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  1. Anyone else getting this message when trying to log onto a server?

    I'm able to load the game from the launcher, log in with my user name and password, and then see the list of servers, but things freeze up after I click any server name and eventually crash with a 'Can't connect to DBserver' pop up message.

    My computer specs and internet connection are way beyond recommended to play, I'm a Vista user and running two GTX 280's in SLI if that is helpful information.
  2. I'm having trouble with logging into the game as well. It loads up fine after updating, shows me the server selection screen after logging in, then freezes up when I choose/click a server and eventually gives me a 'Can't connect to DBserver' prompt. Anyone have any advice?
  3. There are also roleplaying communities based on Champion (the Alliance of Champions and Champions United coalitions, the Legendaries, and others) and Pinnacle (the RP Congress) servers that I know of. Both of those are somewhat more insulated 'supergroup-based' communities than I've always understood the Virtue server community to be.

    Virtue server has set gathering places around the city for characters to come and go and mingle as they please while the Alliance of Champions, for instance, is more focused on the roleplay of an actual alliance of several supergroups that relies on their secure Alliance communications system (coalition chat) to keep in touch.

    I think with either of those choices you'll find that you're able to find a lot of roleplay regardless. I'd definitely encourage you to check us out if you're interested in trying out Champion server at all. The link to the Alliance of Champions forums is in my signature.
  4. Mondo_Evil,

    While Virtue has long been considered the 'unofficial' roleplay server, there are also roleplay coalitions on servers like Pinnacle and Champion as well.

    If you don't find what you're looking for on Virtue, you might also consider the RP Congress on Pinnacle server and/or the Alliance of Champions on Champion server (forums are linked in my signature).

    Good luck and have fun!
  5. There's also some roleplay to be had on Champion server with two recently merged coalitions united. It's more supergroup-focused than I think Virtue typically is, but still a good time to be had.

    The Alliance of Champions side of things can be accessed through links in my signature. The Crusaders of Champions forums can be found at
  6. Heya,

    You might try out the RP-Congress (no link handy, but they're a great bunch from what I recall) on Pinnacle or the Alliance of Champions ( and Crusaders of Champion ( merged roleplay coalition on Champion server as well.
  7. Stateswoman

    RPing SGs

    If you're playing on Champion server, there is a growing roleplaying community there as well. I know of at least three roleplay coalitions (seperate alliances of multiple supergroups) including the one I helped found (forums linked in my signature) that has been around and active since October 2004. Several of the long time supergroups have formed roleplaying alt-groups as well.

    Try joining the OOC RP global channel to get in touch with more roleplayers on Champions server (/chanjoin OOC RP is the command syntax, I think).

    Hope you find what you're looking for! Take care for now.
  8. Hmm.

    I thought Ms. Liberty, the daughter of Miss Liberty and granddaughter of Maiden Justice, is the one who stands in front of City Hall in Atlas Park and leads the Vindicators (made up of each of the core Freedom Phalanx's sidekicks).

    Isn't her mother the one who has taken up leadership of Freedom Corps (started by Statesman as an answer to the 'justice-for-hire' Hero Corps, I thought)?

    Longbow, I think, is basically the military wing of Freedom Corps that is trying to make headway into the Rogue Islands.
  9. There is also a roleplaying community based on Champion server. Like the RP Congress, our 'Alliance of Champions' is primarily based around a core set of supergroups (currently eight, with a ninth possibly about to join) that have access to a Coalition Chat channel that is treated like a secure alliance-wide communications network.

    We roleplay just as much on our forums as we do ingame. That said, participating with both is not mandatory for involvement (it is certainly encouraged though!). We also as a general rule ask that everyone stay in-character as much as possible, prefacing their necessary out-of-character comments with 'ooc:' or putting them in (( )) or both.

    You can check us out at our forums linked in my signature or by clicking through the forum link at We'll soon be moving the main Alliance of Champions forums and subsites to a new domain at too.
  10. There is also a roleplaying community on Champion server that offers several options. The Alliance of Champions (our forums are linked from my signature) consists of eight different supergroups of varying size, each with thier own themes and styles.

