Teleportation Tips




Don't take it, it sucks, end of post...

Well, not really, that just seems to be all the "advice" that a lot of people are willing to give to the novice teleporter. In this thread I hope to give useful advice on making the best out of your teleportation ability.

Tips that I missed are welcome, complaints about teleport or suggestions for "fixing" it are not. Try to focus on how to make the best use of the power as it is currently. I am also only focusing on the level 14 self teleport power. Start a new thread to discuss the rest of the line.

Personally, I love teleport, it was the first travel power that I ever took. The character I made during the pre-order period is still my main, and I took teleport with that character as soon as possible, so I've been using it for a while now.

I hope that the following helps out players new to teleport.



How the power works
Teleportation is a two stage process. First you activate the power, which brings up a targeting cursor. Then you left-click with the targeting cursor on the location to which you want to travel. The targeting cursor will be flashing white when the destination is valid, and red when it is not. Note that this selection of location takes place in the game world, and not on the map. After you select your destination, the animation starts, there's a big flash of light and sound, and you appear at your destination, where you hover for 2 seconds unable to move.

When you teleport, your facing will be changed to align with the direction in which you teleported, the up/down angle of your facing will be unchanged.

The unenhanced range of teleport is 100 yards. You can target a location in mid-air at this range, but no closer. This enables traveling through the air to your final destination by chaining teleports together (which is the reason for that 2 second hover).

You can target almost any flat surface within range that you can see with the camera. This means that if you can arrange the camera such that you can see over a wall, or a building, you can teleport through that wall/building, no line of sight from your character to the destination is required.

If you have teleported into mid-air, and do not teleport again before the hover period runs its course, you will begin falling. This falling is not interrupted by the hover after subsequent teleports. If you are falling and hit a slope during the hover period, you will pick up sideways momentum which will also be carried into subsequent teleports(*).

Dealing with falling
Sooner or later with teleport, you will find yourself plummetting to the ground. This can happen in a number of ways, be it running out of endurance, hitting a lag spike and not getting the next teleport off in time, feeling the need to respond to a chat message in mid-air, having a building jump in your way, or even on purpose to test out your regenerative abilities. The key thing to remember is "Don't Panic".

You can't be defeated by a fall, the most it can do is take you down to one point of health. Of course, if you end up in a pile of villains, you could be in trouble, but despite the hyperbole of teleport detractors, the truth is that villains do not cover every square foot of any of the zones. Most of the time, if you fall to the ground, you'll take damage, brush yourself off, and be on your way again.

With that in mind, there are a few things that you can do(*):
<ul type="square">[*]If the rate of descent isn't that large, you can simply ignore it and continue on your way, with perhaps a slight elevation of your targeting cursor. At medium rates of descent, you will be in effect teleporting diagonally upwards, which will hurt your travel speed.[*]You can find a convenient rooftop or ledge close to your direction of travel, and teleport on top of it to kill your downward momentum.[*]You can look straight down and teleport to the ground.[/list]
If you get the teleport animation started before you hit the ground, you will arrest your fall and not take any damage. Practice is required to get the timing on this correct. Hitting a sloped surface is likely to start you sliding sideways(*). In this case, you can attempt to teleport such that a wall blocks the sideways motion and kills the momentum.

Taking advantage of the slide(*)
You keep any movement you have when you teleport, so you might as well use that to your advantage. Make your first teleport slightly above the ground, and pointed at your destination. Turn on autorun and sprint (and superspeed if you have it). When you start to fall, activate your next teleport. With practice, you will get the teleport activation started before you hit the ground, where you will start running before the animation completes, resulting in a slide which is in the direction of your destination, speeding up your journey.

If you are lucky enough to find a sloped surface which is pointed in the correct direction, you can fall onto it, starting your next teleport just before hitting.

(*)Note about momentum and Issue 2
In Issue 2 momentum is cancelled every time you teleport, so no sliding is possible. In this case, the best way to handle falling is simply to teleport again.



