Odd Invincibility effect:it ToHit buffs your foes?
k i just tested the same thing on my scrap.. the minions attack 1 and stoood there while the lt attack then ran then came back and kept doin this.. i saw the acc and def buff around me but didnt see it on them.. i slot it the same way u did 1 to hit and 3 def...
Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin
i think they did it so when we try to herd the lt will run away but the minions would stay. ahhah idk the dvs r nuts
Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin
_Castle_ just acknowledged that Invincibility is bugged. The taunt is apparently not working properly either.
_Castle_ just acknowledged that Invincibility is bugged. The taunt is apparently not working properly either.
[/ QUOTE ]
All aspects of Invincibility EXCEPT the taunt effect are working. The Taunt effect, however, appears to only be effecting minions. This is true for all auto-taunt effects, including Gauntlet.
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, that confirms a long-standing belief of mine. Back when Gauntlet was first introduced, you'd see little "Miss" text occasionally floating above the heads of nearby foes when you were using your Tanker attacks, and we assumed this was the Gauntlet effect missing.
We never, ever saw the "Miss" indicators when using pool attacks, so I assumed Gauntlet never worked on pool attacks. I had even posted my observations, but I was told I was wrong because the devs said it worked with pools too.
Then the "Miss" messages were removed in a later patch, so I forgot about it.
Rockburner, Fire/Stone Tanker (50)
Doc Disaster, Earth/Storm Controller (44)
Icewall, Inv/Ice Tanker (42)
Wings, MA/Inv Scrapper (42)
Shockblast, Elec/Elec Blaster (36)
..and many others.
_Castle_ just acknowledged that Invincibility is bugged. The taunt is apparently not working properly either.
[/ QUOTE ]
All aspects of Invincibility EXCEPT the taunt effect are working. The Taunt effect, however, appears to only be effecting minions. This is true for all auto-taunt effects, including Gauntlet.
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
This only goes to prove that MMOs are very complex constructs. As I do QA on one current running I can say its very easy to over look something.
Golden Avatar - 50 Invul/Mace Tanker (Infinity)
Police Drone GA - 50 Fire/FF Controller (Infinity)
I and a lot of other people were under the impression that pool power attacks were only supposed to taunt the person you hit with them, as opposed to the AoE taunt from tanker secondary attacks. Is this to say that Boxing and the like were supposed to have full Gauntlet powers all along?
And Gauntlet seriously isn't working? My tanker was duoing with a Blaster With A Death Wish last night, and was keeping enemies off him pretty well just with lots of punching. He most definitely was outdamaging me, but as long as I kept tossing attacks around I held all the aggro.
Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
now that's weird! i know in my tests i get aggro from Boxing and not from Brawl. i had always assumed it was Gauntlet, tho it sounds like it might just be hate.
While Invincibility was up, I noticed the yellow "crosshairs" +ACC buff indicators swirling around the two minions (but not the LT). I looked very closely, it wasn't the debuff indicator. Around me was just the purple +DEF indicators.
The +Acc buff indicators kept swirling around the two minions for about 12-15 seconds after I turned off Invinc, at which point the Taunt must have expired and they ran away.
[/ QUOTE ]
it looks like the DefBuf indicators show up, too. i get the DefBuf shields on my Tanker and on the foe affected by Invincibility, while i get the ToHitBuff crosshairs only on my foe.
i just looked back at my demo files from today and compared them against some older ones. both DefBuffContinuing and ToHitBuffContinuing are showing up as maintained effects on foes targeted by Invincibility in my demofiles from today while they do not appear in my older (Oct) demo files.
it could certainly just be a costmetic problem, or it could be intentional, as you suggest, to show which foes are contributing to Invinc's benefits. but it does appear to be new.
_Castle_ just acknowledged that Invincibility is bugged. The taunt is apparently not working properly either.
[/ QUOTE ]
All aspects of Invincibility EXCEPT the taunt effect are working. The Taunt effect, however, appears to only be effecting minions. This is true for all auto-taunt effects, including Gauntlet.
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you so much, Castle.
Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)
We never, ever saw the "Miss" indicators when using pool attacks, so I assumed Gauntlet never worked on pool attacks.
[/ QUOTE ]
I cannot be positive, since when running my Tanker, I normally have multiple methods of gathering agro going simultaneously, but I have always felt like Boxing worked on who I punched (I don't ever recall seeing a target I hit with Boxing turn away from me or fail to redirect to me). I think the pool attacks only have the gauntlet effect on the target they hit, unlike the regular Tanker attacks which have the effect in an AoE (this would explain why you would never see the "Miss" indicators as well). Now, while running my Brute with Boxing, I can guarantee it has no taunt effect there, as I have seen enemies continue to run past me after I hit with Boxing. The contrast of Boxing between my Brute (where I see it fail to agro frequently) and with my Tanker (where I have never seen it fail to agro) is quite interesting. Of course, Boxing could be failing to agro on my Tanker, and one of my other agro abilities is making me not see this.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
_Castle_ just acknowledged that Invincibility is bugged. The taunt is apparently not working properly either.