    It's an active bunch of roleplayers both ingame and on our forums. As a general rule, everyone stays in-character the vast majority of the time and clearly marks their out-of-character communication with 'ooc: <message>' and/or ((<message&gt) or both. We're continually running events from staging task forces and trials to simply gathering for social events ranging from a graduation party one character threw to Fixette's most recently hosted 'Questions from the Couch' sessions.

    F.O.R.C.E. is another option on Champion server, more information about them can be found on the Champion server message area here on the official forums. Dark Avalon is a fantasy-themed group that is another option as well on the server.

    Another option if you don't find what you're looking for on Champion server is the RP Congress that (I believe) is located on Pinnacle server. They're pretty good about responding to these posts so I'm sure they'll be along to provide links to the forums soon too.
  11. Stateswoman

    Call for Models

    Two pictures of Anna Anderson in costume as the Stateswoman HERE.

    Heroine: Stateswoman
    Server: Champion
  12. Virtue Server is considered the 'Unofficial Roleplaying Server' where quite a number of roleplayers congregate. Gemini Park in Galaxy City is a long time designated gathering point for roleplayers on that server. C.O.V.E.R. is also a good starting point for getting involved in roleplay on Virtue server as well, I believe.

    There are also roleplaying communities that have formed on Pinnacle Server (the RP Congress, which involves the absolutely stellar CCCP supergroup that has even appeared on TechTV) and Champion Server (the Alliance of Champions, another supergroup-focused roleplaying community).

    I believe there are also roleplaying communities that have formed on the other servers as well, though I'm not personally familiar with their efforts.
  13. My understanding was that Freedom Corps was more Ms. Liberty's baby than anything else, right? Maybe Statesman founded it, and Ms. Liberty has just dedicated herself to seeing the organization prosper?
  14. ______________________

    Name: Stateswoman
    Server: Champion
    Security Level: 36
    Archetype: Tanker

  15. Stateswoman

    Roleplay Server

    I'd love to take part in a cross-server roleplay gathering on the Test Server, there's just no way I'd have time to plan and coordinate it or even be really helpful at all on that end other than spreading the word as much as possible. If someone has the time pick up the idea, set a day, and run with it, I'll do my best to be there and bring as many roleplayers from Champion as can be rounded up whether I can make it myself or not.
  16. Stateswoman

    Roleplay Server

    [ QUOTE ]
    Crisis on Infinite Servers! or, you know, something like that....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sounds like a lot of fun to me!

    I'd be up for a monthly gathering as well, or at least would try to be as much as possible. My play schedule is a little catch as catch can sometimes.

    When would be a good time for that first big crossing of paths? I'll help with organizing something however I can if someone wants to pick up and run with the idea, if making an ongoing reoccuring event of it is something folks are interested in.

    Anyone want to volunteer to be an organizer from their server? I'd be happy to try to help spread the word on Champion server once we've got a date picked out.
  17. Stateswoman

    Roleplay Server

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Would we be cheesing too much if we ran with the Portal Corps idea and just operated under the suggestion that the Test Server reality is where we all happened to cross paths?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I kinda like this idea; superhero crossovers like this have been a staple of comics for decades (in fact, a friend of mine gave me the giant sized Superman Vs. Spider-Man comic from 1976 for Christmas*). The Test Server could be some sort of dimensional nexus; a place where all dimensions can get to, even if they are mutually exclusive from one another.

    *Edit: Actually, that's a terrible example; in that one, Superman and Spider-Man both lived in the same world, just had never met each other. A better example would be the more recent JLA/Avengers crossover. The reason I like the "each server is an alternate reality" theory is because my suspension of disbelief is already a little strained by the sheer amount of heroes on one server; multiplying that by 11 servers really sort of throws me, conceptually. But that's just me; your mileage may vary.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I tend to agree with your entire post Ascendant. It is a similar problem facing anyone that might be considering launching a Vampire the Masquerade MMORPG. Vampires are supposed to be outnumbered 100,000 to 1, so how do you manage a 'City of Vampires' where you can't take a step without bumping into one?