Getting to your destination
Aimless wandering is not the best usage of teleport. Having a specific destination in mind before you start teleporting is essential for a good teleportation experience. Select your waypoint from the map before starting. If you are going somewhere without a waypoint, put a thumbtack at your destination. The essential thing is to have a clear indication of where you are going, and how far away it is.

Now that you have your destination, consider the terrain between here and there. Most of the time there will be buildings between you and your destination. The easiest way past the buildings is to go over them. The best way to go over them is to ascend at a 45 degree or less angle, so that you are making forward progress at the same time as gaining height. Plus ascending more gradually limits the amount of camera angle adjustments you need to perform. If a building is too close to you for you to ascend gradually in the direction of your destination, go in the direction closest to the path to your destination which allows you to make your ascent, turning towards your destination once you clear the buildings.

You don't have to go directly in a line from your current location to your destination. Given enough distance, you can do all the turning you need by targeting the sides of your screen (see below for turning capabilities) rather than rotating the camera and targeting the center. It is better to make a nice leisurely turn safely than attempt a tight turn and end up falling.

Learn to use the nav bar and the waypoint indicator, they are your best friends when teleporting.

From time to time, despite planning, you might still end up face to face with a building (perhaps it jumped in your way, or maybe you are just in Dark Astoria). Given the time available for turning, a fall seems inevitable. In this case, the best course of action is probably to attempt to land on a ledge of the building right in front of you rather than trying to turn away from it. If you are close enough, just push forward, and when the hover ends, you will fall onto the next ledge. If you aren't quite that close, target a ledge right in front of you and teleport onto it. After perching on the ledge, you can turn and plot a new path at your leisure.



The worst way to teleport would be to click the power in your tray, then mouse over to your target and click again, repeat ad infinitum. You might as well put in an order now for your replacement wrists.

So, what options do you have?

The default better way is to hit the number key corresponding to the tray slot containing teleport, then click on your destination. No more moving the cursor back and forth, which allows much easier chaining of teleports. If that isn't handy enough, bind "powexec_name teleport" to a more convenient key, which has the side benefit of freeing up a power slot in your tray.

Even better, take advantage of the fact that the left button always acts as a select click, no matter what you bind to it. To avoid the hassle of every click teleporting you, add a modifier key (shift, control, or alt) resulting in something like /bind shift+lbutton "powexec_name teleport". Then just hold down your modifier key and click where you want to teleport. Since you are bound to the left button, the selection of your destination occurs simultaneously with the activation of teleport, resulting in a teleport to where ever you happen to click (subject of course to range/red circle).

You can also set up a key which loads a bind file binding "powexec_name teleport" directly to the left button on one press, then disables that bind on the next. This would basically act as autorun for teleport. After pressing your setup key, you would just click away until you reach your destination, then press it again to make the left button act as normal.

Yet another way involves binding to the middle button of the mouse. It is easy to click both the middle and left buttons simultaneously, which simulates click and go teleporting. But, it gives you the option of bringing up the targeting cursor for pinpoint control. If you do this, be sure to bind +camrotate (the default action of mbutton) to something else so that you can still have that functionality (shift+mbutton works well). button4 or button5 would work, but they aren't quite as easy to hit simultaneously with the left button.

Line of Sight
The only line of sight that matters to a teleport is that from the camera to your target. If you can manipulate the camera such that you can place the targeting cursor somewhere, then you can teleport there. Your main tools for camera manipulation are mouselook and the mousewheel. However, those have limitations which can be overcome by dipping into the slash commands.

The maximum distance you can achieve with the mousewheel is 80 (feet I believe). With the /camdist command however, you can make the distance whatever you like, I have successfully set it up to 10000 (although that setting is not very useful). By setting the distance to around 400 (about the distance a one SO range enhanced teleport), you can then look down at your character and teleport up to the roof of buildings well above your head, without the need to teleport up into midair, then look down and teleport down. A similar technique of a largish camdist plus an overhead viewing angle makes getting up close and personal with snipers fairly easy. This works for non-teleporters too, especially useful at low levels to determine if it is worth climbing that building while hunting CoT.

