Teleportation Tips




Don't take it, it sucks, end of post...

[/ QUOTE ]

this much of the thread I can agree with.

I guess you can *force* it to work (as witness the copious advice of the OP), but what you can't do is make it FUN.

[/ QUOTE ]

Darn it, I knew I should have stopped writing after that first line.

Obviously there is no way to make it fun for you. Others might disagree. Still others might hate it at first, then after trying out some of my tips, come to like it. Others still will hate it at first, try some of my tips, and still hate it.

I didn't write this guide to make people like teleport. I just wanted to share what I've picked up through using it in the hopes that others would also find it useful. Much like what I've done with the /bind tricks I have learned.




Thanks for the insight. My L24 empath has TP Foe slotted with a single Acc SO, and I seem to miss more than hit. When it works, it's great. When it fails, I'm in trouble. I guess the range increases a lot between 24 and 38, since my aggro pull draws everyone close enough to notice me. My only tactic during a failed attempt is to turn and run, wait for them to unaggro, and then try again or, assuming my frustration level is high enough, open up with some snipe kiting! I'll hold out for now! :-)

7+ year vet with too many alts to list...



Fabulous guide, yes. I must say, though...

I was very happy with Teleport and Hover together on my lvl 37 illusion/rad controller. I four-slotted hover with speed SOs, and with accelerate metabolism she flew pretty fast for local movements... but for long distance AND immediate escape (probably the most overlooked benefit of teleport) she would port.

Still... I gave up teleport for fly in respec (still don't know how I feel about that) but I knew that I couldn't keep teleport on its own (falling and general inaccuracy was a pain) and I could no longer justify having 3 travel powers.

Quick summary... teleport is GREAT for getting out of a sticky situation. AND teleport and hover together are just fabulous.

Just as a sidenote, I'm thinking of dropping fly, re 4-slotting hover and grabbing superspeed.


Miss Media, lvl 37 illusion/rad controller, Liberty Server



<key> ++disable2d
<key> "window_hide nav$$window_hide chat$$window_hide tray"
<key> "window_show nav$$window_show chat$$window_show tray"

[/ QUOTE ]

I just use:

/bind F9 "nav$$chat$$tray$$target"

I normally have all of those open, if I want to teleport I just hit F9 and it closes them all... then when I'm done, I hit F9 and it reopens them all.

Obviously, replace F9 with whatever key you want to use.

Good gaming!



I am a 44 Controller who never gave a second look to Teleport. I always heard terrible things about it and never saw many people using it.

I was a Super Jumper. It got me up. It got me across zones. It was fast.

Until I went to the Shadow Shard. If you haven't been there, you must "jump" from island to island using gravity plumes. You cannot have SJ on or it interferes with the predesigned arc of the jumps. It took me FOREVER to go anywhere in the Shadow Shard because I would fall and have to go back to the beginning.

I got Teleport Friend to use with Mutation and because I am impatient. So I decided to give teleport a try.

I will never go back. All the missions in the Shadow Shard that I hesitated to do are clearly within my grasp. I traverse the entire zone in minutes. No worrying about the see invis mobs near the grav plumes. No worrying about not making the jump and starting over. I was having so much fun I teleported all over the Shard just to map out the points.

I can't believe I waited this long for such an incredible travel power. Shame on me for listening to the dissenters.

I can't wait to get in game tonight and try out your binds.



I don't have Teleport on any of my characters yet, but my Rad/Rad Defender is itching for it!! I am always calling my buddy up who has a character with TP and he lets me log in a play with the power. I can't wait til I hit 14 with my guy.He's lvl 10 on Guardian if anyone want to team up. Name:Prof. Radium
TP here I come.
btw, have you ever tried /camdist -### ? The negative numbers act as a Zoom in feature. Good for taking screenshots of villains up close and personal without all that pesky debt.



Just the other day I deleted my def who had TP. I never even considered using binds to help. Unfortunately I just respec'd my new def otherwise i'd consider tp again. So its time to roll a new alt.

I don't think I'd ever take TP with a scrapper or blaster. It just seems a pretty good fit for the "support" class chars. My new def has TP friend which even at higher lvls is still handy (anyone with SS try and find the enterance into the TV reactor).



At the base 100yd distance over the 4s activation time, you average 51mph.

