
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. "Wake me up, when December ends..."

    Once again, it's apology time. Time seems to be something that slips by as easily as autumn leaves in the cool breeze.

    All of you that are on the list, I assure you, you will see your characters in animated form. Wish I had Hiro's time powers!

    One set back was my employer drastically cutting back our allowed internet usage. Meaning only approved sites or face termination. Before this rule, it was easy to whip up a few pics during downtime (yes, I do real work from time to time, hehe)

    So, fear not. Paul is not dead, and remember...Save the cheerleader...save the world.

    Happy Holidays everyone.
  2. SweetThang

    Celebrity faces!

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Neat site!

    My results.

    Russell Crowe - 56%
    Ringo Starr - 56%
    Luc Besson - 52%
    Shingo Katori - 51%
    Sergio Leone - 51%
    Steven Soderbergh - 48%

    I'm skeered to post my pic.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Awww! POST IT!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hehe. Ok.

    Don't mind the t-shirt.

    Wish I had Shingo or Russell's hair. lol
  3. SweetThang

    Celebrity faces!

    Neat site!

    My results.

    Russell Crowe - 56%
    Ringo Starr - 56%
    Luc Besson - 52%
    Shingo Katori - 51%
    Sergio Leone - 51%
    Steven Soderbergh - 48%

    I'm skeered to post my pic.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow, these are very cool!

    If you're still looking to do more, I'd love to see what you could do with my Tanker in that style...




    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry for the delay. I've been on vacation and relaxing with my family.

    Here is Genosaurer's request :

    Robo Lass


    Coming up next...Servo's Iron Golem!!!
  5. SweetThang


    Don't know if this is the kind of stuff you are looking for exaclty, but this guy has some cool reference material for comic book artists.


    Good luck!

  6. SweetThang

    Ultimate TA!

    Hehe, I took a shot at an Ultimates version of TA.

    Ultimate TA

    I had fun makin' it, even if it's not Ultimate enough for ya.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Cool I like collage, can't wait til it's got everyone in there!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    ....ooo..that would be cool. 80+ heroes all on one page. hmm...may have to play with that if/when done ~

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey, hey, hey!! Not if...when! I will get them done. It's become a goal for me.
  8. No prob Draco. Thanks for the info!

    Here's a collage of all the characters I've done so far. (in no particular order)

    So far, so good.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Master Pingu's ready when 2008 or so rolls around and you've got an open spot

    Master Pingu 1

    Master Pingu 2

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here's iltat's request...and quite a few months before 2008 too!!!

    Master Pingu w/ Claws & Aura

    Master Pingu w/ Claws


    Coming soon : Genosaurer's Robo Lass

  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry. I did read the whole thread, so I knew you were stopping for a while, but then you put out the updated list, and it had some of the people on it who posted after you claimed to have stopped, so I figured you might have started up again.

    Punch me if I start babbling. Any time, really!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The only ones I added were the people who PM'd me directly. I looked at the dates and times they sent me the PM's and placed them where they would have been in the list if they had posted in this thread. It was the fair thing to do. That's why the numbers appeared to jump up in the updated list. Sorry for the confusion.
  11. Hey guys! I'm glad that there is a continued interest in these pics, but unfortunately I've stopped accepting requests until I can get this list of requests done:

    <ul type="square">23 iltat Master Pingu
    24 Genosaurer Robo Lass
    25 Servo Iron Golem
    26 Ironik Minotaur X via PM
    27 Blood Pike Blood Pike
    28 Kinova Kinova
    29 Cyberchiller Cyberchiller
    30 Spinomania Spinomania
    31 Heaven's Agent Heaven's Agent
    32 jeaf7 Midnight Archer
    33 Iron Mist Iron Mist
    34 Ravenbane Galacto Girl
    35 Heronu ???
    36 MistressVine MistressVine
    37 Katfood Katfood
    38 Capt.Solar Grey Guard
    39 CuppaRowr Rowr
    40 Gideon_B Gideon
    41 Night Mission Night Mission
    42 Hell Phoenix ???
    43 Black_Mute Black Mute
    44 Xertul Xer'tul
    45 Solos Icicles via PM
    46 Migrayne Migrayne
    47 Photon_Phlux Mega Electro
    48 Lady_Jade Lady-Jade
    49 Davion_ofLiberty Davion
    50 Cuppa_Masta_Mind Masta Mind
    51 DracoExMachina Draco Ex Machina?
    52 GunNut TrueBlue via PM
    53 Jannus Soviet Blok
    54 Hemily Hemily
    55 Hank_Rearden Hank Rearden via PM
    56 Jessie Angel Jessie
    57 Mr_Graviton Mr. Graviton
    58 Greymist KidRaid
    59 spiderdragon Black Strife
    60 Chuck_Justice Chuck Justice
    61 Speed_Taxi Speed Taxi
    62 MT_Head Owl Man
    63 Djeannie Djeannie via PM
    64 CuppaRobotHead Marty Rallner
    65 SuperMaoriFulla Comrade Hero
    66 Dark_Kerse Dark Kerse
    67 Vort Vortex Reborn
    68 Zainless Zain
    69 Hock Hell
    70 Blood_Wolffe Blood Wolffe
    71 UCB_Field_Agent Moon-Cheese Baby
    72 Despizer Archvillain
    73 Eternal_Void Replete
    74 StrayBullet22 Sythius
    75 Lazzarrus Lazzarrus
    76 Mr.Awesome Mr. Awesome
    77 NewEden Undead Ted
    78 Cuppa_GhostLotus Violet Dusk
    79 Quake Quake
    80 The_Cereberus Cereberus
    81 mortanius Madkap
    82 whiteperegrine whiteperegrine
    83 Cuppa_Bubble Devin[/list]
    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hope this doesn't upset anyone.