    I slipped a question about this into the 'Ask Statesman' thread queue in hopes of getting confirmation one way or the other. I'd personally be inclined to cheese a bit and run with the alternate realities idea, with the Test Server either being some sort of nexus or something similar.

    Either way, I really like the idea of having some sort of big community event on Test Server that roleplayers from all the servers could attend. How cool will that be??
  18. Stateswoman

    Roleplay Server

    [ QUOTE ]
    I mean to look at the recent CoH Comic plotline. The members of the Jury were all taken from different servers, but all existed in the same city.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ahhh, that's true. I'd forgotten about that. Still, it's kind of wierd that some of our heroes who have become pretty famous on their respective servers might not be just as famous to the populations of the other servers if they're all actually in one big happy city.

    Didn't Statesman say something about the possibility of us being able to travel from one server to another at some point?
  19. Stateswoman

    Roleplay Server

    [ QUOTE ]
    i know wut roleplaying is, but can someone give me 2 examples of different "styles" of roleplaying in context with CoH

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I'm not sure this is the most correct answer as to 'styles', but from what I've seen there is more of a spectrum here from 'light interest roleplayer' to 'hardcore roleplayer' in terms of depth of what is available in terms of interaction to be had.

    For instance, the 'light interest roleplayer' might be those simply content to present their heroes as we all might expect to see them portrayed within the pages of an actual comic book. That'd involve avoiding heavy use of acronyms, out-of-character comments and d00d or l33t speak and similar, and so on as they play along with the storyline of the game.

    On the other end of the spectrum would be the more 'hardcore roleplayers'. Those who really delve very deeply into their characters and their elaborate portrayal of them and their own stories. They weave intricate storylines of their own to involve other roleplayers in, above and beyond those presented to us all by the game designers through the game environment.

    Then there are all the roleplayers who fit somewhere inbetween, maintaining an in-character persona throughout and taking part in the more involved roleplay as much as time and/or interest allows.

    I think there is room for all of us on the same playing field as long as we all maintain at least that baseline. Every roleplayer, light or hardcore, is a wonderful part of the larger whole that makes up this immersive tapestry.

    Was that a helpful answer at all or am I way off and misunderstanding the question?
  20. Stateswoman

    Roleplay Server

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sarcasm is a form of humor. I'm curious what kind of RP you would do that would preclude you from being able to handle the "out of place" comment without getting your feelers all crooked.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Wow, I'm absolutely floored by your stupendous ability to differentiate between in-character roleplaying ingame and out-of-character discussion about roleplaying on a message forum out of game.

    My patience for dealing with pretentious jerks on a message board like this one here has absolutely no relation to the capabilities of any character I might be roleplaying at any given time to do similar.

    I could care less whether you're offended or not. I think your attitude is the pits and I don't have the time or interest in dealing with people with attitudes like yours, regardless of your right to be a sarcastic punk if you feel like it.

    All of that said, you're absolutely welcome to come over and check out the community we're forming on Champion server. Regardless of what type of character you play and the type of person they might be, if you bring the attitude you've displayed here, don't expect some big warm welcome. We're not in the business of wasting our time coddling or catering to anyone's massive ego. We're a growing number of players who genuinely enjoy roleplaying together, regardless of what our characters may think about each other. If you're ready to check it at the login screen and join the roleplay, well...I say the more the merrier, as always.

    As to how to find us if you do, the link to our website and forums is in my forum signature ( Each of the supergroups in the alliance has its own subsite (linked on the left side of the page by name) with an updated roster of membership so that you can quickly and easily find out who you'd like to contact. There is also a fair amount of information to be found on the forums, as well as out-of-character guidelines for each of the groups and what is expected of the players involved in them.
  21. Stateswoman

    Roleplay Server

    [ QUOTE ]
    There's a way to do that, honored sir... the Test server. As I said on Virtue forums recently, I'd gladly run a sewer trial on test with y'all, just so that my Victory main can meet all my friends on Virtue. Some things are more important than xp. ; )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh wow, that is an awesome idea!

