Boss level too high!




If it is now impossible for me to solo kill a boss two levels above me with out a lot of candy. How is it a Boss two levels below me (My character should be a Major Boss in mobs eyes IMO) to kill me after a fairly long battle that I got him down to 1/3 his health. Again this boss was two levels below me and actually conned white to me. I should have no more problems killing it as I would a minion of equal level. Please readjust the Boss levels. Major Bosses, IIE Named Bosses in Missions, AVs, Monsters make them as hard as you want but your everyday run of the mill boss on the street and in a random mission should not be impossible to kill. Your taking the fun out of the game for those who like to solo, who only play 1-2 hours a day (Thus not using up valuable bandwidth) these people are the bread and butter of the game. They are the majority.

Again please reconsider the boss level, and just the boss level.



Been saying this for 5 WEEKS on the test forums..Statesman doesn't care. He was determined to make these changes regardless of how it affected the casual or solo players.
The ONE area of this game you should always be able to solo is your own missions UNLESS it CLEARY states you will need help before you accept it.
Generic Bosses should NEVER have gotten the boss tweaks.
This is now a power-gamer's game..casual and concept players will be forced to group to finish their own story arcs for the entire second half of the game. Just when they should be starting to feel really powerful because they are starting to get the really cool powers..WHAM.. no we're sorry.. you are not a HERO you are just another peon in tights. Step aside third stringer.



I'm not looking forward to fighting a batch of any kind of bosses in missions now that the end boss and elites are implimented AS WELL AS the "above 25 content" crap. I did NOT ask for the av's and major bosses to be EVEN FREAKING HARDER. I fight them with great hesitation when I fight them at all. The explanation they give in the updates thing says that it's "because" people wanted more of a challenge?! Hello? The vocal minority say something and it gets done? nooooo! They say that people "avoided" the bosses because they weren't fighting hard enough/giving enough xp?? What? I haven't even bothered to go BACK to one of my older alts stuck on a simple Kings Row mission (bonebreaker) because he was red conning alredy. I now won't stand a chance of leveling her much and having more success, after that mission and this difficulty change.

I play a lot more than you, around 4-6 hours a day (yikes) but I only solo most of the time and my more trusted friends and their alts are much lower than I am so I can't turn to them to help me with something like this. This sucks.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



What I always worried about were group dynamics.
What about TFs? The Respec Trial. Large group missions.

THere are usually 2 or more bosses per mob. In the Respec Tf, there are many, MANY bosses. WIth the hp + dmg buffs given to bosses, those will be extremely difficult.

And where's the logic in making a difficulty slider, then upping the general difficulty? The people who want it harder can turn the mission diff up, the people who don't want it harder don't touch the slider.
What's wrong with that?



Most builds will probably need to use many inspirations to solo most bosses. It's a little bit of a pain but not show stopping.



.Statesman doesn't care. He was determined to make these changes regardless of how it affected the casual or solo players.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dooooooooom! Doooooooooom!



THere are usually 2 or more bosses per mob. In the Respec Tf, there are many, MANY bosses. WIth the hp + dmg buffs given to bosses, those will be extremely difficult.

[/ QUOTE ]

I tried one last night. "Extremely difficult" is an understatement.

The thing that really sticks in my throat about all of this is that while I know I'm going to be accused of "whining", pre-I3 I was having a lot of fun with this game, and it really saddens me to see it become an exclusive playground for power gamers. The additional $15/month I'm liable to have in my pocket isn't a sufficient compensation to make up for the time and emotion I had invested in a product that's beginning to look as though it's being deliberately killed by its own creators.

And where's the logic in making a difficulty slider, then upping the general difficulty? The people who want it harder can turn the mission diff up, the people who don't want it harder don't touch the slider.
What's wrong with that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Good question. And one that deserves an answer.



So uh, what AT is the OP again? If you're any of the ATs that weren't designmed specifically for soloing (Defender, Controller, and to some extent, Blaster), then you're meant to have trouble, even find it near-impossible to beat an even boss. Even Tanks and Scrapper should find them a challenge. That's the point of the "Boss" class.