Note that backing the camera off a significant amount will reduce your ability to see enemies, but they can still be targeted with the /target_enemy_(near|far|next|prev) commands. /camreset will set your camera distance back down to the default(10 feet), and will make the camera right behind you, but will not affect the up/down angle.

Some people have more success when teleporting in first person view, which can be entered/exited using the /++first command, or with the mousewheel (roll it all the way forward).

You can increase the speed at which your character turns, both with the mouse and with the keyboard. These settings are in the options menu. Mouselook can be set to 200% max, which still isn't hard to control, and keyboard turning can be increased to 1000%, which gets a bit silly. I set mine to 200% mouselook and 400% keyboard, which seems to be responsive, but controllable.

You might find it easier to control your facing with the keyboard rather than mouselook, the applicable slash commands are:
+turnleft (by default bound to Q), +turnright (by default bound to E), +lookup, +lookdown.

Since the teleport itself will adjust your facing, any side to side mouselook or turnleft/turnright after selecting the destination will be undone. Vertical facing change (up/down mouselook or lookup/lookdown) will be retained. If you know that you will need to look up or down, start doing it as soon as you select your destination, while the animation is running.

The amount of facing change made by the teleport depends on two factors, how close to the edge of the screen you click, and how far back your camera is pulled. In general, the further back you pull your camera, the more you will be able to turn with a teleport. The following table gives the amount of turn provided by clicking on the edge of the screen at a few different levels of camdist:

Camdist --- Degrees of turn
0 --------- 33.74 (first person)
10 -------- 34.47 (distance set by camreset)
100 ------- 42.04
200 ------- 51.19
400 ------- 70.51

The various windows on the screen can interfere with clicking on a destination. You can get rid of everything by using the ++disable2d command. But that has a significant drawback in that it also hides the waypoint marker. So, what I use is a command that hides the three main windows "window_hide nav$$window_hide chat$$window_hide tray", and for after teleporting its opposite "window_show nav$$window_show chat$$window_show tray". With the chat window hidden, you still get a notification sound when you receive a message.

One thing that you absolutely can not do while teleporting is carry on a conversation. Trying to do so is an almost sure way to start falling. Binding common responses (yes/no/on my way) to keys can help you minimally respond. Another one that I find useful to avoid rudeness is "say Can't talk, teleporting", which is bound to a key for a quick polite response to a more complex question directed my way.

Teleport self is one of the hungriest powers in the game when it comes to END. Crossing zones with teleport will frequently involve some END management. Always keep an eye on your END bar when doing long range travel. If you are getting low and are teleporting through the air, head for a rooftop to regain some END. Over time, you will get a feel for just how far you can go on a tank of END.

If you run out of endurance while teleporting, it will give you an insufficient END message, and then when you have regenerated enough END, it will teleport you to where you originally clicked. This happens whether or not you fall in the meantime, so be careful, since you definitely won't have enough END to make a second teleport.

Never attempt to use an END inspiration to extend your teleport chain. You won't be able to activate your next teleport during the inspiration animation, which will outlast your auto-hover, resulting in a fall.

Shut off your toggle powers, every little bit counts. Of course if you are using Hover to supplement your teleport autohover, then you can leave that on. And if you are in a higher level zone and need to run a stealth power to avoid death, do so, you'll just need to remember that you won't go as far as if you were teleporting naked. A bind which does powexec_name of all your toggle powers (including sprint) followed by powexec_unqueue will make sure that everything is off.

Wait as long as possible between teleports in a chain, get to know exactly how much time you hover before starting to fall. This allows you to recover a bit of END while traveling, although it slightly reduces your teleporting speed.

Slot END reducers before slotting Range enhancers, you'll get more out of them, especially at lower levels. That first slot you get with the power should definitely go towards END. Like most things, what is acceptable to one person might not be to another, so I'm not going to get into recommending slotting levels here. Be conservative, especially before you are using SO END reduction. Slot one at a time until you are happy with your range. If you are planning to take Stamina, you'll want to be even more conservative with your slotting, you'll be able to teleport a nice long way without running low once SO END recovery enhancements become available, even with only one END Reduce slot.