    I absolutely love the Portal Corps idea with each server being yet another alternate Earth reality, but the Test Server thing we could do now.

    I've actually got my hero name saved on the Test Server too. Just need to update the copy to my latest level (yes, still only level 33 after however many months now).

    Just sounds like fun to have a sort of grand assembly of heroes there.

    Would we be cheesing too much if we ran with the Portal Corps idea and just operated under the suggestion that the Test Server reality is where we all happened to cross paths?

    Or should we assume that all the servers represent the same reality and for whatever reason...Stateswoman and the Ascendant and all the rest just simply never manage to cross paths?
  22. Stateswoman

    Roleplay Server

    [ QUOTE ]
    There's too much conflict between roleplayers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wasn't in conflict with anyone Xanatos. I don't believe any of the wording of either of my posts included anything that wasn't positive. I was just taken aback by Averick's desire to be sarcastic in the first place. It seemed a little out of context for the thread when the original poster had just asked where the roleplaying was and the first two responses had been answers to that question.

    As to conflict between roleplayers, that is one of the things I've been very happy about on Champion: We haven't had any that I know of. It's nice.
  23. Stateswoman

    Roleplay Server

    Gah, sometimes I honestly wish we could just server hop (without adding a bunch of binary to our superhero names) to play with each other.

    Here is the link to the CCCP's website:

    It is arguably one of the finest supergroup websites of any that have risen in City of Heroes fandom, and if I recall correctly, they were featured on TechTV at one point.

    Make sure to check out the many stories and character profiles and such they've written over the months. It's truly awesome. I'd do backflips to play with them all.
  24. Stateswoman

    Roleplay Server

    [ QUOTE ]
    Let me be the... next, to invite all you fine RPers over there on Champion to come join the Virtue community. Just delete all those Lvl 50's that you spent all that time on and pop right over and start with the lvl 1s. No problem, right? You did it before, you can do it again.



    [/ QUOTE ]


    What are you talking about and why the sarcasm and inferred hostility?

    I've been playing on Champion server since the first day of the game. Several months ago I did try Virtue server out for a couple of weeks just to see how things might be different though.

    To be honest, I found little difference at all between the servers save for a different cast of characters. I enjoyed myself for sure, but it wasn't as if Virtue turned out to be the last great bastion of roleplayers playing City of Heroes.

    I found a community of roleplayers surrounded by a ton of regular gamers who are mostly content to ignore them as they go about their merry way. The same thing has existed on Champion server, only we're just now working at coming together as a larger and broader community. We're not the only other server that is doing this. A lot of players on other servers are reaching a point in their gaming here where they're realizing that taking that next step from just playing the game to actually roleplaying the ongoing story might be more rewarding. I think it's great and I encourage and welcome them whether they stay on their own servers or not.

    I've been really happy with what we've accomplished so far on Champion, and I'm hopeful we'll link up with more and more roleplayers and roleplaying supergroups as the months go on. The people I've been playing with lately (the last several months) have been absolutely wonderful gaming partners, and we've formed a very welcoming and inclusive community that has only kept growing.

    The original poster was asking if there was an unofficial roleplaying server. I answered to point out that there was more roleplaying going on than just on the Virtue server alone. What is your issue with that?

    I wouldn't ask you to leave your level 50 hero behind on Virtue to come and play with us, though you're certainly welcome to come over and have a look at what we're up to if you like. I haven't asked anyone to do that. If anyone has as you suggest, then I'm doubly honored to be playing with them because that means they've made a heck of a sacrifice to come and play with us.
  25. I think I was wrong about the Council and apologize for being so caustic about it.

    I think the upgrades to the Tanker Invulnerability line are wonderful and am enjoying them immensely.