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I did a test the other night, and was able to squeeze out 19 teleports in a minute, which puts the time per teleport closer to 3 seconds, which gives:

100yds/teleport * 19 teleports/min * 60min/hr * 1mi/1760yds = 64.8 mph
for range unenhanced teleport

2.2 * 64.8mph = 142.5mph
for 6 even level SO range enhanced teleport

15 END/teleport * 19 teleports/min * 1min/60sec = 4.75 END/s
Unenhanced for END

Enhancement chart (even level enhancements):
Speed (mph) with range Enhancements
ENH - TR ---- DO ---- SO
0 --- 64.8 --- 64.8 --- 64.8
1 --- 68.0 --- 71.3 --- 77.7
2 --- 71.3 --- 77.7 --- 90.7
3 --- 74.5 --- 84.2 --- 103.6
4 --- 77.7 --- 90.7 --- 116.6
5 --- 81.0 --- 97.2 --- 129.5
6 --- 84.2 --- 103.6 -- 142.5

END/s with END Reduction Enhancements
ENH - TR ---- DO ---- SO
0 --- 4.75 --- 4.75 --- 4.75
1 --- 4.40 --- 4.09 --- 3.57
2 --- 4.09 --- 3.60 --- 2.86
3 --- 3.83 --- 3.21 --- 2.39
4 --- 3.60 --- 2.90 --- 2.05
5 --- 3.39 --- 2.64 --- 1.79
6 --- 3.21 --- 2.42 --- 1.59

Note that base END recovery is 1.67 END/s, 2.92 END/s with 6 even SO slotted Stamina. (Reference)



Here are the tables if you are going for END management (15 teleports/minute, or one every 4 seconds)

Speed (mph) with range Enhancements
ENH - TR ---- DO ---- SO
0 --- 51.1 --- 51.1 --- 51.1
1 --- 53.7 --- 56.3 --- 61.4
2 --- 56.3 --- 61.4 --- 71.6
3 --- 58.8 --- 66.5 --- 81.8
4 --- 61.4 --- 71.6 --- 92.0
5 --- 63.9 --- 76.7 --- 102.3
6 --- 66.5 --- 81.8 --- 112.5

END/s with END Reduction Enhancements
ENH - TR ---- DO ---- SO
0 --- 3.75 --- 3.75 --- 3.75
1 --- 3.47 --- 3.23 --- 2.82
2 --- 3.23 --- 2.84 --- 2.26
3 --- 3.02 --- 2.53 --- 1.88
4 --- 2.84 --- 2.29 --- 1.62
5 --- 2.68 --- 2.08 --- 1.42
6 --- 2.53 --- 1.91 --- 1.26



Actually Teleportation is just as useful if combined with the right powers. Specifically: Unyielding Stance, and Invincibility!
Unyielding Stance = Makes you highly resistant to all damage and protects you form holds, sleeps, disorients, but makes you totally IMMOBILE. Scrapper Secondary Powerset, Tanker Primary Powerset.
Invincibility = Provides a 5% base defense bonus, and another +10% for each foe within Melee Range, Hence you are surrounded by twenty Crey Patrol Guards all within melee range you gain a 5% + 200% bonus to defense, also is an AoE taunt, foes will aggro you while it's active making them melee you when they get in range. Scrapper secondary Powerset, Tanker Primary Powerset.
Now my character "Lancer" is a Katana / Invulnerability character. I recently respeced to get Teleportation, but kept my other movement power of Flying. Why? because now I can set myself up with Unyielding stance and Invincibility far away from a large enemy group and then suddenly that group of 1 boss, 2 lieutenants, and 6 minions find a guy in the middle of them drawing his blade, as they turn to attack build up goes off and the boss gets a health serving of "Golden Dragonfly" dealing nearly half his health in damage, then everything in the group within range gets a nice helping of "The Lotus Drops" knocking the rest of them down to nearly half as well. While they futily try and use holds, sleeps, and disorients (which are not working) and the guy with the Katana is evading 95% of the time.
Teleportaion works with these 2 powers as you can clearly see. Teleportation combined with other powers can make it very Useful to have.

Lancer level 35 Katana / Invincibility scrapper, Triumph server.

"Don't you know me? I'm the Lancer!"
"Do you superheroes ever pay taxes?"
"Well... sometimes... when we feel like it... I think..."



Unyielding stance is -fly, -hover. When you port in US to a mid air target, the hover component is cancelled and you fall immediately. To chain port then, drop unyielding stance (ie switch to temp invuln). Unyielding stance will prevent you from changing facing, as your compass facing locks wherever you assumed the stance.

[/ QUOTE ]

The bit about US locking your facing is no longer true,
you now rotate to face the direction you moved in.
This makes it far easier to travel around with US always on.



I know the OP asked us not to do this, but this doesn't merit a thread of its own. I'm playing a D3 with heavily-slotted Tenebrous Tentacles and Night Fall, but this would be useful to anyone specialising in AE attacks. You know how sometimes the villains don't quite fit your attack pattern? There's a leader lecturing the troops, and he's just outside your cone, or a wandering thug just refuses to bunch up with his buddies? Teleport Foe is just the thing to get a straggler into place. Drop an Accuracy Enhancement into it, and it's good to go.