Lag for any of the other travel powers is a minor inconvenience. For teleporters, it plain sucks. If you lag while teleporting, most likely you will start falling. If you continue to lag, you won't be able to gracefully recover, so will end up on the ground, which is a real pain if you are now surrounded by tall buildings, or worse, purple baddies.

Graphics lag is probably the most common type that you will experience. Shutting off toggles helps here, as does going to first person mode or pulling the camera way back. If you experience lag frequently, you might try turning down your graphic detail. Unfortunately there are no slash commands for this, so it isn't something that can quickly be turned down to teleport and back up once you arrive.

Loading the neighborhood music also will sometimes cause lagging. If you notice that it happens when new music starts up, you can try turning the music all the way down, which turns it off.

Heavily populated areas, like trainers and tram stations are especially likely to cause lag. Take this into consideration when approaching them. You can land on a building close by, or on the ground a ways out from them and run the rest of the way.



shift+lbutton "powexec_name teleport"
control+lbutton "powexec_name teleport"
alt+lbutton "powexec_name teleport"
mbutton "powexec_name teleport"
shift+mbutton "+camrotate"

Autorun version:
R "tell $name, Activating auto-teleport$$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\autoteleport_on.txt"

R "tell $name, Deactivating auto-teleport$$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\autoteleport_off.txt"
lbutton "powexec_name teleport"

[/ QUOTE ]

R "tell $name, Activating auto-teleport$$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\autoteleport_on.txt"
lbutton nop

[/ QUOTE ]
What this does is use the R key to toggle whether or not the left mouse button activates teleport in addition to its job as a selection tool. The "nop" makes the button act normally when you no longer want to be teleporting.

Line of Sight
&lt;key&gt; "++first"
&lt;key&gt; "camdist 100"
&lt;key&gt; "camdist 200"
&lt;key&gt; "camdist 300"
&lt;key&gt; "camdist 400"
&lt;key&gt; "camreset"

&lt;key&gt; "+lookup"
&lt;key&gt; "+lookdown"

&lt;key&gt; ++disable2d
&lt;key&gt; "window_hide nav$$window_hide chat$$window_hide tray"
&lt;key&gt; "window_show nav$$window_show chat$$window_show tray"
&lt;key&gt; "say Yes"
&lt;key&gt; "say No"
&lt;key&gt; "say On my way"
&lt;key&gt; "say Can't talk, teleporting"

&lt;key&gt; "powexec_name toggle1$$powexec_name toggle2$$powexec_name toggle3$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_unqueue"

My personal setup
1 "say Si"
2 "say No"
5 "say Hola"
8 "say Can't talk, teleporting"
R "+lookup"
F "+lookdown"
shift+numpadenter "powexec_name dark embrace$$powexec_name obsidian shield$$powexec_name quills$$powexec_name death shroud$$powexec_name cloak of darkness$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_unqueue"
mbutton "powexec_name teleport"
shift+mbutton "+camrotate"
button4 "window_hide nav$$window_hide chat$$window_hide tray"
shift+button4 "window_show nav$$window_show chat$$window_show tray"
pause "camreset$$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\cd1.txt"
button5 "camdist 100$$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\cd2.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
button5 "camdist 200$$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\cd3.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
button5 "camdist 300$$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\cd4.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
button5 "camdist 400$$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\cd1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]



Awesome guide.



Adding to Favorites

Hololad - Mutant Ill/Kin Controller
Stormy Satyr - Grav/Storm Controller
Lt. MacReady - AR/Dev Blaster
Holobad - Mind/Psi Dominator



Awesome OP! Thank you Grotus.

CoH exists because there's a little hero in all of us.
Ridolfo 50 DM DA.
& far too many alts



Anyone else have any tips? How about anecdotes about how this guide has changed your life?

Issue 2, with its cancellation of momentum has come to live since I posted this, so the tips regarding momentum can safely be ignored now.



Very handy guide, thank you!

