209 -
Before you guys all go.. you guys should come join me on EGAD IN PVP one last time before the lights go out!!
also two head i have a old champions account...
i might go back gold on there after the sunset.. think im gonna try to recreate my all human pb there aswell.. smh this sux..
im gonna miss my kheldians the most after this game goes smh -
Quote:i usually on at 9pm eastern.. and im usually in RV.. but if im not their you can reach me @iron-blade if im not doin anything i can do something for the sg..I have been playing on my PB lately and have been the only one logged in the SG. What time does everyone play? We should do an all Kheldian ITF, LGTF or something...
We should also do a day where we stand in atlas and impress the new khelds.. so we can recuite -
yes the light form crash is annoyin.. just the health part though... cuase it forces you to use a heal...
on another note.. the new patch notes for i24 the end mods now work in light form woot!!! -
Since water blast had arrive i already made my Mortal Kombat toon, off the character Rain..
an Water/elec/leviathan.. lvl30
But stopped playing once i heard about Martial kombat.. and will be rerolling to Water/MC/leviathan with ion and lore storm clouds for his elec powers.. FATALITY!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unBhr7bxiFY -
Quote:Yah /sighnI always preferred this Blapper playstyle. I've used an all-human build since PB's were introduced and despite all the changes to this class, I still find it to be most effective in pvp.
Nova is great ranged damage but I'm uncomfortable with the fact that all that awesomeness can be erased by one smart guy with a webnade. Dwarf is cool for the extra heal and teleport but ss/sj (and fly as a bonus) provide more than enough mobility in pvp. I know there is no such thing is too much survivability but I've never had the slots to spare to use this option effectively without gimping another area of my build.
The biggest issue for me was the slot crunch that comes with triform. When I make a build I really like to maximize my bonuses and the number of slots in my powers. I could never come up with a triform build that satisfied me. Dividing slots between forms will always leave you vulnerable in one of them and most triforms leave their human form gimped.
Lack of toggles between shifts or a gimped human form is another issue. Triforms become a soft target the moment they shift to use build up, conserve power, essence boost, or reform essence with no toggles up and those moments are guaranteed to come. When I see an enemy triform kheld running around I always take advantage of those moments. The recent form shift time and light form changes make triform a little more viable but they don't change my issues with multiple forms in pvp.
I'm not saying its impossible to make extra forms work because I have seen a few PB's succeed with triform builds. I'm just saying the potential strengths don't outweigh the weaknesses for me.
When fighting enemy khelds and they are in nova blasting away just dmg spike them and they will immediately go human heal dull pain then dwarf. And then they are stuck. They can survive for awhile but then they will be doin the famouse dwarf hop trying to get away.. whilst not even producing much dmg to its opponents. Then it can either tp or drop to phase for escape..
So what we have from that scenario is it used up most of its heals got away but no gain.. that would work good on a team. But solo you can get caught up and still have to revert back to human form, with lil to no slotting.
Now if they had toggle suppresion I would be the first to say human dwarf builds would be the best for pvp. A true tank/mage.. my toon personnally would have 4 heals 2 in the 30s range.. would be very hard to kill. But until then it just more convienient to put your chips in good human slotting and just blapping it out. But that's my opinion of course.
What's goin on dawun haven't seen you in a min!!?
Y -
Quote:So after sleepin on it, evnethough I still thought the story wasn't long enough it needed to end. But if its confirmed that tyrant is still alive and locked up. You know what that means for the story line !!?Yeah, I24 is full of Battalion content now that Praetoria's been finished off.
No we've not
That means when prae hami comes knocking we can potentially have statesman backbut a more kick *** version.
I just hope the build up to it takes a while I mean at least 5-10 issues. To make it that much jucy. Like the can have lil spores comming over from the vills raiding prae for tech. And meeting up with our hammi to make an interdimentional monster alliance. Idk lol but I like prae lore. Only thing can top that lore is councle/nictus kheldian stuff..