[/ QUOTE ]
All aspects of Invincibility EXCEPT the taunt effect are working. The Taunt effect, however, appears to only be effecting minions. This is true for all auto-taunt effects, including Gauntlet.
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
i hate to grind salt, but this is the main reason that i wish there were a small notation like a small light red (for anger hehe) on those effected.
i am a full time taunter, but i can see that if i were a puncher the problem finding who to punch next being that not everyone is effected by one punch...
oh wait. Does gauntlet follow the rules of taunt, "5 tops"?
anywoo, good job on finding the bug there. thx for the hard work.
_Castle_ just acknowledged that Invincibility is bugged. The taunt is apparently not working properly either.
[/ QUOTE ]
All aspects of Invincibility EXCEPT the taunt effect are working. The Taunt effect, however, appears to only be effecting minions. This is true for all auto-taunt effects, including Gauntlet.
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
i hate to grind salt, but this is the main reason that i wish there were a small notation like a small light red (for anger hehe) on those effected.
i am a full time taunter, but i can see that if i were a puncher the problem finding who to punch next being that not everyone is effected by one punch...
oh wait. Does gauntlet follow the rules of taunt, "5 tops"?
anywoo, good job on finding the bug there. thx for the hard work.
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe gauntlet will only affect up to 5 targets. You can certainly have more than 5 taunted at one time, I'd assume up to the max aggro cap...but only 5 at a time with one attack
Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
now that's weird! i know in my tests i get aggro from Boxing and not from Brawl. i had always assumed it was Gauntlet, tho it sounds like it might just be hate.
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe it's single target Taunt in the pool attacks. I'm pretty sure they've had those since around issue 1 or maybe even in beta, and I thought it was by design that they never got the AoE of Gauntlet. At one point they just did damage, though.
Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)
All aspects of Invincibility EXCEPT the taunt effect are working. The Taunt effect, however, appears to only be effecting minions. This is true for all auto-taunt effects, including Gauntlet.
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
No wonder I've always felt the Gauntlet inherent power was worthless. My tanker dips heavily into pool powers for extra attacks (Boxing, Kick, Air Superiority, and Flurry).
Not that I find Gauntlet especially useful with my Super Strength attacks either, mind you. Gauntlet should be pulled and replaced with an ability similar to brutes' Fury power... except, instead of increasing damage as your meter builds, tankers should increase resistances.
All aspects of Invincibility EXCEPT the taunt effect are working. The Taunt effect, however, appears to only be effecting minions. This is true for all auto-taunt effects, including Gauntlet.
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
No wonder I've always felt the Gauntlet inherent power was worthless. My tanker dips heavily into pool powers for extra attacks (Boxing, Kick, Air Superiority, and Flurry).
Not that I find Gauntlet especially useful with my Super Strength attacks either, mind you. Gauntlet should be pulled and replaced with an ability similar to brutes' Fury power... except, instead of increasing damage as your meter builds, tankers should increase resistances.
[/ QUOTE ]
No no no no and NO. We wanted more aggro control, we asked for more aggro control, we got more aggro control. Leave our aggro control alone.
Wait, first fix our aggro control and then leave it alone.
I do not need or want more resistance, I can get buffs or inspirations to do that, I can't improve my ability to taunt otherwise.
Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"
2: While Invincibility was up, I noticed the yellow "crosshairs" +ACC buff indicators swirling around the two minions (but not the LT). I looked very closely, it wasn't the debuff indicator. Around me was just the purple +DEF indicators.
The +Acc buff indicators kept swirling around the two minions for about 12-15 seconds after I turned off Invinc, at which point the Taunt must have expired and they ran away.
I have Invinc slotted with 3 Def and 1 ToHit buff. I removed the ToHit buff and re-ran the experiment, but it didn't make any difference.
Now either the +Acc indicators are just there to tell you that those minions are being hit by Invinc, and they chose an indicator from their existing set of graphics, or else we're actually buffing their accuracy.
[/ QUOTE ]
All aspects of Invincibility EXCEPT the taunt effect are working. The Taunt effect, however, appears to only be effecting minions. This is true for all auto-taunt effects, including Gauntlet.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait, what? Invincibility is working properly if its ToHit buffing enemies around you? Alright, maybe its not actually buffing them... but you have to admit that its not functioning properly if its even just causing the ToHit buff graphic to appear on the enemies regardless of whether or not they are getting a buff.
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ya know, that explains a lot.

Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
Interestingly, I think reputable people on these boards have been saying that for as long as I can remember and I've been here since I3. I just figured that it had been ignored for so long that it was "working as intended".
I don't know if I'm happy that it's getting fixed after years of not working, or disappointed that it was never taken seriously enough for someone to at least just take a peek until now.