    This thread is up to page 24, and I'm only up to page 4 of the requests. Had to institute this rule or it would be never ending.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Teleport fix should be in the next patch as well, as well as some code for memory leaks and other nastiness.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you for this! I think it's the first mention of any positive outlook for the memory leak issue in a very long time.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey brotha, this is my main blaster, Sean Markins, in his generic but "realistic" costume.


    Forgot to mention, he is an Ice/Ice/Primal Blaster with Chilling Embrace for a nice aura if ya can add it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Frost_Markin's request :

    Sean Markins

    If you can get me a shot of him with the aura you mentioned, I can do it up!


    Up next : iltat's Master Pingu!!!

    Going out of town this weekend for a little R&amp;R Look for more Monday!
  14. Two words for you Posi...

    Memory Leak
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Could I have one done of my main, please? Links are in my sig (the pertinent shots are the ones labeled 'New', since I changed her look for I7). Thanks very much!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Archimedes' request...

    Halleys Comet!
    Halleys Comet w/Aura

    Enjoy Archimedes!!!

    Now serving #22 Frost_Markins's request : Sean Markins!!!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Holy moly that's a huge list!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.

    Hit it!!!


    Keep watching this space!!!
  17. Ok. Ironik brought this to my attention. I had neglected to include those of you who sent a request via PM directly to me.
    I'm sorry about that.

    Here is the new list. I apologize if you're request has been moved down in the list.


    <ul type="square">21 Archimedes Archimedes
    22 Frost Markins Sean Markins
    23 iltat Master Pingu
    24 Genosaurer Robo Lass
    25 Servo Iron Golem
    26 Ironik Minotaur X via PM
    27 Blood Pike Blood Pike
    28 Kinova Kinova
    29 Cyberchiller Cyberchiller
    30 Spinomania Spinomania
    31 Heaven's Agent Heaven's Agent
    32 jeaf7 Midnight Archer
    33 Iron Mist Iron Mist
    34 Ravenbane Galacto Girl
    35 Heronu ???
    36 MistressVine MistressVine
    37 Katfood Katfood
    38 Capt.Solar Grey Guard
    39 CuppaRowr Rowr
    40 Gideon_B Gideon
    41 Night Mission Night Mission
    42 Hell Phoenix ???
    43 Black_Mute Black Mute
    44 Xertul Xer'tul
    45 Solos Icicles via PM
    46 Migrayne Migrayne
    47 Photon_Phlux Mega Electro
    48 Lady_Jade Lady-Jade
    49 Davion_ofLiberty Davion
    50 Cuppa_Masta_Mind Masta Mind
    51 DracoExMachina Draco Ex Machina?
    52 GunNut TrueBlue via PM
    53 Jannus Soviet Blok
    54 Hemily Hemily
    55 Hank_Rearden Hank Rearden via PM
    56 Jessie Angel Jessie
    57 Mr_Graviton Mr. Graviton
    58 Greymist KidRaid
    59 spiderdragon Black Strife
    60 Chuck_Justice Chuck Justice
    61 Speed_Taxi Speed Taxi
    62 MT_Head Owl Man
    63 Djeannie Djeannie via PM
    64 CuppaRobotHead Marty Rallner
    65 SuperMaoriFulla Comrade Hero
    66 Dark_Kerse Dark Kerse
    67 Vort Vortex Reborn
    68 Zainless Zain
    69 Hock Hell
    70 Blood_Wolffe Blood Wolffe
    71 UCB_Field_Agent Moon-Cheese Baby
    72 Despizer Archvillain
    73 Eternal_Void Replete
    74 StrayBullet22 Sythius
    75 Lazzarrus Lazzarrus
    76 Mr.Awesome Mr. Awesome
    77 NewEden Undead Ted
    78 Cuppa_GhostLotus Violet Dusk
    79 Quake Quake
    80 The_Cereberus Cereberus
    81 mortanius Madkap
    82 whiteperegrine whiteperegrine
    83 Cuppa_Bubble Devin[/list]
  18. Ok folks. This is the list of characters I've completed so far :