Back on topic, where's ma kheld costumization -
Not rushed meaning the work was rushed ... I mean the story was rushed.. last week when they had rikti invasions we could of been having more prae invasions.. the story just came and went .. the war was very small comparing the forces.. at least they could have destroyed croatoa or some place... from my expierince from the war it seems like we were invading them mostly.. and it was very one sided
Quote:I'm happy about the new issue but I also aggree with yogi the whole prae war was rushed. Ever since back in i6 when I started coh and heard about the prae, they were my fav vill group. Some of my heroes/vills had prae story lines before rogue even existed.. so when it came out that got me really excited.. so much that I actually came back to the game after I was gone for 2 years after the 8qe fiasco.com the world the lore everything about prae was done well. I actually soloed both the loyalist and res so that to not miss anything and I Hate PVE! Prior to i23 the progression of fighting the prae was goin well. I athleast thought we wouldn't be fighting cole till i24. Then I'm in mag trial fighting 8 avs. Talk about rushed they didn't even have the decensy to give him his own trial smh. It felt like the rest of his cohorts were the left over B squad. And most of them in the orginal story line were the strongest.. plus to top it off we mow throw his legion of soldiers like they were paper. For a dangerouse war harden planet that been fighting a war for last 40 years plus more tech advanced, we mopped them up with ease.. now in my opinion those zones are worthlessIt wasn't really a matter of outline per se, IMO, it was more an issue of timing; basic Praetorian content vs Incarnate content... and how that Incarnate content was weighted; Primal-based vs. Praetoria-based.
They should have went deeper.. drag it out at least one more issue -
Quote:this is classsic hahahahhah...16bit of fun!!!!
oo oo.. you know whats really funny.. every time i think about powers a day off or a week before.. the devs announce it.. after making my water/elec blaster a direct copy of rain from mortal kombat i said to my self i whish they had more fighting secondary.. and voila we got it hahaha.. so now
im gonna halt on my blaster and re do him once this comes out.. this is like a direct copy of his powers..
i would have the chi move he does when moving people around, the water powers, more fighing oriented moves, a upercut with leviathan mastery, and ion and cloud lore is his thunder powers lol.. this is awesome!!!!!! -
ty for the quick response .. and thats mest up.. i am mainly using it on my crab with aidself.. but wished it worked for serum aswell... oh well!!
Is there a reason why incandesance DO NOT increase the healing of Essence Boost, Reform Essence, and Serum.. i havent confirmed anymore.. but if you know the answer please respond
Quote:IN SOME examples yes!! espiecially after the new quick animation change.. but it all about preference.. i personally dont like toggle loss and when i was dual and triform i only used dwarf to escape with..You will be losing out on much of your effectiveness if you go human only, between the higher ranged damage output of nova (and ranged damage is king in PvP) and the extra self-heal in dwarf.
I find it alot more effective to just invest in full human form.. and play like a scrapper... with blast.. but wether your pvp or pve every kheld will be different..
just come with what you like...
On another note i see on the pvp 5v5 tournament comming up.. it would be kool to get a all kheldian team up in the mix!!! -
Quote:half those powers you listed.. will either not be used or be a waste to even get them..I was wanting to go just human form. I've got a couple Billion I could spend on it *IF I thought it was worthwhile.
My idea was inspired by another couple forum posts that I've read on this and I've already got an old PB sitting at about lvl 30ish. So I was considering picking up where that left off with him.
Roll a PB
Light Form, Dull Pain, Reconstruction, 3 fast range attacks to chain, 2 great melee attacks, and some other stuff.
Easily the most versatile toon I've ever played,
The whole build revolves around damage output and dps and survival. RV pvp. Almost gank proof. Fly is so underrated these days its stupid.