One note to all those who say teleporting (TP, TPing, Port, Porting, etc.) is horrible. TPing combines flight, superspeed and super jump into a single travel power, minus the kinematics (arc in a jump, "linear" motion in superspeed, etc.) In addition to its 3D capability, you do not have to cross your start and end points, since you "appear" at your destination without actually having to move from start to finish. This really helps if you are crossing dangerous zones, since you appear only at the end point. Yes, there are problems with porting, such as line-of-sight requirements, END cost, "accuracy", more appropriate outside, etc. However, if you have an empath or radiation controller/defender, the END cost can be totally ignored. My empathy defender hits Recovery Aura and ports across an entire zone map in seconds without once coming close to depleting my END. I have only used the default slot with one END Reduction enhancement, which I could just as easily slot with a range enhancement. TP is a great power. You also get Recall Friend, which at the lower levels is invaluable for numerous reasons, but becomes of "lesser" value when everyone has their travel powers. Personally, I believe Recall Friend is still incredible, even at the higher levels. I also believe that Teleport Foe is an awful power. It almost always misses, and when it does, it aggros everyone on you. I've never tried Team Teleport, but my latest character might get it for fun later in life. I can always respec it out, since I don't plan on using any of my respecs (thank you Hero Planner). Ok, enough of my rambling. Thanks again for your guide!

7+ year vet with too many alts to list...



very good guide and as a tried and true teleporter from day 1 I can tell you its the best travel power.

The rest of the pool makes you friendly with groups, with a bit of practice and the above mentioned trips it turns your travel power into a form of art. Properly slotted you are the fastest thing out there and when you get to the mission you can port the slower movers to save time

Know your zones! Know the fastest way to train stations and zone boundaries. Sometimes the fastest way from IP to Atlas isn't by going to the tran its by making one or two more ports to the entrance and then to the yellow line.

Last night I was on the TV trial helping some folks and after my display of teleportation mastery one said "geez I might have to respec out of flight and take teleportation."

Teleportation is great with the right enhancements and the right kind of person mashing the keys behind it



Know your zones! Know the fastest way to train stations and zone boundaries. Sometimes the fastest way from IP to Atlas isn't by going to the tran its by making one or two more ports to the entrance and then to the yellow line.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good point, I might take the time tonight to get some distance measurements in the various zones from Gate to Gate, Gate to tram, and (where applicable) Gate/Tram to Dance Party (which rocks as a way to quickly go between some zones).

Sure, such info would be useful for all travel powers, but us TPers are all about speed, so we need it more than the others.



Slot END reducers before slotting Range enhancers, you'll get more out of them, especially at lower levels. That first slot you get with the power should definitely go towards END. Like most things, what is acceptable to one person might not be to another, so I'm not going to get into recommending slotting levels here. Be conservative, especially before you are using SO END reduction. Slot one at a time until you are happy with your range. If you are planning to take Stamina, you'll want to be even more conservative with your slotting, you'll be able to teleport a nice long way without running low once SO END recovery enhancements become available, even with only one END Reduce slot.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just got the TP power pool for a second movement power (flight is my first) to be able to keep up with those SJ and SS toons. First, I want to thank you for posting this, it is extremely helpful.

Second, most travel powers have a maximum speed, which is meaningless for TP. Does TP have a range cap? If yes, how many SOs does it take to hit that cap?



Second, most travel powers have a maximum speed, which is meaningless for TP. Does TP have a range cap? If yes, how many SOs does it take to hit that cap?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think it's capped, but I only have it 2 slotted, so I can't confirm this. With 6 even level SO range it would be 220 yards/teleport in the absence of a cap. If anyone reading this has 6 slotted teleport, could you try it out and let us know?



There was a bug prior to Update 2 which I'm not sure if it was fixed yet or not... Six slotting teleport with range enhancers would cause you to be able to teleport too far and actually teleport through the ground and start falling until you hit the bottom of the zone where it would take you back to the first place you started teleporting in your string of teleports :/



Too much info. My head hurts. Must transfer to Warcry.