Justice Hunter, 50 Inv/SS Tank

Slenszic, 50 Sword/Energy Stalker

MA Arc IDs: 1355, 2341, 2350



So uh, what AT is the OP again? If you're any of the ATs that weren't designmed specifically for soloing (Defender, Controller, and to some extent, Blaster), then you're meant to have trouble, even find it near-impossible to beat an even boss.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except for the fact that Statesman has said that ALL ATs should be able to solo, that's almost a good point.

Yes, there will be a difference in difficulty, but the difference between possible and impossible is one that I personally consider to be a "show stopper".

Even Tanks and Scrapper should find them a challenge. That's the point of the "Boss" class.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have no idea what a comfort it is for me to know that my enjoyment of the game has been sacrificed so that some scrapper can feel "challenged".

If they want more difficulty they should use the difficulty slider. That's what it was DESIGNED TO DO. Why nerf all of the rest of us?



Well I say lets blame scrappers who boasted for months how they kick around bosses for breakfast and solo Avs easily

All their fault.




.Statesman doesn't care. He was determined to make these changes regardless of how it affected the casual or solo players.


Dooooooooom! Doooooooooom!

[/ QUOTE ]
This seems to be your only response to negative feedback on several threads.
Do you actually have something constructive to say?
If not I would keep your expansive vocabulary to yourself. You come off looking like a boot-licker.



Except for the fact that Statesman has said that ALL ATs should be able to solo, that's almost a good point.

[/ QUOTE ]

Statesman has made it quite explicit that while all ATs should be able to solo, that does not mean they will be able to solo all their own missions.



Most builds will probably need to use many inspirations to solo most bosses. It's a little bit of a pain but not show stopping.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is wrong trust me on this

Top end builds, can solo a boss of even level with no or few inspirations. Ex DM/Regen

Good builds, must use 5 or 6 inspirations and its not a certain win. Ex En/En blaster

Moderate or less builds, must chug inspirations like a marathon runner drinking water, and the results are very iffy. EX almost all defenders and controllers.

This is a boss fight now.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



I have no problem in and of itself with bosses being made higher, but we perhaps need to recatagorize some of the current bosses down to lietenants. Otherwise, as stated above, certain missions, like the Terra Volta trial, where bosses are popping out like pimples before prom day, will become way to difficult. If bosses are the uber build they shouldn't be spawning every third mob.



i have no problem killing 3+ bosses with Infinium. None. 4+, however, thats too much.




Statesman has made it quite explicit that while all ATs should be able to solo, that does not mean they will be able to solo all their own missions.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is exactly the original point, I believe: that, since there's a boss in almost every mission, post-40 for instance, being completely unable to solo bosses *means* being completely unable to solo *any* mission. I am all in favour of AVs being a magnificently difficult fight; that's precisely what I expect from them. Ditto for 'elite'-class bosses. But the ones encountered in every mission?




So uh, what AT is the OP again? If you're any of the ATs that weren't designmed specifically for soloing (Defender, Controller, and to some extent, Blaster), then you're meant to have trouble, even find it near-impossible to beat an even boss.


Except for the fact that Statesman has said that ALL ATs should be able to solo, that's almost a good point.

Yes, there will be a difference in difficulty, but the difference between possible and impossible is one that I personally consider to be a "show stopper".


Even Tanks and Scrapper should find them a challenge. That's the point of the "Boss" class.


You have no idea what a comfort it is for me to know that my enjoyment of the game has been sacrificed so that some scrapper can feel "challenged".

If they want more difficulty they should use the difficulty slider. That's what it was DESIGNED TO DO. Why nerf all of the rest of us?

[/ QUOTE ]
Don't forget to mention that casual players pay the same amount of money as any power-gamer.THREE AT's suffer so ONE can feel challenged. You hit the nail on the head my friend. I have been posting this for 5 weeks on test.

This is just ONE issue with this update.. not including the dissapearance of stacking armor for stone and dark armor, not to include how they also broke up the disciplines into two spires that you CANNOT buy..oh yeah.. going against those bosses with 50% more hitpoints and that do 50% more damage is going to be a cakewalk. Even when you know you are going against a mezzer or a sleeper/holder.. you wont be able to buy the spires to help you. Careful use of spire? Oh sure.



I haven't tried the post-I3 bosses with anyone but my Tank yet, but that being said there are a few points that need to be made.

The bosses which were made tougher are supposed to be of higher (25+) levels, I'm pretty sure thats what it said in the patch notes, so your little guy alt should be fine.