Luminous Blast: Glinting Eye, Glinting Blast, Proton Scatter, Luminous Detonation, Radiant Strike, Incandescent Strike, Inner Light, Dawn Strike, Photon Seekers, Gleaming Bolt
Luminous Aura: Incandescence, Essence Boost, Shining Shield, Reform Essence, Light Form
Speed: Hasten, Super Speed
Leaping: Combat Jumping, Super Jump
Concealment: Grant Invis, Invisibility, Phase Shift (Yes I have not respeced this toon in awhile so I still run that instead of the other luminou aura phase fly power)
Leadership: Assault, Tactics
So this was where I got the idea and the direction I'd like to have a look at... but I'd like to see
1) if anyone else has had experience with a PB in how it fares in zone PvP and how they like it
2) if anyone has a similiar build they could share from Mids
Why not to get:
1. The aoe powers are so weak and so long in animation that using them will acutally gimp your dmg and make you a target of stalkers.
2. Dawn strike waste your end.. in a world of thermals and other end drainers.. you dont need a power that will drain all your end.. for such minimal dmg.. pre i13 the power was very effective on squishies.. but these days that will just tickle your opponent and your left with no end.. Maybe after the fix the nuke crash for khelds then you can get it.. other than that scratch that idea... just pick up ion.. you will be fine..
3. Pulsar very very weak.. for the end use and stun.. i dont think people actually get stunned by it anymore to be honest..
4. concealment pool why waste 3 powers for phase shift.. when qflight is the best phase in the game.. its faster than all the phases and it gives you a travel power.. Your better off using two more powers on fighting pool than wasting 3 on concealment..
Powers you will need..
bolt, eye, blast, IS , OR RS. Radient strike is really not needed either the dmg from it has been soo nerfed down that you will just be wasting your time doing radient then Incadesant strike.. these days.. a squishy would already healed the dmg from both by the time you reach them again.. Just get IS and call it a day!!
Also Seekers i like .. its a good spike espiecially used at point blank.. you will get more out of IS+SEEKERS THAN IS+RADIENT STRIKE
All the shields all the heal, Lightform, qflight and conserve..
pools: what i have are:
ss: must have
sj: must have..
leadership: must have
like money said your need 2-3 procs in each attack.. i have 3..
since your loaded you should def get the apocalypse proc in bolt.. thats gonna be your bread and butter.. also the achilles heal proc in bolt..
eye put the glad jav proc..
and then use unbreakables in the other ones.. plus purples in IS.
BUILD FOR HP.. cant stress that enough.. outside of Essence boost.. im sitting at 1580 but ive seen others over 1600.. and with it im over 2200.. thats better than most scraps and brutes
the highest ive ever got my shields was 60% enrg and neg, and 59 to everything else and about 55% to psi this is with lightform up and cardiac.. but i reacently switched to vigor so im back down to about 57-58..
So the things you need to build for is HP, RECHRG, RESISTANCE THEN DMG..
Also have fun, and look up E.G.A.D. SG and join up if your on freedom.. will look forward to seeing you in RV.. -
yah DR is annoying.. but what can you do.. we are at the devs mercy..!!..
But if any and all of you guys are on Freedom and or in E.G.A.D. after one of our trial event nights we should have a sg night in RV..
Even if you dont have a pvp build.. just playing around will be fun.. and a team of kheld is really fun to go around zones with. -
YES combat attibutes confirm it works...
Also what black assasisn said
The bonus from the resistance is minor in pvp compated to the extra stack of hp you get from 5 slotting ther performance shifters and 2 efficiancy addapters.
But my question is if the end mod doesnt work does the recharge in the set work?
Ex: a end/rechrge performance shifter = 0 end mod, but do you get the plus recharge? -
Quote:yeah i have heard about this.. but eventhough it is ignoring the endmod enhancements is it ignoring the set bonuses.. i havent checked but do you know?I know you've read this thread and you even posted in this thread, although you didn't seem to get the point that Light Form ignores endmod enhancement.
So, do you have any evidence to show that Light Form doesn't ignore endmod enhancement?