I agree. If it's their intent to show us who is currently affected by a Taunt Aura (an idea I like), then they need a new "I hate you" graphic rather than the existing +Acc buff graphic so we can tell what's going on.
It's a good idea, though. Not that you could possibly notice it in major combat, but still, good to know who you have under your spell.
Of course, this change wasn't mentioned in any patch notes, no matter what the intent.
Rockburner, Fire/Stone Tanker (50)
Doc Disaster, Earth/Storm Controller (44)
Icewall, Inv/Ice Tanker (42)
Wings, MA/Inv Scrapper (42)
Shockblast, Elec/Elec Blaster (36)
..and many others.
_Castle_ just acknowledged that Invincibility is bugged. The taunt is apparently not working properly either.
[/ QUOTE ]
All aspects of Invincibility EXCEPT the taunt effect are working. The Taunt effect, however, appears to only be effecting minions. This is true for all auto-taunt effects, including Gauntlet.
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
I knew something was wrong it was the first thing I told my teammates when I helped in an 8 man team. They said I was doing fine as a tanker heh. Now I feel worthless, come to find out I wasn't really doing anything but attacking..
All aspects of Invincibility EXCEPT the taunt effect are working. The Taunt effect, however, appears to only be effecting minions. This is true for all auto-taunt effects, including Gauntlet.
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked. That'll be fixed as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
No wonder I've always felt the Gauntlet inherent power was worthless. My tanker dips heavily into pool powers for extra attacks (Boxing, Kick, Air Superiority, and Flurry).
Not that I find Gauntlet especially useful with my Super Strength attacks either, mind you. Gauntlet should be pulled and replaced with an ability similar to brutes' Fury power... except, instead of increasing damage as your meter builds, tankers should increase resistances.
[/ QUOTE ]
No no no no and NO. We wanted more aggro control, we asked for more aggro control, we got more aggro control. Leave our aggro control alone.
Wait, first fix our aggro control and then leave it alone.
I do not need or want more resistance, I can get buffs or inspirations to do that, I can't improve my ability to taunt otherwise.
[/ QUOTE ]
Fix our agro control then give us defiance and give blasters something else .
No no no no and NO. We wanted more aggro control, we asked for more aggro control, we got more aggro control. Leave our aggro control alone.
[/ QUOTE ]
S'funny, I never asked for more aggro control... I've always wanted more ability to survive the aggro I draw. Anyhow, poor aggro control should be fixed in the Taunt power itself, not spreading taunt out over all the attacks. And if you want more taunting, there's an extra pool power just for that.
Gauntlet, in my opinion, is the 2nd lamest inherent power in the game (Defiance being the worst since your very squishie hero has to be near death to see any relevant benefit from it).
Interestingly, while researching this problem, I discovered that Gauntlet from pool powers like Boxing or Air Superiority have, apparently, never worked.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've always known that. Honestly, how could you have played a Tanker in the "gather mobs, stack in dumpster, one-shot them all with bugged Gauntlet attack" days and not have noticed pool powers never had Gauntlet? ^_^
It's why I've taught Tankers wanting to avoid aggro in Hami Raids to use pool power attacks. Guess that's another part of my ever-delayed Hami Raid Guide I'll need to change soon... >.<
Ok, so I was trying to test out some of the oddities with both keeping aggro and the functioning of Invincibility since the I8.1 patch.
I noticed something very odd. On my level 36 Invuln tanker, I walked up to a group of gray (level 24) Council in IP. One Lt., two minions. They didn't aggro due to the level difference.
1. Activate Invincibility. They all took one swing at me (normal behavior).
The two minions then just stared at me. They wanted to run but the Taunt effect made them stay there staring at me, but not attacking because the AI told them to run, not attack. This is also normal behavior.
However, the LT took off running. Using Taunt made him stop and stare, just like his minions. Ok, that isn't normal. It implies that Invincibility only taunts minions.
2: While Invincibility was up, I noticed the yellow "crosshairs" +ACC buff indicators swirling around the two minions (but not the LT). I looked very closely, it wasn't the debuff indicator. Around me was just the purple +DEF indicators.
The +Acc buff indicators kept swirling around the two minions for about 12-15 seconds after I turned off Invinc, at which point the Taunt must have expired and they ran away.
I have Invinc slotted with 3 Def and 1 ToHit buff. I removed the ToHit buff and re-ran the experiment, but it didn't make any difference.
Now either the +Acc indicators are just there to tell you that those minions are being hit by Invinc, and they chose an indicator from their existing set of graphics, or else we're actually buffing their accuracy.
I've never noticed the indicators around the foes before, so I assume this is something new with this patch.
Anyone else notice this?
Rockburner, Fire/Stone Tanker (50)
Doc Disaster, Earth/Storm Controller (44)
Icewall, Inv/Ice Tanker (42)
Wings, MA/Inv Scrapper (42)
Shockblast, Elec/Elec Blaster (36)
..and many others.