19 -
With the introduction of the new character cloning technology for Mission Archetect and some of the new missions, I'd like to formally request something Illusion Controllers have been pining for: Clone the player's constume as Decoys instead of the stock male/female/Huge models. The powers won't have to be cloned, as that may disrupt balance.
What say you? -
Now that the NDA for Going Rouge is off, I'd like to point out a nifty feature that was provided to the MA system, as well as a few new arcs and Tip missions.
An exact duplicate of your character can be created in-mission, with your powers and costume. My question is, what will it take for Phantom Army to be updated with this tasty bit of awesome?
Sure, sure, I know what you are thinking...should the powers be duplicated as well? Wouldn't that be less effective, depending on the build?
What are your thoughts? -
Interesting and useful read. Good insight.
Two thumbs up. -
I noticed when placing salvage into base storage, that the Halloween event salvage no longer has their unique graphic. Text is still the same.
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Yeah! It seemed to me that all the event salvage was gone, even. I guess it was just just under a different graphic.
Also: It is me, or has regular salvage been dropping much more often in I8?
Discuss. -
Aha, Ian. Nice suggestions. The literal domination getup looks quite nice, and I've always been a fan of the Mosnsterous Hands.
I'll play around with it, thanks! -
Ian! You are just the man I am looking for.
My main villain is a Dominator, and loves the BOOM and *flash* of Domination. I have a macro that changes his costume at the same time...but currently the costume seems a bit lacking...
What would you suggest for this 90 second moment of power for Holobad:
Here's a pose in game. Unfortunately you can't see below the waist but this should help...he wears tights with the dark purple stripe running down the sides to those buckled spikey boots. The chest symbol is the greek Saturn.
About Holobad: He's a creation of Crey Industries; a clone of my main hero Hololad. Being such, of course he is a resentful 'brother' bent on revenge and all that cliche' stuff that makes villains like him brooding.
For this Transformation costume, do not feel restricted to his current costume. I've done everything from a 'werewolf' type look to his current configuration based on a Council Vampiri. His powers are mind/psi (thus the link to the vampiri) and tends to use the purple spectrum.
Have some fun with this, I'm very open to suggestions. -
I've got this buddy who has similar problems. He's this scientist or whatever but has a nasty case of 'glow-in-the-dark-itis'. Don't get me wrong, Doc's a great guy and all, but I don't like standing next to him too much. It's not cause he's homeless and lives in a train station but because of the radiation.
Thanks, but you can keep your sterility and cancer treatments to yourself. Isn't there some kind of grant you can apply for to build some protective armor like good ol' Positron?
Anyways, good luck with that 'hiding your powers' thing. And can you spot me a pizza pie sometime? -
And two: ¿Why no mention about their feud with the Outcasts? Both gangs seem to hate each other for something more than simple territorial issues. Yet the origin of this hate has never been explained (at least to my knowledge)
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It's explained in a round about way in the game fiction. The Trolls work for the Family as part of the Superadine distribution ring. The Outcasts work for the Warriors as part of the magic artifacts black market. The Warriors and the Family encourage their subordinate gangs to fight each other in an effort to encroach on each others territory without risking their own men.
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And the Tsoo hate them all!
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But don't Tsoo negotiate with Outcasts?
And Skulls make Superadine trades with Trolls, gotta remember that.
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Hey, you know what I'd like to see? An organizational chart of who reports to who, the alliances and rivalries, etc, in order to get the bigger picture. We find this information out as we complete missions, but an overview would be nice reference.
Heck, if someone can post the connections, I'll put something graphic together and host it. -
More specifically, I'm looking for information on the skyscraper in the middle of Founder's Falls Gaspee District. You know, the pointy one surrounded by mostly residential condos and other quaint shops.
So what is that building? Home to a corporate headquarters? Media Giant? Luxury hotel?
What are your ideas? -
The new guy from the trailer is Foreshadow.
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That's the name of one of my first characters in this game! ... I feel hurt. I made him a full year and 2 weeks ago
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I can just imagine Stateman at the Character creation screen:
Do you want to enter the tutorial?
Statesman clicks no.
The name you have chosen has already been taken.
Stateman: Aww man! -
This seems like a good place as any to ask...
Why is there a difference between how Back Alley Brawler looks in-game than the one represented in game posters, ads, and the comic book?
To be specific, in-game he has this spikey hair, a full visor, tanktop, and especially...looks quite caucasian.
On the other hand, other documentation shows dreads, a monacle, fatugues, and is definately black.
What's up with that? -
How about some examples or observations? The little testing that I've done with Ill/Kin has been favorable...specifically to Siphon Speed.
Well, apparently there are at least two different newspapers in Paragon City. The first, /The Paragon City Bugle/ is the one that we read while AFK. The second, /The Paragon Times/, is the one used on the main website for newsworthy articles.
No info as of yet to the locations of these publishing offices.
Hololad -
Much like SailorMeffs post of your character inspirations, let the people now simpiler facts about your characters design, style a.k.a fighting style and personality
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Char Name: Hololad
Design: Black with yellow hilights
Style: Superboy and Plastic Man
Personality: Hololad is a young pup like Superboy with his wise-cracks and attitude, but has the distinct trait of being a coward when things get hinky. His mutant control of illusions is best when supporting a team, but often finds himself way over his head because of a smart remark towards a Boss or Lt. He's the kind of guy that uses Superior Invisibilty before entering an elevator, or hovering just above the action to get a better view of the action below (thanks to his grav-belt). -
First off, thanks for the info on 'Boomtown', especially from Stateswoman and Al Papavich (but no so much Valicade, since I could not verify the report of God's holy flatulance wiping out the area).
I've gotten myself a dinky little apartment in Kings Row just west of the Yellow Line past the aqueduct and next to a small cinema (one of those 2 story C shaped complexes) in The Grimp(sp?). It's true that crime does not pay, but neither does fighting it. Even tho I've heard of registered heroes getting housing provided, I've had a problem 'officially' getting that ID card from City Hall. Anyways, that's not why I'm writing.
I was thinking about getting a job at the Paragon City newspaper (anyone know the name of the rag we all read while afk?) and wonder if any of you have seen a building it might be in. I was thinking somewhere in Atlas Park area, since that is where most of the action happens. Scope the area out on your rounds and let me know if you see anything suitable...a screen shot with map would be great.
I'd hate to go making up my own facts, so if we can get a general concensus about these sorts of things would lend a bit of continuity to our RP.
Hololad -
I'm investigating the pre-Rikti history of Boomtown, the destroyed city north of Steel Canyon. Visiting, I observed torn up roads and buildings laid askew in a helter-skelter array of concrete and steel. What use did this large district serve before the war? From its spatial positioning among the other Zones I initially assumed it could be a residential suburb just north of Baumton Channel. Unfortunately the remaining infrastructure does not support this theory. If there is any information out there or you would like to suggest a story, please follow up.