Just reread the forum link, plus the link from Redlyn and it still doesnt clarify if the set bonuses are not counted.. im fine and dandy with the end mods not working.. eh .. but the set bonuses is the main part.... so if you can confirm or have a answer please inform!!! -
Actually in a melee duel build, the two melees would be good.. but in zone its a waste of time and attack chain..
You will never get anyone standing long enough to hit them with 2 melee hits.. and even if you did Radiant strike is so toned down now that its not even worth it in pvp.. and Incandesant strike does dmg on the lvl of pre i13 radiant strike..
Just get IS and focus on range single target dmg, hp, then rechrge...
Your bread and butter is going to be bolt, and eye.. 6 slot both 3 dmg procs in each (2 in bolt and one achilles proc.. also its good to put the apocalypse proc in bolt)
All my attacks are 6 slotted, all my range attacks have 3 dmg procs in them..
I went with vigor for the increase heal!!
Reactive for debuff and more dmg proc
Assualt for more dmg (and droped muscualture)
So now i have better end, great acc + def debuff, better dmg, and fast rechrge..
Pick up rebirth for your destiny
Get all your shields and light form
its better to 5 slot light form with end mods and build for hp, than for resitiance.. by the time you get all your shields, tough, 2 res proc, light form is just giving you a inch of resitance sloted.. its better you take what it gives you and get a lil more out of your hp...
im sitting at 1560 hp outsidet of Essence boost.. the higher the hp the more AS you can take..
In the end you will be playing like a invuln/regen blaster..
Lastly and this is the most important, if your on freedom server JOIN E.G.A.D. sg and meet me in RV to kick some butt!!! -
Quote:O yeah I forgot about seekers aswell.. but i like the burst of them in the begining.. so it can stay like that but after the initial 3 explode.. one should remain and shoot blast until the duration of the pet.. but only after the initial 3 explode..I'd go for the toggle suppression for form swaps. It's a long standing request.
Also, change in photon seekers - we had a good, long discussion on those within the last.... eh, few months, I think. Exploring some of the ideas there would be good.
- Nictus AT for the other side of the story. (Archived in the old AT suggestion thread, probably still searchable in S&I.)
- Redside storyarcs for 20-50 for those that cross over. (And yes, I'd do this blueside for the veats. Maybe give them a decent storyline in the process.)
A few other things need replies:
And for those who can't run Incarnate content, or the run from 1-50?
No, the change in power numbers does not tend to move something into the category of being tied to a storyline, typically. Which, again, is what "Epic" in "Epic Archetype" means, and has always meant.
f2p cant access khelds so their excused...
and free vets: they can pay for incarnates right? -
You answered your own questions.. its exactly why.. the inherent resistance... without it.. melee toons can actually 2 shot squishies.. stalkers can easily 1 shot with procs..
Just like the good old days!!
plus to top it off all melee toons.. plus pb if they were in the match would be hitting 60%-85%+ resistance most of the match.. so it would be hard to kill them.. now espiecially with incarnate powers..
so since most corrop, def, doms.. like their protection.. i dont think you will see any -DR matches like that.. -
1. Raise the dmg modifiers..
2. Toggle suppression
3. AND end drain protection
For both WS and PBS..
Incarnates pretty much fixed our other probs. -
Its not worth it to get Incandes.. on a heal thats over 15sec espiecially in pvp..
Its better you get ribirth.. and pick up vigor...
On mine my ribirth is hitting 1500 heal.. Essence Boost 860, and Reform 580
and these are pvp numbers -
Quote:Yeah we pvp.. almost every other night.. usaually its only about 4-5 of us from the sg (Two ws.. "One man Army Ason" and "Volume 2" The rest are pbs.).. and a few other pick up kheldians we are affiliated with.. or sometimes we just do it with other friends...Do u PvP with each other in the arena or zone PvP. I rather do Kheldian vs Kheldian PvP only...lol
Your welcome to join us at anytime.. the more the merrier.. We got ya back!!!!
Send a ingame tell to me @iron-blade.. when you have the chance..