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  1. Ridolfo

    Reminder no CoP

    Thanks HV! Will be there unless my kid decides on the new Underworld movie instead of playing his xbox.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Teleport, Tactics, Taunt, etc

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Love it!
  3. A minor note, but Fast Healing and Quick Recovery have higher regen/recovery base than the pool powers Stamina and Health. The guide implies one would take health first (all things being equal), which would not make sense. I can understand (particulary for a tank or a brute with higher hit points) why one might choose both Fast Healing and Health, but I fail to understand why one would pick Health over Fast Healing. I think you may have meant to imply that since you wanted Stamina, you had to take Health but that was not clear to me.
  4. Gauntlet never did work on Pool powers, that was acknowledged months ago. Of course, no explaination other than it was only intended to work on tanker AT powers. Not very conceptually satisfying, glad you're looking into it.
  5. I agree, we're supposed to be able to taunt 15 but with my paoe aggro (invinc) running and Taunt as part of my attack chain, I still lose some foes. Now, if it's just one, no biggie I can taunt them back, but if it's two or more in slightly different directions, I've lost aggro and an occasional teammate life.

    Seems like an easier solution would be the keep the active paeo taunt "pulse" radius wider and more frequent.
  6. If you're solo it isn't as useful, but if you are squishy and NOT attacking, i.e. buffing teammates, healing teammates, removing status affects from teammates, you get defense from the mobs and you are harder to detect. You give that up when you attack. That's why, for example, I don't take stealth on my blasters, scrappers and tankers.

    So if you want the defense, small though it is, use Combat Jumping.
  7. Ridolfo

    Badge Questions

    SG Healing badge. teh 20 mil Hit points healed. We were a smidgen away from it and it RESET?! the counter to zero. Not happy. Please advise.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So that your under 50's toons have someone to play with/rely upon? I can't believe a Redname would even post such a thing. Having a bad day Poz?
    Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

    [/ QUOTE ]
  9. Yay Tiffinator! tyvm for the info, saves me a LOT of time on the test server.
  10. But are the defense bonuses still SURPRESSED when attacking which really makes them, well, useless defense bonues unless on is just standing around minding their own business and is just a bit too close to some flaming behemouth mob.
  11. Well heck that blows to he11 where I thought shoulder kitties came from.
  12. meh. more content for the levels that already have way too much content to experience. so instead of going to striga we'll go to croakatoada or whatever. Things that would have excited me: post-50 content and/or the ability to flashback to missed content (which i guess is largely post-50 content) with outleveled contacts.
  13. First, the Dev's did a huge favor to ATs who have not reached 50 by not allowing Epic ATs. When you get to the point where you actually have to manage more than 2 trays (which doesn't happen until your 40's) and you face AVs that require a greater amount of strategy and teamwork, then you're ready for the headache that is Kheldian, IMHO. I mean to further your argument, why can't you just roll a 50? Why should people that pay as much per month as a 50 have to start as a level 1? Paying a fee doesn't mean you get to short-cut everything. Besides which, how long to you think people would subscribe if everything was immediately available to everyone who paid a monthly fee?

    Regarding the new ATs, it depends on whether they are considered "epic" (what else is the point in getting to 50 is there is no reward) and how complicated they are. If they are just graphic differences and variations on the two power set of the standard ATs, I agree with you. If the new ATs are more complicated, like the Kheldians, a level restriction makes sense.

    Regarding Respec, there is a way to Respec without the TV trial. Type /respec. If your toon was in existence before update 3, you can respec that way. I do agree that for folks who have used all 3 TV respecs need some relief when the powers they picked (or opted out of) change markedly, but that is a different concern.

    Lastly you're at 25. That's not halfway to 50 (from an xp perspective). I spent at least as much time getting from 38 to 50 as I did 1 to 38. So just play and stop worrying about what other people are doing - if you're not having fun why the heck are you playing anyway? Really.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Solo and Team Play
    What’s our goal? Simply put: if a player wants to do something solo, it should be CHOICE. Teaming shouldn’t be required, but rather encouraged. If a player gets a mission with an Arch Villain, he’ll be able to drop it and get another.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which you could have EASILY accomlished by allowed just that: dropping a mish if you don't like it or it's too hard and you don't have time. Rolling back the Boss changes is exactly caving into whiners. And I don't play a tanker, I play one of the most gimped scrappers in the game. Caves to whiners. With U 4 can we have a new mob The Whiners, that not even the Dev's can defeat?
  15. Ridolfo

    Boss Changes

    Ack, don't nerf the new bosses! They're awesome.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    My question is: Does it mention anywhere in that mission description that I'm going up against a frigging Arch Villain and should bring a team?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Investigate psychic disturbance" (leads to the Psy Clock King, who you MUST defeat-to-complete).