Obvious, perhaps, but it took me a while to realise.



Grotus, very nice data. I was going on the 4s listed in Warcry. The rules then are 65mph base, going up to 130mph for 5xSO.

The endurance thing is not much of an issue when you slot for distance. If you 5 slot for distance, its 200yds per port, or about 9 ports per mile. The map at worst is around 2 miles, or 18 ports. If you are chaining, thats about 1 min. The burn rate of 3.6eps v. 6slotted stamina at 2.9eps means a drain of 0.7eps. So the time to drain out your end is 100end/0.7eps, or 2min20s >> the 60s you need to chain across any map.

In fact doing 6slots in range probably can work with enough stamina slotting later, since you would then drain at about 1.83eps and burn out your pool in 55s, which is probably easy enough to clear a map. But the gain from that first end reducer is so big that I would rather have it and run a few extra toggles. I certainly would do this with unstoppable, since the eps gain from that is huge.

For refernce, when my invuln/fire tank had 5xrange in port w/SO's, it was 6 hops from the Brickstown metro to Creys folly entrance, which is 18s by your estimate of activation time.

Ill toss in a bit more here. I have been rooted while in unstoppable. If all I had was the jump, superspeed, or flight pools, I would have been stuck. Port lets you move around while rooted, which is a big plus in my book.

There are many uses for the prereqs.

Recall friend can be used to move corpses, move allies to your remote place letting them bypass stuff, and even be used by controllers to port pets to the exact spot they want. The uses for this power are clear.

Port foe is also very useful for a tank. It is really long range and non line of sight, which lets you aggro stuff from a fighting spot of your choice. You can therefore pull while denying LoS, forcing the enemy to say close to you through a choke point. You can also use port foe to pack in extras in your invince melee radius for not only the defensive bonus, but also the parallel killing via AEs. I have used port foe to aggro additional groups of mobs while I am tied down with one group, to help gather an entire room onto me. This power is useful to pull stuff out of solid rock and buggy maps...if you can target it, you can pull it out subject to the restrictions. Even the restrictions on porting can be useful. For instance if you want success, you go for minions (useful for packing), but if you want to aggro the entire pack, you go for a boss or a LT and even though you are guaranteed failure in some level situations, the aggro you generate can get you the pull of the whole pack.

I would argue in the context of an unstoppable tank, there is no better compliment for superspeed than teleport. Fly and its prereqs do not do you much good unless fighting in the sky is your thing. You dont really need combat jumping or acrobatics with the state defenses of unstoppable, and well sloted port would clear anything those could.

For invince, port is a very safe movement. This is because you can port into a mob cluster for high +DEF from invince, then port into another mob cluster to aggro that, and maintain your DEF bonus the whole time. Moving around by running will change the number within melee distance and vary your +def rating. SO as far as gathering goes, port is hard to beat- port to a cluster, port to a cluster, port to a cluster, then port to a place where you deny LoS to everything to force it to close to melee range. This concentrates stuff safely and effectively.



Awesome post! Got a buddy of mine that has TP and a slow CPU. These binds ought to help him out alot. My controller is finally going to get TP at lvl 30 and because of this guide, I'll actually enjoy it.



I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this. I din't see it with a cursory glance at each of the posts, but I might have missed it.

It was mentioned that Teleport allows you to "move" while in Unyielding Stance or Rooted. This si true, but I didn't see the underlying reason for this explained. Teleport is the movement power that works when other movement powers fail. You can teleport when you are held (so you can't move, but can still attack). You can teleport at the same speed as ever while slowed. You can teleport between spaces which are blocked by walls (as long as some camera view gives you an angle around that wall). Teleport can't be interrupted (though, technically, no other movement power can be either). If you are slept or stunned you still can't teleport because you can't activate any power, but I believe if you get slept or stunned after having started to activate teleport you will still teleport. If there are a group of mobs in between you and your destination you may, by having them positioned midway between start and end points, be able to avoid aggroing them.

Teleport has a lot of drawbacks. It is probably, once slotted up, and especially at low levels, the fastest power, as long as you have end for it. It is not the safest and God is it ever lousy for hunting things. However, Teleport does have some nice advantages too, which shouldn't be overlooked.

Ellen, 50 MA/Inv Scr
February Night, 14 Ice/Ice Blstr
SilverSwordmaid, 29 Kat/Rgn Scr
Vicious Killer, 33 Emp/Enrgy Def
Electromagness, 40 Rad/Rad Def
Sense of Humor, 50 Fire/En Tank
Kickfest, 50 MA/SR Scr
Glorious Ending, 29 EM/DA Bru



You can teleport when you are held (so you can't move, but can still attack).

