwnness...... -
Forming a League made this a good deal easier.
Thanks Victory for coming out for this one, I will continue to make every attempt to run these every Sunday nite. It was fun to use the new incarnate powers on those pesky Rikti! -
Thumbs up for the new trials! Thumbs up for the new incarnate powers!
Seems that everything that can be said, has been said in this thread already.
The temp power issue in the Lambda annoys me, ect ect ect.
If someone DCs, wait a few and fill the spot. Not fair to make 15-23 ppl wait around too long for one person.
One thing I wanna add is BIG UPS to Masque, MP, Hippy and a few others for leading these from the start, learning what works and what doesnt. Thanks for laying the ground work and giving us a good idea on how to run these smoothly, effectively, and timely. Leading ppl while at the same time trying to figure out what works best, while instructing 16-23 ppl, not easy and yall deserve your just props.
Thanks again! -
I was on 2 BAFs today both with my Rad. With this thread fresh on my mind, i watched closely to what effect LR had on the Lt escapees. One i hit, slowed him down, second i hit, he never lost pace, weird.
Slows will work on the Lts, i used Lingering Radiation on the Lts and they slowed to a crawl.
troof -
Ive done a number of these (Lambda) since i20 launch. The only successful ones have been lead by Masque, (who has done a great job leading).
Biggest problem is, if ONE person isnt watching League chat/broadcast/team chat, the WHOLE thing can go south pretty quick.
If you have 2 teams in the trial they need to split up to get both sets of temp powers before time expires. The leader may say "Team 1 head to the Lab, Team 2 head to the Warehouse", but almost always, ppl will head to the wrong section, leaving one team weaker and result in team wipe after team wipe, which means all the temps arent taken. If this stage goes smoothly, and all temps ARE taken, there can still be a few ppl who dont listen to chat and have now idea how to check temp powers for the temps needed to seal the portals, or defeat the AV.
The short timers are the real kickers, they dont give the leaders alotta time to sort anything out.
Im sure as more ppl learn these trials they will get easier, but everyone on the trial needs to listen up and pay attention. No more mindless following and killing whatever. -
Looks like i have a conflict over my friday nites, sorry, but i cant be apart of Bootcamp this time. Have fun all!
Thanks for the thumbs up homie!
The fact that RWZ fills so fast shows how many peeps love doing these Raids!
Thanks Masque, and thanks Victory! -
Global name: 3Deviant
Server they mainly play on: Victory! (there are other servers??)
Level of PvP experience: Zero, None, Zilch, NaDa,
Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes indeed
Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: most fridays im free -
Great Job on your first Redside Hami Raid MP. Smooth as silk, just as your Blueside runs are. Thanks again for running it!
I will be running another RiktiMotherShip Raid this Sunday, May 1st at 8pm est!
Since we now have League Recruiting, I will be forming/Inviting for the whole Raid!this should make things very very easy.
Plz meet at Point Du Hoc
Plz be lvl 35+ Plz be lvl 35+ Plz be lvl 35+ (yes i know i added that 3 times)
Plz holla in broadcast if you are looking for team.
Cyall there! -
Heyas Victory! Time for another Rikti MotherShip Raid!
Sunday March 13th! 8pm est! RWZ 2! RWZ 2! RWZ 2!
The reason we do the raid in RWZ 2 is so we can have the zone all to ourselves and the MAX amount of players can get in on the raid. Chances are 1 or 2 Apexs, LadyGreys, or TinMages are being run in RWZ 1. So be ready when RWZ 2 spawns!
Plz meet at Point Du Hoc
Plz holla in broadcast if you need team
If you have formed your own team, plz shoot me a tell. I'll assign you a grate
Plz be ATLEAST lvl 35!
Cyall there! PEACE! -
Heyas Victory!
Rikti MotherShip Raid Sunday March 6th! 8pm est!
RWZ21! RWZ2!! RWZ2!!
Plz be ATLEAST lvl 35
Plz holla in broadcast for invite
If you form your own team, plz send 3Deviant a private tell!!
Cyall there! -
RiktiMotherShip Raid Sunday Jan 2nd, 8pm est!
Plan is to spawn a RWZ2 and move to that zone ASAP so max amount of peeps can take part in the raid.
Plz meet at Point Du Hoc in RWZ2
Plz holla in broadcast for team
Plz be atleast lvl 35
Cyall there!! -
Thanks to everyone who came out for this one!
Another Great Mothership Raid!
GJ Victory!
Cya next week! -
Heyas Victory!
I WILL be hosting a Raid this Sunday! 8pm est!
Plz meet at Point Du Hoc
Plz holla in broadcast if you need a team
Plz be lvl 35+
Not 100% sure if we will be switching the Raid to RWZ2 once it spawns, lets see if it spawns at all. I will let everyone know in broadcast if we are switching or staying by 8pm est.
Cyall there! -
Sounds like a soild plan!
Now, to find someone willing to run a second raid..... hrmmmmm...
/rubs chin -
I would like to offer a HUGE apology to everyone who attended (or attempted to) the Rikti MotherShip Raid last nite.
Plz allow me to explain.
I parked my toon in RWZ1 and logged in at 7:50 pm est. Knowing the Raid was to begin at 8pm est. I showed up at this time because in the past, players would slowly trickle into the zone, getting on team ect ect. The Raid wouldnt even start til 8:15-8:30pm est.
Last week, RWZ1 filled by 7:50pm est and many players who wanted to Raid could not enter. I attributed this to a few teams running the new shiney TFs TinMage/Apex.
So a RWZ2 was forced and the raid was moved there. Everyone got in and had a wonderful Raid.
This week, I logged into RWZ1 and the same happened. RWZ1 was full and players who wanted to Raid couldnt get in. So we moved to RWZ2. Unfortunately, RWZ2 filled up in a matter of minutes. Teams were split and teams had to reform. The is were the raid turned into a BIG HOT MESS. Some players were frustrated (understandably).
@Madame Pistacio was kind enuf to jump back on RWZ1 and form a second raid, and for that i cant thank her enuf.
I want to stop this from happening in the future. Im willing to hear reasonable suggestions.
A Raid is doable with as few as 3 teams (maybe less) so getting the Raid done in RWZ1 isnt a problem. The problem is, i would like EVERYONE who shows up to able to take part. So thats where the idea of switching to RWZ2 comes from.
I look forward to hearing from Victory!