    <ul type="square">1 Thor's Assassin Thor's Assassin DONE
    2 Mutant_Mike Shadefyre DONE
    3 DonnchadH DonnchadH DONE
    4 BuckeyeStar Britannia DONE
    5 Pep Rally Pep Rally DONE
    6 DarkLilac DarkLilac DONE
    7 Reiko Ria DONE
    8 Sartori Rick Sixx DONE
    9 Polaris Sucker-Punch DONE
    10 Celtic_Bolt Celtic Bolt DONE
    11 AlphaFlight Celestius DONE
    12 Fault Zephry Cyclone DONE
    13 InnerSpike InnerSpike DONE
    14 MarDun MarDun DONE
    15 StaticThunder StaticThunder DONE
    16 Vertical Drop Vertical Drop DONE
    17 Celtic Paddy Whacked DONE
    18 Spydar Spydar DONE
    19 Roxstar Roxstar DONE
    20 Lord Apollon Lord Apollon DONE[/list]
    ...and the list of ones to be done. :

    <ul type="square">21 Archimedes Archimedes
    22 Frost Markins Sean Markins
    23 iltat Master Pingu
    24 Genosaurer Robo Lass
    25 Servo Iron Golem
    26 Blood Pike Blood Pike
    27 Kinova Kinova
    28 Cyberchiller Cyberchiller
    29 Spinomania Spinomania
    30 Heaven's Agent Heaven's Agent
    31 jeaf7 Midnight Archer
    32 Iron Mist Iron Mist
    33 Ravenbane ???
    34 Heronu ???
    35 MistressVine MistressVine
    36 Katfood Katfood
    37 Capt.Solar Grey Guard
    38 CuppaRowr Rowr
    39 Gideon_B Gideon
    40 Night Mission Night Mission
    41 Hell Phoenix ???
    42 Black_Mute Black Mute
    43 Xertul Xer'tul
    44 Migrayne Migrayne
    45 Photon_Phlux Mega Electro
    46 Lady_Jade Lady-Jade
    47 Davion_ofLiberty Davion
    48 Cuppa_Masta_Mind Masta Mind
    49 DracoExMachina Draco Ex Machina?
    50 Jannus Soviet Blok
    51 Hemily Hemily
    52 Jessie Angel Jessie
    53 Mr_Graviton Mr. Graviton
    54 Greymist KidRaid
    55 spiderdragon Black Strife
    56 Chuck_Justice Chuck Justice
    57 Speed_Taxi Speed Taxi
    58 MT_Head Owl Man
    59 CuppaRobotHead Marty Rallner
    60 SuperMaoriFulla Comrade Hero
    61 Dark_Kerse Dark Kerse
    62 Vort Vortex Reborn
    63 Zainless Zain
    64 Hock Hell
    65 Blood_Wolffe Blood Wolffe
    66 UCB_Field_Agent Moon-Cheese Baby
    67 Despizer Archvillain
    68 Eternal_Void Replete
    69 StrayBullet22 Sythius
    70 Lazzarrus Lazzarrus
    71 Mr_Awesome Mr. Awesome
    72 NewEden Undead Ted
    73 Cuppa_GhostLotus Violet Dusk
    74 Quake Quake
    75 The_Cereberus Cereberus
    76 mortanius Madkap
    77 whiteperegrine whiteperegrine
    78 Cuppa_Bubble Devin[/list]
    Which leads to my announcement...

    I am holding off on any more requests until I can get these done for you guys. I really mean to get them all completed.

    20 down 58 to go!!!

    If you see your name on the list and you'd like to switch a character, send me a PM and some screenies.

    Next up : Archimedes' Halleys Comet!!!!!!!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I would love it:


    I keep updating with new shots of my toons.

    [/ QUOTE ]



    LordApollon w/Aura

    Will get more out soon.

    Haven't forgotten you guys.
  20. Took me a while to arrange all the power icons by hand...but dangit, CuppaJo is worth the effort! j/k Cuppa!

    The image is 1024x768, so it's suitable for desktop wallpaper when you get to your new office. Hehe.

    Hero of the City.

    Good luck where ever you may hang your cape.
  21. PM me your e-mail addy and I'll send 'em out tonight when I get home!
  22. SweetThang

    Ad for a friend.

    Love the style the artist has going!

    Can't view the guy's website from work though.

    For some reason my website filter @work says this about it :

    "Access Denied to Hate/Gambling/Violence/Weapons Sites"

    Will look into it when I get home for sure!
  23. I made these a long time ago for the wallpaper contest. I can e-mail the .zip file to you later when I get home. They are all in 128x128 format. Is that still too small?
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    See now this is what I get for playing and not getting on the forums! I've been wanting one of these for a while now of Roxstar! I'm glad someone is offering to do them. Yay, I'm so happy now!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Roxstar's request :


    Coming soon...Lord Apollon's request - Lord Apollon.

    Thanks for everyones compliments and requests. Can you believe I'm just now getting to the requests from the 4th page of this thread!? lol Amazing.

    In case anyone is keeping track...I've done a total of 19 so far.

    Thor's Assassin
    Pep Rally
    Dark Lilac
    Celtic Bolt (as a gift)
    Zephyr Cyclone
    Vertical Drop
    Paddy Whacked

  25. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd Love to throw in a requests for my Stalker "Thresher Shark" and/or Peacebringer Spydar

    Thresher Shark

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here's Spydar's request :


    Next up...Roxstar!!!