'Boomtown' - What happened to Baumton?




I'm investigating the pre-Rikti history of Boomtown, the destroyed city north of Steel Canyon. Visiting, I observed torn up roads and buildings laid askew in a helter-skelter array of concrete and steel. What use did this large district serve before the war? From its spatial positioning among the other Zones I initially assumed it could be a residential suburb just north of Baumton Channel. Unfortunately the remaining infrastructure does not support this theory. If there is any information out there or you would like to suggest a story, please follow up.


Hololad - Mutant Ill/Kin Controller
Stormy Satyr - Grav/Storm Controller
Lt. MacReady - AR/Dev Blaster
Holobad - Mind/Psi Dominator



God farted while he was too close to the ground, hence "Boomtown".



The devestation is the handiwork of a villian who blew the entire district apart with well placed bombs. Much akin to the disgruntled villian who used his inventions to destroy the district now known as Faultline. The area security chiefs will have more to share with you on them both. Unfortunately, not all of our efforts as heroes lead to victory and those two hurt sorely and remain as reminders of what we must be constantly vigilant against.



Yea we cleaned up baumtown but it is still all messed up and it would cost to much for the City to rebuild it. Cause so much is going on in Paragon.