Never attempt to use an END inspiration to extend your teleport chain. You won't be able to activate your next teleport during the inspiration animation, which will outlast your auto-hover, resulting in a fall.

[/ QUOTE ]

I tested this last night and this is no longer true in Issue 2. They modified the inspiration animation so that you can take them on the move in the air. So feel free to chew on a blue while teleporting. I would recommend popping it while you are in your teleportation animation so that you don't lose any time post-teleport.



Thanks for this guide. I recently respecced my inv/fire tanker to use TP and this has been invaluable for me. I use both the ctrl-click and the auto-teleport method of teleporting depending on whether I'm going a long ways or just one or to ports.

However, what I quickly came to realize was that I was having trouble remembering if I was in auto-teleport mode or not. I know the "tells" helps with that, but sometimes I wouldn't think and just click again (this usually happened when I was porting to distant contacts). So, what I did was added in a costume change to the two auto files. Since I have 2 costume slots, one has become my "Hey you're auto-teleporting idiot" costume and one is my primary costume. So now my two files look like this:

R "tell $name, Deactivating auto-teleport$$cc 0$$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\autoteleport_off.txt"
lbutton "powexec_name teleport"

R "tell $name, Activating auto-teleport$$cc 1$$bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\autoteleport_on.txt"
lbutton nop

Nothing to fancy, but I find that it really helped me with my forgetfulness. Of course, it's only a help if you are above level 20 and have at least one extra costume slot. The only time this particular method doesn't work is if the time from turning on auto-port to the time I turn auto-port off is less than 30 seconds (or vice-verse). Since you can only change your costumes every 30 seconds all that happens is you are in the "wrong" costume for the current mode. However, since I rarely use auto-port for nearby porting I don't find that this happens too often.



if it hasnt been mentioned yet, since issue two porting to a new location will stop any acceleration you may have had.

this stops the ability to "slide" while porting , and means instances of falling are greatly reduced.



I also believe that Teleport Foe is an awful power. It almost always misses, and when it does, it aggros everyone on you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I've found teleport foe to be a boon to those times when I'm solo'ing around. I've got a 38 rad/rad def, and it comes in very handy; especially during an indoor mission when a mob could be, on the map, right next to your location yet still be a good jog to get to. I'll just run to the mob, target one (if I don't want to fight them all at once), run aaaalll the way back and tp foe. I only have one green SO acc enh in it, but it hits the vast majority of the time on minions and most of the time on Lt's. These mobs are +1, sometimes +2 in my solo missions. Also, if the distance to run is far enough, it'll aggro the rest of the baddies standing next to your target, but they'll give up after a little jog. Bad guys are, after all, a lazy lot. Another thing is it's range. At lower lvl's, it's nothing special but I've found that the range now (at 38) is greater than that of my snipe (proton volley). As a result many times I can teleport foe at about the extent of my range (and it hits) without aggro'ing the rest of the mobs in the area. The only con with TP foe that I've found is that if you target a boss and miss (which is pretty much always) then him and his cronies are ALL gonna come after you. Not that that is a particularly bad thing. At least that way you can get yourself set up at a defensive position and fight them on your terms as opposed to theirs.
Found another handy thing the other day with auto assisting and TP foe. Was walking around in the Gaspee helping out some lower lvl toons when one said, "Uh-oh.. sniper" to which I replied, "Got it targeted?"... "Yeah"..... I Auto Assist the guy that has the sniper targeted and, low and behold, there's a very suprised sniper standing right in front of me. Picture his suprised look as a cosmic burst hits him in the face followed by an Efield and a proton volley. *Sniper hits the ground* In short... I really like TP foe. It comes in about as handy as any other power. (for me, at least)

--end ramble

50 Tankers: Ice/EM, Stone/WM, Fire/Stone, Dark/Ice, Inv/SS, Inv/Dark, Elec/Elec
50 Brutes: ElecMelee/EA, WM/Elec



Excellent Guide! It changed my Inv/EM Tanker's life forever. It lets me move at a moments notice with Unyielding Stance on, plus, i can reach high places quickly when i'm using SS. It's a blast switching back and forth between TP and SS when I'm traveling. Had a SG mate who was new to the game and just picked up tele at 14. He was apparently deciding to re-roll cause he couldn't stand teleport. I tossed him the binds listed in this guide and he literally shouted for joy. Went from loathing TP, to loving it.

