Role Playing by Server




Is there a general concensus as to the most RP-intensive server? I've heard Virtue, but I wanted some confirmation before I get too heavily into a new toon.



It's Virtue.

*Covers up Virtue character names*




I vote for Virtue as well...

Like any other server, roleplay can be difficult to find initially, but as soon as you get into a circle of roleplayers or a roleplay SG, things quickly get pretty intense

There's even some roleplay in Poket D, squeezed between all the leet talk and WoW players -_-



Don't try freedom, though...
buncha ungrateful d00ds...



There's also some roleplay to be had on Champion server with two recently merged coalitions united. It's more supergroup-focused than I think Virtue typically is, but still a good time to be had.

The Alliance of Champions side of things can be accessed through links in my signature. The Crusaders of Champions forums can be found at