[/ QUOTE ]

You can't teleport when held, you are thinking of immobilized.

If you are slept or stunned you still can't teleport because you can't activate any power, but I believe if you get slept or stunned after having started to activate teleport you will still teleport.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is correct, then you just have to hope that you teleported far enough away for them to lose interest in you while the effect wears off.

If there are a group of mobs in between you and your destination you may, by having them positioned midway between start and end points, be able to avoid aggroing them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Stealth powers help a lot with this, as does sneaky camera angles.

It is probably, once slotted up, and especially at low levels, the fastest power, as long as you have end for it.

[/ QUOTE ]

No probably about it, at least in terms of raw speed, everything else caps out at 90mph, while teleport can go up to 142mph. Whether you get from point A to point B faster is another matter.



Whats this auto teleport thing i keep hearing about?



Whats this auto teleport thing i keep hearing about?

[/ QUOTE ]

I am uncertain as I don't know what the context you heard it in was. It might refer to either the bind where you hold down shift, alt, or control and left click to teleport, or the one where you have a key that binds the left click to teleport, and removes that bind later when you no longer want to teleport.

Both these binds are covered earlier in this thread.



Hi grotus.
this is an excellent chart of every detail that took me days n days of testing and experimenting.. your saving ppl a LOT of time.

Im curious if I could get your opinion on the "momentum" fix they did in patch 2. Do you like it ??

It killed my passion for TP.
I had it 3 slotted 2 end reducers and 1 distance.
i was getting places SUPER quick. using the momentum of course.

after the patch .. i was in tears having to tp over n over n over.. and of course never being able to chat while doing this.

the fact is WAS the fastest travel power made up for the chat prob.
now I find this power just eye candy, since the other vertical powers can pretty much do the same features..

I'd like to hear what you LOVE about this power over the others... just incase i missed a feature I wasn't taking advantage of.

thx again for the awesome chart/info



Nice thread and good post Grotus

/em salute




idk exactly what i mean by it lol sry, but i know it involved a .txt file




Im curious if I could get your opinion on the "momentum" fix they did in patch 2. Do you like it ??

[/ QUOTE ]

I never got very good with making the momentum work for me, so I was not sorry to see it go. It was more of an occasional PITA than something useful to me. I did the momentum trick a few times, so that I could explain better how it worked, but it seemed like I was taking more time setting it up than it saved me in travel time. Before I got any better at it, the patch went in.

As for what I love about it, it fits the concept of my primary character and is the travel power I got to know first. I only have two slots in it, and I am just now having people (usually jumpers) start beating me to missions.

I don't mind the chatting problem that much, falling doesn't bother me, so I'll reply if I want to and ignore the piddly 100-300 damage I take from falling. Most of the time I'm running missions, so I'm in a zone where everything is grey. If I'm in Bricks or FF I might take a moment to land on a rooftop before replying, or I might just hit my "Can't talk, teleporting" bind.

I like teleporting on top of things, like light posts and smokestacks. I like adjusting my camera angle to teleport past a big group of mobs inside a mission (after the invisible person has already snuck by them). I like appearing in the middle of a group of mobs and taking them on.

I have fun with teleport. I also have fun with superjump on the only other character I have with a travel power. When I get another alt up high enough, I'll have fun with flight. Superspeed will be a challenge for me, since I have a hard time with control when someone speed boosts me, but I'll have fun learning to cope with it (will probably involve setting my keyboard rotation down from 400% to something like 200%).

If I could change anything about teleport, I'd eliminate the red circle of death in favor of just teleporting as far in that direction as is allowed. That and making movement break the hover.



The other handy thing that teleport did was allow you to get under and through the geometry of the world. Ever been underneath the Atlas city representative who gives you the cape/aura missions? All you had to do to get "outside" the map was put your shoulder to a wall with the camera zoomed in and then when you zoomed out about an inch of your screen was seeing through the wall. Bingo, you could teleport through the wall and get to places no one else has been. They fixed it in update 2. I heard it was used to kill Hamidon as all you needed was a tp'er with recall friend and he could port 20 people under Hamidon and they could hit him through the ground but they couldn't be touched.



I love teleport, but it's extreme vulnerability to lag is not something to overlook. When the server/area is busy, using teleport can be fairly dangerous...more than once I've teleported, hit lag, and it took a few seconds for the game to "catch up" and actually show me in my target location (and of course by then I was already falling fast).

Teleport is fun, but it's also the most likely to get you killed in stupid ways



Hi all, can anyone tell me what the bind for recall friend is that alloes you to lshift (or what ver key you want) and click so that the power activates and targets in one action? Thanks.