I personally have TP foe instead of Recall. When I'm in combat with US on, it really helps with crowd control. It's like a super long range taunt with a YANK feature. This is really useful for when a minion or two ignores me and goes for one of the squishies in my group, especially if it moves out of provoke range. Instead of tping closer to them and risk dumping the rest of the mobs i'm aggroing, I just TP them to me. Most of the time it works! Can't tell you how many times I've kept my teammates from becoming stains on the floor using this. Also useful, and fun , if I'm soloing in a door mish and one of the mobs flat out runs away down a bunch of hallways. I just sorta stand there, wait a sec, then yank em back to me. I just imagine some of the faces I get from them doing this.

Warrior- "Your crazy man! I'm outa here!"*Runs away.*
Duke- "Umm... ok, see ya later. "
Warrior- (other side of the building)" Phew, I think I lost him."
Duke- *Whistling*"5...4...3...2...1..." *YANK!*"WHOA!"
Duke- "Hello again. " *BONE SMASHER!*
Warrior- "BLARG! I AM DEAD!"

"It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool!"
Fel Ghost Claws/Regen
Helkos SS/ElA
Emberbreaker FM/SD
Cardboard Tube Monk Staff/SR



At the base 100yd distance over the 4s activation time, you average 51mph. For comparison, superspeed is capped at 84mph. With 6xSO end recovery in stamina, and 1x end reduction in teleport, you can chain port indefinately with no other toggles on. Were you to fully slot out port and put 1xend, 5xrange, you could have 200yd ports and 102mph, beating the travel time of superspeed.

Unyielding stance is -fly, -hover. When you port in US to a mid air target, the hover component is cancelled and you fall immediately. To chain port then, drop unyielding stance (ie switch to temp invuln). Unyielding stance will prevent you from changing facing, as your compass facing locks wherever you assumed the stance. Invincibility works for numbers within melee range, so clustering them tight puts many within melee range and puts you at the 5% hit rate cap...slight positional changes can be made with port during battle. If you are gathering multiple groups for mass AE kill, port from one cluster to the next to go from one place with high numbers for invince to another high numbers for invince. The final mass cluster should be at some place where they are denied LoS and all forced to close...good examples of this are dumpsters without tops, see through fences, corners.

Because destination targets must be line of sight to your camera, you can port to positions out of line of sight to yourself by panning the camera. This is a great feature for a tank, who can say port behind a fence which denies line of sight to his/her enemies and forces them to jump the fence into a tight cluster to get a target. Thus port is a fantasic way to cluster mobs, where you iteratively deny line of sight and force pathing to cluster them.

You can right click your map at your present position to set up a marker, then port out of a zone, and return to exactly where you last were by using the thumbtack to navigate.

I use

/bind t "powexec_name teleport"

So I hit t then left click...left hand on keyboard, right on mouse. If you right click and hold you can change your facing. For port turning in air, Ill just click a destination say on the left edge of the screen and repeat this again to turn left over a series of ports. Trying to change facing in the hover time is harder than just clicking without a facing change.

For unknown zones, pipes and lines etc off the ground let you gain vantage points from which to decide where to port next.

If you use follow in unyielding stance, your camera will pan to track your target. This is a useful way to quickly rotate your camera facing to a party member without dropping US.



Don't take it, it sucks, end of post...

[/ QUOTE ]

this much of the thread I can agree with.

I guess you can *force* it to work (as witness the copious advice of the OP), but what you can't do is make it FUN.

tp = teh sux


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I hate TP too. I put it on character and haven't brought him out in a long long long time. Mostly because of TP, but still this is a nice article and gives me a bit of hope. Maybe I'll do something crazy and 6 slot TP.