    I could be mistaken, but I think at least one of the Envoy missions doesn't mention Envoy's going to be there (but to their credit he isn't a mission requirement either).

    The Madame of Mystery is mentioned, as is Countess Crey and Antimatter.

    And heck I went into a Council mission last night with five (count em) five Fame Nems in a solo mission--no mention of *any* kind of nemesis being present came up in the mission text.

    I think States was pretty clearly mistaken in thinking bosses are pointed out by the mission text, it is very frequent that they aren't...and some AV's aren't either.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually States is mostly right about this. With the exception of the Clockwork King, the missions mention the boss (watch the contacts description carefully before you accept) by Name, which you hopefully recognize as a AV or it tells you to bring friends along for a tough fight ( ex. Envoy) or simultaneous blinking bombs. The only mish that didn't do that (at least pre U 3) is Clockwork King AV, which tells you neither his name nor to bring friends.

    Personally what I do is leave 1 or 2 AV missions in my list and keep the other one(s) as box missions or kill X (name of offending foe), that way I always have something to do if I'm solo.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    And THIS my friend is why the scrappers should be VERY leary of any chest thumping over this change, you put your finger right on it. Because if the other AT's are running as they should for the new boss set-up, it stands to reason that if the scrappers are sliding through (not a breeze, but you get the drift) then they'll eventually get smacked back down to compensate.

    Because if *not every mission should be soloable* and scrappers are still soloing them all, the devs WILL sit up and take notice.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually... It was a typo which I just noticed... I don't support the changes and my other posts reflect that opinion.

    I'm not having as easy a time with these changes as people expect. Its not like I can run up to bosses and have a field day with them. And having friends who play blasters and controllers I completely sympathize with their plight.

    Sorry about the misunderstanding...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Consider the following:
    1. Invulnerable (and to a lesser extent Regen) scrappers were nerfed with U 3.
    2. Scrappers are supposed to be the AT most able to solo, the boss killers.
    3. Things got incredibly harder for us, but scrappers like a challenge - if we didn't like a challenge no dark scrappers would exist.

    IMHO, I fear no nerf bat, it has already hit me.
  18. Boss level too low. (No seriously, I think it's perfect. And the rewards are much greater as well for XP)
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Yes, your testing was mostly pointless, the threads in the "dev corner" were ignored, and issue 3 was rammed live pretty much as is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well not entirely. Regen scrappers are now the uber Scrapper AT since the Regen nerf got toned down. But yeah, bugs and all it went live today.
  20. My hope for issue 4 is that it doesn't come out before issue 3
  21. You just aren't using the correct stimulant. Try Starbuck's first.
  22. Bug: Teleport self destination/reticle inappropriately turns red at locations (mid air!) that it should not. Teleport lag is worse.
    Bug: Dark Melee attack icons are incorrect.
  23. Awesome OP! Thank you Grotus.
  24. Ridolfo

    Tanker Update

    [ QUOTE ]

    3 out of 4 Scrapper secondaries can supercede Tanker Secondaries.

    Tanker Invul > Scrapper Invul/Regen/DA > Tanker Ice And Stone > Fire

    That's the way it works.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Um, no. I am DM DA scrapper and I have NO DEFENSES from DA except toward a specifc type of damage at any given time. So ANY TANKER has better defense than DA scrappers because at higher levels nearly all mobs do more than 1 type of damage. IF mobs only did psychic damage, or only did smashing damage, etc. then your statement (about DA anyway) would be closer to the truth.
  25. Ridolfo

    Tanker Update

    [ QUOTE ]

    3. The Tanker doesn't "feel" like a comic book Tanker should. And frankly, this one really, really bothered me. Because our game is a comic book MMP.

    Feel free to comment!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    statesman logic for the REASON to improve Tankers fails. The longer someone fights the more damage they do? That's very anti-comic book (and I've been a collector for over 30 years). A single BURST of offensive power just before the hero gives out is comic book. But that's already built in to most every AT (albeit after we die, so again, not comic book like so fix the 9th power not the AT).

    How would I have fixed it? Tanker is down to his last boss whom he just can't coup de grace. Let him toggle a final (pre-death) power than does massive damage but leaves him disoreinted and drains all endurance for X amount of time. That's classic comic book. If he toggles too early in the fight, he's dead. But then the 5 minute (seems like an hour) battle with bosses is eliminated. That's the comic book feel (of course in the comic books the hero usually toggles at the right time, exceptions of Supergirl and Karate Kid come to mind)