Also, I made a new defender alt the other day, totally for kicks, not to really be powerful, made it Dark/Elec. I could (pre I3) easily take down an even level boss (cons orange) in my solo missions so far through level 10...makes me think maybe they could be boosted a little. Plus they are worth more xp now. risk=reward.

If for whatever reason you simply can't beat a certain boss, as annoying as it is, you still have a couple options. Find a teammate. there are going to be LOTS of Kheldians around now at lower levels looking for groups. It may not be what you want, but as the Prophet Jaeger said "You don't always get what you want." Second, let the mission lie there until you are a level higher. Hard to do at high levels but easy at lower ones. then go back and try the boss again.

I do sympathise though. I'm concerned about the boss increase too...but lets see how it works out. My guess is that in a few weeks we'll see a small decrease in bosses at the 25-35 level and prolly a couple other "fixes" to other I3 issues as well.



Even when you know you are going against a mezzer or a sleeper/holder.. you wont be able to buy the spires to help you. Careful use of spire? Oh sure.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can still buy Concentration insps. They haven't been broken up at all.

The ones you can't buy are the brand new ones, Emerge and Resolve. These give status protection but can ALSO be taken while you're actually suffering from the effect. So, if you get mezzed and you take an Emerge, you wake up instantly *and* you have ongoing protection for a while.

This is exactly what happened to me. A Council vampire boss killed me twice. Before the third attempt, I went and bought some Insps, including plenty of Concentration, and that time I slaughtered him.



one question...

has anyone noticed with I3 that endurance seems to be used up quicker?
i was playing last night andn noticed that im getting winded (no end) faster than before.. use to be able to fire several shots and heal without running out of end, and last night, it was boom boom boom weeze...

Tannus Level 50 Defender *Level 50 on 08/21/05* - Freedom
Sgt. Robertson Level 50 Master Mind - Freedom
Angus Piper Level 45 Scrapper -Liberty
Cindy Jones Level 26 Arachnos Widow - Liberty



Even when you know you are going against a mezzer or a sleeper/holder.. you wont be able to buy the spires to help you. Careful use of spire? Oh sure.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can still buy Concentration insps. They haven't been broken up at all.

The ones you can't buy are the brand new ones, Emerge and Resolve. These give status protection but can ALSO be taken while you're actually suffering from the effect. So, if you get mezzed and you take an Emerge, you wake up instantly *and* you have ongoing protection for a while.

This is exactly what happened to me. A Council vampire boss killed me twice. Before the third attempt, I went and bought some Insps, including plenty of Concentration, and that time I slaughtered him.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup ... true. Execpt the ones you can buy are called Disiplines.

NCIS: Best gorram show in the 'verse.



Yup ... true. Execpt the ones you can buy are called Disiplines.

[/ QUOTE ]

Discipline, concentration, all I know is that I don't have it.

.... anyway, I can kill you with my brain.




Don't forget to mention that casual players pay the same amount of money as any power-gamer. THREE AT's suffer so ONE can feel challenged. You hit the nail on the head my friend. I have been posting this for 5 weeks on test.

[/ QUOTE ]

So if you want to play casually, but not have much of a problems soloing, don't pick a low dmg or low hp AT.

Bosses are supposed to be a challenge.
Controllers/Defenders aren't meant to solo efficiently. That's the whole point of different classes, complementing eachother. Some can solo well, but they still aren't as good as in a team.

Justice Hunter, 50 Inv/SS Tank

Slenszic, 50 Sword/Energy Stalker

MA Arc IDs: 1355, 2341, 2350



I for one love that the bosses are tougher...besides, if I as a defender can take one on (+2, not +3), so can anyone else. That's what inspirations are for. They're bosses! They're supposed to be tough to beat.

Off, if they could just tell us how to trigger the octopus...

Psyphon lvl 50 Mind/Psy/Psy Dom Freedom
'Healer' dependency is like filling a car with airbags instead of having a seatbelt. -- Lady Sadako



I do sympathise though. I'm concerned about the boss increase too...but lets see how it works out. My guess is that in a few weeks we'll see a small decrease in bosses at the 25-35 level and prolly a couple other "fixes" to other I3 issues as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

If that's the scale and timing of the response then it'll be too little and too late for me.